Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ Homecoming ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters. I just own the perverted ideas to do this to them. If you don't like long-winded stories about sex, leave. If detail and-or the characters in the following obsess you, leave. If you are under 18 years of age, you know the deal. Last but not least, if you fall into any of the above and choose to waste your time reading this, save yourself more time and energy by refusing to read any further. Now if you do read any more and don't like it; it's not my problem. You should have read the fine print.

Author's Notes: Here we are folks, the last 3 hurrahs. I'd like to take this time to bring any high expectations down to normal levels, because when authors take big pauses like this between chapters something grand is usually in store. I'm not that good, so please don't expect it of this story ending or me. That doesn't mean I simply typed some shit up and called it a day-which isn't the case. I put effort into it, but there is only so much effort I could give something I don't particularly like. I explain Gene's whereabouts and a little bit of his past, as I saw fit to. Before I let you go, I'd like to thank the hordes of people who wrote me and reviewed this story. I don't know if you want your names all plastered up here, so I'll simply say, "Thank you."

Now without any further interruptions, I present to you, Outlaw Star: Growing Pains.

The pod landed lightly on the outskirts of Sentinel City, and luckily for him, within about two miles of the Starwind & Hawking Enterprises building. Jim took a few minutes to stretch his legs; having free fallen for some twenty minutes in the cramped coffin-like box they savored in the freedom and circulation. The stretching ended as his trek towards home began. Of course, Jim didn't have a dime to his name, so he made the best of the situation by inhaling that clean Sentinel air… Okay, so he wouldn't describe it as all that clean. It was breathable. (And wasn't that what counted?) Though he seemed happy, he couldn't exactly revel in being there with everything that had transpired a little while earlier. Two things rested heavily on his conscience. One was, how was he going to tell Aisha what had happened up there without getting killed, dumped, or both. Two, on his descent to the ground the Outlaw Star wasn't visible at the usual spaceport.

The latter thought was that they, using the power of positive thinking, were out on a mission. Jim tended to think his crewmates cared more about him than getting rich. So, swallowing more of the pill that he referred to as reality, Jim believed they were dead. It would seem that he would be sad in light of their demises, but in truth, he'd long since accepted that as fact. Here he simply faced the confirmation of those thoughts. However, if they did turn up alive and roaming the universe instead of getting him out of that hell, he'd just have to test out his newfound hostility against Gene's head. Okay, so he was jading himself to a few things with that line of thinking. Being able to absorb abuse and handing it out were two different things. He had mastered the first, but Gene had the second covered.

Jim smiled as another familiar setting soon surrounded him and pulled him from his muddled thoughts. It was Main Street on Sentinel at sunset. How many times had he taken that for granted? People scurrying off into bars or curbside diners to get a bite to eat, parents chasing their anxiety driven kids and now the realization that'd he join their [parental] ranks soon enough. They were insignificant things when you'd grown up around it for all of your natural life. However, if you take it away from a guy for a while, it'll mean that much more to him when he gets it back. So, declining diner owners barking for his money-something he had exactly none of now-Jim hastened his pace through the thickening crowd. He smirked a little noticing most of the crowd gave him suspicious looks because of his C'tarl-C'tarl uniform.

The uniform was entirely black, minus the blood-red insignia of the aforementioned race adorning either shoulder. Lilith hadn't cropped the pants into the boots that she'd given him, letting them hang more like common dress pants, which he'd stopped to check for dust every so often. The knee-length jacket sealed with six silver buckles going diagonally from his left shoulder to his right hip. Other than those flashy bits, the jacket was perfect and it was what he felt did him the most justice. It made his shoulders look strong and powerful, as opposed to that sloped, sickly look they usually held.

Up ahead, Jim spotted a group of teenage girls. Purposely pausing in front of the group, he checked himself in the large glass window of a storefront. From the reflection, he saw that they watched him intently while whispering back and forth between each other. One of them eventually approached, casually reaching up to sweep her hand over his shoulder before running back to her friends and giggling.

"They're real!" she shrieked as though she'd touched someone famous before they broke and ran off down a near alley.

"The things nice clothes can do for a guy," he thought. He ran his hand across his own shoulder to confirm it-those were really his shoulders. Jim quickly began to move as people began to give him funny looks for groping his shoulders, though it was still a little difficult to believe he was the guy filling out the uniform. And as eye contact began to happen with women, he knew it wasn't a fluke with the girl. Hell, even with the two raggedy cuts on his face women were definitely interested. To think, he spent most of his formative years shying away from the opposite sex when all he needed were a couple of slices and nice clothes to attract their attention.

As he began to navigate the streets anew with minimal pushing and pickpocket attempts, Jim thought: "Maybe this is what it's like to be C'tarl-C'tarl."

People definitely weren't in a hurry to stay in his way, as he seldom had to stray out of the straight line he'd started. Even the obvious criminals didn't give him more than an acknowledging glance, rather than an intimidating stare as most usually would. The feeling of power that uniform brought on was undeniably intoxicating. However, more than likely, his slight prison growth spurt kept the suspicious in check. Unrecognized by Jim, he'd gained another two inches in height to go with his slightly bulked up frame. He wasn't a hulking steroid head by any means. But he had the type of mass that warranted slight intimidation to a starving pickpocket not looking to test their luck or their jaw against one of his fists.

Jim found himself shocked at how fast he'd reached the familiar corner fish market. Two miles on foot a few years ago would've probably made him a cripple. In any case, he took a left, and broke away from the large crowd. He ended up on a very secluded stretch of pavement that led to nothing but abandoned buildings or criminal hangouts, and a lone two-story building with a gaudy gold and red star.

"Well, that's nice to see," he said aloud, noticing the place didn't have an eviction notice on the door. Turning his casual walk into a brisk jog, Jim landed on the place mat with a smile. Going for obvious instead of aloof, Jim knocked. No one answered. He knocked again. Depressingly, no one answered. It was nightfall now, as he tried the door and found it locked.

"Not to worry," he thought, looking about nervously before slapping a dummy brick at the top right corner of the doorframe. Moments later, Jim was inside of his former workplace and home. The place hadn't changed much, he found. Dust hadn't accumulated nor had they been infested with rats, roaches, or any other annoying vermin. Shutting the door with a muted thud, Jim spotted the refrigerator. It was at this time that he remembered his last meal, which consisted of nothing.

"Must be that stuff she rubbed on me," he said to himself, after taking into account his loss of appetite and pain immediately after Lilith coated his injuries in it. Secure in that knowledge, Jim opened the fridge to partake in the only thing that shouldn't have spoiled in three years: A bottle of water. To his surprise though, the fridge was loaded with fresh food.

"So, someone did move in," he whispered (proving that three years of talking to only yourself was a hard habit to break) with caution and hope that it was Aisha. And to be frank, who else would it be? He'd been careful not to get too anxious about seeing her on Sentinel because he knew there was a Starwind & Hawking building on Hei-Fong and that she could've went there since it was closer to C'tarl-C'tarl. Still, this was as good of a sign as any that she'd not only piloted past her people's patrol ships, but also made it back home. Still, with his level of noise, Aisha would've been sweeping the place immediately for violent intruders and since she wasn't, he figured she'd got another job and wasn't home now.

