Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Mirage ❯ dreaming dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: this is Yaoi folks!! Be warned.


Los Angeles. Such an amusing town that will never cease to amaze me.

Or what I like to call the "City of Sinners".

I am a man that has seen the world in its entirety and there is not one city that I had not visited in some form or another. Whether it was rich or poor, full of life or just plain made out for the wandering spirits, I had made my presence known. And after so long, probably a few decades if I'm not mistaken, I come back to this world, this city of life and glamour.

And in my entire life I've thought I've seen it all, but I was yet amazed as a young American man, probably in his mid twenties, waltzed into my shop and treated the place as his own! With feet immediately on my cherished coffee table and arms spread over the backs of the delicately etched sofa. I bite my tongue and nod my head, figuring this brute was probably very familiar with the shop's settings, including familiarity with the one of whom I left in charge during my absence.

"S'up Count…its pretty dead outside, and my shift for the stakeout is over with"

Stakeout? He must in the armed forces…

"I see, would you like some tea officer?" he snickers at my offer but accepts the cup anyway.

"You should know by now Count, I hate this stuff yet I drink it anyway…"

"Do you? Why is that officer?" he shrugs.

"Leon…I'm off duty now" I suppress a laugh.

"Alright…Leon" he puts his cup down slowly and regards me with an unusual look on his face.

"Help me out here man, something about you is kinda…I don't know…"


"Different…" I place a hand flat on my face and take a seat next to the young man. Now as strong the resemblance between my grandson and I was, I was hoping that he wouldn't notice that some of my own features were slightly different indeed.

"Did you get a hair cut?" I frown but nod in delight anyway.

"Something like that…" I mutter as I take a sip out of my own cup. Savoring the tranquility this fine blend was giving off. I would need that after this brute. I then choke a little as the young man jumped up in amazement with a shout.

"I know what's missing now…"


"Yeah, which is pretty odd? You never have the table clear of any kind of sweets, always at least a dozen to go with your tea"

Oh…I see.

Yes, my grandson has somewhat of a sweet tooth, definitely not a trait of mine.

"Where are your fancy cakes?" I hold a finger to my chin.

"None today I believe…erm, not in the mood" his mouth dropped wide open in disbelief, which was actually kind of comical in a way. I suppressed another laugh.

"You mean no cookies? Chocolates? Anything? Shit I would've brought ya something but the stake out was an all nighter" I shook my head to all, his face turning rather amusing now.

And I found myself laughing…

I cannot remember the last time I've done that…

"I swear Count…you're starting to scare me, first you get a haircut, and now no sweets. What are you trying to do? Watching your figure?" he says while laughing in which I took as what they would call a "joke". I laughed along with him and took my time to study him at a closer angle.

He was…in a way… Actually quite a charming young man. Very tall and had a good build…

For an officer of course.

He was staring at me now, questioning. I look away and smile, deciding maybe if I could have some fun with this man. Yes, his little humor was making me feel "awakened" somehow. And after the long dormant years, I was developing an appetite for something, and it was him.

It certainly has been too long since the last time I…

"Well maybe…I just maybe have an appetite for something…more" he blinks in utter confusion. I put down my tea and decided to go for some dessert after all. A kind in which my grandson would perhaps not savor.


In all the years I've been away from this shop I've come to learn what I've been truly missing out on. How long had he been visiting this shop? To what purpose had destiny led him here to begin with? It didn't matter now, I wanted to have him all to myself. This was very much unlike me to be so… forward, but I have grown tired of going about my endless search for legendary beasts and entities. I decided to take a break from it all and to check on my grandson. So why not spoil myself rewardingly for all that hard work. And its been so long, too long since I've felt the warmth of another in a sensual way.

But it seemed as though I had scared away my little guest here. At first he didn't resist my advances as I placed my lips to his and kissed him admiringly. I pressed him back against the arm of the sofa, allowing him no means of escape. He tried pulling away, but I held his chin firmly and continued caressing those lips.

