Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ Taming of the Pussy ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Guards, he's on the docking platform with Prototype: Magenta!" A C'tarl voice boomed over the speaker, as his camera barely detected the shivering man cast in shadow trying desperately to get the ship's lock open. He'd ducked, dodged, and actually been pulled along under a hovercraft until he reached the flight deck of the spaceport. No one had seen him, heard him, or even knew he was gone until he accidentally hit the wrong button on the ship's door panel and triggered the alarm. The fact he lucked out and beat the front panel off with his gun was amazing, considering the frozen metal clanging for at least ten minutes. He figured it would be a simple button hack, except he forgot about his almost completely numb hands. It was like typing during an earthquake and he couldn't feel the keys, which caused his fuse to shorten dramatically. He'd taken the gun out and began to just wail on the panel until it cracked allowing him access to the vital wires behind it.

"Somebody get that elevator working," a voice shouted from a few stories below him. He'd jammed the elevators stop button, and used the security bot's battery pack to wedge the doors open to buy him some time incase something like this happened. The part of the platform he was on, thankfully, had enough light and was separated from the elements, yet his body was too far gone from all it took to get there to use much of that advantage. Thus, he couldn't sift through the wires efficiently, more like a person with claws for hands trying to pick up matchsticks would best describe his effort. Hearing a horrible screeching sound, Jim turned to see the elevator beginning to inch it's way downward.

"It's only a matter of time now human, I can't wait to see what they do to you now," the smug officer said over the microphone, causing Jim's heart rate to triple it seemed.

"Aw, come on, open! I don't know what any of these damn wires do!" He screamed in frustration trying to logically decide which wire would release the lock. Another screech of metal against metal drew his attention, as the elevator moved downward in jerky pauses.

"You call yourselves C'tarl-C'tarl, pull harder!" Jim collapsed to his knee at the mere thought of the C'tarl-C'tarl able to pull a virtual freight elevator down. Another noise came from the elevator shaft now, as it appeared the stop mechanism was finally burned out or destroyed. The sound that followed was the smooth hum he'd rode up listening to.

"They're almost there, human. Save yourself *some* pain and just surrender, because honestly, did you think you could escape the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire?" The C'tarl's voice seemed like a DJ on an easy listening to radio station, yet the inflection he used was clearly that of someone talking to a lower class or hell, a lower form of life. By now, Jim could hear the elevator's hum stop, the ding of the door opening then closing, and finally the hum of ascension. He was fucked, after all of that?

"I'll kill at least one of them… I hope," he thought looking at the gun beside him. Focusing back on the wires, he began to frantically search for a wire that didn't seem ordinary. Most space factions used a marker wire in case their ships malfunctioned and they needed to get inside. You cut the wire, the door opens, and then you use the emergency lock to close and lock it once your inside, or this is how it should've worked. The wire was usually red, gold, or some other attention grabbing color, but the C'tarl-C'tarl wire system seemed based in difficulty to him, because all of the wires were bright, flashy colors. The elevator at his back was drawing closer, the C'tarl officer in the control tower was laughing now, and Jim kneeled at a loss. The knot of wires in his hands became secondary, as the gun at his side seemed like the next available action… pending he had enough feeling in either hand to squeeze the damn trigger. "Red, black, yellow, orange, green, brown, blue, purple… pink?"

Naming the colors aloud, his mind began to focus on the two most out of place colors: pink and brown. Red, yellow, orange, and blue were all metallic shades, which shined. Black, purple, and green were semi-transparent. The pink and brown wires however, bore none of those characteristics. It had to be one of those, but which one? He maneuvered his hands so as to hold only those choices, but he didn't have time to weigh his options. The elevator noise was almost on top of him, so with chattering teeth, he bit into the pink wire with everything he had, which wasn't much, throwing electrocution to the wind. Luckily for him, no current ran through that wire. Barely piercing the thick wire, his mouth was invaded by a taste that only a mechanic would know.

"Bleh… oil?" He said, recognizing the familiar taste. "No, no, that's hydraulic fluid! And that means," Jim smirked and snatched the brown wire and to his delight, he got a rather warm shower of electrical sparks and the hissing of a hydraulic-pressurized door opening. Unfortunately, the elevator door ten or so yards behind him opened up at the same time and when they saw the light from the ship's deck, they charged. With a lightly thawed hand, Jim grabbed the pistol and flung himself into the ship firing out at the five or so C'tarl soldiers who'd come to arrest him.

"SHIT," they shouted obviously upset that they hadn't been warned about his weaponry.

They opened fire with automatic weapons then, barely missing him as he ducked to one side, and began to try to find the emergency locking switch so he could shut them out. His aim wasn't stellar, but the burst fire he unleashed through the door bought him some time. "Ha, who's the puny one now?" He yelled, letting his right hand fire a few rounds out of the door. They responded with a hale of bullets, ripping into the far side of the deck. "You have to do better than…" *Click* *Click* *Click* His clip was spent, and chances were, the laughter beginning on the other side of the door wasn't at the latest human related joke. Sickly, he peeked around the corner and noticed three very large C'tarl-C'tarl emerging from the shadows, walking like slow robots to capitalize on his fear.

"I think his gun's jammed," the leader said, as Jim returned to the other side of the door futilely beating on a console connected to the very wires he'd been emerged in prior.

"Here, take a look at it for me!" He then threw the gun. Jim's eyes raised in amazement as it hit the biggest of them in the face, but it quickly went into fear as he heard them running. Dropping his head in preparation for the inevitable, the door lurched forward, but stopped about four inches from shut. The cause, Jim's head hit a button labeled, "In Case of Emergency, Push Button." He'd overlooked the easiest part in his whole escape, but he was still thankful. The effect of all this, a C'tarl-C'tarl wailing on the other side as his arm was pinned between the cold metal of the door and it's frame. Smiling, Jim walked just out of arm's length of his trapped tormentor, and laughed directly in his face. It was then that he spotted the twenty or so fingers trying to pull the door open. "The hell you will," he virtually spat venom, as he went back to the emergency shut switch and held it in.

"AAAAAAH!" The man's arm shattered, as even his strong friends couldn't combat the ship's strength. "C-C-Come on, Hawking… Aaaargh! Give… give up, and make this easier on yours… AAAAAAAAAH!"

Jim actually found the resolve to smirk, as the man's skin broke sending a thick stream of blood flying through the air. A few moments later, the door would be closed, a C'tarl-C'tarl arm would be lying severed, and Jim Hawking would come to kill his third C'tarl-C'tarl. Unaware of it, he'd nailed two of the others by surprise when he fired into the elevator on them. This wasn't important though, as he decided to take advantage of the ship's warm-water fountain. Jim bit his lip until it bled as the pain from his purplish-blue hands rushed into him. Frostbite, but apparently, his journey under the hovercraft with its warm air thrusters, and keeping his hands bunched under either armpit had spared his hands though, marginally. They hurt like fuck, but he could tell they'd get better in time, as the feeling slowly came into them allowing him enough motion to make a very painful fist. The only reason he wasn't scurrying like a rat in a maze was that this ship had been called a prototype. Actually, the control tower agent said, "Guards, he's on the docking platform with Prototype: Magenta!" This meant they wouldn't be as willing to blow it to hell to kill him.