Jim took his water and decided to busy himself seeing what other changes she'd made… since the place wasn't under a foot of filth, Aisha must've adopted cleaning to her resume. Rounding the corner by the kitchen, he ultimately stopped at Gene's old room-the master bedroom. Jim saw the bed was sleep worn. Beyond that discrepancy, the room was immaculately clean. Deciding not to touch anything, he prepared to leave stopping only when some old pictures caught his eye.

On top of the dresser, a collection of group photos highlighting them-the crew of the XGP-standing triumphantly outside of the ship after surviving a doomsday mission of some kind. They ranged all the way from the day after the Leyline, when he'd suggested the first photo, on up until the pirate run-in after hauling Fred's spring fashion line. The first real thing that caught Jim's attention, though, was Aisha. A wide grin in each picture, flashing plenty of teeth and a trademark flex in some. He smiled while touching her image in each picture with a strong fondness and urgency to touch the real her.

After a while he started noticing other differences from year to year and picture to picture. For example, Aisha's proximity to him in each photo up until the last one where they were officially together was a person closer to him. She had him in some damnable headlocks in some of the pictures that showed him throughout his early teens, until he could successfully evade them and/or tickle her to get loose. He quirked his head as he looked at the last photo, remembering how warm she felt as he was actually standing behind her with his head on her shoulder (tickling her stomach if he remembered correctly). They were officially together in that one. Though in retrospect, the decidedly buddy-buddy nature between them over the years suggested that they were always together, the picture could be seen as more of a snapshot that said, "we're fucking now."

"So, she was just biding her time until I grew up, huh?" He questioned jokingly, watching himself grow up from picture to picture. "Of course she waited for you, sleeping with big-brained twelve year olds is still not exactly legal, you know. I know…" he paused, noticing he was verging on one of those three-hour spills where he talked with himself from both ends of the spectrum. This habit had to break, he determined before delving back into memory lane.

"Now that's weird," Jim said, noticing for the first time how everyone in the pictures seemed almost in the same positions as the ones from before, minus him and Aisha. Same clothes, same hair, same smiles, and yet the only thing that stuck out as unusual was him.

Well it wasn't himself that he had the problem with in the pictures. It was Gene. Aging well was one thing, staying almost completely the same for seven years was another. His hair hadn't grown (minus the prison cut that grew out), nor did he ever gain or lose any physically altering weight or muscle mass. Shrugging it off at first, Jim again put himself through the scrutiny trials.

"I'm the only one changing in any of these things, now why is that?" A sound question he asked himself. He was a child; thus, he had visible stages of development to undergo. He felt confident with that solution, enough to dismiss that weird tingling in his gut totally. With that settled, Jim cut the light off and left… for all of thirty seconds. He needed something to preoccupy himself until Aisha got there, and besides beating himself up, this seemed like the next best thing.

Four minutes later saw Jim sifting around under the bed for Gene's old scrapbook. Five minutes after that saw him sitting at the kitchen table with the scrapbook, with the first and last pictures from the dresser. Thirty minutes of looking through the book and things still weren't adding up quite right in his mind. Gene found him when he was a two-year-old. Now, given their eight or so year age difference, that would've made Gene ten years old at the time.

Aaan! Gene still had his own father then and didn't become the thuggish character he is now until the McDougal Brothers killed his dad. He was fifteen then. So, now the questions were: "Was Gene lying about being fifteen when that happened?" Or "Was he a ten-year-old, and due to the underage drinking and fighting, forget that tiny bit of information?" Jim didn't doubt the sincerity of Gene losing his father to those nuts, but he was getting a feeling he was lied too about their age difference.

Jim found the earliest looking photo he could find with Gene in it; a faded image of him beating up some pirate in a newspaper article. Compared to him at ten, and if this was Gene at ten, he was a few leagues ahead of Jim in height and structure. He looked obviously younger then, so it wasn't a mistake in him assuming Gene was cutting the deck with him. It was somewhat shocking that he'd never questioned it before. Gene was, presumably about twenty in that picture immediately after the Leyline, while he had just turned twelve.

Now, Jim knew his own birth date was fact from hacking into his records at the city directory, where as he sort have took Gene at face value. So, how does it go from Gene finding him after the events in space with his father, at age fifteen, when an eight-year age difference puts him at ten when they first met? He contemplated this for a few minutes, rattling through answers from the absurd down to the obvious. Taking into consideration Gene's smooth talking, lying, and arrogance-the obvious answer seemed the most likely.

"Vanity," Jim muttered rather discontentedly.

Gene really was fifteen at the time, but he cut off a few years here and there to seem younger. And since age had never been an issue and birthdays didn't come up often, Jim just accepted what he told him. Hell, Gene was prone to shaving years off or adding them on to his age to get into bars or eat at a kid's price in restaurants back then when they were really struggling. No one on Sentinel checked IDs in the dives they hung around, so it was simple to lie your way through any and everything. So, Gene Starwind was actually about 13 years Jim's (estimated, as he hadn't seen a calendar yet) senior and 35 freaking years old! No wonder he flipped about the age thing; he was middle aged.

"Oh, man, wait until…" Jim paused his beginning laughter. A serious quiet fell over him, as he realized that he might never get the chance to insult Gene with that. Deciding to call it quits and wait for Aisha while perhaps watching TV, Jim shut the scrapbook.

Sitting quietly for a moment, he heard something. There was an odd metal on metal sound clanging throughout the building all of a sudden. Perhaps Aisha hadn't moved in, but instead, a very tidy set of criminals. It appeared someone was going to stop his decent into madness after all. Deciding he'd had enough of the brainteaser surrounding his dead friend, Jim decided to investigate the noise.

Not willing to risk harm or death, Jim armed himself with the largest knife that he could find and began his quiet approach toward and up the stairs. The closer he got the more it sounded like someone rattling a cage. He couldn't help but think upon getting closer to the source: "Why me?" Jim neared Aisha's door first; he was bombarded by memories and his original purpose for being there… her. Another crash of metal jarred him out of his memories, as the invader was obviously in his own room.

Closing in on the door by way of sliding down the wall, he prepared to… well, he didn't know what he'd do per se. Jim's hands began to sweat as he twisted the knob and opened the door partially, silencing the noise on the other side. His worry soon suppressed beneath a blanket of happiness, because seated Indian-style on the floor was one, Aisha Clan-Clan. She let out an exaggerated sigh, cracking her knuckles and neck in unison to loosen up for the violence about to unfold.

"I suggest you drop whatever weapons you may be holding," she began, making him smile in harmony with the sound of her voice, "because there's no way you can defeat an immortal C'tarl-C'tarl."

As Aisha stood, the image of the small child she'd been blocking from his view became visible. The boy didn't seem necessarily concerned with this intruder, though he did sit perfectly still with two rather large metallic robots in either hand. Shortly there after, Jim's knife thudded to the concrete floor thanks to his sweaty palms and sudden shaky grip. This was it, now what to say?

"Really? I've killed C'tarl before, what makes you think you can beat me?" he asked with an eerie glee to his overly deepened voice. "Still so confident?" Aisha snorted at the fool behind the door as he obviously was trying to sound tougher than he was. However, she wasn't going to risk that he spoke some truth; thus, she'd kill him before he made a move on her child.

