Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ Growing Pains ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters. I just own the perverted ideas to do this to them. If you don't like long-winded stories about sex, leave. If detail and/or the characters in the following obsess you, leave. If you are under 18 years of age, you know the deal. Last but not least, if you fall into any of the above and choose to waste your time reading this, save yourself more time and energy by refusing to read any further. Now if you do read any more and don't like it, it's not my problem you should have read the fine print.

A/N: No, your eyes don't deceive you. I have managed to update this story with what I hope is an adequate topic. Now, turn your imagination to high, because this may be a stretch for some of you to buy into. (A certain outlaw has a fear of aging, it's more than that so read on down below.)Also notice, I've decided to use html now. This was done because I was tired of reading tiny print. And as we all know, (Or in my case just learned) everything in html is single spaced after punctuation.

Now without any further interruptions, I present Outlaw Star: Growing Pains

In the confines of a darkened warehouse sat two men on opposite sides of a kitchen table. To hear their story, one must first know their joy. In this joy exists three women, three women whom they both care for deeply. It is in this depth of feeling that their depression filled faces were formed. Jim and Aisha's four days alone were spent amongst the sheets and anything that would support their collective weight, trying to make up for time lost. The same was done in the emptiness of space, although not out of lack of, more so out of need to. Minus exiting to the loading dock, Gene, Suzuka, and Melfina, all spent their fare share of time in bed. While Gene felt guilty about the events that continued to happen with Suzuka, Melfina just chalked it up to another human experience and it was an experience that was vastly draining on the once cocky man's body.

"Whoever thought I'd get sick of sex?" He thought as he stirred a spoon in his long since cooled coffee. True enough he was only twenty-seven years of age, but the constant stress of pleasing two women, one of which set off metal detectors, was a growing pain. But still, every time he wanted to say, "Not tonight." Or "I'm too tired." The guilt would come for him, after she was nice enough not to leave his sorry ass for having an affair on the side, he couldn't provide her with a little sex? No, he couldn't provide her with a little sex, he provided her with a lot of sex. So, like a machine, he'd always rise to the occasion, only to be interrupted by a new presence. "Room for one more?" Her level voice replaced by one of almost child-like giddiness. And Melfina would always be the one to answer the former assassin's query (A resounding, yes) in almost as much glee, where as Gene sort of bordered on how cool it was and how tired he'd feel in the morning.

He couldn't deny they had fun as one gigantic mass of people, but sometimes he found himself just wanting to be with Melfina. And strangely enough, sometimes he wanted to be with just Suzuka. However, the rules as per Melfina's request, were that they couldn't sleep together unless Suzuka was involved and vice versa. So, like clockwork the act would begin. Day in and day out, and night after night, the women were upon him. Most would wonder how far could guilt go. In his case, it was more of a question of, how far wouldn't it go? Jim had said in his usual frank tone of voice, "You aren't letting them treat you like that out of guilt, you know?" The implications of his statement/question combo were immediate and frightening at the same time.

"Are you saying I love the both of them? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Gene had said defensively, overlooking one small detail. Jim never said anything about love, he was implying Gene was a sex addict and once he told the man that... words from his side of the table were few and far between. Still, where was the problem in all of this? Two beautiful women lusting for him, one as a means of sexual release, while the other maintained the need for his physical and emotional presence in her life. Ah, but in that lies his direct correlation to his younger friend who sat across from him in the twilight hours of the morning. Jim's deal was far less complex, yet it was equally taxing on his over thought out mindset.

The day prior to Gene and the crew returning, Jim and Aisha were lying in bed and for a change, it wasn't rocking. No, instead, a man and his feline inspired girlfriend lie in quiet elation in each other's arms. She'd called in to work to inform her boss of where he could put his funny little hat, so she was free to be with Jim until the inevitable need for wong sent her through the classifieds again. Meanwhile, Jim was envisioning a much more stable lifestyle for them. A life where they were rich, jobs didn't matter, and where they could peaceably live out the rest of their lives together. "Hehehe." Jim chuckled to himself, as the image of an elderly Aisha appeared in his mind. "What's so funny?" She'd asked, smiling cutely at the sound of his laugh. "Just picturing us old." He said, as Aisha's face went deadpan immediately. He asked what was wrong, and for a brief few moments she lay very still in silence.

