Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ Deviant Desires ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters. I just own the perverted ideas to do this to them. If you don't like long-winded stories about sex, leave. If you have a sick obsession with detail and/or the characters in the following, leave. If you are under 18 years of age you know the deal. Last but not least, if you fall into any of the above and choose to waste your time reading this, save yourself more time and energy by refusing to read any further. Now if you do read any more and don't like it, it's not my problem you should have read the fine print.

Now without any further interruptions, I present Outlaw Star: Growing Pains.

"Should we even ask?" Jim said watching Suzuka come down the stairs. "Do you really need to ask?" The happy woman said in return. Jim just shook his head back and forth in a slightly frustrated manner. Aisha on the other hand was kind of on end about it. "Is Mel going to kill him and let you live or what?" She said from behind her third bowl of cereal. "I don't think she is. At least I hope she doesn't." The woman said, slightly whispering the last part for her own ears. Aisha heard her, but decided she'd probe for answers later. "Anyhow, Aisha could you help me move some of my things back in?" Suzuka asked, in a tone far too sweet to be real. "You're moving back in! Why?" Aisha said almost choking at the woman's nerve. Suzuka merely raised an eyebrow before Jim answered the query. "More than likely we'll be hearing from the three of them again. And since I know Gene wouldn't have the balls to tell you to do something like this, I'm guessing Mel did." Jim said facing the videophone. "You are correct." Suzuka said letting her voice trail back into its usual monotone air.

"Geez, I knew Gene was a freak, but now he's gotten to you and Mel, creepy." Jim said shaking his head once again. "You know, you shouldn't exactly knock it until you try it. There are... openings." Suzuka said in a rather seductive voice. "MINE! Keep your freaky little get together away from him!" Aisha said angrily and standing up abruptly. "You heard the woman, I'm taken." Jim said slightly smiling. "Oh well, so are you going to help me or not, Aisha?" Suzuka said letting her joke go. "Might as well, there's nothing to do today, just let me go and get dressed." Aisha said looking at the mummified image of Jim. "And you come with me, you aren't getting him to join your little cult." The C'tarl woman said pulling Suzuka up the stairs with her. Jim laughed in sight of the overprotective nature of his new girlfriend, yet some how he didn't feel stifled by it. A few minutes later, Aisha and Suzuka were back down the stairs waving goodbye to the man. "I guess I should apologize to that idiot and get the gloves. There must be more C'tarl-Human relationships than I thought. Considering they have these things out on the market." Jim said to himself.

Three weeks would pass, in that time Aisha and Jim did the things normal couples did. They experienced their first date, their first fight (as a couple), and ultimately, their first mutual apology. Also in this time Jim apologized to the guy who was to supply the gloves. For his apology the guy doubled the price and added another week for the delivery. Jim would have gladly paid three times that much because at current, he felt the man was being ripped off. Also, Aisha had been strict to her no sex rule leaving them both extremely irritable. Unknown to the other neither could find it within themselves to masturbate, so the pinned up sexual frustration made them a very hostile pair. Aisha had lost two jobs for punching out customers and Jim made cross comments at the expense of anyone within earshot. The only time they seemed to be hospitable was when they were together, and Aisha kept that time brief to prevent anything physical from happening. It was about 8 P.M. Jim noticed looking at the kitchen clock, "Aisha gets here at 8:15, from there she goes to soak, and from there she goes to bed after twenty minutes with me." He thought. He'd memorized her arrival and habits over the past weeks, along with fixing his car to a point it ran better than it did when it was new. The lack of jobs, the lack of sex, and the overall lack of Aisha being there left his almost full attention with the old thing. He had to do something other than listening to Suzuka, Gene, and Mel all day and that was it.