"I'll be back in a minute, sweetheart," she told the little boy who was stock-still, waiting to see the visitor or get the go-ahead to go back to his toys. "And as for you, you're a…" Aisha paused, watching the door swing completely open. Her muscles all tightened, as the footsteps thudded out of the shadowed hallway and into the room. He was tall, blonde and Jim… "Jim?" she whispered, not quite believing.

"You wouldn't hurt an unarmed man, now would you?" he asked, as he held his hands up.

Aisha stood there in shock-eyes wide, pupils narrowed, and barely breathing. Seeing that she wasn't going to make a move toward him, Jim swallowed his nervousness and moved toward her. Even as he traversed the space between them, she couldn't believe he was there. Her hopes won out over the reality that told her he was a dead man the moment she sent out that SOS. Jim had made it home and in one piece. By the time the stupor lifted, Aisha's vision was completely black and her body was against something warm. It took a moment to realize it, but she was flush against his chest.

"I'll make an exception and let you live," she whispered, though slightly muted by his chest.

"Thanks," Jim said with dual meaning, as she finally hugged him back. For a long moment they simply stood and held each other, trying to hammer home to their co-dependant psyches that the other was real. Aisha finally found the will to look up at him. An urge to throw him on the bed and fuck not make love (that could come later) but genuinely fuck until they were too stiff to move arose, instead, she decided on a kiss. There was an impressionable party present, after all. She stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck, and… Jim ignored her.

He'd become entranced watching that little boy-his little boy-on the floor who stared back at him. The resemblance was immediate, more so than what the General had led him to believe. Actually, he looked exactly like a mini C'tarl-C'tarl version of himself, only three or four feet and some inches shorter. His spiky mop of silver hair stood wildly, much like his father's when left up to him to comb. His blue eyes seemed more involved than the usual child's did and that probably had something to do with their feline structure. Identical in every visible attribute… minus the tail moving just behind the boy, skin, and hair colors that he'd inherited from his mother. Growing bored of the staring, the child focused his attention into his toys again, deriving an absorbent amount of pleasure from smashing the metallic warriors together. Jim recognized the toys as two of his and felt a mild wave of concern wash over him as they slapped heads repeatedly. He hadn't touched the robots in the better part of a decade, but still, they were his…

"Huh… wha?" Jim asked, snapping out of his daze to feel Aisha's hand raking across the material on his chest. She'd done it to draw his attention from whatever it was he stared at so. It took her a few moments, but almost like an afterthought, she remembered the small boy behind her. Taking her arms from around Jim's neck, Aisha led him across the floor by his hand to introduce him to the child that bore his namesake.

"Jim," she announced stopping in front of the little boy staring up at them. "I'd like you to meet your son, James Clan-Clan Hawking. Now, say hello to your father, James."

James stood on cue then. Ignoring the offered hand of his father, and in a way similar to the guards during inspections, began to circle this supposed father. Jim didn't quite know how to take it. He felt like he was undergoing a trial or graded on a hidden set of standards he should meet, yet didn't know what they were to meet them. Aisha noted the change in his mood. He didn't seem to be taking this as lightly as most would, considering it was a child doing the analyzing. It had her worried in a sense that he possibly channeled a little bit of what happened in that prison onto their son. She could only imagine what they'd done to him; she did imagine it quite frequently, but enough to make him seem this upset with a boy? Aisha held his hand a little tighter, silently asking him to calm down. He noted the squeeze and returned it, settling down and ignoring the odd tingling in his hand.

"Grandpa said you were small," James Jr. finally said, startling all by leaping onto his father's shoulders, "but you're huge!" Jim managed to laugh, gritting his teeth inside of his head as his ribs were pressing against something they shouldn't.

"I guess they fed you what he ordered then," Aisha commented attempting to remove the smiling little boy from his obviously pained father. She stopped on cue with Jim's dismissal wave, watching him bring the boy down himself, and holding him in front of his face.

"If the order was nothing but meat everyday then I guess they did. You'd be surprised how long one could live on meat alone," Jim said, smiling at his son and at the slightly pained smile on the child's mother. "So, he said I was small did he?"

The little boy nodded, before breaking into a fit of giggles as Jim tickled him. For the time being, the slight pain in his ribs seemed to disappear along with the repressed guilt. His son didn't hate him nor have any kind of superiority complex towards his human father. Most importantly, which considering it was barely thought of on his fall to the surface of the planet, Aisha hadn't moved on. Of course, Jim had no way to know if she would stay or go after what he'd tell her later. In the meantime though, he'd try to establish a bond with his kid.

Aisha watched them assume roles on the floor and begin to play together after a brief discussion on toy robotics. Something in the back of her mind felt uneasy about it. The scratches on Jim's face, pink hands, and this newfound air of nervousness that he put off made her wonder (even more so) just what they'd done to him. It was no secret the C'tarl-C'tarl Empire didn't exactly tout mankind as very high in comparison to themselves, but then again, few races were. She decided to ask him about it, but only after he played around with his son for a bit longer.

It felt good to see them like that, as now she could put the yarns about Jim's whereabouts to rest. She took a seat on his old dresser, watching with a motherly eye as her son saw his father in the flesh and loved him every bit as much as the pictures and stories she'd kept him placated with. James had stopped asking when Jim was coming home awhile ago, which left his mother feeling as though the exceptionally bright child had finally given up that hope. The stories she told him were for as much her benefit, as they were to educate the boy about his dad. Stories of panic attacks, the way Jim looked when she hung him from the banister by his feet, and his genius for everything electric helped fill that void his absence had created in her life.

Jim felt Aisha's eyes staring at him ever so often during the next few hours. She didn't say nor do anything, but it was a look she rarely held when they were together; so it was easy to decipher the meaning. She was worried about him. Something that he was doing made her worry, or maybe it was something he'd done. Whatever the case, he was thankful to see his son. That thought still needed time to gel, but he was warming up to the idea of parenting. And considering he was the parent of a child that technically shouldn't have been in the first place, he was happy.

It was odd considering James's age, but the child seemed deeply intrigued by robotics and machinery. Perhaps the common interest would serve as a catalyst between them, Jim thought-a way to have those odd parental talks without necessarily looking directly at one another. Ha, three hours together and was already plotting out the puberty speech. Why shouldn't he plot out that speech? Gene had given him that talk at five, though with a lot of picture books at hand.

As they're 'conversing' continued, James began to steadily fall asleep, though trying to fight it off as he talked on and on about various things that seemed to grab his attention. Unknown to Jim was that they'd been going on like that for at least three hours. His internal clock was obviously off kilter, as Sentinel 3's days went in 24 hour intervals, and he was still accustomed to the extraordinarily long C'tarl-C'tarl days and nights. Looking between Aisha and his child, Jim smiled at what he'd had a hand… a tongue… and a few positions in creating as James tipped over asleep onto the place rug.

"Okay, I think you've had enough for today, kid," Aisha finally said, stepping between them and picking the toddler up. "Now tell your father goodnight."

The boy's eye suddenly opened, again startling his parents, before asking: "Will you come back tomorrow?"

The question caught Jim by surprise, but he had the answer though. Jim forced himself upright, drawing a worried glance from Aisha with his grunts. "Yeah, I'll be here tomorrow and every day after."