It was a minor slip of the tongue, yet it bought him enough time to catch his breath. Kneeling to drink from the fountain, Jim grimaced as the brief time in the heated environment brought gradual feeling back to his entire body, which showed him an impressive bullet wound to his left thigh. Well, it only grazed the surface, but when he made it back home to tell the story, it would become a wound. After another three minutes, he stood and hobbled across the floor to the ship's computer. Everything was labeled in C'tarl-C'tarl script he understood, except how to start the thing.

"That's just fucking beautiful. Computer?" Yeah, it was a risk calling out to it, but the only response he got was an echo. If he had the time to be awed, he'd give the C'tarl-C'tarl a hand for the impressive architecture of the ship, which seemed more like an elaborate home than a space vessel. At present, fancy design amounted to nothing if he didn't start the ship.

"Please state your name and identification number." An automaton voice said, as a computer monitor lowered before him, showing an animated C'tarl-C'tarl female.

"Uh, Aisha Clan-Clan…" he began, hoping her name was still in the records and that he could exploit something in the computer to get her I.D. number.

"Heh, what do you think you're doing, human?" The snide soldier from the control tower interrupted, as his face appeared on the big screen space map. "I was prepared to give you credit for your intelligence, but seeing as how you're trying to use the name and password of a convicted felon, I'll save it. You know, the troops will have that door down any minute…"

"What… troops," Jim interrupted, paused, and then sighed, as the door started emitting a series of loud thuds.

"That'd be them now. Pity, the ship has to get banged up to capture you. On the bright side, you'll be the only human in C'tarl history to make it this far…" Jim gritted his teeth and forced himself to ignore the long winded idiot, and the banging on the ship's door. Call it desperation or reading far too deeply into something, but he had a feeling there was something significant he was missing. It was like the switch to close the door, yet it was an invaluable asset and it seemed to be right in front of him, or more accurately, inside of him. A series of flashbacks washed over him then, as a puzzle piece became visible to only one who over thought things… or to a man about to be killed.

Starting with Lilith…

"Her father had her placed in the maternity ward. Even though the child wasn't full C'tarl, he didn't want it brought up in a prison, so she was excused from her sentence to be with it."

Then there was the guard above his room…

"Can you believe General Clan-Clan's daughter and the human?"

Then there was Aisha's escape in itself. How could she come into contact with enough explosives to level a military prison wall? She must've been under house arrest on the base at least, or blowing things up wouldn't have been necessary for her to escape and she definitely wasn't packing flammable soup. So, the logical explanation for that rolled back onto her father. He had power enough to get Aisha excused from prison, the guard said General Clan-Clan's daughter, and who could walk around with that many explosives and not be questioned? A general. So, her father had pulled some strings… just the underhanded variety. It was still a bit shocking to acknowledge a C'tarl-C'tarl who looked past his "humanity" and instead, at the happiness between them.

Anyhow, the last flashback, and hopefully, most vital came from Aisha's own lips over a year ago after that night in bed. They'd been basking in the afterglow and in various bodily secretions, when Aisha rolled over and on top of him. She didn't say anything for a while, just sort of smiled. After a two minute staring contest, he asked what is it, at which time she replied, "Do you have anything planned in September?" In the present, he felt like kicking himself for missing such a blatant hint. However, back then he thought she was going to surprise him with tickets to a car show held every year around that time, so he said nope, thinking he'd fooled her. "Dumb ass…" he muttered, causing the jabbering individual on the monitor to pause.

"Computer: Name, Aisha Clan-Clan, identification number, zero-nine-zero-one-six-five." The month and year their child was to be born, it was a shot in the dark, but that door seemed ready to buckle and it was really the only hint he could figure her to leave with her parents that he'd get. Seconds slowly ticked away, as the guard onscreen began to laugh at Jim's hopeful expression. Either the computer was still in the infantile stages of development or he'd created one hell of a story to keep hope alive.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, man, I have to get a copy of this for the guys. Ha! Ha! Ha! Please stop looking like that, you're killing me! Ha! Ha! Ha!" He was banging his console with his fist, yet Jim waited… for another three seconds.

"Confirm?" It startled him, but the whole ship rumbled which quickly silenced Mr. Yuck-Yuck.

"Welcome aboard, Lady Aisha. Please lay in a route." The computer said, which sent Jim's feeble hands into a slow motion typing process. "Very good. Engines one through six are all stable. Sub-ether drives are all functioning normally. Fuel capacity is at ninety eight percent. Ship is now sealed for space travel. Awaiting tower confirmation for lift off."

"Who in the hell? I don't understand! Her access to all fleet ships should be removed! At any rate, confirmation is denied!" He snarled, as Jim flipped a switch and blacked out communication with the tower.

"Computer, emergency lift off!" Jim shouted, hoping that they'd equipped it with such a command.

"Processing command," she said, before a scream echoed through the hull from outside as the ship began to shake harder. "Confirmed. Prepare for emergency take off." Warning lights began to flash all over the enormous deck, as Jim made his way to the lone chair and strapped in. More screams were heard, as more and more of the squadron fell from the platform to the snowy ground below. "Lift off in five, four, three, two, one…"

The ship began to rattle, as the deafening sounds of metal breaking became known. He gritted his teeth as his cold-ravaged body began to shake, making old injuries apparent once more. Still, it was a happy day. These bastards wouldn't catch him or even give chase, not with the order he was about to give.

"Computer, are any weapons online," he yelled over the thruster noise. "Better yet, are there any missiles online?"

"Yes Lady Aisha, there are approximately fourteen hundred anti-anti-anti, there are approximately fourteen hundred… missiles online," the computer said, after a brief glitch.

"Excellent. When we reach a safe height, take aim at the spaceport below, and… fire."


Jim smiled with a sick, almost insane look. And as the ship began to shake less and less, he flicked the view screen switch on the armrest of his chair. It was a direct link to the control tower and from the looks of things; everyone was in an uproar. "You, who? Remember me," the sounds of several hundred missiles launching out of the ship's bay could be heard by only his ears. "Yeah, I just wanted to say it's been an honor to serve a prison sentence with the C'tarl-C'tarl, so I decided to give you all a little present."

The C'tarl officer who had been all laughs before was staring into his monitor with pure hatred, which turned into fear as the wall behind him exploded. Suddenly, more and more giant explosions registered around him as he stared helplessly at the human in the monitor. His face then relaxed, as he sat back in his chair with perfect posture and said, "Very good, hu--"

A signal-terminated message flashed on the screen, as the base below was bombed into nothing more than twisted steel and concrete. Meanwhile, Jim thought very little about the thousands he'd just destroyed, as the cold began to show the effects it'd had on his entire system. He knew he was in space now, but the pain without the aid of adrenaline and endorphins caused him to sweat, despite the comfortable temperature. It was a two week long journey to this place in the Outlaw Star, not counting refueling stops, and food. And right about now, he was wondering if his body had enough to make it another few hours, let alone days. At least he'd die free, but that was of little consolation.