"Do you remember when we met?" She asked not bothering to make the effort to face him. Jim assumed she was so solemn because of her attempted murder of him and Gene, which he told her to forget about. Unfortunately, that had nothing to do with her state of mind. "Not that, do you remember when I kept saying, "You're no match for an immortal C'tarl-C'tarl officer...?"" Jim's head nodded slowly, trying to decipher the painful message before she dropped it on him totally unprepared. "Well," She started, this time looking him directly in his eyes. "It was the truth. I can't grow old." Aisha said, while preparing for Jim's response and it came in the form of a laugh, taking it as a feeble attempt at a dramatic joke.

"Hahaha! You had me for a second there. Let me guess, next you'll be telling me you can't be killed either, right?" He said, as logic wouldn't let him accept such as reality. Aisha's next statement would leave his logic at a loss though, "Jim, think about it. Gene shot me at pointblank with a Castor Shell, yet here I am. That assassin wrapped me from head to toe in explosives and blew me up. After all that, I'm still right here without a scratch on me." She said, although not quite as proud as one would expect. Unknown to Jim, she too was starting to think along the lines of what would this major detail do to the future of their relationship.

A gift for the most decorated of soldiers in the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire, a hair ornament that wouldn't draw any attention, which bestowed the wearer with endless youth. No one outside of the C'tarl-C'tarl government knew about these devices, until now. "So you're telling me, we could shoot you out of an airlock into the dead of space and you'd live? Not saying we would, I'm just saying." Jim said looking for something to stop the mass of thoughts swirling in his mind. "Yep, a few jolts of electricity and I'd bounce back." She said quietly. In a brief moment of contemplation, a thought came to Aisha and it seemed like a potential solution to their problem. "I just thought about something, if I stop wearing the thing, I'll age, because it needs to be worn for ten years to complete the process." Aisha said, agreeing to possible death to appease his reality of growing old alone. Jim's response to this was the expected "No", and that statement was partially swayed due to her being one year away from true immortality, an immortality that would give her neck a break.

Yes, Aisha Clan-Clan had been given her due for completing the rather daunting task of infiltrating and destroying an entire fleet of Li-Fang cruisers (Rogue faction of C'tarl-C'tarl outlaws), single handedly. If that weren't impressive enough, she accomplished this task at the mere age of seventeen. So, next year by this time there wouldn't be a chance to turn back and Jim knew this, but he continued to object to her removing it. And being the scientific and overall genius he was, Jim had to ask to borrow the item for research, which Aisha complied with... given he didn't tell anyone else. Once this was agreed to, he spent the next several hours in the garage/laboratory studying how a simple thirty pound piece of gold could give someone immortality. The first thing he found out was, the ornament wasn't gold, it was an alloy that he'd never seen before and analyzing the humongous list of metals in his brain, that was an impressive feat in itself. The second thing consisted of the low-level radiation the device emitted. Apparently, Aisha's and presumably, all C'tarl-C'tarl who wore them absorbed this radiation through their hollow hair.

The radiation slowed the degeneration process of their cells, and Jim estimated ten years would fully stop the cellular breakdown all together, which meant if they were to stay together, he'd be the only one who couldn't hear the TV at max volume in a few decades. Now, some might ask what made Jim, a young man of only nineteen think he and Aisha would still be together down the line to possibly grow old. They wouldn't be the only people asking such a question, because he rolled and continues to roll it, around in his mind at this very moment. The only time the answer would surface is when she was around and everything seemed calm. It was in those moments he knew, "I can't see my life without her. Heh, leave it to me to fall in love with a woman who can't die." He'd said to himself in the garage before accepting the facts. All of which brings us back to the present, two weeks later and two outlaws sitting quietly at the kitchen table, both of who were thinking, "I'll die, she won't. I can live with that... right?" Gene had seven years to grow accustomed to this reality in his and Melfina's relationship. However, it hadn't really surfaced again until Jim brought the subject of their mortality up. Thus, he too brooded over how to handle this development.