The boy motioned him to come closer; delivering a hug around both parents' necks once Jim was within arm's length. A tiny gesture that made the semi-hardened exterior fall away from the former prisoner, along with a few tears that his son luckily missed thanks to Aisha stepping between he and Jim's faces. It was mixed heavily with guilt as well, noticing how much Aisha must've talked him up to keep the little boy in such accepting favor when it came to him. And so, with his last conscious efforts, James Hawking Jr. yawned, "Night, daddy."

"Good…" Jim's voice cracked and he gave a cough to cover. "Goodnight… son."

Aisha watched, and sadly heard the light sob Jim made as he exited the room, quietly thanking whatever DNA element had prevented their son from inheriting her ears and hearing prowess. She laid the boy down softly in the giant bed he'd been calling his for a month or so since they'd gotten back to Sentinel, and kissed his forehead goodnight. Turning the lights off, Aisha quietly closed the door behind her, only to turn and see a boot hanging outside of the bathroom door. A lascivious smile crossed her sexually repressed lips then; a romp in the shower would do her good right about now.

"From crying to a sex hound, you're a strange one," she thought smiling a bit broader at her partner's odd behavior.

Quietly she crept towards the door, listening to the sound of the sink running instead of the shower. Reaching the door and peering in through the sizeable opening, she found Jim had taken his clothes off down to his shirt and pants. He just stood there though, looking at himself with a very disenchanted frown. Aisha quirked her head in confusion watching him stare at his arms, and then remove the navy colored shirt that covered his torso. She barely managed to hold in a scream at the damage. In the grand scheme of things, she'd forgotten how bad she messed him up in that very bathroom. And those idiots at that prison, the injuries they must've inflicted made her want to kill something. Being a member of the proud C'tarl-C'tarl hit a note about as stale as something at the city dump then, as she frowned at it all.

"Are you gonna stand around out there all day or are you going to come in?" he asked, flashing a rather flat smile towards the obvious interloper outside of the door. She answered the question by silently entering the bathroom, noticing the majority of his anger seemed spent on his reflection. "I see you're letting your guard down. I was downstairs for a while and you didn't come to see who I was." It was a weak start considering he hadn't even kissed her, but somehow after everything that had happened in space, he didn't feel like he still had that right.

"I heard you," she admitted shyly, sweeping her foot back and forth; and blushing at the rest of her answer. "I just didn't know it was you. But if it was you, I thought it'd be better if you found us, because if I came down alone… well… I didn't think we'd make it back up here for awhile." Aisha giggled, hearing his bass filled laugh in person as opposed to inside of her head. Jim glanced to his side and saw the territorial markings (or that's what he'd come to call them) on his left cheek, still raw around the edges; his laughter ended then.

That weird gel had stopped the bleeding, but the cuts were still just as ragged as when she carved them into his face. He knew why Lilith didn't sear them shut though. It was because she wanted them to turn into scars that wouldn't fade. He'd have to see some form of her for the rest of his life this way and not reduce their encounter into a mild fling. Still, they were two glaring failures that he'd have to live with and eventually, tell Aisha about them.

"What did they do to you?" Aisha finally asked, noticing the way he looked at himself and the silent contempt he held for his reflection. "And where'd you get the uniform? You look cute…"

"Not much, considering the work and total isolation," he interrupted quickly, yet still without any anger in his words. He turned away from the mirror and looked at her then, noticing she'd taken to wearing some of his old clothes as sleepwear, and sighed. "I fucked her."

"Who?" Aisha interrupted similarly to how he had previously, never considering he'd come into contact with a female C'tarl-C'tarl, let alone screw one… other than her. It wasn't exactly hitting her noticeably hard they both accounted. And it may have been how tired he started to look without his little soldier get up. By Toward Star Calendar dates and time, he should be approaching 23, Aisha realized. Still, he looked beyond that in her eyes. She'd begun to approach him again but he quickly started talking… almost as though she'd hurt him. That reaction in itself hurt her, but Jim began to rant before Aisha could express that.

"Lilith Tam-Tam, some psycho who stowed away on the ship that I'd stolen; she nursed me back to life for whatever reason. At first it's the typical, "Tell me where Aisha is and you won't die" shit. I said no, so she started talking about killing me if I didn't sleep with her; and then when I said no again, she got all teary-eyed, and it just went wrong… so wrong. So, hey she's already said I'm the best mankind has to offer right? But then I didn't want to be like Gene… no not like that! Uh, by being cold and thoughtless, I mean, I didn't want to be mean… I don't think I can be mean to women… Okay, I can be mean, just not cruel. And I thought I'd be cruel if I didn't, but I didn't want to!" Aisha watched and listened, as Jim went into a frenzy of flying words for the next few minutes, waving his hands about like a complete lunatic. When it became apparent that he was going to keep talking to prolong her from yelling at him; Aisha crossed the floor and hugged him to her shoulder where the expected happened. "Please don't leave me! I'm sorry!"

He broke down like a baby. Aisha barely had any recollection of meeting anyone with the last name Tam-Tam in her life. There'd been a girl from military school; she faintly recalled with an "am" sound in her name. Some guy had asked her to the banquet after their military coronation ceremony, and she accepted. Then she was stared at all night by a rather scrawny specimen of a C'tarl. It was possible that could be the same woman. Then again, she got those looks often from the women of her species. It wasn't as though she slept around, but guys seemed to flock to her. She didn't bother to ask if they were seeing other people, as they were there for her amusement and nothing more.

Pushing that aside for the time being, Jim's fragile mindset was, again, in the front of her mind. He'd seemed almost uncaring in the beginning, almost like she'd taken a backseat to or represented the people who'd done who knew what to him. Now though, now he stood here crying and continuously begging her not to leave him. Any other time, this would be an extreme sign of weakness in one's chosen mate. However, Jim had gone through more than she had and she felt a sizeable amount of guilt about that. And considering who she was, guilt had never been an emotion Aisha acknowledged or even felt. But when she imagined how he spent his days in the sun lifting this or moving that, while she sat inside watching TV, a weird feeling of something started and it never ended… ever. It consumed her, made her feel bad when she was alone to think about it.

She'd spent all of two Toward Star months in prison, and that was more like a resort because of her father. Then when her pregnancy began to show, he'd insisted she be removed immediately and her new "cell"-which was a literal command office-was turned into a mother and son apartment on base. Beyond Jim's lack of presence in her life, she couldn't profess to have been through any kind of torment, though those nights after James had been born were trying.

There'd been ultimate guilt finally one night though, as the guards who watched her apparently watched Jim at one point. Two and a half mind numbing hours she listened to them talk bad about him. She wouldn't have cared if it was any other human, but it was Jim. So, listening to them say things like, "Oh, did you see when the human was put back on shipment detail? God, you'd think he was moving A-Class crates instead of Cs as slow as he walks" pissed her off in previously unimaginable ways.

A-Class crates were full of ship parts and weighed at the least a solid ton alone. The Cs were nothing more than standard hand and shoulder weaponry; they weighed from fifty to about three hundred pounds. Jim was an engineer and a mechanic; he didn't have any experience lifting anything that heavy for that many hours. And for them to make fun of him for accomplishing it, even slowly, made her thirst for their blood. Aisha was still proud of him though, because he'd unwittingly showed them all how strong he was and how her mate was by no means weak.