"So," a voice stated just out of view inside the ship. "She did pick a quality mate in you after all." A computer monitor lowered into Jim's pained face revealing a C'tarl-C'tarl man, who appeared to be up in his years, yet no less intimidating by his muscular form. He didn't seem distressed by the fact Jim held onto his ribs for stability in the large chair, or that he was taking so long to respond.

"General… Clan-Clan, I presume," he finally said, though raggedly.

"Yes, in the flesh. I suppose you're wondering what made me go through the trouble to help you," he paused and Jim nodded, clenching his teeth as a sharp pain struck his ribs. "You already know the answer to that, if you're as smart as my little girl thinks you are. Though, she figured you would've waited a while longer before attempting this. I'm glad you didn't."

"Why is that?" Jim asked, shifting uncomfortably by the proximity of the monitor to his face.

"As much as it pains me to admit, she needs you. Almost compulsively so, seeing as her first guards were completely disemboweled. She claimed they said your name a little too harshly," General Clan-Clan gave his white beard a few strokes and chuckled. "You know, I always taught her to be strong and not grow too attached to anyone, yet in a span of three years, you managed to destroy that."

"It took seven years," Jim replied, pushing his limp bang out of his face.

"Seven on the Toward Star Calendar, but if you noticed, C'tarl-C'tarl is a very large planet. Our days are about forty-eight or so hours long," the General corrected, stunned by the now surprised expression on Jim's face. "She never told you? And you never realized how long the sun stayed out?"

"I just thought it seemed longer because I wanted to go home so bad. So… so… you… you're telling me, I've been there for three… years?" He asked, noting the Toward Star Calendar ended days at the twenty four hour point, and eighteen months at forty-eight hours a day, well, you can do the math. The general looked away from his monitor, noting it was going to be exceptionally hard for him to realize how much time he'd missed with his child. "Then… the baby… it's…"

"A three year old boy," General Clan-Clan said quietly. "Blue eyes, tan skin, and silver hair. Your son bares a great resemblance to you according to Aisha… even though I'm not seeing it. Well, I doubt you have a prehensile tail, but that's beside the point. And it's closer to three and a half years…"

There was a very sick feeling boiling in the pit of his stomach, as the year of absentee parenting just tripled in a matter of seconds. An urge to slaughter Gene was also growing, as it was his pathetic ranting about getting old that caused him to set off on such a stupid trip. Everything would've been fine if he never talked to that idiot, or so he wanted to believe. No one ever forced him to go along on the trip, so it was his own fault.

"I said, here's a photo of them," the general said, breaking Jim's depressed stare into nothingness. Smiling broadly, Aisha sat in a bed holding a sleeping baby. If neurosis and obsessing was a trait, Jim just turned it up tenfold. Absorbing every detail: every loose hair on her face, amount of teeth visible in her smile, beads of sweat, they were all absorbed and catalogued into his mind. Lowering his head to the baby, Jim allowed his mind to repeat the process all over again, though only his visible head was put under the scrutinizing eye of his father. "Beautiful aren't they? It was the first time she smiled in months, and I couldn't take that away from her… no matter what the law said."

"I know what you mean," Jim said, with a rather strong voice now. The screen began to crackle, as the distance between them was now starting to weaken the signal. "Your signal is starting to break up, is there anything else you wanted to say?"

"Yes, keep my little girl smiling, because if you don't, I'll find you and eat your liver." The general's voice was light, yet his golden eyes led Jim to believe it would happen. "Other than that, clean yourself up. I can't have you meeting my daughter looking like a street urchin. The patrols have been called in to assist in the effort to help potential survivors at the base, which was a nice strategy if I do say so, myself. So, you shouldn't have any trouble jumping to sub-ether warp. Good luck."

The General waved his hand once before the screen went black, leaving Jim alone again… or so he thought. Unknown to either man, was an eavesdropper on their conversation. Crouched behind the second of two navigational consoles was one of the C'tarl-C'tarl who'd been designated to test pilot the ship for the last few months, Officer Lilith Tam-Tam. She'd been preparing for another test of the ship's warp core when it came to life, and pinned her to the floor in the cargo hold. She was pissed about that, but the information she'd just gained would get her enough honors to be made a freaking ambassador, and all she had to do was overcome the sickly human. It was almost too easy. Hell, it was too easy. Aisha would be found in due time, but her lover, and her father would go down in a devastating ball of flames at her hands.

Just as Lilith was about to pounce, Jim stood up and began to walk down the stairs from his chair. This simple task would prove too much, as again his body's battered state surfaced and caused him to fall. Lilith waited in confusion; it was only a few stairs, how long could it take him to get up? Minutes began to inch by, as he didn't move or even appear to be breathing from what she could tell from her considerable distance away from him. "Shit, I can't let him die, because then I won't have anyone to back up my claim," she thought, knowing her already suspect credibility wouldn't even hold the container to hold the water if she spoke ill of General Clan-Clan. Jim could be easily tortured to say whatever she wanted, and though he was human, it could sway the jury in her favor.

Walking from her hiding place, Lilith came to stop in front of the fallen Jim Hawking. His hands were still a frostbitten azure, as were his cheeks. He was also bleeding rather sizably from a wound on his thigh and chin, which made her laugh looking down at his painfully twisted face. Minor injuries in her eyes, seeing as the first aid kits in the medical bay would fix him in a matter of days if these minor things were all he had. With that knowledge, Lilith non-to-kindly picked his larger frame up, slung him over her shoulder, and walked off to attend to his wounds.

An hour and a shave later, Lilith had stripped Jim to his boxers, and gasped at the tremendous amounts of scars and bruises his body held beneath his clothing. Most were old, but a few were fresh, and partially closed or aggravated by his strenuous movements. She idly poked at a bruise that was in the shape of a C'tarl-C'tarl boot print on his stomach, watching him wince unconsciously. He looked like he had taken a few beatings in his time, and wasn't a stranger to pain, seeing as most of his wounds looked red enough or bled enough to cripple most humans or lower level C'tarl in their tracks. And not to mention, he made it three miles or so in the snow without succumbing to his injuries. Truly, Aisha hadn't picked a typical human, she'd picked the best… again, and that annoyed her.

Lilith wielded her pen sized operating laser with precision, searing together his last wound; a deep cut in his chin from the fall down the stairs, using no anesthetic while wrinkling her nose at the smell of burning flesh. Now he could add burns to his repertoire of bodily afflictions, he thought, keeping silent throughout the ordeal. Reflexively, he sucked in a sharp breath as Lilith began to spread a gel over the areas of skin she'd burned shut on his chest and stomach. It helped almost immediately, but it amounted to little as he'd spied who his nurse was a while back. Applying some of the gel to the wound at his thigh, Jim's attention started to peak, as she seemed to be massaging it in? "Nah, I'm imagining things," he thought.

"Thanks," he said coolly, trying not to stutter as her curiosity was starting to turn perverted. Lilith immediately jumped back defensively, as he raised his head to look at her. "Is thanks code for defense in C'tarl?" He watched her in pretend confusion, pretending he didn't notice her hands inching up his thigh toward his dick earlier.