His skin felt slightly rough under my fingers but I absolutely admired the way his strong face was sharply angled. Strong and so very masculine and I longed to run my hands under the fabric that concealed such body. I pull away for a breath of air and he used that exact moment to break free from my hold.

His breathing was rapid and studied my eyes curiously, then I watched his blonde brows narrow together. I grew somewhat uneasy as I feared that I've been discovered somehow.

Because if he was very observant, he would know that my eyes are not that of my grandchild's vivid ones.

"D…I-I don't understand this…what just happened?" I sigh mentally and smile. Then I run my fingers down the side of his chin, the feeling of unshaved hair eliciting another wave of desire for him.

"There are some things my young officer that are better left unknown, must we interpret everything just to enjoy ourselves?" my voice sounded heavy but his eyes only narrow some more.

"But I don't get it…I mean no offense, I've always known that you were a bit on the fruity side but…as long as I've known you, not once have you done anything like this before. What's going on?"

I see now, he is a friend of my grandson after all. My hand moves from his face and slowly down to his heart.

"Let me ask you this then, did you at least think of me in some way like this before?" his heart was pounding hard beneath my hand. I wasn't sure of what sort of truths I wanted to get out of him but I knew that I wasn't going to enable him to speak while I was like this. So as he stammered for something to say, I concentrated on my hand over his heart.

I envisioned it sinking into his flesh, through his pectorals, feeling the warmth of his blood gushing between my fingers. Sinking in further until I was able to feel the pounding rush of hard muscle. I envisioned closing my fingers over his heart and held it in place.

I looked up at him and studied his face. He gasped when I grabbed hold of his heart, his head lolled back breathlessly. Then slowly, his heart began to pound again…



At a time.

And with every beat I was able to see…memories of my beautiful grandchild's smiling face. With trays of tea…desserts…and even food.

But I had felt something else.

My grandson's warm smiles…

When were they ever this genuine?

Laughter? I don't recall ever hearing him laugh…


All this from you my young officer?

And what's this?

Memories of this man being hospitalized also sprang into my mind and there was my grandson at his sides, praying for his awakening.

He even had tears for this man…

This was too much to see, too much to bare. My hand over his heart was trembling, the feelings he had felt for my young one were too great. Definitely nothing that I've felt before. Perhaps it was wrong to have left my grandson alone after all. I certainly could not allow such a relationship to occur, but who am I to say anything. I had developed such desire for this young man myself, and in such a short amount of time. But they were certain desires that would only satisfy my humanly needs, and nothing more.

But what my grandchild feels for this man…

What he feels for my one heir…

No…I do not want to ponder this anymore. Perhaps this should stop here.

I snap out of my thoughts and relieve the stress in my hand now. As I let go he exhaled loudly and began to choke a little. I sit up and away from him as he staggered to his feet.

"W-what happened?" he asked slightly trembling. I just shrugged carelessly.

"You fell asleep and had a bad dream" he watched me as I spoke, seemingly somewhat confused.

"Did you not?" he shook his head slowly, still in a daze.

"I dreamt… something… I-I think, but…" he started then watched me as if I was to blame.

Which I admit was at fault here…

"I don't know…I gotta go, this is too weird. This shit always happens to me around you" he trailed off as he ran out the shop. The bell had sounded and I laid my head against the back of the sofa, thoroughly disappointed. Moments later, my grandson appears while wiping his hands in a hand towel.

"Grandfather? Were there any customers?" I managed a smile, he does remind me of myself indeed. So perfectly composed and well mannered, and I was proud of it. I gestured towards the empty seat next to me.

"Come my child, have some tea with me. We have much to talk about…"


The end….

Or is it?

A/N: I don't know folks, I actually do have this storyline going here. Depending on reactions I could go on with more chapters or just stop here. And yeah, it'll involve all 3 Leon, D and even D's grand daddy, what do you all think?