To justify listening to Jim's work related ridicule (and her guilt) Aisha told herself that her efforts to get him moved in with her or his favorite foods at mealtime were payback for getting him into all of that. It didn't work though, as the sleepless nights continued… and the random crying episodes overtook her in the shower. Jim would die and she would live, never having the chance to tell him that he was a father. It was only then-after their son was born and when her father finally confessed that he couldn't show that much nepotism without putting himself in jeopardy-that escape had seemed logical. Despite his tremendous clout, a human trying to steal their immortality was saw as an extreme dent against the empire's various treaties with the human race.

"I can't get either of you out of here," the General told her one night, "but I can arrange things so that you may let yourselves out."

He'd go on to question her loyalty to Jim and his to her, and if this was what she truly wanted. She really could never go home if she accepted this offer, which she did without a moment of hesitation. Arming her with the finest of missile launchers, a light shield, and a few grenades, her father hugged her goodbye for the last time. Of course, she didn't make a run for it until personally removing the two guards' intestines; asking them to say the human's name was just so it'd be the last thing they ever spoke. Sadly, they didn't even make it to the "I-M" of his name before her anger soared and she savagely removed their throats and stomachs. The snow laid claimed to what little was left of them. Unseen by Jim's teary eyes was the small smile curving her lips, remembering the guards' feeble attempts at calling for back up as her hands sank into their warm guts. Aisha had severed their arteries beforehand; the disemboweling each received was simply a bonus to let others know not to mess with what was hers.

Returning to her memories, Aisha recalled cleaning herself up afterwards; she awoke her son and made off through the night armed to the gills, blowing up things, and onto a delivery vessel. The vehicle just happened to have the keys, a full tank of gas, and food onboard. Her father was supposed to get in contact with Jim after a few C'tarl-C'tarl calendar months to set up his escape, as having him escape immediately after that would bring about heat for the General. Jim obviously didn't wait and in contrast, her escape was easier than most missions on the Outlaw Star. His seemed to have been a fight through and through. He fought tooth, nail, body, and sexual desire to get off that damn planet. Coming back into the present, Aisha found herself hugging her boyfriend as tightly as he held her.

"Do you love her?" Aisha asked, noticing that his blubbering was quiet. It was obvious she'd gone soft then, because even if he did, she would just work to sway him over. "Truthfully."

Jim eased back, sniffling, but not dripping any fluids from his nose, thankfully.

"No." he replied looking her deeply in the eyes. "I thought about you the whole time."

Ugh, he could've kicked himself for that last part, now she'd think he thought Lilith's body was as good as hers. He felt like such a giant pussy crying like that, but then the idea of her walking out on him because of the whole space ordeal made the urge to start crying again well up inside of him. They stared at each other now, him tense and waiting for either a second chance by whatever means she handed him or a dismissal and a venture into space to figure out how to kill Lilith. Forget number two. It was number one or none as far as he was concerned seeing Aisha in the flesh again. Then it slowly began to happen, the wrinkle faded from her brow and the tight-lipped frown lifted to reveal her beautiful face… and he hoped some good news.

"Fine, fine, I'm an adult. I can deal with this," Aisha said, almost flippantly in his book, adding a smile to the mix. Jim's face lit up almost instantly as he hugged her against him tightly. She pushed him off though. He backed back in disbelief, only to have his neck grabbed and his body suspended in mid-air again. Aisha had another serious frown, saying, "I can deal with this ONCE. Do it again… and I'll have to rip your throat out. Understand?"

Feet dangling like wet socks, Jim nodded as much as his neck would allow for. Placing him back on his feet, Aisha again used his throat like a leash and pulled him closer while delivering a kiss this time. His head lurched back in response to the insistent way her tongue darted into his mouth. She smiled as he took the hint and gently captured her tongue between his teeth and caressed it with his own.

Responding in a way that seemed only he could make her, Aisha purred. She released his neck then, which immediately turned into an almost smothering hold from Jim. It was then that she faintly realized he was shirtless, though barely through the sensuous way his tongue stroked her gums. His hands soon began to roam all over her body, seeking her skin with an urgency that surprised her. Feeling a little overwhelmed, Aisha actually pushed him away for a minute to catch her breath. Jim stood silent, breathing heavily, and now ridiculously horny.

"Let's go some place more…" -her voice drifted, as she eyed him like a piece of meat- "comfortable."

Jim made no objections when she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom. Even as they walked past her room, his focal point was on her smiling face… and the erect nipples that stood out against the white T-shirt. Aisha negotiated the stairs backward while never taking an eye off her lover and his especially confused face. He knew she was enjoying his confused expression the most, but his dick wouldn't release control of the situation to weigh out her obvious destination.

"Where are you taking me?" he finally asked, as his limp made the usually short journey that much longer. Aisha's smile widened to include teeth… pointy, canine, flesh-piercing teeth-Jim had to repress a nervous chuckle.

"Here's a hint, genius," she kicked the metal door behind her open, revealing none other than Gene's room. "Yeah, I figured since they were dead they wouldn't need the place. So, I burned the old mattress, got a new one, some new sheets, and tada!" Aisha flipped a set of switches that Jim and Gene both added to the room for the latter of the two men's guests. The room then began to hum to life on a system of pulleys and gears.

The lights dimmed, as the artificial moonlight globe lowered from the ceiling and the bed slid silently away from the wall (which Jim added to cut down on the erratic bed thumping). Sure, it was a cheesy rig. But Gene had gotten more play out of the setup than even he'd expected. Jim, in the meantime, didn't know it, but he'd began to smile from the moment she started explaining what all she'd done.

"You know, there's something else about this room that I forgot about," Jim said nonchalantly, turning and hugging Aisha in closer to his body. "You can hear everything out there in here…" -he startled her by effectively slamming the door- "but once the door closes no one out there can hear a thing. Unless they're outside of the door or…" Aisha stood on her tiptoes and kissed him silent, fully aware of the room's sound altering capabilities.

"Just shut up," she whispered, edging him back toward the bed.

When kissing was involved, Jim complied. The backward trek to the bed ended without either really noticing. He ran his fingers through her braid, carefully undoing it until the silver ring cascaded to the floor with a harsh clang. Aisha had made no efforts to stop him; she, instead, began to rake her fingers over his torso to make little notes of in particularly painful areas. Trailing down his abdominal muscles, she found his only pain indications were a brief flexing of his muscles or a minute hiss.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, as their lips parted for a moment.

"Not your fault," Jim said in return, beginning to undo the drawstring at her waist. The pants fell to the floor, as Aisha whimpered as the wind cooled the fluids that had been steadily gathering between her legs. She could feel his stupid grin about the fact she didn't have any underwear on, but it didn't matter. Complacently she sighed, as Jim, again, began to massage her breasts through the shirt. Aisha's sensitive skin felt the individual fibers heat up under his hand; the friction made her nipples stiffen into tiny darts. His tongue entered her mouth then, adding an old, yet new depth to their kiss.

Aisha moaned gutturally, as Jim's hand moved lower and began to rub small circles over her taut stomach. His touch was feathery light, but arousing at the same time. Still, it wasn't where he intended to stop. She stood tense, trying to play coy as he slid his hand lower, massaging the top of her hairless mound and ultimately, curling his fingers and giving her pussy an almost torturously slow probing. He worked his index finger in and out slowly, smiling as Aisha's insides squeezed it. Her teeth nipped his bottom lip, as she felt his middle finger begin to push its way in alongside its brethren.