"I'm home." Aisha announced slamming the metal door to the building. She turned to find a small note attached with her name written across it. "We had to go deliver some more of Fred's pajama collection to Titan 3. There's plenty of food for you, be back in a few days. Sincerely, Mel." Aisha's ears wilted a little seeing she was left behind. She sighed and decided to drown her sorrows in food before getting a bath. "Welcome home." She dropped her coat and flipped a few feet back hearing the voice. "Who... why are you here?" She said realizing it was Jim. "I figured I'd stay behind, they really don't need me to deliver pajamas and besides, I don't feel like listening to them screw any more." The shirtless man said. "Oh, guess its time for the cuts to breathe again eh?" She said watching him walk towards her, clad in a blue silk pair of Fred's brand pajama pants. Compensation for being attacked on the first delivery of his new clothing-line. She'd finally convinced him to go have them looked at, but only if he could leave without being poked. Once they confirmed he would be ok without serious medical attention, they both breathed a little easier, especially Jim since no needles were needed. "Yeah, they seem to be healing nicely. So the doctor said I should let them catch some air." He said looking over the scars that were beginning to form. Aisha didn't respond for a few moments, his muscular torso calling out to her. Her mind seemingly blanked, because the next thing she remembered was being held in Jim's arms.

"So, how was your day? Didn't have to punch anyone did you?" Jim asked taking a small kiss. "It, it was ok. Just a little tired though." Aisha said quietly, letting him take another kiss. The quick pecks continued, slowly growing into deep penetrating ones. Before long, Jim had wormed his tongue into her mouth. Aisha wanted desperately to continue, but the idea of hurting him again made her next motion all the more painful. "Jim, we have to stop." Aisha said removing her mouth from his. Jim initially ignored the statement kissing her neck, the woman whimpered as even more of the amazing feelings he brought her bled through her defenses. "We don't have to." Jim said before his lips returned to her neck. Aisha, with more effort than the action required, placed a hand against his chest and pushed weakly out of his embrace. "Yes we do." She said with all the enthusiasm of a dead fish. "Well it was fun while it lasted at least." Jim said trying to keep the mood light, despite his own disappointment. "I'll be back in a little while, I'm going to take a bath and try to get this stupid lobster scent off me." Aisha said, finally letting her hand come away from his chest.

Jim instead didn't answer; he pulled the funny little hat her outfit came with off allowing her hair to fall from its slight bun. He took her hand with little resistance from her and began to walk towards the downstairs bathroom. "Jim, what... what are you..." Aisha began, slightly puzzled by his silence. "Shh! You'll see." His tone of voice normal, but the look in his eye read all too clearly. Once inside the bathroom Aisha noticed the candle light, the giant tub filled with bubbles, and if it weren't for the fact he looked like a carved ham, it would be very sexual. "Jim, this is very sweet, but you know we..." Her voice quieted hearing him lock the door behind them. "I know." He whispered gently into her ear. Jim moved her hair and began to slowly unzip her waitress uniform. "Mmm! Mmm!" She moaned weakly, the only objection so far demonstrated by her. Now clad only in a black silk bra and matching set of panties, Aisha shifted back and forth, knowing nothing would happen unless she said so, and god did she want to say so. "See, I told you I knew." Jim said, covering up quite well considering the ideas playing in his mind. With a lingering feel of his finger up her spine, Jim undid the offending bra with a squeak of objection from Aisha.

"One down, one to go." She physically shook in anticipation, waiting for a week depending upon shipping, where they could lock themselves away some where and have at each other. Jim on the other hand took the opportunity to remove the rest of her "clothing". Unbeknownst to Aisha, Jim had a very simple two-part plan he was enacting and phase one was beginning now. "Get in the tub." He whispered gently in her ear. Another weak moan escaped her lips before she stepped into the hot water, "Now was that so bad?" Jim said elevating his voice back into a normal, less lust driven tone. Aisha simply purred, feeling that at least some of the sexual tension left the room. For a long while Jim silently kneeled behind the tub, listening to jets of the giant tub relax Aisha into an almost putty like state of mind. "Jim, I really appreciate this." She said sinking almost completely under the water. "Well I figured since sex was out of the question, I could at least try to make this a little easier on us both." Jim said pouring a small bit of shampoo into his hands. Aisha thought about his comment a little longer, before ultimately losing conscious thought to his fingers beginning to work the soap into her hair. Jim continued this until hearing her purr deeply within her throat, the enticing sound making parts of his anatomy stand on end.

