Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Next door to a cop ❯ Move in ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Ha,” I laugh. “I finally did it. I moved and I am now living on my own. Time to meet the neighbors.”
I leave the little apartment and knock on my neighbor's door.
“Coming!” shouts a voice. `Jeez, he sounds grouchy.' The door opens to reveal a blonde man who is wiping sleep from his eyes. `Now, I feel guilty.' “What you want?”
“Hi,” I say. “Sorry to wake you, but I just moved in and thought I should meet my neighbors.”
“That old man finally sold that room?” he asks sleeply. A young boy comes to the door.
“Hi,” he says shyly. “I'm Chris.”
“Hi, Chris,” I say quietly as the larger man leans on the doorway yawning. “I'm Jewel. I just moved here.”
“And I'm Leon,” says the blonde man. “Look lady can we do this tomorrow. I need sleep before work tonight.”
“Sure,” I say nervously. “Have a good day.”
“Sorry,” says Chris as the door slams in my face.
“Jeez,” I mumble. “He could have just hung a `Don't disturb' sign on his door like a normal person.”
“He normally does the day sift,” says a woman behind me. I turn to her.
“Huh?” I question.
“He normally works during the day, but the boss asked us to do a night watch so we're to rest up. I'm Jill, the jerks partner.”
“Jewel,” I say back and shake her hand. “Do you live here?”
“For now,” she answers. “My house is getting fixed so I'm renting an apartment here for the next four months. I'll see you tomorrow. I need to turn in as well.”
“Bye,” I say. “Well, that was interesting. A cop for a neighbor. Oh, well. It could be worse.”
I turn and went to the other apartments. The people who were home were nice and everyone else was not there or not answering. Tomorrow is another day.
<Next day>
A quiet knock is heard from the front.
“Just a minute!” I shout as I put the last dish that I cleaned up. “Yeah?”
“Hi,” says the blonde from yesterday. “Sorry about being testy. Anyways, Chris and I want to welcome you to the community. So, hi.”
“Hello, again,” I say with a giggle. “Can you show me around? It'll be good to be shown around town by two big men. *Chris giggles as Leon snorts* Yay! Let's go.”
I grab my purse, lock the door, and follow my neighbors. We go all over the city taking in the sites. Leon complains loudly that he should be working, not babysitting. I glare at him as his brother gazes at the ground. I think Leon is a workaholic. I know how to deal with these kinds of people especially since my best friend was one before he killed himself. I stop still. *Sniff*
“What's wrong?” asks Chris.
“Nothing,” I mumble. “It's just your brother reminds me of my best friend.”
“Meow,” says Midnight.
“Hey, kitten,” I tell her. “Where's Zek?”
“Meow,” she answers. *Purr* She walks towards Zek's room and I follow. As I get closer to the room, I notice blood on the floor. I walk faster and enter the room. There was Zek or rather there was Zek's body. He has a hole in his head and a gun in his hand. Next to the body on the chest of drawers was an envelope.
Dear Jewel,
If you are reading this, then you know I'm dead. Take care of Midnight. My will leaves everything to you and her. I'm sorry. Love, Zek.
/End Flashback/
“What happened?” he asks.
“He killed himself,” I answer. “He was a workaholic, who had no time for friends or family. I think it was so that we wouldn't know he was lonely. Then one day he couldn't take it anymore and killed himself. I was the one who found his body in his apartment.”
“That's so sad,” sniffles Chris.
“It's no big,” I tell him. “I miss him and all, but I remember all the good times we had and I don't miss him as much. My family never cared to support me when we were friends so when he died they tried to control me because he wasn't around to scare them anymore. I hope we can be friends. How about it?”
“Okay,” he answers with a smile and hold his hand as we follow his brother.
“And this is China town,” Leon growls. “I've been trying to bust a guy's…”
“Leon, language!” I shout, interrupting him. I never knew a man with such a foul mouth. Makes me want to wash his mouth with soap. He looks at me wearingly. I been doing this all day. He looks like he's… “Are you pouting?”
“Pouting?!?” shouts an offended blonde.
“Yeah, pouting,” I say back as Chris laughs. “I think you're addicting to swearing like you're addicted to your cigarettes.”
“Am not,” grumbles the man.
“Oh?” I question. “Then why is it then that every other word out your mouth is a swear, dear?”
“Ha!” laughs Chris. “You two sound like a married couple. HA! Ha! HA!”
*Blush, Eye rolls all around* We head into Chinatown. I look around… “Ring! Ring!”
“Orcot, speaking,” says Leon into his cell phone. “Got you chief! Chris, can you show her to D's place and stay there. Jill had an accident and they need me for backup.”
“Sure,” Chris says quietly as Leon runs off.
I grab Chris's hand. “Come on, kid,” I say. “Show me the way.”