"Mrrrrm," she hummed into his mouth, as his fingers began to stroke her consistently, making her hips slide against his hand. Both digits worked her until a nice sweat beaded her brow, accompanying the bestial snarls that began to grow in her throat. Jim stifled a sudden moan as her tongue finally began to move with his, seemingly brought to life by his fingers.

Aisha felt a jolt of something move through her when he moaned, which put her hands to work on his pants. Beginning with his fly, she slid it effortlessly down. Her head drooped slightly, as she undid the buckle in a similar fashion. Jim's fingers began to move faster, which only escalated her anxiety. Hooking her fingers into the edges of his underwear, Aisha hit a snag. Sexually entranced, the simple task of pulling his shorts away from his dick became complicated, as Aisha began to jerk the material back and forth.

"If you keep doing that you're going to give me friction burn," Jim whispered against her lips. He opened his eyes when she touched his chest, before taking the implied hint and falling back against the bed. It didn't seem to hurt that much, but overall pain became moot when he looked up to see her taking that shirt off. Her breasts stood like the two swollen grapefruits he remembered them to be. To look at her, you'd never guessed she'd had a child or breast-fed one, because her body looked exactly how he'd left it-perfect. Standing before him, Aisha absent-mindedly grasped her breasts giving each of her nipples a gentle tweak; for circulation or titillation, Jim was beyond the realm of deciphering.

"Wait!" He shouted, watching his girlfriend collapsing upon him. Aisha caught her full weight on her arms before she landed on him, slightly puzzled by his objection.

"What?" she asked giving his cheek a slight nuzzle with her own. Jim drummed his erection against her stomach. "Oh," she said with a sly grin. Hooking her right hand into his shorts, she positioned his dick between her ring and middle fingers and swiftly yanked up, then down, which completely removed the front of his shorts without removing any of him. She threw the shredded underwear over her shoulder and let the full range of her heat show itself.

"Nice," he commented, noting her eyes were reflecting the muted light and only partially unnerving him.

Placing her hand down beside his head, she whispered, "It gets nicer."

"Prove it," he said in return, obviously with false skepticism. Aisha smiled until her canines were visible, pressing her lips to his in a firm and possessive manner. Jim didn't care though. Grunting, he met her bold admonishment by firmly grasping each of her breasts. Aisha pulled out of the kiss, swatting his hands away, and giving him a teasing "tsk, tsk" for his efforts.

Lying prone for a change, Jim watched her begin to kiss down his body. He watched her breasts-in all of their firm and slightly ballooned glory-trace across him, making Aisha moan at the contact and Jim moan in frustration. Still, he'd had his fun in space, so if she wanted to be slow, then he'd shut the hell up and wait. After all, wasn't slow action still action? And wasn't that better than being thrown out on your ass? With yes being heard on both fronts, Jim waited and soon gasped as her delicate kisses, nibbles, and minute bites down his chest ended.

"Heh, heh, heh… still healthy I see," commented Aisha, as she almost drooled, letting a finger idly trace the crown of his dick. Jim propped up watching Aisha's outstretched body lay demurely between his legs with her head leaned against one hand while the other toyed with him. He almost spent a load on the sight of that alone. "Heh, I she at least didn't cut you up like I did the first time. Giving out half-ass sex for me, aren't you sweet?" She'd wasted the joke on him, as evidenced by his dejected sigh.

"Not entirely," Jim said quietly, slightly turning his face to the right to highlight the injuries on his left cheek. Everything was moving smoothly until that came up, Aisha thought, idly applying her tongue against the vein protruding on the underbelly of his shaft to change the subject in her own way.

"Oh, well," she mused. "I still cover more ground with you than she does. Your arms, your chest, your back, your heart… You're all mine."

Every spot she named, Aisha took his glans into her mouth and sucked it for a moment. In light of this convincing counter-argument, Jim had no choice but to agree and fall numbly into the comforter as she kept his dick inside of her mouth the last time. She sent her mouth down his pole slowly, using her right hand to gently pull the skin on his dick down as her mouth came up and vice versa. It was a welcomed change of subject, he found. Though, he had a hard time imagining any moment that included Aisha sucking him off as an unwanted event. Content with this, he simply gave in to what she was doing to him.

Jim hissed her name through his teeth, as she slid him into her mouth then inhaled him into her throat little by little. It was at times like these that she was glad that she'd lost her gag reflex. She repeated the process until he couldn't even speak, but more so, Jim could just groan and slightly thrust up for more. Glancing toward his face, Aisha found him covered in bullets of sweat; her name was the only thing he seemed capable of saying and she liked it. As the minutes rolled on, he began to call for her frantically, as his restraint began to crumble like a worn bridge.

"Don't… stop… please," Jim begged, adding his hand against the back of her head just incase. Aisha had no intentions of stopping, suckling the very tip of his dick.

He began to breathe harder, twisting like an antsy child under his lover's skilled mouth. This made Aisha groan deeply against him, rattling his undoubtedly purple head all the way to his rapidly swelling balls. He'd break soon at this rate, she figured. It was an accurate assumption, as soon Jim's hands found their way to her hollowed cheeks, and began that slow face-fucking finale she so enjoyed. Beginning with even strokes into her relaxed mouth, allowing Aisha to simply roll her tongue against the various veins in his dick, and ultimately enjoy the feeling of such a thick slab sawing in and out between her stretched jaws.

"A-A-Aisha… uh… fuck, fuck, fuck," Jim repeated in long, harsh whispers, not in warning but in rapture. His hips began to undulate faster, as she swallowed the access saliva to feel his dick on her tongue clearly. He was banging into her throat now, and the C'tarl growled something vicious and it reverberated throughout his entire body. Aisha watched his face contort between intense pleasure then and extreme frustration, smiling internally as his eyebrows lowered into that determined, "I don't want to come, but I am anyway" face. So, being the kind-hearted individual that she was, Aisha began to rock her head forward in time with his thrusts. His eyes snapped open once he felt the added tightness of her throat against his cock-head again, only closing them to give into the burning inside of his balls. "Aaaah!" Jim's body arched off the bed, as every muscle in his body tensed in release.

"Mmm, mmmm…" Aisha hummed, closing her lips tightly around his shaft, as her mouth was flooded from lips to tonsil with his sperm it seemed. Her pussy, nipples, and especially her clitoral partners all ached for attention as she savored the sticky solution. Aisha rolled it around her mouth for a moment, before another tendril of his semen shot long and hard against the back of her mouth. It made its way down into her gut with the other, before Jim growled and fired a third load… then a forth… and a fifth. It quite possibly was the most sperm she'd ever drank from him at one time, and it made her nearly climax in the realization of his animal-like heat for her.

"Uh…!" Jim grunted one final time, as Aisha sealed her lips around the tip of his dick and bobbed her head a few quick times. It took only seconds with that amount of suction since he wasn't prepared, but his cock jerked once and fired the sixth, and final load. Aisha laughed languidly then, as Jim couldn't do anything but mumble her name. She toyed with the tacky solution for awhile after that, enjoying the salty, yet oddly calming flavor of his semen. Jim rode high on a plateau of unbridled satisfaction. "You're unbelievable… un-fucking-believable!" he said, breathing in deeply to regain his composure.

