Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By Megalabisia

Chapter 2: Friend in the Dark

Momo huddled in the corner of her cell. It had been three days since she had had anything to eat. Goro was not happy with her refusing his advances. So to punish her he left her down in the basement with no light food or water. And she was cold so very cold.

She cried alone in her dark cold cell. She seemed to faint from hunger.

On the next day Goro again approached her with his proposition. "Just agree to be mine and I will let you out." He told her.

"Never you disgust me." She spat at him.

"Fine by me. Starve if you want." He yelled back and left. He had been carrying a candle with him. She crawled to the bars of her cage and watched the light disappear.

Once she knew he was gone hopefully far away from her she cried.

"I'm sorry." She heard a voice say.

She knew it wasn't Goro so who could it be? "Who's there?" She was frightened.

"Just a friend. Looks like you could use one." He replied.

"Why?" She whispered.

"I don't want to hear you cry anymore." He said gently. "I have something for you if you want it. But first I would like to know your name." He said.

Despite the situation that happened giving her name to someone last time she told him. "Momo." She said.

"Here." she heard him say. "Come closer to the bars and reach out your hands."

She did as she was told. She could almost see him in the dark he had longish hair his bangs seemed to fall around his face. And even though she couldn't see him she felt he was beautiful. She felt something soft and warm. It took her a minute to realize he had given her a blanket.

Tears began to well up in her eyes. "Thank you so much. But who are you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry my dear you first. Who are you?" He asked.

"I told you I'm Momo." She said a bit confused.

"Momo what?" He asked.

She thought for a moment. "Adachi. I am Momo Adachi." She said proudly.

"What a beautiful name." He said. She could hear a smile in his voice.

"Thank you." She said as she could feel herself blushing.

"Here. Take this." He said.

She again reached out and accepted a cup and plate of food. She was so delighted at the meal she consumed it as fast as she could. In between bites she thanked him profusely.

"Its no problem. Can't let you starve down here. I'll work on him and see if I can't change his mind about you." He said.

She was eternally grateful for the company and talked with him until the sun must have come up. He parted from her promising to come back the next night if she were still there or else he would find her. As he began to walk away she yelled to him. "Who are you?" She again asked.

"Just a pumpkin." He replied and left.

Short I know. But I'm getting everything into place and it is a painful process. Deal with me. What does everyone think so far?