Ah yes, Melfina, bio-android or human with cybernetic enhancements? No one but the pirates and galaxy scientists knew, and they all were dead or in hiding. But whatever the case, she presumably had an indefinite amount of time to live with pending she received no mortal wounds. Once more though, I digress back to the pair at the table, where a most painful of decisions were reached. "I told myself a long time ago that I wouldn't hold Mel back. It's bad enough rusting away into an old fart, but I'll be damned if she lives one day as my wet nurse. So, all things considered: being killed on missions, old enemies shooting me down, bounties on my head, and if we're still together in thirty years time, if I'm not in a shape I deem fit for me to be with her, I'll end it." Gene had said, to the wide eyes of Jim who immediately had things to say. "What? Rather selfish wouldn't you say? Not letting her at least make a decision like that with you." Jim would come to say.

Gene though, wasn't surprised in the least by his friend's statement. "Okay, think about it like this. Growing old is dying in slow motion, and I don't want her to see me like that. Especially when I start to show I'm getting old and if I have to draw you a picture of what I'm talking about, I'll shoot you." Gene said, which Jim immediately analyzed and processed into, "You'd really dump her to prevent her from seeing you impotent?" Caught off guard, Gene nearly spit his coffee all over the place. Finding the right words again, Gene said, "NO! I just don't want her to be with me until I'm dead, not because I'm afraid I won't be able to do it, and not because I'm that shallow. I couldn't live with myself watching her waste her life, even if it is infinite, watching me grow closer and closer to death. The reality of being without her hurts bad enough, but the mere thought of her faithfully standing by me while I rot..." Gene visibly shook to portray his meaning.

Jim, on the other hand, had one more hand to play at the time, which was that Melfina would probably be doomed to be with someone until they're dying day, so why not him? Gene's agitation only grew as he said, "Look, imagine waking up everyday next to Aisha. Now imagine she looks the same as she does right now, nice vision, right? There's just one problem, it's sixty years from now and you look like a walking corpse. You sit in your little rocking chair watching her, day in and day out. You see her watch younger couples taking walks on the beach, or going to out for a change, yet she can't. You'll sit there and wish you could pick her up and make love to her or do some of those things you can do now, but you can't all because you're too old. You'll only be able to sit there and be tortured, both by your age and the knowledge you're holding her back from experiencing the gift of youth she has. That may be okay for you, but I refuse to make Melfina waste one second longer than necessary on me. I want her to enjoy every single moment of the life she has, and love me or not, babysitting a senile old man isn't anyone's idea of fun." Gene told him, before the silent veil that currently resides, first fell.

There really wasn't anything else to say. Jim was envisioning his later years as a frail, gray hair having, false teeth wearing shell of a person. Jim's overactive imagination wasn't always a good thing, as the image of Aisha cutting up his food appeared before him, then her smiling sadly at him as she cleaned his face. So, there were only three choices left for him now. He could continue his relationship as normal, risking the usual break ups that accompanied any relationship and hope for a mutual split if one ever occurred. Secondly, there was continuing on, marrying Aisha, living through his prime and refusing to give up his happiness with her by breaking things off. And third and last of all, he could make the same choice as his friend. If Aisha was still with him in the later years of his life, he could simply explain to her his stance on all of this, end it... and live miserably alone for the rest of his life. Because no matter how it was sliced, his life would be miserable without her in it. Hell, the thought of her without him was enough to send him into a mental shutdown of biblical proportions and that's what mainly held him in silence now, trying to mentally prepare for the worst case scenario. Too bad, he could only think like that for thirty seconds at a time he found, because any longer and he started to experience physical pain.