"Close your eyes." Jim said allowing his voice to fall into its more erotic setting. Aisha chuckled lazily, keeping her already closed eyes shut. The cold water surprised her, but only for a moment, allowing for a few more douses of the chilled liquid to assure her hair was soap free. "Sit up, it's time to wash the rest of you." Jim stated blankly this time, depending on how this went off, made or broke phase two of his plan. Aisha's eyes shot open hearing that, "No, no, I can wash myself. It's no trouble at... at... all." Her tone dramatically dropped, feeling Jim's body sponge gloved hands rubbing across her back. He smiled inwardly feeling her already accelerated heart rate, pick up. "Lean forward just a little bit." He said directly in her ear, briefly licking it for added effect. Aisha whimpered in defeat and obeyed, "At least he can't reach my butt." She thought briefly and then regretted. She wanted him to have access to any part of her, but that just wasn't possible right now. By now Jim had pooled his gloved hands together and rinsed her back clean of the thick soap. "Turn around." Another simple command that made Aisha tense up, she was ready to refuse until she felt his hand press against the sensitive part of her neck. "You can do it. Just a little bit further... and you did it!" Jim announced like a parent watching their child walk across the floor for the first time. How could she not do it? The rough material of his gloves only served to stimulate that part of her more and she kept her neck attached to his fingers until he had made her turn to face him.

"Close your eyes again." Jim said. Aisha gave him a stare that was clearly, "Take me", before finally closing her eyes again. She heard a few splashes of water then a feeling of warm against her face. It was Jim's lips; she let out a small feral growl before he slowly removed them. "Ok, ok I get the point." Jim said with fake frustration. Aisha's ears sagged thinking he was upset with her reaction, "Damn it! If he thinks he can't kiss me after this I'll, I'll Aaaah!" She screamed in her mind. The gentle circular strokes against her face and the strawberry scent of the soap only helped to calm her nerves; so much so, she almost regretted the feeling of the water rinsing it away. Aisha slowly opened her eyes to Jim's smiling face, lightly illuminated thanks to the candles. "Do I need to tell you what I wash next?" Jim said watching a small smile creep across the woman's features. She shook her head in the form of "No". "If I can't get laid I may as well enjoy this." She thought surrendering now completely to her bath aid. Jim lifted her arms away from her body, admiring the breasts, and body that he would have so much fun making scream in elation again. Aisha's eyes slowly drifted shut feeling the warmth of his hands tracing from her hips under the water, to the sides of her breasts. Jim smiled to himself, watching Aisha squirm under the feeling of the body gel soap being applied to her chest.

He dipped his hands into the water; purposely letting them brush against her inner thigh. Aisha purred again, before feeling his hands begin to rigorously massage her chest. "Mmmm! Jim..." Aisha said grabbing the backs of his hands and squeezing them harder into her. He did as instructed, deriving what pleasure he could out of feeling the heat from her breast through his gloves. He absent-mindedly grunted feeling her grip intensify. Aisha opened an eye to see this and forced herself to let go. Without her grip, he was more at ease to play, which he did. "Jim... Ah! We can't do this! Aaaah! Shit!" Aisha screamed as he sharply pinched her right nipple. Jim continued toying with her right breast, while washing the rest of her body with his right hand. It was all he could do to prevent himself from leaping into the tub on her. "AAAAARGH!" Aisha growled, finally finding her release in his groping. Jim on the other hand scrubbed harder until her yelling subsided. Aisha's muscles felt like Jell-O once he stopped, three weeks without sex partially gratified caused her to lean against the edge of the tub. "I told you I'd make this easier on us." Jim said briefly kissing her on the nose. She couldn't stop smiling even if she wanted to, but his statement of "easier on us" didn't make a lot of sense. Aisha forced herself back up right before she said, "How was this easier on us? I mean I'm the only one who got anything out of it."

"I'll get something out of it later, you never said we couldn't do it in my dreams. Anyway, let's get back to the washing part of things." Jim said, pushing her back into the kneeling position she occupied earlier. Aisha looked inquisitively at him. He'd just given her at least a small piece of heaven and his reward was to go dream about his? That wasn't fair. Then again, he did this willingly, so why should she feel guilty? It's not like she asked him to do it, then why did she feel so guilty? "Hello? Aisha?" Jim said waving a soapy glove in front of her stone face. "Huh?" She said momentarily ending her mental debate. "I said spread your legs." He said tapping her thighs. Before she properly processed what he was asking, she had spread herself, of course still kneeling.