Across the cramped room, Lilith stood perfectly still. She knew it was a bad idea, but one of her senses told her it moved. Steeling herself back to the more important task of capturing him, Lilith said, "No, you just startled me."

"I'm not going back there, you know," he said, ignoring her previous comment. She laughed, taking into account the heating mitts he wore to combat his frostbitten hands, along with most of his injuries.

"Really? You don't seem in any type of a position to stop me from taking you anywhere," Lilith said, casually beginning to clean up her workspace.

"Who said anything about stopping you?" She turned and looked at him, trying to decipher the slighted wording of his question. Almost like watching a priceless vase fall in slow motion, her eyes widened in realization.

"You wouldn't dare…" he didn't blink nor did his face waver, he met her challenge head on without the slightest inclination of fear. If he killed himself, she couldn't bring up any of the conversation with the general that she'd heard or the general could have her tossed in the brig forever.

"I'm dead without her, so ending my own life is really a simple thing," he replied, watching her shock turn into a growl. It was funny, a few years ago, he'd look for every way available to avoid death and now it seemed as simple as combing his hair.

"Nice try, but I can solve that little problem." Reaching into the hip of her rather tight uniform, Lilith produced a pair of handcuffs, which she clamped onto both of their wrists. "The ship doesn't have any cells installed, so from here on out, you go where I go and vice versa," she replied, swallowing the set of keys to back her claim up. Jim on the other hand, looked like he did in the beginning, completely apathetic.

"And if I grab hold to every door frame we pass, then what?"

"I'll pull your arm off," she said evenly, smirking despite the flawed reasoning.

"And that'll kill me," Jim said, watching her smile fall. "Heck, you may even just pull my hand off, but I'll still bleed to death before you can save me."

"Then… then… then I'll just beat you until you let go!" Jim blinked a few times, as Lilith realized he'd probably let her beat him to death before letting go of whatever immovable surface he latched onto. "Great and me with no litotrimine…" she said, thinking that if she had enough of the C'tarl-C'tarl anesthetic she could easily drug him. Of course, the ship wasn't fully supplied for medical purposes yet and the medical bay only had the bare essentials when it came to pain suppressants, which is why he wasn't gripping his fractured ribs.

"Gee, and let me guess, you don't have any spare keys to these things do you," he asked, hoisting their hands up above his still stretched out body. The pink skin under her white fur turned red, as she patted herself down and found none. "Well, I hope you like water, because I have to piss like you wouldn't believe! Oh, and I definitely could use a shower." He was being sarcastic, yet she forced him to his feet and proceeded to drag him along, instructing him on where the facilities were. His hands were beginning to sweat, which at least proved he wouldn't lose them but at the same time, he didn't like this side of Lilith, the side that seemed to gain respect for him at some point. In the back of his mind though, there were two scenarios playing out. In scenario one, he'd offer to pick the lock on the handcuffs and she knocked him unconscious, which was still a possibility. In scenario two, the ship arrives on Sentinel Three, and her and Aisha attempt to kill each other.

"Okay, scenario two isn't so bad," he thought, watching the silver colored ring in her hair sway back and forth that more than likely granted her some facsimile of immortality. "Hmm, I wonder," he thought, noticing her tail was about eye level with him. He moved his head quickly and her tail jerked to follow, Jim repeated it a few times until Lilith stopped with a growl of frustration.

"Will you stop that!"

"Whoa, it can see me?" He asked, rather amazed and confused at the same time.

"No, you idiot. Our tails are very sensitive instruments, ugh, think of it as a motion detector that runs off of your spine," she explained, beginning to walk through quiet corridors again. "I'm surprised Aisha didn't tell you about it."

"Actually, I haven't seen her tail-tail in years. She got this job as a waitress and the owner said she was going to have to do something about her tail to work there. I'd assumed she had it wrapped around her under her clothes, but since I've seen her naked, I guess that wasn't the case," Lilith stopped suddenly, causing Jim to run into her back. "Why'd you stop now?"

"She's actually tucked her tail in to live among you things!" Lilith's voice echoed off the surrounding metal, as she faced Jim breathing smoke seemingly. By his dumbfounded expression, she knew he didn't know what the hell she was talking about. "Ugh, idiot…"

"Look," she turned her back to him and pressed his left hand into the small of her back, dangerously close to her ass. "In time of battle we usually withdraw our tails, as they would be a liability."

Jim nodded, watching the four-foot long appendage begin to shrink back into her. It was amazing to say the least, as the only indication of its discomfort came in the form of a mild whimper from Lilith. "Where does it all fit?" Honestly, what else could he ask after feeling it move along inside of her back under his thankfully thawed fingers, which were still in the mitts.

"In your people, it would be considered a secondary womb, except it's use is only to birth our tails," she explained, releasing the tension in her back muscles to let her tail out into the open again. "I can't believe she's been reduced to such a demeaning thing."

Jim felt immediately angry, but quelled it to think rationally. He soon said, "It's not demeaning, it's survival. She does what she has to, like the rest of us, to get by."

"And are you part of what she "does" to get by?" Lilith asked, accusingly in his book. Jim handled it with a verbal parry though.

"I'm not in her way, so she doesn't have to do anything to get by me." She unconsciously sniffed the air for his pheromones, testing to see if he were lying. To her chagrin, he didn't smell like a man who was telling a lie. In fact, he smelled like old C'tarl-C'tarl couples who were in love… three centuries deep in love no less.

"Figures, she'd find the mate who was strong, intelligent, and genuinely in love with her. Why the fuck can't she ever lose?" Lilith's mental question fell only on her unknowing ears, as it seemed totally unfair that Aisha kept getting the best of her in every aspect of life. From science projects in grade school to the best dates in high school, she seemed destined to live forever in Aisha's gigantic shadow. It was great to hear Aisha had been cut off from the empire, but then to show how great she was, the bitch went and found the Galactic Leyline before her. Now it had become apparent that she'd have a family before her, maybe not as wealthy, but the couple who'd endure and escape C'tarl-C'tarl prison together was a strong one, so wealth wouldn't matter.

Jim stood in silence, looking out of the window into the darkness of space. Thoughts of how long would it take her to knock him unconscious were playing hell on his nerves, because he knew they'd kill him in a very long torturous manner if she took him back to C'tarl-C'tarl. The memory of Aisha saying they were being taken to the main C'tarl spaceport did little to ease his mind, even if it was destroyed. Hell, even minor C'tarl-C'tarl military bases were larger than most planetary fleets. From the light in the ship's windowsill, Jim looked at his reflection and sighed. If it weren't for the physical damage or Lilith, he'd probably be impressed with his new physique. As it were though, every injury that wasn't done by Aisha pissed him off and repulsed him in a sense. "Hmm, I see you shaved my beard off," he said, trying to draw the officer's attention so she couldn't think of a way to take him back.