"So, what were you two discussing?" Suzuka asked, interrupting the melodramatic silence the two men sat in, not to mention appearing in complete silence from the shadows. Gene made no move to answer her question, so Jim spoke up, "The fact we're going to end up rusty old men, while Aisha and Mel will still like they do now in fifty years. Speaking of which, how do you feel about the prospect of getting old?" Suzuka's eyes shortly took sight of Gene's before he hid them in the depths of his coffee again. "It's not really a prospect for me anymore. A few years before I met any of you there was this scientist I was hired to kill, long story short, he developed a system for animate-suspended animation. You walk, talk, live, breath, eat and sleep yet your body doesn't age a single day beyond the procedure. He performed it on me in hopes his life would be spared, but alas, I did have my schedule to maintain." She said plainly, while admiring her skin for effect.

Jim was preparing to respond when he caught notice of Gene's face, which seemed almost gravely impacted by something or another. Gene could almost see the wheels spinning in Jim's head, and as soon as they stopped, he smirked knowing full well why Gene seemed to slip into a visual coma. It was quite simple really, Gene was hoping Mel would eventually move on once he was too old, which meant if Suzuka stayed around he would be able to have at least one person to grow old with besides Jim. However, her little revelation ended that possibility, and the fact Gene didn't know whether Suzuka felt anything besides sexual lust for him left a lot of holes in his emotional armor. Although, Jim had a pretty a good idea about her feelings from the start, no matter how neutral she tried to act. The greatest assassin too ever live and here she was living under the same roof as her target? And rather than kill him, she kills the guy who hired her to kill Fred, who Gene saved, and took the bull's eye off of and placed it on himself, to end up alive seven years later? All of this and she'd probably claim she had no feelings for him?

"HaHaHaHa! Yeah, right! HaHaHaHa!" Jim said, between his violent uproar of laughter. He quickly covered his mouth to silence himself, but he already saw the faint glow of light from upstairs. Aisha's sensitive ears were sure to be ringing by his sudden outburst, so he decided it was time for him to go back to bed, and to apologize. "I think you two have some things you need to talk about, goodnight." He added, before putting his mug in the sink and sprinting off towards the stairs. Once they heard the door shut upstairs, they exchanged a brief glance, and continued to idle in silent company. After five minutes of quiet time, Suzuka had prepared a statement to bring Gene's attention away from his coffee, by then it was too late though. Gene simply stood up and walked out on her, which left her feeling a little saddened she found, but her sadness didn't have long to be mulled over as she saw Gene exit out of the door that led to the roof. "I know he doesn't think I'm going to follow him." Suzuka said, as she unconsciously stared at the chair he once occupied.

Meanwhile above her head on the roof, Gene had another self-discussion going on. "What's the point in worrying? It's not like any Starwind has ever made it past fifty anyway, what makes me so special?" Gene asked himself, remembering quite the morbid legacy of his family history. His father was only forty-five when the McDougal Brothers killed him, his mother was only twenty-nine when she died delivering him into this world, and all of his grandparents were the victims of similar fates of youthful demise. "Heh, and none of them were even outlaws. It'd be a lot easier if I just flung myself over the edge, wouldn't it? Yeah, but when have I ever done things the easy way?" He said aloud, while thinking of all the missions he'd complicated for no reason other than making things difficult. For all of his ego and charismatic behavior, Gene Starwind finally had to admit to himself that he was afraid of getting old. It was a basic part of humanity and at the same time, he was never prepared for it. There were no guidelines to being an old man for him to look back on, he'd never associated with anyone that old (Who physically looked it), and the older people he saw made him despise ending up in that situation.

This all comes back down to Suzuka and Melfina though. Either of whom he could picture a life with years down the line, but one he knew he wouldn't be able to have for emotional support when his body stopped responding to commands the way he wanted. For that, there was supposed to be Suzuka. She could be his strength in old age; someone to share the pitfalls of slowed motor skills and impaired vision. Now that was out of the picture, because she too would still be as perfect as fine china when he was in the nursing home. As the impending anxiety attack set in on him, he relaxed. He was only twenty-seven, plus there'd be plenty of time to worry about that later. Because for all he knew, Suzuka could still be planning to kill him and if he was lucky, she'd do it once he was too old to perform, pending she'd still be around him that far down the road. "And now what the hell am I gonna do about that? Tell Mel I actually have feelings for Suzuka? Right, then she'll probably cut our group gatherings off at the knees. Then Suzuka will probably move out again and I don't want that, but I can't keep dealing with both of them at the same time, EVERY time." He thought in between letting out an exasperated sigh.