"I know," Aisha replied impishly, yet smiling boldly at the flagpole pointed at the ceiling. If she were genuinely a cat, he was the ball of string she'd never get tired of playing with. Smacking her lips, Aisha arched her back to stretch a bit and for the first time, she noticed the injury on Jim's thigh. It looked a lot like a bullet grazing in her opinion. "Jim?"

"Hmm?" He answered, leaning himself up on his elbows.

"Did they shoot you? Or is that a cut?" His smile fell, as the bad news just wouldn't leave him the hell alone.

"Shot at me, but all things considered, I got the light end of the deal," he replied evenly. "Now, can we talk about this later… or never?" Aisha's nose was picking up his pheromones and they were all pointing to the fact he was horny. Thus, bullet wounds and whatever else met the back burner again. But it was pissing her off that he got shot at, and the fact he was being so secretive about his escape was making her tense and…

"Hey! I was still thinking!" Aisha whined, finding herself somehow pinned to the mattress without having noticed his movement.

"Are you sure?" he asked against her throat, bathing her neck with the heat of his breath. Her body smashed up and against his, as he began to suck at that magical place. It was just below the chin, but not quite at her throat-Aisha moaned openly at the erogenous contact, slowly brought to her peak as he continued.

"Y-Y-Yes… I mean, no… Ah," his hands began to play with her breasts, massaging her distended nipples. The moment he licked her in that special place beneath her neck, Aisha melted. "Ah… Just fuck me… now!" To emphasize her snarled request, Aisha grabbed his ass and pulled for his entry. She parted her legs without discretion or concern; she even did the legwork of angling back to align them properly.

"Bossy," he chided with a wink, pressing his hips forward until the slick resistance of her vaginal walls surrounded his dick. Aisha purred loudly, twisting her toes in the covers below them. She slowly inhaled and forcibly exhaled, as the heat from his skin settled into her own. "Better?" Jim asked with an arrogant smile, watching Aisha's face fall into that cute sexual scrunch that he enjoyed.

"Much," she replied, opening her eyes, as he withdrew and bore down again. He felt her muscles tighten beneath him and gingerly pushed his entire body off of the mattress. Jim felt her legs close slowly around him, emphasizing silently the intensity that she wanted and missed him in this way. Her feet crossed at the ankles to make sure that she didn't crush his ribs, as his presence within her began to take affect almost immediately. She studied his face, as he gripped the sheets beside her head, letting the briefest of grunts pass his lips. "I… Mmphf… I missed… you," Aisha found herself compelled to say, as Jim slowly began to speed up his pace. Reacting out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"I missed you too," Jim whispered against her lips, as he slowed again. His hand trailed down her right thigh, lifting it forward while she began to snarl her approval of the new angle. "Still limber, I see."

Aisha smiled sheepishly, as he pushed her left leg away from himself and held her legs in a very lewd V. "Mmm." She groaned, as his pace ebbed into nothingness, in light of kissing her ankles.

Slowly nibbling down her toned left leg then changing over to her right-he smirked as she mumbled her lack of amusement at the ordeal. She contracted her vaginal walls to hold onto him, as the infuriating act of his penis leaving her empty began to upset her. In truth, Aisha knew what he had planned, but the dick was too good to give up without some fight. Well, the tongue did make up for it a little. The C'tarl moaned, acknowledging that it made up for it a little more.

"Oooh, yeah!" Aisha mumbled, as her eyes began to close off and on with his sensuous strokes.

Jim's face lit up like a little kid at Christmas, as her legs parted until they were parallel to the bed. Okay, his tongue had made up for the lack of penetration quite thoroughly, she would've admitted. Alas, only the random purr of satisfaction, brief scream, or plea for more could come out of her lips when they moved. Using his index and middle fingers, Jim probed her methodically… teasingly, and downright deeply, until Aisha ground her exposed pussy into his face.

"Yeees, yeees!" she repeated rhythmically, as the first signs of an orgasm began to surface. Aisha's eyes roamed around the lightly illuminated room frantically, seeking something to quell the scream that his tongue was going to rip from her throat. Her back arched suddenly, as she managed to spot a pillow to her right. Jim's lips closed around her swollen clit and deftly sucked. Aisha managed to slam the pillow over her mouth not quite trusting the room to hold back the noise her primitive cousin was about to make. The scream: primal. Her body convulsed, savoring the intense muscle contractions and sated feel of such a powerful climax. The pillow hung loosely between her teeth, as she came back to Sentinel 3 a sopping wet mess of happiness.

"Ah, ah, ah," he chided. "I want to hear it." Jim sat back on his folded legs and held Aisha on her neck and with a sniper's grace, he yanked the pillow from her grasp.

"But, but, I don't want him to…" Aisha briefly rebutted, worriedly staring at Jim's sinister smirk. If he stuck it in her now, there'd be no way to stop the screaming and believe her, she'd scream until the walls shook. She watched with a small bit of paranoia, as he slowly lowered his head and flicked his tongue across her neglected lower-clitoris. Jim did it again, watching her try to keep quiet, though whimpering in fantastic post-orgasmic sensitivity. "F… Fi… Fine, but… you! Shit… you… you're… Oh, again! Aaaarrrgh! You're-explaining-why-I-was-screaming! Jim!" Her legs flailed loosely, as he began to trace his tongue around her engorged labia lips.

Jim mentally dismissed her threat, working his tongue to the fullest of its capabilities. He allowed his teeth to nip her upper clitoris, smiling like the pervert he was as she reached up and grabbed two fistfuls of his hair. Aisha balanced on the top of her head, grounding his mouth into her with an animal's heat, and he loved it. That did the work for him, as a cat-woman's unbridled scream of animalism made his dick harden into nothing short of a flesh-and-blood piece of pipe. Aisha curled her legs around his shoulders and pulled against his head until she was literally, sitting in his hands. The fact that she'd done this and caused him no pain went completely unnoticed by Jim. He only noticed that Aisha's roar seemed to go on for hours, though in reality it was merely a few minutes. And as the need for air surfaced, she finally lost her strength and collapsed raggedly to the bed.

"The tongue is still in order, I'll assume," he said proudly. Aisha did something close to nodding, though it looked more like a jack-in-the-box imitation. She managed to smile once he lay on top of her, though, already opening her legs for more. "Ready for phase two or are you too tired?" Jim asked playfully, doing the work by parting her legs a bit more.

"Me… tired? N… aaah!" she responded with a complacent sigh, as Jim took the initiative and slid in.

"Good… this could take awhile," he whispered, as Aisha dug her nails into his forearms for support. She caught herself before his skin was broke-she'd keep enough of that visceral animal in check to prevent hurting him anymore. It'd simply take awhile to get accustomed to holding back again, but as he began to stroke her from within and the feelings began to mount incomprehensibly fast, Aisha (on some level) knew that she might hurt him a little. "Ssss!" Jim hissed, thrusting her a hard shot as she did break his skin.