Lilith didn't respond and he didn't repeat himself, though when he caught a glimpse of her angry features in the window he did panic a little. Turning to face her to better prepare for her obvious attack he waited, not exactly fearing losing an arm or hand, but not exactly longing for it to happen either. As expected, she attacked. Grabbing him by his throat and lifting him off his feet, before slamming him against the pressurized glass… refusing to let go. "I'm not going to give this little bitch the courtesy of hearing me scream," he thought bitterly, steeling his jaw to stay closed.

"Why does she always get the best of everything in life, no matter what?" Lilith asked with a look of insanity, fully expecting him to answer her. "Why is it no matter how hard I try, she always ends up better than me? I can't find ONE C'tarl-C'tarl male worth my time. Yet Aisha gets banished and finds a man, the best of the human race no less, that has single handedly escaped the greatest empire in the universe! Why can't I? I know I'm attractive, but what is it that makes everything work right for her?"

Jim looked at her, or rather, down at her, feeling oddly flattered by being referred to as the best of mankind. She sounded like a big damn baby in his mind… other than the flattery. But somehow saying that didn't seem logical at the moment. Motioning to his throat, she eased him down until his feet were on the floor. And after gasping for precious air for a moment he said, "You limit yourself."

Lilith took that as a slap in the face, replying, "Did I not tell you that I couldn't find one C'tarl… you mean, date outside the race?" He nodded, and she paled. "I couldn't… I mean… it… uh…"

"What? There are thousands of races out there," he motioned to the vastness of space on the other side of the window. "You're only limited by physical incompatibility, like the Dargons for example. They are said to possess saliva toxic to most people, so kissing one would be lethal. Things like that can limit you to your options of finding a man other than a C'tarl. Now if you came off the C'tarl-C'tarl superiority thing, I'm sure you could find someone. Stating how great you are and how inferior everyone else is will leave you exactly where you are now, alone. So don't hand me this crap about being out of options, because you haven't fully explored yours yet."

"You think you have all the answers, don't you," she said, allowing her voice a shred of feeling.

Jim's face was stone, as he said, "I do if all the questions are that easy."

"Okay, here's a question for you," she paced as much as the handcuff chain would allow. "Do you have any brothers?" He would've fell over if it weren't for the chain and her planted feet. Talk about a question out of left field.

"I honestly don't know or rather, I can't remember. Gene found me inside of a burned out building when I was two. He said I was waiting for my parents, and of course, they never showed. So, I've been living with him ever since."

"Is that a human custom, abandoning their young?" Lilith's question seemed innocent, but her voice sounded accusatory to him. He sighed, then moved his hair out of his face and looked into space again.

"It is when you're dad gets his jollies hacking, then ends up hacking a pirate dummy corporation that eventually has him blown up. In other words, no, it's not a custom unless something severe happens," he said, trying to recall the faint memory of his real family and failing miserably. It didn't bother him as much as it used to, but the idea of his kid suffering a similar fate made him feel sick. "Please don't let that happen to my son…"

Lilith's ears barely caught the whispered prayer or plea, which she didn't know. It was one thing to use a man's family against him if he'd at least experienced some time with them. It was a completely cruel thing to deny him even one day with them. Then again, when had she ever been known to not take an advantage or in this case, take one of Aisha's trump cards for her own? Sure, he'd still be able to visit the child-it was no threat. But she would have to be there to see that Aisha was thoroughly defeated when her and Jim took their kids all out to eat. As for the empire, bah, if Aisha could make it without them so could she. Grabbing him suddenly by the hand, she jerked him into the room behind them, the kitchen. Once inside, she pinned his back to the large refrigerator door and pressed against him… all of him.

"It won't happen," she purred into his ear, smiling as she felt him throb against her thigh despite his effort to stay neutral. Lilith then dug her nails into the skin above his heart and held there while he simply grunted in discomfort. "So long as you do everything I want, you'll walk out of this." Eighteen, no, thirty-six months of built up sexual frustration surged in on his body, and she chuckled as it tapped her thigh again.

Jim held perfectly sill, as she began to rub herself against him, licking his earlobe in a fashion that reminded him of Aisha a little too much. "And if I refuse," he asked finally, looking down into her blue eyes, knowing the answer before she said it. He grunted as her claws sank deeper into his skin, as she laughed at his level of pain or the fact he was completely erect against her.

"You'll walk out of this in pieces," she said, as his arm came up her side… and pushed her back. "What?" She questioned in disbelieving shock, as he looked at her like a piece of trash. Actually, he didn't look at her like anything. Not as a woman who'd just given herself to him completely, and certainly not like a man who was attracted to her in the slightest. So, this was what it felt like to have your pride broken? In her mind, it was the last straw. Aisha had won again, and she'd always be second to her. Even humans saw her as superior, and giving herself to one and being tossed aside, well that showed just how far she'd dropped. "You'd rather die than sleep with me? Am I that bad?" Lilith asked sounding wounded. Sympathy, yeah, she'd dropped in a big way if she were going to a human for sympathy, especially Jim after the way she'd treated him. Still, the question did beckon an answer.

"No," he said, making her tear filled eyes look up at him in surprise. "I'd rather die than be used as a sex toy. If this were a thing of you wanting to see a glimpse of what Aisha saw in me that would've been fine… barely. Dragging me in here and telling me to fuck you or never see my only son, that's royally fucked up."

"Wait, all because I didn't tell you the truth, you refused me and accepted death?" She asked and admitted, stunned at his compassion towards her. Even though being in the C'tarl-C'tarl military dictated that you keep your emotions in check, and despite all the second class treatment that she knew he received he was actually trying to console her. "Maybe that's it, he's the bridge to her emotions…"

"How was I supposed to know you were lying and weren't just horny?" He asked sardonically, while breaking her thought process. His cynicism went unnoticed, as she curled her left arm around him and nuzzled into his chest. Jim held his breath trying not focus on her warm body against his, and the way her velvet-like fur tickled and stimulated his bare skin. She wasn't seductively rubbing herself against him anymore, yet to a man who hadn't seen physical female interaction in almost four years, this was quickly becoming a test of wills… and he'd used most of his to escape. "What are… you doing?" Jim asked, almost breathlessly to her slightly wilted ears.

Peering up at him for a moment, she could smell the scent of arousal wafting off him in heavy supply, yet she simply put her head back against his chest. It was another offering of sorts-this time she was simply offering to placate his sexual desires, and to an extent, some of her own. If he took her, he took her. If he didn't, well, he was perfect. Okay, so maybe he wasn't perfect, relentlessly loyal would be the term she'd use. Meanwhile, up above her, in Jim's head, thoughts were as they once used to be, swirling. One way to look at this was that she was using his long-buried sympathy against him. Hurting women seemed rather simple if you looked at things from Gene's perspective, which was to say, "I've fucked you, now go away." Even though most or at least some of the women he'd seen come and go out of Starwind & Hawking Enterprises and Gene's bed, didn't seem upset, there were a distinct few whose faces had been etched into his mind.

The defining moment had come about six months prior to their meeting with Hilda. Gene had begun to date the nicest, sweetest, and all-around, most beautiful woman Jim had ever seen at the time. It would be seven weeks of hell, as Gene so eloquently put it, before he'd get in her pants. Fast forward to the usual Gene Starwind treatment of his female companions, and the ensuing dismissal, only she wouldn't be dismissed before begging. It wasn't the dismissing that got him so upset, it was the bits of soul pouring and begging she did between her sobbing fits that pained his young heart and mind.