The only other thing would be telling Suzuka and hoping she didn't laugh herself silly at him, but that still left Melfina. She meant the world to him, but reality wouldn't let his world exist without Suzuka as well now. "Look, I'm a grown man. I'll simply tell Mel and Suzuka we can continue on together, but there's going to have to be some form of divvying up the time between them. And if they can't deal with that, I'll start preparing to be alone right now, because I'm not going to be fucked to death!" Gene said, just before the door behind him opened up. "What are you doing up here?" Suzuka asked, noting his twenty or so minute absence. "What do you want?" He asked more out of rude habit than actual rudeness. Taken off guard and finding his tone almost hurtful, Suzuka responded by asking his question back at him. Once more though, she found his attention elsewhere, as he seemed to silently refuse to answer her. Usually she would've walked away, but this time she needed to hear an answer of some kind. As Suzuka was setting into memorizing the pattern his scars seemed to form, Gene marched toward her, but determining to get an answer, she held her arms out to prevent his passing... something he didn't intend to do.

In one simple move, Gene's arm glided around the small of her back and pulled her against him, surprising her only secondly to the kiss that followed. Suzuka didn't even have time to process the kiss before she felt Gene's hands working into the folds of her robe, and when she finally found the will to protest... she found her hands rubbing his chest, rather than pushing for her release of his arms. "This isn't right... what about Melfina? What about Melfina, you love him too... I DO NOT!" As her mind shouted her denial, she pulled away from his mouth just as his fingers penetrated. "What are you doing?" She asked, trying pitifully to ignore what he was obviously doing to her. And for the first time since she began to question him, he answered her, saying, "What I want to." She immediately noticed in the night's dim light that he wasn't smiling when he said that, or using any of his other visual charms on her, then why didn't she feel the need to pull away from him? After all, he didn't ask or get her input before inputting his fingers, but still, she didn't mind? Too many questions were mentally rained down upon herself and the added stimulation made her too agitated to think straight, until he slipped his hand from within her panties and stood silent again.

"How do you feel about me? Love me, hate me, or do you simply tolerate me because of the sexual arrangement, which is it?" He asked seemingly try to stare her into answering his way, "I don't love you, I'm only here because you're a good screw, duh." Gene thought, as Suzuka appeared visually surprised by his words. "How do you..." No sooner than she started had Gene interrupted with, "I love you. Just like I love Mel, I love you too." Her bluff was called before she even made it. And if she didn't answer truthfully that'd mean Gene had defeated her not once, but two times, and she couldn't accept that. Making things difficult as always, Gene waited for confirmation on his preordained guess rather than running from it. "If he laughs at me, I swear I'll kill him." She thought, as her apprehension was briefly put at ease hearing he actually loved her. Still, her feelings for him were buried rather deeply, for seven years she couldn't even think about it, and now here she had to admit it or potentially lose all contact with him... which wasn't a possibility.

"Gene, I... love... you too." She said, almost as if she were admitting a painful addiction to heroin or something. Of course, Gene picked up on this and said, "Gee, I guess I deserved that..." And as he continued to go on about not being believed and most of the things he'd rolled over in his mind, it clicked. For all of the things she'd heard of his past from Jim, Gene really wasn't the same person. "I've seen him walk down the street with a woman and another, prettier one would pass by and he'd walk off after her like the other girl wasn't even there." She remembered Jim saying, but as her memory seemed to serve, since Mel had come into the picture, Gene flat out ignored every woman within his line of sight -- except her. She'd seen women literally throw themselves at him. While Gene, with or without Melfina, would simply ignore the woman or women like they weren't even there. Yet, she was the only woman outside of Melfina that got any form of sideways glance out of him.

