Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By: Megalabisia

Chapter 3: True To His Word

What felt like an eternity had gone by since she was locked in her prison. Momo had forgotten what the sun felt like on her skin.

But the nighttime brought her hope. She had not had any hope in a long time. Most of it was crushed long before she came to be in the home of this artist.

Every night he came to her. He gave her the hope that one day the `master' would come to his senses and release her.

"What are you planning on doing with her?" Kiley asked.

"Whatever I want. She is mine." Goro said in a very matter of fact tone.

"You have so many willing women why hold one against her will?" He protested.

The two often had this debate. Everyday Kiley fought with Goro to release the fair Momo from her cell. And everyday the battle ended the same way.

"Because I am in charge here." He yelled infuriated. "Do not question me `little one'. Besides she was my investment I intend to make good use of it."

"What if I bought her from you?" Kiley suddenly had an idea.

"You? I paid a pretty penny for the girl. I don't think you could ever afford her." He chuckled.

"At least let her out if you won't set her free. You know the house is well guarded she couldn't get far. You will be more likely to win her over with kindness than force." Kiley offered.

"Perhaps you are on to something." He said.

The night came and Momo waited patiently for her `friend' to arrive. She had never had a friend before. She would often try to imagine what he looked like. It became one of her favorite games to play while she was locked away alone.

She heard footsteps coming towards her. But something was off. They weren't the pumpkin's it was someone else.

"Hello." She called.

"Why hello my sweet. How long has it been? I have a proposition for you." He said.

"No." She snapped at him.

"Well now. Don't you want to hear what it is?" He was laughing.

"What?" She spat.

"I will let you out of here. You can roam the house at will. There is only one catch." He paused.

"What?" She said hesitantly.

"You will be one of my servants." He said innocently.

"That's all." She asked.

"That's all." He said.

She thought for a moment.

"Fine." She whispered.

He unlocked her cell and walked away. She hesitated for a moment before trying it to see if it would open. It did. She was free. Well free from her cell. But where was the pumpkin? Should she wait here for him? Maybe he had arranged this for her like he promised.

Taking in a deep breath she left her cell carrying with her all of the little things she had been while captivated. Everything was wrapped in her blanket.

She found her way out of the prison. The sun was beginning to rise.

"Maybe this is a sign. Things are going to start to look up from now on." She said to no one in particular.

Yes I know the characters are not acting like themselves this is out of character.