"Oooh!" She moaned as he began to work his soapy digits against her folds. The rough glove once again proved to leave Aisha at a loss, or more accurately a gain. "Jim, PLEASE! Aaah! Aaah!" Aisha screamed clawing at the sides of the tub. He just pretended not to notice letting a couple fingers drift into her, causing the woman to jerk violently. "Oh God! I'm coming! AAAAAAH!" She growled furiously moving herself up and down on his gloved fingers. Jim decided to apply the much needed clitoral pressure to insure almost maximum pleasure. Using his thumb, he ran it back and forth over the stone hard piece of flesh. "JIIIIIIM!" Aisha said, climaxing until she arched back leaving her hair dipped in the water.

Slowly his fingers stopped, allowing time for the woman to catch her breath. Aisha's chest rose and fell and the image of the milky white soap sliding down her body left Jim's mouth dry. "*Cough* Are you going to sit there all day or can I rinse you off?" Jim said trying to speed things along. The next event surprised them both, Aisha some how managed to fall completely back into the swirling tub. He laughed to himself while watching her legs flail about, "Up we go." Jim said reaching in and pulling her above the water. "*Cough* *Cough* What the hell took you so long?" Aisha said brushing a veil of white hair out of her eyes. Jim didn't answer, but instead turned a filter in the tub on. Slowly the swirl of soapy whiteness turned into a swirl of clear warm water, rinsing the slightly flustered woman off. Jim stood up, allowing his bones to creek back into place, and retrieved a towel for her. "Well?" He said standing there holding the towel open for her. Aisha had her arms folded looking into a far corner, still annoyed about him letting her stay underwater for so long. "Fine!" She said in a low growl mixed with speech. Once standing she stepped out of the tub onto the wet floor, her orgasmic splashing leaving the surrounding area drenched. Jim put the towel around her, but kept his arms around her once he had done so. "Do you seriously think I'd let you drown?" He said pulling her toweled body against himself.

Even in the dim light of the half melted candles she could see the look on his face, a look that ensured he wouldn't do such a thing. "No, but you still could have helped me up sooner." She said in a stern, yet upbeat voice. "Sorry." Jim said kissing her on the forehead. She instantly forgave his previous discrepancy, feeling him pressed against her. "Mmmm, well I have to get to bed. I have to be at work early tomorrow, goodnight Jim." Aisha said bitterly, except when arriving at his name. "Ah. Ah. Ah. You don't get off that easy... well actually you do, but that isn't what I meant." Jim said continuing to hold her now smiling form. "Hehe, what do you mean?" Aisha said blushing slightly; Jim once again opted for silence. "Eeek!" Aisha shrieked feeling him pick her up. Jim opened the bathroom door and began to walk towards the stairs. Once upstairs Aisha watched her room pass by, and before long they were in his room, candles again working for the illumination. Jim walked intently towards the bed; he stopped just shy and said, "Stand up for a second." He dipped allowing the C'tarl woman to slide out of his arms and on to her feet. "Um now what?" Aisha said nervously trying to think of a way out her current situation. "Now we dry you off." Jim said quickly jerking the towel off her.

Jim gave Aisha a few more commands in a tone of voice she obviously couldn't refuse. His current command, involved her standing perfectly still while he dried her off, was becoming more difficult as Jim ran the towel in torturously slow circles over her breasts. "I... I... I have more body ya know." Aisha stammered out, while fighting the urge to just beg him to screw her until she couldn't walk straight. Jim seemed to ignore the comment before swiftly running the towel over every part of her anatomy, just shy of one area in particular. "Breath, oh god! Oooh! Yes! Fine, I'll let him lick me. But no penetration got that? None!" Aisha's screamed mentally. While her thoughts danced some where between denial and desire, the later winning more and more as the night wore on. Jim continued to hold his place before her, breathing in the mix of strawberry scented soap and Aisha's arousal. Jim finally decided to dry that part of her off too. He glanced up to see her take on things, and was nearly frightened by what he saw. Aisha's normally royal blue colored eyes were an eerie shade of gold, reflecting the dim candlelight obviously. "Damn, now that's a cat trait I could do without." Jim thought pulling his eyes away from hers. "Spread your legs." Aisha's legs reacted to his statement automatically, for the second time that night. "I think I'll get another towel for this." Jim said almost knocking Aisha over with his audacity. "He's only going to dry me off! What a... OOOOH! SHIIIIT!" Aisha's mind snapped shut as she Jim's tongue began to worm its way inside her.