"I can say a lot of things about his character, but he is more loyal to the woman... women he loves than anyone I've ever known." Suzuka thought, ignoring his rambling for the most part. The only blemish on his record was Suzuka herself, but that was in part to her approach, which she assured herself no one short of Fred Lo would've refused upon and even he would've had a hard time doing that. She thought as she gave her body a mental look down. "...Even now, I can't make sense of all this..." Were the last words of Gene's that Suzuka heard, as her mouth fastened to his in effort to stop his fear driven babble so she could get a chance to speak. "I love you too. I truly do. I've probably wanted you since we first met, but to be completely honest with you, ego wouldn't allow me to admit that. Then when you and Mel became official I couldn't ruin that, and yet here I am, ruining it." She said, as her hand rested idly against his cheek, torn between hurting a friend and following her heart.

And speaking of friends, Suzuka had completely forgotten about Melfina, whom she'd brought along with her and who also waited on the other side of the door for the fireworks to begin. This of course was their secret to "psychically" knowing when sex was to be had. One would bait him and they'd both share him, this didn't seem to be in the cards tonight though, as Melfina listened to their conversation in awe. "Does this mean he'll stay with her now? No! He said he loved her like he loves ME." Her doubt was eased as she overheard Gene say, "Of course, I can't and won't leave Mel. I guess there needs to be some sort of system worked out, where there are times I can be alone with each of you, because you two are killing me." Melfina barely managed to contain her laughter at those words, but she did. And as the duo silenced on the other side of the door, Mel knew tonight would be Suzuka and Gene's. Besides, she'd kept him to herself for seven years, up until a few of weeks ago. And the knowledge Gene loved Suzuka rather than slept with her out of being bored with her was comforting, strangely. With that she stood up, walked down the stairs, and smiled at the prospect of sharing Gene. It'd be a stretch but she could manage, right?

On the roof, things were progressing as Mel assumed. At present, Suzuka was kneeled before her newly acknowledged lover, bobbing her head steadily over his pulsating dick. Gene's worries were mildly put to rest as he watched more and more of himself disappear into her face, only possibilities seemed present now, and he only had one in mind. Surprising Suzuka, he softly pulled her head away from his (To a degree) and motioned for her to stand. "Wha...! Oh, mmmm! Interesting." She said, as Gene picked her up and turned her upside down and began to lick noisily at her. As she steadied herself with her thighs around his head, Suzuka reapplied her mouth to his manhood losing herself in the sensation of both giving and receiving and at the rate his tongue assaulted her clitoris, she didn't know if she could receive much more. And as Gene continued to part her nether lips with his tongue, her nonstop moaning into the base of his shaft were killing him and out of fear of dropping her, he maneuvered the two foot walk and pressed her squarely against the door.

"MMMM!" Suzuka screamed violently as her first orgasm hit, which almost caused Gene to follow as the reverberations of her scream echoed through his penis and rested firmly in his balls. Pausing for a breather, Gene's tongue continued to roll in and out of her opening to lap at the spring of warm fluid that couldn't quite escape her do to gravity. Suzuka was nothing more than sweaty rag doll at this point, as she whimpered and moaned her way into another climax, causing Gene to resume the slow grinding of his dick into her mouth. Moments later, she was swirling her tongue around his tip and that added attention caused him to moan deeply within her. "Yes..." He whispered as she began to work in synch with his thrusts, and with this Suzuka sank him into her mouth until her gagging point was met. The convulsions of the velvety soft skin of her mouth against the head of his manhood sent him over the edge as the bright light he saw was only matched in intensity by the white liquid that burst forth into her mouth. "SHHHIT!" He screamed putting his mouth against her glistening pink nether lips once more, this time sucking almost painfully hard on her clitoris while her mouth used his dick as a straw to drain his sack of everything it could give.