"But… but… I thought you said you loved me," she yelled, as Gene said something in a tone indicating it was his sleepy time now and she was disturbing him. "I gave myself to you-my first time to you! Please don't do this to us!"

"And I gave myself to you for the last three hours," Gene replied, seemingly as though he'd heard it all before. "I thought you knew I didn't want a serious relationship. Hell, half of Sentinel knows I don't want a serious relationship."

He stifled a shudder at the memory of those words. It went on like that for awhile, until she finally burst out of his room and knocked them both to the ground. They sat there in the dim lights staring at each other, him with an expression that let her know that someone had heard her groveling and her with an expression of intense hurt and embarrassment. Eventually, she ran sobbing from the building leaving a scar on a little boy's mind. The following week at Clyde's, a new waitress was hired, and to Jim's almost gagging surprise, it was her, Iris. Gene had shuffled through quite a few women after that night. So many women until he didn't even recognize her, Jim thought, noticing at one point in the night his "friend" began to actually hit on her. She took it in stride though, somehow finding the stomach and mental depravity to still want the redheaded outlaw. The only indication she ever showed of being upset was when Melfina arrived, and that began the process of her looking sorrowfully at Jim when they all visited.

He'd spent the following week's grocery money to send her an arrangement of flowers, but to his childish heart, he was too embarrassed to include his name on the card. The card just read: "Sorry…" Jim counted Iris lucky that everyone had went out that evening, because she showed up thinking Gene had wanted to make amends for the way he treated her, instead all she found was a twelve year old covered in oil. Painfully, Jim played the role of an adult again, explaining how he'd sent her the flowers in apology on behalf of his asshole guardian. She thankfully didn't fall apart, but he could tell reality had finally fallen over her senses and that Gene wouldn't end up with her after all. So, as he escorted her to the door, Iris suddenly stopped short causing him to collide with her.

"You'll be a good man one day, Jim," she said, taking a knee in front of him. "Just don't be like Gene. Women may out number you guys, but that doesn't mean we don't have feelings or like being used." She then gave the twelve year old his first kiss, and left.

Right about now though, that seemed to be echoing in his mind. And despite everything he potentially had to lose, he couldn't push her off of him. And why not, after all, she'd thrown him around a cell like a doll. She threatened to kill his son, no, feed his son to her troops and the only reason he couldn't hand the same treatment back now is because of a pair of tits and a nice body? She seemed sincere enough about whatever past she shared with Aisha and the fact she hadn't raped him was a testament to her credibility.

So, it was all a matter of choices now. Push a woman away, despite not sharing any sexual contact, and hurt her ala Gene. Or he could try to make this arrogant, self-righteous, little twit feel like she hadn't been completely stripped of her feminine pride and be unfaithful to Aisha, and hope she'd only kick his ass when he told her about it. Because make no mistake about it Aisha was going to hear about this if it happened. "Damn, couldn't it have just been a gay male C'tarl? If they even have those… that way I could've stomped his feelings and been perfectly happy," he thought, finally reciprocating her hug with his handcuff free right hand and arm.

"No, it just had to be a woman, the one half of the populace I can't be cruel to… damn." Lilith looked up at him in time to be met with his lips descending upon her own. Her ears and tail all went erect, as he pulled back sharply. "You know I'm broke, right?" He said, delaying the inevitable and gauging to see if she were in this for potential profit. For a minute, her wide eyes didn't blink or seem to be registering that he'd spoken at all. That is until she pounced on him. "Aaaah!"

His ribs buckled, and Lilith immediately removed herself from him. "He isn't going to weasel out of this," the heated C'tarl-C'tarl thought, as she slowly lifted him from his doubled over position. Jim didn't relinquish hold of his ribs, and unconsciously scowled at her for hurting him, but in an instant, things changed. Pushing gently against his chest, she managed to force every ounce of her C'tarl pride to the side and prepared to make amends for that little mistake.

"Sorry," she whispered, kissing his chest, then slowly dragging her tongue over one of his bruises.

"I'll make it up to you," Jim clenched his right fist as she moved it away from his injured left side, kissing the purplish-black bruise there.

"And I'll make you forget aaaahll," she said, dragging the sound and her tongue down his stomach to the waist of his boxers. "About what's her face…" Jim waited for the eventual, "C'tarl-C'tarl are bigger," statement as she peeled his boxers down to his ankles.

"Nice," she commented, grasping him with her left hand and performing a mild inspection. Lilith almost started to comment on his girth, noting most of the C'tarl-C'tarl males she'd seen weren't half his size. But she figured he'd adopt an ego, so she let it drop. Opening her mouth, Lilith's tongue came out funneling a lone stream of saliva against his tip as her free left hand began to massage it in.

Jim's head lolled back against the refrigerator as her mouth closed around his dick. He grunted as she sent her mouth down his dick, leaving him to chew off the mitt on his right hand. "God…" he said, feeling her remove his dick from her mouth and lick the underside like a child would an ice cream cone. "Goddess," Lilith corrected, flicking the tip of her tongue in the small indentation behind his dick's head. Control was beginning to slip, as her left hand began to rake across his stomach and chest, causing just enough pain to cause his erection to stiffen that much more. Lilith tensed up as his right hand palmed the back of her head, thankfully though, he didn't force her any deeper on him.

"Mmphf! Ack!" She coughed into his dick, making Jim groan, as he ran his hand around her head and unconsciously toyed with a sensitive spot under her neck. She'd seen people treat housecats to similar motions and Lilith didn't like being treated like an animal, but at the same time, her pussy was beginning to water like a melted ice cube from the sensation. Grabbing his legs for support, she began to bang her face against his dick, not even caring about how much she gagged on him. "Mm! NM! HM!" Lilith moaned as her head moved back and forth on the stiff meat inside of her mouth, causing saliva to dribble from the corners of her mouth.

"Ai…" Jim's moan paused, making him look down at the snow-white C'tarl working him over. She glanced up at him, knowing full well what he was about to say, and sucked that much harder, making his eyes snap shut. "I… I… can't… AAAAAAH!" His voice echoed throughout the empty ship, as the hand that once toyed with her neck, pulled for her head to stay in place. Lilith shut her eyes tight taking his load in silence; noting his sperm didn't taste as foul as she thought it would. After a while, Jim's body tension eased, as Lilith suckled on his head until he came back to himself. Opening his eyes, he almost expected to find Aisha playfully tonguing him. Instead, he found a slightly crestfallen Lilith, diligently at work.

Feeling his eyes looking at her again, Lilith looked up and found Jim all smiles, which seemed to make her feel better. "So, I am getting to him… excellent." She thought, careful to keep her face as cute as possible. Taking a moment to wipe her mouth, Lilith stood up, grabbed his still erect penis, and led him toward the stainless steel chopping block/island. Jim expected some more touchy-feely stuff, yet Lilith disrobed (ripping her sleeve in half to pass the handcuff) and bent over the island before he could even register what she was doing. He simply stood there, watching her tail wag playfully about, and gaped.