"YES! YES! YES! I mean NO! WE... WE..." Aisha stuttered trying to refuse, but at the same time, accept his advances. Jim's already strained resistance crumpled as his tongue withdrew from her insides just enough to trace the sensitive pink of her womanhood. "JIIIIIM! DON'T STOP!" She cried out feeling his tongue repeatedly fan out and contract against her. If two words ever held meaning, "Don't" and "Stop" became those words in his mind. "Mmphf! Tay!" He said from some where in his throat before literally sinking his fingers in the damp flesh of her butt cheeks. Aisha tried to squirm out of the hold, but his continuous massaging of her ass, mixed with the paintbrush strokes of his tongue from clit to clit only left her with one choice, "OH! HO! GOD FUCK ME!" She screamed and immediately slammed her hands over her mouth in shock. "Hehe, this is going to be easier than I thought, thank god." Jim managed to think clearly hearing the magic words. "I, I didn't mean that... Jim, FUCK! JIM! AAAAAARGH!" Aisha growled in feral heat as Jim sunk his teeth into her clitoris. "SHIT! OOOOH! YOU... OH GOOOD!" The mingling of pain and pleasure melted the woman into a pool of orgasmic happiness. And Jim only continued to torture her, he was lightly tugging her swollen happiness between his teeth allowing his tongue to batter it until she grabbed his head to steady herself. "FUUUCK! JIIIIIMMYY! FUCK! FUCK! AAAAAAH! I'M AAAAAAARGH!" Aisha's mind whited out as she came violently in ecstasy rolling her hips against the man's mouth trying to keep the sensation alive.

Jim continued to lick until he sensed she couldn't take anymore... of that anyway. Aisha on the other hand, was trying to remember why they couldn't go any further. However at current, his tongue was doing all the thinking, "I didn't crush his head, so that's a good sign." She thought being slowly lulled back into a sexual mindset. It was finally long enough; Jim's tongue left her being to a small moan of disapproval. "Jim, that..." Her voice caught in her throat as she felt him ascending her body with small licks and kisses. "Aisha," Jim whispered before applying another kiss, "I need you." He said applying a long lick across the muscles of her stomach. She couldn't say it at present, but she needed him to. All she could reply with was a low whimper. "I can't take another week without you," Jim said planting a light kiss against each nipple. Aisha shuddered briefly before she found the strength to bring her hands against his chest, the rough texture of scar tissue jarring her mind back to why they couldn't. "Jim, we..." She paused as he took her hands quickly, "It's for you." He said placing the hand against his erection. Even in the silk of his pants, she could feel him, and it felt like he was literally boiling. "But I don't want to hurt you." She said trying to block out the feeling of his tongue scraping across the valley between her breasts and the mass of heat her hand lay upon. "You've never hurt me, not until you made us be apart. Please don't hurt me anymore." Jim said finally reaching her face.

The look on his face pulled heavily against her, guilt surfacing about how she seemed to avoid him at all costs as of late, and now here he was begging, it was just too much. Jim waited on pins and needles for his fate, "Yeees!" They both breathed raggedly as Aisha's hand dipped into his pants grabbing his manhood. Jim groaned for a few moments feeling her silky hand caress him back and forth slowly, "Thank you." He whispered before locking his mouth to hers. Their tongues once again reacquainted themselves with the other's mouth. Aisha's tracing of his tongue, was countered by his following and admiring the sharpness of her teeth while momentarily gasping at the feeling of her hand's increase in tempo. "I have to get you out of these stupid things!" She suddenly growled breaking the kiss. "I'll get... it." Jim slowly said watching her mischievously grin at him while maneuvering herself to the floor in front of him. He had to take a few deep breaths to keep his knees from knocking, "Since you've been so nice today, I figure I owe you this much." She said sliding his pants to a stop at his ankles. Aisha stared at his dick for a few lingering moments, subconsciously beginning to drool slightly. "Uh!" Jim grunted as she submerged him inside her mouth.