"Oh!" She sighed, eyeing the trickle of blood rolling down his forearm with a slight droop in her sexual appetite. Jim, ever aware of her moods it seemed, stopped his motions enough to intertwine both hands with hers. Before the weak attempts began to surface as to why they should wait, he kissed her. Aisha hummed protest from her throat, as the fugitive began to fuck with a new fervor. Little by little, he sucked her tongue and made her body loosen up-even if her brain partially didn't. Little by little, she began to moan his name, as the situation wasn't another dream that would leave her horribly distraught and unfulfilled. And little by little, Aisha began to move her hips as if to draw him completely inside her pulsating sex.

"Ah… ah!" Aisha hoarsely cried out, as Jim pulled his lips away from her own and began to thrust more forcefully. She couldn't even scream, but only silently beg him never to stop, as his penetration felt so good. Aisha's mind began to swim in the shallow end of her gene pool, as his tongue ran through the salty sweat between her breasts. She arched suddenly, shrieking his name boldly as his tongue moved over and laved her right nipple back and forth, round and round and eventually pushing the erect flesh in like a button. "JIIIIIIIM!" Jim felt his pride return, as Aisha came with a vengeance and he fucked that much harder to make sure she never forgot who could do that to her. And make no mistake, as Aisha jerked her hands away from and grabbed his ass, she wouldn't forget.

"Ooooh!" moaned a surprised Aisha, partially sated as the first hour ended and rolled over into the second, which saw Jim forcing himself into a slight push-up. His sweat fell where it would upon her body, adding to her own as their bodies continued to heat up. Jim briefly paused, shifting on his knees until Aisha's body raised off the bed. "Fuck! Yeeees!" she cooed, as her eyes rolled into their sockets to the tune of his sudden piston effort. Jim held her hips tightly, aiding him further as he began to bang mercilessly into the snarling woman. She was barely aware that he watched her so-mumbling, murmuring, and briefly screaming when he'd slide in just right, Jim reached forward and caressed her swollen nipples almost out of curiosity. "AAAAAAAH!" Aisha's orgasm hit with a flash, as her feet dug into the mattress as her insides begin to roll against his dick in a manner that made him nearly explode.

"So powerful," a voice spoke inside of her mind, weaving in and out of the flashes of light. "Yet so weak against this human… Your human." Panting for breath, Aisha's glassy eyes opened in frantic search for 'her human', recalling a similar voice (her voice) said the same thing before dreams of this nature ended and Jim would be in a cramped cell across the galaxy. She emitted a low growl that, thankfully, Jim interpreted as another moan of sexual complacency. In actuality, it was nothing more than a growl to quell her worrying. Aisha grazed her nails down his torso, drawing his attention to her face and made him smile sheepishly while continuing to fuck his smiling lover like a machine. "And… goddamn… here…oh! Oh… I thought you'd gotten tired," Aisha added with a flair of playfulness, as Jim physically turned her onto her left side and buried himself to the balls again. He held her right leg in his hand, getting a new pleasure out of watching his phallus penetrate her like that.

Jim replied with a grunt, as he held her right leg parallel to himself and rocked in and out of her. He moaned gutturally as the new position made her vaginal walls tighter. When in deep, he could feel her muscles squeezing him, holding his glans snuggly enough to warrant a deep groan of gratitude. Towards her cavernous opening things held at a comfortable squeeze around the base of his shaft. The pressure applied to the head of his dick, though, was where the money feeling was, as Jim let Aisha know this with his almost whimsical smile. She could feel the tight skin of his balls moving back and forth across her left thigh that rested between his legs, which she allowed to rub him furiously.

"Uuuh! Oh… god!" Jim yelled in response, biting particularly hard into Aisha's calf to avoid his orgasm. She shuddered as the wave of pain covered the entire range of her skin, blending perversely with the pleasure of his phallus' plundering. He rubbed over his teeth imprints with his tongue causing Aisha to purr her appreciation, yet move her hips in a manner that made his cock spasm within her.

"Close," Jim panted, bringing the pace down some while stroking her thigh. "But not close enough."

"Uuuh! Fuuuuck!" Aisha screamed between her teeth, as she felt him begin to rub her protruding clitoris with his thumb while simultaneously putting his entire weight behind each thrust. "Shit! Come… fuck… I'm… AUUUUUGH!" Her body jerked forward and curled into a ball, as a cataclysmic orgasm appeared and carried her into an aural-only plane of primal being. Around his phallus, it seemed as though Aisha's cervix had imploded and it felt great… too great. Jim held on for all he was worth, unconsciously thrusting harder and faster watching Aisha's lithe, yet powerful hands tear into the mattress. Stuffing tumbled loosely, as a near orgasmic rush flooded through Jim's system… he couldn't stop it this time though.

"Yea… ah… fuck!" Jim gritted, as he dropped Aisha's leg, grabbed onto the mattress, and began to hammer home his point. The C'tarl-C'tarl moved her knees together, snarling with Jim, as he leaned forward and began to use nothing more than his hips to stuff his rigid manhood inside of her. She gripped him on all sides, feeling as though each cervical wall was moving in a different direction. He could feel the sperm building, boiling, and begging him to spray until there was nothing left but vapor-and from the feel of things, his balls would win this one.

Aisha craned her head, using every ounce of willpower she had to avoid coming before him. She'd see what he looked like. Even as her eyes opened and closed on their own she'd see him and finally know this was real. His dick strained-once, twice, and in unison with his near primordial scream of elation, Aisha's eyes flipped open as he thrust in and held himself at his deepest. "Yeeees! Uuugh!" Jim grunted, as his nails bit into the C'tarl's right thigh. His dick recoiled from the force of the first load, twitched heavily with the second, and expelled everything for the third.

"Yeeees," Aisha hissed, lying there content while watching his eyes roll back into his head for a change, as a series of jerks invaded his system while a white-hot liquid army invaded hers. She felt one tiny orgasmic tremor trickle over her being before her head fell into the sweat-stained sheets, feeling a warmness all over her body. With his series of orgasm induced spasms over, Jim slowly withdrew from Aisha's being and prepared to collapse.

"C… come… here," said a panting Aisha, turning onto her back and pulling Jim completely on top of her. Though slightly larger than the last time she'd seen him, he knew she still had the strength advantage and as so, willingly stretched out on top of her without fear of crushing her. Aisha ran her hands across his back, enjoying the slick feel to his muscular definition, though still moderately appalled by the rough scar tissue. He let his left hand rest on her right breast, and though he idly massaged it, Jim mainly listened to her heart and recouped. "This feel like an odd dream to you?" she asked after an indecipherable amount of time passed, staring aimlessly at the orb shaped light above them.

"It feels good to me," he answered sincerely. The couple went silent again, Aisha only breaking the noise with an impromptu "huh" as something decidedly hard began to make its presence known between her legs.

"Again," she asked more than said. Jim shifted again until his face was above hers, smiling like some kind of perverted loon in her opinion.

"Yep," said the smiling perv, "unless you don't want to." Unconsciously done or not, Jim's inflection on the simple statement put her into 'ready mode'.

"I want to, but," she rolled or rather, threw Jim onto his back and mounted him, "I'm on top!" It didn't matter to Jim if she wanted the top, bottom, side, etc., just so long as he was on the other end of things. Aisha leaned forward and kissed him, as his hips rose off the mattress to complete their union. Everything they'd been through meant nil. They were together, nothing else mattered.