"What? I know you know how to, you wouldn't be a father if you didn't." Lilith then thought about it for a second, then it hit her-her tail freaked him out. Before Jim's eyes, a small opening appeared in her lower back around the base of her tail, allowing it to disappear inside of her. "Better… ooh," she said as he jerked her facing forward. "I can't do anything with my arm bent like that," he said, reminding her of the handcuffs adjoining them. His aggression soon stalled in a blank stare. From her perspective, he was doing something very weird. With a male C'tarl-C'tarl, it was cut and dry: women stimulated them through whatever means, allowed themselves to be mounted, and five minutes later everything was done. They didn't really give the body that much attention in the bedroom, and the fact Jim was made her uneasy.

"What," she finally asked, beginning to blush as he physically admired the body before him. Okay, so he was comparing her in every way he could to Aisha. Still, the sizeable breasts topped with the second set of cutest nipples he'd ever seen were drawing the most attention. Lilith's lower half began to grow warmer as he began to gently knead either breast, instead of the rough mauling akin to the male of her race. "Eek! Wha… what are you doing," she asked, though foolishly in his mind, as he ignored her and continued to lap at her left nipple. Foreplay for the female C'tarl-C'tarl, a thing that was as common as human royalty on C'tarl-C'tarl-none, never, and no way in hell would it come to pass. Yet, Lilith allowed him to push her against the island, purring like a common housecat, as the feeling he was invoking from her breast was exquisite.

"Returning the favor," he whispered before biting down, and teasing the trapped nipple with his tongue. Lilith moaned, using her wobbly legs to hop onto the island. Letting lust drive the situation, Jim began to trail his efforts southward as Lilith snatched her own hands (and one of his) into place on her breasts, trying to replace the feeling. Unconsciously, her legs parted for him and she felt a sharp pang of fear, as he again froze… this time with a gasp of disgust, loathing, or some other emotion she'd label him to have. Unknown to her, the gasp came in response to bending the painful, fresh burn on his thigh. "Damn, I miss this…"

"AH!" Lilith screamed as his tongue aroused her in a way she'd never felt. "They must not be big on foreplay around there," he thought, noticing Aisha didn't react to his tongue this quickly. Speaking of her, he imagined it was Aisha riling and purring as his tongue forked her swollen clitoris like a cherry tomato. Using his right hand, he pushed some of her soft fur back so he could really attack the pink nerve bundle. "FUUUUCK! P… P… DON'T STOP! DON'T YOU DARE STOP!" Lilith threatened, as he somehow managed to suck a spot against her that ran her over with an orgasm she'd never experienced before. "AAAAAAAAAARRRGH!" Jim smirked, as his dick twitched in time with her animalistic roar of elation. Oh, there was no denying it now. The C'tarl-C'tarl guards had done nothing to his sex drive. Jim continued on, as Lilith's body rose and fell against the steel surface repeatedly, as her orgasm raged on in time with his tongue's unreal ability.

Neither noticed it when it happened though. It of course being the orgasmic muscle clenching that caused her wrist to swell and shatter her half of the handcuffs. But as Lilith's primitive cousin showed itself, she purred back into reality as Jim stood up in time with her sitting up on the island, and they both realized the disconnection. Immediately, he fell into a panic and the fact she grabbed both of his wrists and wouldn't let him go didn't help things.

"Stop struggling, I won't hurt you." Lilith's voice was soothing then, even though she did feel a little upset that he thought she'd try to kill him or take him to prison after that. "Finish… please…"

Her powerful hands unclasped from around his wrists, waiting… no, hoping he didn't break and try to run for it. Jim stood his ground, allowing her hands to slide up his arms and cup his face before kissing it… despite the shine it held from her orgasmic liquids. Jim's right hand undid his left mitt then, exposing a rather red hand, and ultimately grasped her hips and pulled her forward, nestling his dick in the soft fur above her slit. Lilith moaned into the kiss, as she found enough thought to weave her hand between them and position him in between her labia. Jim took over from there, slowly bringing her forward until he was completely inside of her. "I hope I can still do this," he said, as their lips parted company.

Lilith opened one of her eyes, still trying to adjust to his penetration, and said: "How so? You can't still be tired. I pumped you up with enough nutrient packs to… MM!" She bit her lip as his phallus jumped inside of her.

"Like I was going to say," Jim paused flashing a trademark smirk, despite the leeway of guilt he was going to feel afterward. "My ribs are more or less screwed, so delivering enough pressure to get you off is going to be a challenge." Lilith raised an eyebrow at how trivial he was taking all of this, but noticing he'd phrased it in reference to include her in the orgasm instead of the typical C'tarl-C'tarl style of trying to get off before or when the male did, and it made her… happy? Maybe there was something to this interspecies dating and mating thing after all…

"Just go slow, and I'll get there," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Pulling back, Jim forced himself into her tight heat again. It was a slow a process, as he grunted painfully every time their pelvises collided. As the minutes dragged on into the tens of, Jim wondered if anything would come out of his lethargic motions, then he heard it… "Yeeees." A warm whisper tickling his ear, as Lilith began to dig her heels into his butt signaling deeper penetration. He complied; dishing out dick until her nether lips felt his short and curlies. "So… sooo clooose!" She drawled, unconsciously tugging at his hair. Gritting his teeth, Jim swung his hips hard, causing Lilith's insides to clench and her to bite into the muscle between his neck and shoulder. "Please… faster… Jim, I need it faster…"

"Nnngh!" He grunted sharply, gripping her hips and jackhammer fucking through the pain. "OOOH! GOOAAAAARGH! AH! HA!" Lilith wasn't lying, as the few minutes of intense sex ran her over with a new orgasm, only subsiding to run her over again as he continued to gently thrust into her grooved vaginal walls. Jim shivered as her pussy felt like the surface of her tongue on all sides of him. Lilith rested on his shoulder, panting loudly as she felt him finally stop. Her first reaction was to demand he keep going, but as he pushed her back it turned into a horrific urge to beg. Thankfully, yet again, Jim only smiled, if not painstakingly so. "Now, we try things your way," he said, swirling his finger in a motion that she read as meaning for her to turn over.

"Oh, God, what next? Hey… what are you doing?" The last question left her mouth, as he began to poke her back like he expected it to… break open. "My tail didn't bother you?"

"Did I say it bothered me? Just bring it back," he said, causing her to submissively comply. Only when her tail appeared in all of its glory did Jim penetrate. Lilith moaned in earnest, as he began to massage her ass in time with his thrusts. In the part of Lilith Tam-Tam's mind devoted to thought, this had truly turned into something she hadn't expected: Fucking a human in the depths of space, riding out multiple orgasms and in the midst of another as he began to stroke her tail. "So, it is sensitive, huh?"

"Mm! Hm!" She nodded, as he kept his gentle motions in full swing. "Ah… ah… AAAAARGH!" Her voice fell into a raw bestial growl, as her fists pounded into the island and dented it. His powerful thrusts caused her bare nipples to rub against the warm steel, stimulating her even more. Again, his thrusting subsided until he was nothing more than a stiff piece of flesh within her. Lilith came around slowly, looking over her shoulder at the sweat covered human who'd seemingly fucked her until he couldn't move himself.