His heart rate began to dance in the upper hundreds, as Aisha audibly gagged against him before slowly pulling back to let her tongue play against his tip. "Aisha..." Jim's harsh whisper only served to motivate its owner, as she sucked painfully hard just behind his head. He could only moan once she began to drag her rough tongue around the sensitive flesh of his head. Using her tongue as a stiff entity at times and at others using it like a blanket swirling huge circles, Aisha watched his head roll back and forth trying to fight and accept the pleasure all at once, much how she had previously. "Don't fight it." Aisha said before inhaling him again. "YEES!" He said letting his hands rest against her hollowed cheeks. "HMMM! MMMM!" She moaned deeply into him while his fingers stroked gently against her neck's sensitive being. Aisha's hands clamped on to his ass now in an effort to keep from falling over, while her own arousal began to take shape again. But he continued to massage more moans out of her and into himself, "AH!" Jim suddenly gasped feeling her hands begin to roughly knead his behind. The closer Aisha came to climax the faster she sucked, and the faster she sucked, the more she moaned. "AAAAAH!" Aisha screamed savagely into the base of his dick, letting the vibration of her throat bring him into the fold.

"Aisha... AH! FUCK!" Jim gritted from his tightened jaw. His eruption came forth exceptionally hard; leaving him doubled over in delight. Aisha wasn't going to protest letting him finish in her mouth, but her own orgasm and the copious amounts of fluid he was literally spraying into her throat was unexpected. "Oh God..." Jim said beginning to stand upright again, *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* Was Aisha's noisy reply while continuing to digest the man's seed. "You know," Aisha said allowing his still swollen dick to fall from her mouth, "That's the second time you've tried to drown me tonight." She said smiling ruefully before giving him one last lick and getting to her feet. "From the sounds of things you liked the second one... I know I did." Jim said pushing his sweat-drenched hair back out of his face. Aisha licked her lips before grabbing his over sensitized meat and pulling him towards the bed. "Come and get me." Aisha said sprawling across the bed curling a seductive finger at Jim. "Oh, that's definitely not going to be a problem, but..." Jim said opening his nightstand drawer. "Since I know you're thinking about "hurting" me, tonight we wear this." He held up what appeared to be a bottle of oil, yet once it hit her breast Aisha recognized it as some form of gel. Jim put a few globs of it across his chest before smearing it all over his chest, arms, and what little of his back he could reach.

"Now, it's your turn." He said laying against Aisha, "Good, I was feeling left out." Aisha said with a mock pout. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you though." Jim said kissing her exposed lip and entering her in one motion. Aisha's mouth opened in a silent scream, feeling her insides stretching to meet him again. "Mmmm. Just say the word." Jim said relishing the cute surprised expression on her face. Aisha looked at his huge grin before putting her arms around his neck and saying, "Go." With it being said, Jim submerged himself in her until their hips met. He waited for a few seconds, then began the rhythmic pace she'd missed. However, three weeks with no action made for hostile need, "Damn it! After all that, this is what we get? No way, fuck me HARDER!" Aisha screamed grabbing fistfuls of his buttocks once again. Jim's expression stiffened as he pushed himself into a paused push up like state. Aisha's hostility softened as she felt and literally heard his muscles all tighten. "You get what you ask FOR!" Jim shouted ramming into her. Aisha made another attempt at voicing her pleasure but was only able to stare dazed as he filled her again. "AAAAAH!" Sound finally left escaped her lips, while her enflamed mate continued to sink into her like a hot knife through butter. "COME ON! FASTER! FAAAAH! AAAAARGH!" Aisha said, pulling his hips down trying to get every piece of him she could manage into her. Jim merely grunted before grabbing her shoulders to hold her in better place. "YEEES! IT FEELS SO GOOAAAHD!" Jim growled feeling himself slipping in and out of her heat.

