Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authors note: I haven't given up on my other story. I just got an idea for a different one. I think this should be interesting this one is set in a more medieval time and the characters are somewhat in but also out of character. Enjoy.


By Megalabisia

Chapter One: You are Mine

In a large house just up the hill screams of a snobbish girl could be heard. "No you know I hate that dress." The small girl with the short dark hair yelled to her servant girl.

"God really you are so stupid. I don't know why we keep you around. You are so absolutely useless to me. I have a good mind to tell mommy to kick you out on you sorry ugly ass." She snarled at the girl.

The servant knelt on the ground facing the floor her long blonde hair covering most of her face. "I'm so sorry Lady Sae. I will remember next time this won't happen again I swear." The poor girl weakly muttered.

Sae meanly rolled her eyes "See to it that it doesn't." Sae continued to madly pull clothing out of her closet desperate to find that one perfect dress. After some time she finally sat on her bed and sighed. "How am I going to find the perfect dress to catch his royal highnesses attention?"

"I'm sure you'll find something my lady." The girl cheerfully offered.

Sae glared at her. "Oh what would you know? I have to look absolutely stunning when I meet the prince." She seemed to think for a moment. "Oh girl do you remember that material I saw in the market place yesterday? That blue one, I've heard prince Toji likes blue. Go and get it and make a dress for me. I'll need it be tomorrow night."

The girl looked at her as if to protest. "But." Was all she could utter.

"Good. Here is some money. I suggest you go right away this may take some time. And don't forget it has to be perfect." Sae smiled evilly.

The girl left with the money and headed towards the market place. She was about 17 and had been working in the Kashiwagi household for as long as she can remember. And every day she was reminded that she was Sae's to order around and do as she pleased with. She had been made a present to Sae when they were both about 10 and ever since she has been at her every beck and call. She rather liked these times when she could leave the house on her own. For that short while she felt like her life was her own. But these adventures always ended the same with her returning and Sae giving her something else to do.

"I wonder how much fun that ball prince Tojigamori is throwing is going to be. If I could only go." She wondered out loud. She had had a crush on the handsome prince since the first time she laid eyes on him. She had often dreamed of him taking her away from all of the troubles in her life, mainly Sae, and just being happy.

She was so lost in thought she didn't notice the tall handsome man who was staring at her. She had found the fabric owner and bought more than enough to make a dress for her almighty Sae and was set to be on her way home when the handsome young man stopped her.

"Do you need help with that?" He asked with a smile.

She looked at him with the most surprised expression. "What?" She seemed confused. "No I'm fine." She finally said.

He simply smiled at her. "Let me introduce myself. I am Goro. And what is your name my fair beauty?" He had caught her hand and kissed it.

"My name?" She stuttered. It had been so long since anyone had called her by it or even cared to know she had one. "Momo." She finally managed to say.

"Well Momo would you like to go for a ride with me?" he asked.

"Oh no." She pulled away. He was very handsome but there was something scary in his beauty. "I have to get back to work. My Lady is waiting back at home." She said as she started to walk away.

"And who is your lady?" He asked.

"My Lady is Sae Kashiwagi. I must hurry home." And with that she turned and ran as fast as she could from that handsome man.

When she arrived home she took her lady's measurements and went up to the attic and started to work on her dress. It was possible this could take her all night to make it and she didn't really have that much time.

That evening there was a knock on their door. One of the butlers answered the door and then announced to the household that his royal highness was there. Sae was elated. She ran in her most lady-like manner to meet him at the door.

She bowed to him "Why your highness what a pleasant surprise." She giggled.

"I have come here on the matter of the girl Momo who resides here." He said.

Sae was shocked. "Who? Momo? We don't have anyone here by that name, but would you like to come in and sit down?" She managed to say.

"Are you sure you have no idea who she is? I saw her in the market place today she completely took my breath away. I thought I heard her say she lived here." He looked upset.

"No sir I'm so very sorry you must have heard wrong. Is there anything I can do to help cheer you up?" Sae gave him her best seductive smile.

The prince smiled at her and blushed a bit. "No perhaps some other time." And he stood to leave.

Sae crabbed him by the arm "Are you sure there is nothing you need to relieve the tension?" She smiled at him.

He stroked the side of he face and she caught one of his fingers in his mouth and began to suck on it and looked at him innocently. He sat back down on his chair. "Perhaps there is something." He said. And with that Sae knelled before him. He loosened his pants and placed a hand in Sae's hair as she hungrily went to work on his royal member.

He moaned as he finished and she eagerly swallowed his royal seed. He quickly stood up and adjusted himself and left. Sae hadn't even gotten up off the flood yet.

Not two hours passed before there was another knock at the door. Sae ran to get it hoping it would be his highness. But instead it was a different handsome man. "Huh." She gasped. "What are you doing here?" She looked at him.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Of course." Sae motioned for him to come inside. "Aren't you the famous artist Goro?"

"But of course but you forgot to include lover extraordinaire." He smiled and kissed her hand.

"What brings you to my humble home?" She asked leading them to sit where she and the prince had been.

"You seem to own something I want." He said bluntly.

"And what is that?" She eyed him cautiously.

"Your servant girl Momo. How much for her? I want to own her." He said.

Sae sat for a moment to process all of this. "You want to buy my servant girl?" She asked.

"Yes I am willing to pay a high price." He smiled at her.

This was just what Sae needed a perfect way to get her out of the picture so she didn't have to worry about loosing Toji to her. "I'll sell her to you on one condition. She never leaves your house and you don't tell anyone about her. If you agree to that then we have a deal." She said.

"I can handle that." He said. And the two went about setting a price and setting a trap to lure her to him. Sae knew Momo would never go willingly. She would have to trick her for her own good.

Momo was up in the attic until some time the following afternoon. She was dead tired but the dress was finished and she was damn proud of it. "Lady Sae should be pleased." She said as she yawned. She took it down stairs for her to try it on.

"Oh it's just amazing. I love it." Sae smiled at Momo. "You know this dress is so nice I have a special treat for you. You can come to the ball with me." She said.

"Oh my God you mean it?" Momo was so very tired but very excited now.

"Yes in fact wear anything you like of mine." Sae smiled at her.

Momo was overjoyed she didn't know what to wear. She picked out a long black dress and went to her room to get ready. Out of an old box she pulled out a beautiful opal necklace. The opal was set a chocker type necklace she knew it had been her mother's favorite and it was the only thing that was hers. She styled her hair as best she could and the dress was a little small given that it was Sae's but she looked stunning.

She went down stairs it was time to leave. "Wow you look great." Sae said looking at Momo.

"Oh thank you, so do you." Momo replied.

The two got in the carriage and headed off to the ball. On the way they made a little pit stop. Sae had told Momo one of the wheels was giving them a problem so they were going to go to the nearest house or some help.

They approached the house and knocked a very handsome man answered the door. "Goro." Momo said in surprise.

"We are having some problems." Sae said. "Can you help us?" She asked.

"But of course I'll have my men get on that right away. Why don't you come inside and wait while they work?" He motioned for them to come in.

They both thanked him and went inside. He gave them each a glass of wine. Momo tried to focus on the conversation but just couldn't stay awake. She felt herself dozing off. She tried to fight it but it was no good the darkness claimed her.

She awoke in a stone room with no windows and she was behind bars. "Where am I?" She grabbed her head.

"In my basement." she heard the all to familiar voice of Goro say.

She was confused. "Why? I don't understand."

"Why?" He said. "Because you are mine."

To be continued.

Will Momo escape? What are Goro's plans? And where is Kiley?

I need reviews to keep me motivated.