Slowly, tiredly, and down right lethargically, Gene returned Suzuka upright before she passed out from the blood rushing to her head. *Gulp* "What? Its not like I could exactly swallow upside down." She said in light of his surprised expression. Deciding not to push the subject any further, Gene extended his hand to her and motioned for her to join him down on the roof... the hard, sun baked, and all around sandpaper feeling roof. "Put this down first." She instructed, as she handed Gene a rather pricey looking kimono that was sure to be ruined after what they were about to do. "Are you sure? I mean this thing had to cost a small fortune..." He quieted down as she pressed a finger against his lips, "I have more than enough to pay for it. My services didn't come for cheap, you know?" She said huskily, planting a small kiss upon his throat. Gene smirked allowing the garment to fall in an adequate sized spread for them, "And here I thought you used to kill people for free. It is used to, right? Right?" She only smiled mischievously at him, while pushing him back on the make shift bed.

"Sssh, don't worry. If I were going to kill you, I'd have done it by now. Mmmm, besides I don't think I can accept parting with either of you." Suzuka said, as she fully submerged him in the warmth of her insides. Knowing when to let a subject die, he began to slowly thrust up with her down and soon, settling into a pace that he knew she loved. As instinct took over, Suzuka found herself controlling the tempo as Gene began to slowly nip at her hardened nipples, only stopping to gently twist them between his teeth and with no more than four minutes of this action put her near orgasm, and Gene, of course, noticed. "So soon?" He asked with an innocent smile, as he felt Suzuka's insides begin to grip ferociously at his member signaling her immanent release. "Can't… help it! Oh, oh, FUUUCK!" Her voice echoed for possibly miles in the quiet Sentinel night air, as Gene simply piston fucked her through the climax into another and surprising even himself, another. Deciding he didn't want to end this forbidden moment just yet, he slowed his hips to allow some of the sensitivity he'd built up to die down.

She could only smile dreamily at him, as she knew it only got better and with Gene's rolling them over, her knowledge was proved correct. "YES!" She cried out as he seemingly impaled her very soul with the massive force he penetrated her with. "AH! AH! AH!" Suzuka's voice jumped frantically in tone while Gene used slower, harder strokes to keep her body in ecstasy driven madness. "H-H-HARDER! GENE, HARDER!" There was going to be difficulty walking if he went any harder, but she didn't care if it took weeks for the swelling in her labia to subside, the orgasm she was approaching would be worth it. Meanwhile, Gene put his mouth near hers and asked a question he already knew the answer to, "Are you still flexible?" He asked calmly, not letting up on his pounding of her one bit. "GOD! I'M FLEX-X-XIBLE ENOUGH!" She screamed in anticipation and as her legs were pressed back against her chest, it was rewarded. The weight of Gene's entire lower body was flung against her, driving Suzuka lustfully insane.

She felt every vein, every crease, and every twitch of his penis inside of her, with this the former assassin only had one thing to say, "GEEEEEEEEEEEENE!" And with that, she came to the point her walls wouldn't allow Gene any movement inside what so ever. "Gene one, Suzuka… what the hell am I doing? I really need to stop that." He thought while watching Suzuka ebb her shudders into heavy panting. "You okay?" Gene asked, noticing she'd yet to open her eyes or really move. But before his worry could set in, a familiar yet rarely seen smile crept across her face as she barely managed to open her eyes to look at him. For a moment, he only rested on his hands trying to figure out her expression. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, allowing Gene to pull her upright to face him. Unknown to her, he'd assessed the look on her face as actual love, rather than sex induced giddiness. "Nothing, just falling in love for a second time." He said with a smile of his own, which ended the moment their lips met.

Continuing her position on his lap, Suzuka only made two adjustments: putting her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his back for better support. Odd as it may seem, this small change in position, mixed with the delicate strokes of their tongues put them both in heightened senses of arousal. "Shit, shit, shit, AH FUCK!" Gene suddenly screamed, both startling and exciting Suzuka almost into another climax. As she felt the liquid form of his love for her spray inside of her vaginal walls, she sat in a silent scream while he enforced each and every last rope of sperm with high impact thrusts. The kind of thrusts she loved and the kind that made her scream his name louder than she even knew possible, which she did until fatigue rapidly drained her strength and she fell sedately against him. Of course, he was in the same shape as she was, so he tipped over (Softly) and laid them both against her robe again. There was a calm silence as Suzuka lie in Gene's arm, she couldn't help but notice this was a better feeling than her usual hop up and go back to her room routine and it was something she intended to repeat. Gene's mind though, still lied upon the fact he wouldn't be around to enjoy this after X amount of years. But in typical Starwind style, he decided to let his fears go to sleep for a while, so he could bask fully in the essence of new love.