Their union continued on into the night, with only two things becoming apparent in Jim's world: One, Aisha had gotten off at least three times in his eyes. Two, she hadn't attempted to scratch him in any way, shape, or form. "AH! Move your... UNH! Legs!" Jim said struggling to grip her sweat and body gel covered legs. His actions stopped for a couple of seconds allowing her to grant his request, which only lead to him plunging further into her. "FUUUUUUCK! JIM! AAAAAH! I'M COMING!" Aisha screamed in that primal voice, which usually meant scratching. Jim tensed up, but continued to thrust into her, waiting. Her hands smashed into his back, palms only however. He smiled momentarily feeling her hands rub his back rather than shred it. Aisha's orgasm slowly began to fade as Jim pushed her knees even closer to her shoulders. Fatigue weighing heavily on her, she actually started to fall asleep. "What the hell? No way!" Jim actually vocalized the last part watching her eyes slowly close. "Oh no you don't." Jim said pulling out and rolling her over quickly. "What the hell did you OOOOH!" Aisha yelled before succumbing to a new feeling. Jim on the other hand was slowly realizing his quick reentry, reentered the wrong hole. "OH SHIT! Uh sorry..." Jim said beginning to remove himself, "No! Wait! Let's keep going, this could be fun, hehe." The woman said pushing back further onto him.

"Um, I don't know exactly how to do something like this." Jim said beginning to have flashbacks to his first time. "Don't be silly. It's just another hole, do the same thing you always do." Aisha said looking over her shoulder at his barely visible face. "Ok, just hold on for a minute." Jim said removing himself completely. Aisha heard his fumbling in the dim light and had a feeling she knew what he was looking for. "Got it! Now where is your... ass!" Jim shouted triumphantly as he grabbed one of her muscular gluts. He straddled her thighs and let one hand run the length of her crack while he struggled to open the flip cap with his other greasy hand. "Hehehe! Hurry up that stuff is cold." Aisha giggled as Jim applied, then lightly massaged the gel between her cheeks. "Hopefully this... should... warm you up." Jim said easing himself into the significantly tight orifice. Aisha was enjoying the feel of his flesh pressed against, not to mention, inside of her. "Ready?" He said feeling her beginning to flex around him. "Yeah." Aisha said, folding her fists into the sheets just incase it didn't feel as good as she planned.

Jim slowly pushed more and more of himself down into her, waiting for any sign of discomfort to let him know where his limit should be. "Ah! Ah! Mmmm, perfect." She said managing to allow him complete penetration. The process was repeated a few more times to be safe. With safety established, Jim began to bounce himself in and out of her to the muffled screams of Aisha who was currently face down in the mattress. "OOOOAAAAH! YES! YES! GOD MY ASS! AAAAH!" Aisha said from her animalistic depths, which caused her to rip the sheets into ribbons with her orgasm. Jim did something close to growling himself as he felt the pressure begin to build in his balls. "AAAH! AISHA!" He moaned grabbing her shoulders as he felt himself beginning to slip. "HARDER! HARDER! YEEEES!" Aisha's voice reached a small squeak, as he complied, bearing down into her stretched ass even harder. "AISHA! AH! AAAAAAH!" Jim growled reaching his climax. "UUUUUH!" Aisha moaned raggedly into the mattress as she felt Jim's dick twitch inside her ass, leaving a white wash in its wake.

"Afuckingmazing!" Jim said collapsing against her back, feeling himself still leaking inside of her. "Mmmm, hmmm. I'm gonna be shittin' sperm for a week." Aisha said with an exhausted grin on her face. "Funny, I think I'm... just... about... out." Jim said pushing himself off to her right. "I guess it's safe to say we won't need the gloves." He said reaching over to move a few sweaty pieces of hair from her eyes. "Nope, but I do need some damn sleep... sweetie." Aisha said beginning to drift into unconsciousness again. "Ok, ok, but I still owe you about two weeks worth." Jim said staring at the sunlight just starting to peak through the blackout curtains. Jim turned to get another look at Aisha before softly laughing. "I don't think she's going to make it in today." He thought slowly falling under the Sandman's spell. A few moments later his eyes shot open, "If we don't need the gloves, AH FUCK! My thirty five hundred wong is gone!"

A/N: It is finally done, not done, done. But chapter four is done. You know the scope; comments are always welcomed at redknight2k@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading and hopefully enjoying.