"Mmmm… are…?" She paused, allowing him to grip her tail and withdraw from her again. Amazed at his stamina as it was, her mouth dropped in shock feeling her sensitive tail meet her sensitive pussy in a way she couldn't have imagined. "Oh… fuck yeah!" She screamed as he began to use her own tail like he did his dick. Unfortunately, he stopped. "AARGH! Stop, stop… OH!" Lilith's eyes popped in surprise as she felt her moistened tail being forced into her own ass. Her tail was about two or three inches thick, Jim estimated, forcing a good nine or so inches of the length into her.

"Sure, you want me to stop?" He teased, watching the arch in her tail twitch. Lilith's head shook back and forth, tossing loose sweat onto the surrounding area. Keeping the rhythm, Jim truly worked a piston of sexual magnitude now. Her tail would disappear into her ass partially, while his dick would be withdrawing out of her pussy, and vice versa until Lilith scratched her nails into the metal surface among a physical cringe from Jim. "JIIIIIIIM! OOOOOH GOOOOOD, JJJJIIIIIIM!" Another one, Jim's conscious mind froze as the exquisite feeling of her insides sent his eyes closed and his mind onto Aisha again. Lilith's took over where he left off with her tail, forcing it into herself as he began to throb and bang into her pussy with a fire.

She looked over her shoulder at him, as his face twitched in concentration to draw the experience out for them that much longer. The C'tarl woman dropped her head in fatigue, forcing her insides to grip him with everything they had as he began to moan and fuck his way through the pain radiating off his ribs and other body ailments. "AH! COME ON! FUCK, GIVE IT TO ME… GIVE… IT… TO… ME! FUAAAAAAAARGH!" Her eyes rolled like loose marbles inside of her head as Jim jerked her towards himself by her long braid rather violently, refusing to let go. And like a ball on a tether, she just bounced along the length of his shaft until she finally heard him say…

"Gonna… Gotta pull ooooout!" He took himself to the brink, and just as he was withdrawing to remove himself from her completely, Lilith snaked her legs around his sides and painfully kept him inside of her. "AAAAISHA, FUCK! Nnngh!" He growled loudly, as his climax ended in a white haze of light and sperm. He felt Lilith tighten beneath him, as like Aisha, her body began to contract and milk him for more of the obscene amounts of fluid he'd already given.

Pinned, impaled, and now completely full, Lilith listened in bliss as he breathed heavily against the back of her neck, weighing her fur down with his sweat. It was wonderful, even if he didn't call out her name at his peak. She'd be lucky if she could walk, she thought smiling beneath the strands of loose hair that covered her face. The plan to take him via sex failed. He'd reversed the roles and left her with two primary thoughts: either she'd kidnap him and force him to love her now or she'd make a clean break.

Reality was there though, just as brutal as always. He'd more than likely been thinking about the peppy Aisha throughout this little ordeal, using her where she meant to use him, and it made her blood boil… almost. Jim regained his composure and his pain, allowing him to push his torso off of her, at which time she untangled her legs from around his sides. He didn't have much to say for himself, as he watched the fatigued Lilith remove her tail from her ass, and turn to face him. Her white fur now a dull gray, from the sweat no doubt, and her face an oddly pained smile.

"Looks like I came in second again," she said, tossing in a small laugh for effect.

"First through forth… I think," Jim added, trying to keep this as light as possible but realizing it couldn't be like that. She took a step forward and hugged him again then, rubbing her cheek against his chest, and he followed suit. "Try to play the good guy… I'm sorry," he said quietly, turning his thought into words.

Lilith didn't respond to his joke or his apology, as the idea of kidnapping seemed more and more plausible. But the idea of being in Aisha shoes made her waver. She imagined risking her parents' military careers to free the person she loved as much as Aisha obviously loved him. Lilith imagined some bitch swooping in to take that person away from her, and then she imagined the pain of hoping for years to see that person and never having them show up. A few science trophies and test scores didn't amount to much in light of doing that to a fellow C'tarl-C'tarl… or anyone for that matter. Pushing out of his arms, Lilith looked at him in mock anger before taking her right hand and slashing two ragged trenches into his flesh. Jim's reaction was a mere hiss and grabbing of the injured marks.

"Remember who gave you those two," she said, as tears appeared at the sides of her eyes. "Because she'll still be out here… waiting." Now it was official, he'd hit Gene status and wallowed in it.

"Lilith…" Jim's statement never finished as she hit him square in the chin, rendering him unconscious. It was the first time he'd directly addressed her, and though she didn't want to admit it, probably the last. Gathering her discarded clothing and taking the time to dawn them properly again, Lilith refocused on the naked man on the floor. He looked about the size of some of her crew, and as so, she picked him up and walked off towards the changing areas by the showers…

In the hours to come: She'd bath him. Then knock him out again; give him something to prevent the impending bout of pneumonia he'd undoubtedly develop (or at least that's what her medical classes said would happen to humans exposed to the cold for too long). Play doctor, and treat his new scratches, place the ship in the experimental stage three ether warp, braid his unruly hair into a lone ponytail, and sit him in an escape pod. Only now, as she stared at his fallen form did it seem final. He would only be hers for the brief few hours they'd shared in the kitchen and time she spent wishing she'd found him first, while doing the aforementioned with his silent body. If luck was on her side, then he and Aisha would break up, and he'd seek her out in the depths of space. After all, how many C'tarl-C'tarl outlaws were there? The ship wasn't finished yet, but the minor computer components it lacked she could install. In the meantime, she'd give his theory of exploring her options a little look, because there had to be more like him… somewhere.

"Coming out of sub-ether stream," the computer announced as the high-pitched engine noise died down. "Officer Tam-Tam, we are within a safe distance to launch the cargo, awaiting your command." Lilith sighed against the glass, noting the level of sub-ether technology she'd just stolen was going to come in handy when the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire got wind of her being the vessel's new pilot.

"A two or three week long trip cut down to mere hours, and without a significant deduction in fuel, amazing," she whispered, still looking at him as he seemed pained even in sleep. "Computer, launch…"

It was then that Jim's eyes opened, not slowly, but quickly. As his pod drifted slowly into the void, Lilith watched helplessly and painfully. And in a way, proud of herself for not being as cold as she once thought possible. Inside of the pod, Lilith noticed Jim's bright pink hand holding up his index and middle finger. At first, she thought it was a signal that he'd fooled her, and was flashing a victory sign. But as the index finger went behind the middle, it formed an obvious number… one. He touched the symbol of her lone advantage over Aisha Clan-Clan to his right temple, gave her a tiny salute, and a smile just as the flaming red atmosphere closed around his casket-like escape pod stealing him from her view for the last time.

"Where to now, Officer Tam-Tam?" The computer asked.

"Just take me away from this planet," she replied, wiping a tear from her eye, and walking away from the window.

Moments later, a sub-ether portal opened, and Lilith Tam-Tam was gone…