Meanwhile, a floor below them sat Aisha and Jim, discussing a matter that wouldn't be of importance for half a century. "One more time from the top. You're telling me that once you get old, you want me to leave you?" Aisha asked rather calmly, but he knew where that was going but he nodded anyway. "Now, you are aware I can't go back home? AND the main thing I gave up all that for wants me to simply dispose of him like trash once he's old?" She asked as her eyebrow began to twitch in unison with his nodding head. "You make it sound like I'm doing this out of spite or something. I'm doing this so you don't have to be tied to some decrepit invalid." Jim said, while watching her anger plateau into a steady wave of angry staring. In a fit of unbridled anger, Aisha literally pounced on Jim pinning his arms to the bed above his head, and if he didn't trust her, he would've been scared.

"I'm going to say this very slowly: I'm not going to break up with you, and you're not going to break up with me just because you'll get old. Now, if stuff doesn't work out and we decide to end it, fine. But if everything goes smoothly up until you're old and deaf, I'm not going anywhere then and that's how it's going to be. Can't live with that? Then I'll chuck this thing into the C3 River in the morning." Aisha said in a tone that meant, "There's no point in arguing the subject any further." So, with a single nod Jim silently agreed to do things her way. Although she didn't say anything about him becoming a total asshole and annoying her into leaving him, "And if you even think about trying to act differently to make me dump you, I'll know and then I'll kick you in the head." Or at least she hadn't up until that point. While Aisha continued to sit atop Jim, she thought to ask what would make Gene so worried about getting older.

But in a moment of awareness it hit her, he was afraid and he'd passed that seedling of fear onto Jim. Well, not totally, because Jim seemed more concerned with her not wasting her life, rather than her watching him get old and shaky. Jim, while trying to fight the perverse images that played through his mind with her in the cutoffs pinning him to the bed, focused on her face as she seemed to be having some form of inner-conflict. "What if I told you there was a way you could stay young forever too, would you want that?" She asked, already beginning to spin the plan of treachery against the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire, which if found out not only guaranteed her permanent exile, but a death on sight bounty as well. "Yeah, of course I'd want it, but what's the catch?" Jim asked in light of her less than stellar attitude about the whole situation.

"There's an asteroid that orbits the main planet of the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire and inside this asteroid is the same metal that keeps me young. I'm proposing we take the Outlaw Star in there and get some of it for you… and Gene. Once we have it, you'll have to determine if it's compatible with humans or what not, because I don't know. And since you're not as muscular as a C'tarl, we'll probably need an alternative way of fitting the pieces to the both of you. Of course, this is all pending we aren't blown to pieces, caught, tortured, or all of the above. Up to the challenge?" Aisha said, this time with full kitten-like spunk, which was the product of being with Jim forever… or some reasonable facsimile. However, her kittenish joy began to wane as Jim's answer seemed to take longer than she expected to be reached; seconds faded into minutes, minutes into the tens of minutes, and then, he said it, "What's the plan?"

A/N: Hi, remember me? I'm the weirdo who's taken what now, almost three or is it four months to get this chapter out? Well, as you can probably tell, I've been running low on the inspiration for this story, seeing as it was supposed to be one of those one-chapter screw pieces we're all so fond of, I'm shocked I've thought of this much to add. Anyway, the end is drawing near my faithful readers and if it weren't for an overzealous few out there, I would've ended things here. I'll try to squeeze my brain for more substance and of course sex to keep this bad boy a float. Now, let's just pray that I can. Until next time, take it easy people.

P.S. To the people I e-mailed pertaining to the story's possible demise, did I include this statement, "If I don't end it, I won't e-mail you saying so."? If I didn't, I'm sorry about that. Anyhow, later days folks.