Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By: Megalabisia

Author note: Ok this story is 10 chapters long. I have for once written them all out and will be posting on a regular basis. Some stuff may offend oops. You people should know by now my fics are not for the easily offended. But for the rest of you enjoy and let me know how I'm doing.

Chapter 4

The work was rather simple, she helped clean house. It wasn't much more difficult than working for Sae in fact she had less work now than before. And she had some fellow maids to talk to.

One in particular was A young woman named Misao. She had a kind face and a gentle way about her. The two had become instant friends. They often worked in the same areas of the house together making the day go by faster.

"So how long have you been here?" Misao asked Momo.

"Well I'm not sure, a few months maybe." She replied. "You?" She asked.

"About two years I think." Misao responded.

"Do you like it here?" Momo asked.

"Oh it's a fine job." She sighed.

"Have you ever heard of the Pumpkin?" Momo asked. She still had not run into her `friend'.

"Pumpkin?" Misao asked.

Momo went about explaining meeting the pumpkin in her prison cell.

"No that doesn't ring any bells. Sorry." She told her.

As the two continued to talk `master' Goro entered the room.

"Excuse me Misao. Have you seen Kako around? I want her to clean my study." He said in a ultra sweet tone.

"No sir I haven't seen her since this morning." Misao said.

"Well then would you like to clean my study?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"No sir. I'll go find her and inform her." She said and quickly left the room in search of Kako.

Momo stood wondering what that was all about. `What could be so bad about cleaning a study?' she wondered.


Later that evening during her free time she was walking through the large garden maze that surrounded the house. Many nights she would loose herself in there pretending she was far off somewhere else with her prince Toji. She loved to daydream.

Upon coming back to her house and going to her room. She had a real room now it wasn't much but at least it wasn't the dungeon.

She came upon Misao.

"Good evening." Momo said to her with a smile.

Misao looked at her troubled. Momo noticed this.

"What's wrong." She asked.

"I need to tell you if he ever asks you to clean his study or his chambers you must refuse." She said.

"Alright. Why?" She asked.

"The girls he asks to do that are going in there for one reason and one reason only. He would never take a woman against her will but he can be very persuasive." She said.

Momo thanked her and cursed his lecherous ways before she turned in for the night.


The next day there was a large commotion in the grand house.

"What's going on?" Momo asked Misao.

"Oh the Lord's brother is coming for a visit." She said.

Momo went about her day as usual what did she care that the master's brother was coming for a visit? But she found herself wondering if evil ran in the family or would he be the total opposite of Goro.