Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Next door to a cop ❯ The count and going to the city ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chris takes me through Chinatown and to a pet shop.
“Bling! Bling!” rings the shop's bell.
“Hi, everyone,” says Chris and a bunch of weird animals appear. “Pon-chan, T-chan, this is Jewel. She's our new next door neighbor.”
This strange girl sniffs at me. I can see that she is an animal, but there are flashes of human. The animal Chris called T-chan looks like a goat dog. I giggle.
“She's strange,” says the girl as I scratch her head.
“Aww,” I coo at her. “Such a cute animal. I like her. T-chan looks so cute as well *I reach over and pat his head*”
The goat like animal looks at me, but lets me pet him. Chris looks at me with admiration.
“Wow,” he says quietly, “He doesn't like a lot of people and he likes to bite big bro.”
“I don't know why, but animals seem to like me,” I tell him.
“Cool,” says Chris.
A very feminine man comes into the main room with a woman who is holding a “cat”.
“Thank you, Count,” she says, glowing with happiness.
“Your welcome, ma'am,” says the man. “Remember to abide by the rules of the contract and everything will be fine. Bye. Oh, hello, Chris. Who's this?”
“This is Jewel, D,” Chris says with pride. “She's our new neighbor. Big bro asked that I bring her here.”
“Count!” shouts a voice as it opens the door with a crate in his hand that seems to be hissing. Leon. “Did you sell one of your pets to a Mr. Lett? That damn animal hurt Jill!”
“Oh, my,” says Count D. “Poor dear. I'm sorry about your partner. Now, let that poor fox out before he kills himself.”
The crate is opened and a silver fox comes out. That got my attention. The fox had seven tails and was very dirty.
“The poor dear,” coos D as the fox chirps at him. “He didn't mean to hurt your friend. She was going to get shot so he tackled her down. That was very nice of him, wasn't it?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” concedes Leon. The fox bounds out of the Count's hands and is starting its way over to us.
“Wow,” says Chris. “Hey, Count. Can I pet him?”
The fox looks at us and goes to a bag not far off. He grabs a brush, pushes it into Chis's hand and gets in my lap.
“I think that answers you question, Chris,” I laugh as Chris starts to lightly brush the fox's fur. “What's his name?”
“Yoko,” answers the Count. *Purr* “His mate's name is Karasu.”
“Huh?” questions Chris. “He has a mate.”
“Yes,” says D. “Tea, Leon?”
“No!” he shouts, “I don't want your da…*Glare* dang tea.”
The count blinks at Leon and looks over at us. I'm smiling like there's no tomorrow and Chis is smiling while he continues to brush.
“Good boy,” I say.
“Yeah, Yeah,” Leon grumbles. “What do you want me to do? Shake my tail and slobber on ya.”
I blink and grin. “Sure, why not? I always wanted another pet after Midnight died. *Sigh*”
“You want a pet?” asks Count D.
“No,” says Leon, “She doesn't want one of your weird pets.”
“Don't worry, D,” I say with a wink. “We can bargain when the big bad lion is gone. *Giggle*” *Growl* “Oh, shut it, Leon. You do know that what your name is?”
“Whatever,” he says. “See ya later, little bro. Jewel. D.” He leaves the store.
“Wow,” I say as Yoko looks offended when Chris stops brushing. “Is it just me or did the temperature of the room plummeted to below freezing while he was here?”
“He just has a jaded heart,” says D with a sigh. “That's enough Yoko. Please go to your mate.” The fox sighs, gets off my lap, and goes behind the curtain in the back of the store.
“Where's he going?” I asked.
“Oh, I have a small forest-like area for him and his mate to enjoy back there,” he answers. “Now, do you want a pet?”
“Nah,” I answer. “I have two new ones and I'll have my hands full with them.” Chris looks at me weirdly. “Yes, I'm talking about you and your brother. Someone has to make sure he takes care of himself and that you get fed. When is the last time you were fed? Last year?”
Chris laughs and hugs my neck. “Want to go home? I have a TV with a Play Station 2 all hooked up. I bet I can kick your butt in Mortal Kombat.”
“You're on,” he says with a smile and heads to the door.
“I hope to see you again, Jewel,” says D. “Bye, Chris. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Count,” Chris and I say.
“I have some cookies hidden away so let's raid my kitchen when we get home,” I say as the door closes.
“This will be interesting,” says Count D to himself. “Oh, well. Time to feed the pets.”
Chris and I adventure out of Chinatown to some of the parks of the city. We found a nice one and sit for a while. Just chatting and eating. We watch some other children play and occasionally Chris plays with them. We forget to go back to the apartment and before I know it, it's six o'clock. We head back to Count D's Pet Shop to wait for his brother.
“Tea?” asks the Count.
“Oh, yes please,” I answer. “Chris, you enjoy yourself?”
A smile is my answer. I think if he had a tail, it would be wagging. He munches on a piece of pastry. We are sitting in silence when the bell rings.
“That was a long shift,” says Leon. “Jill was released and she thanks you for the plant, Count. Says she doesn't blame that animal of yours. `Too cute to stay mad at it. Besides it has the softest fur.' How does she know that?”
“Oh, I snuck Yoko into the hospital,” replies D before he takes a sip of his tea.
The animals in the shop are grumbling or taking naps. T-chan is in my lap as I pet his body. The flashes of people-like body throws me in a loop, but I can ignore it. It's the hearing growls that occasionally sound like speech that really drives me crazy. The count looks at me occasionally and winks. I think he knows. I'll talk to him later. *Purr* T-chan is soooo soft. I watch Chris eat and drink while Leon and the count talk. Well, talk is not the word more like argue. Every time Leon raises his voice Chris flinches. I wonder if Leon knows this.
“That's it, we're leaving!” shouts Leon not noticing Chris cringe. “Come on, Chris.”
“Leon,” warns D.
“Leon,” I say. “Why don't you go home and cool off? I want to stay here for awhile and since I'm still new here I'll need a guide home. Chris can do that.” I squeeze Chris's hand. T-chan is glaring at Leon.
“Fine,” growls Leon as he runs his hand through his hair, “but have him home by nine.”
He marches out of the shop and slams the door. I wince at the noise and glance at Chris. He is looking down at his cup. I sigh and gently push T-chan off my lap. I then scoot over to Chris and make him look at me.
“Chris,” I start, “there's no reason to be afraid. Does he know that you're afraid of him when he yells?”
Silence is my only answer. D silently sips his tea. “Okay,” I say. “So, why don't we go to my apartment and have dinner?” Chris nods. “See you, tomorrow, Count.”
“Bye,” the count says cheerfully.
The walk to the apartments is quiet…too quiet. I don't try to make Chris talk as we walk hand in hand. We get to my apartment and enter it. I start to cook.
“Spaghetti alright with you?” I ask and a nod is my answer. In a few minutes, dinner is almost ready. “Time to eat soon. *Knock, Knock* Coming! ...Hi, Jill. How are you and can you watch Chris for a few minutes?”
“I'm good,” she answers, “and sure. Why?”
“I'm going to yell at your partner,” I answer. “Key. (Chris gives me his key.) Be back in a few.”
I march out of my apartment and using Chris's key go into his and his brother's apartment. Leon is in there, pacing.
“Do you know that you just scared years off of Chris's life?” I growl at the brother. “What is your problem?”
“Nothing,” he snaps and then he stops pacing. His anger is suddenly gone. “What do you mean he was scared?”
“Well, while you were yelling, he was trying to disappear or looking for an exit,” I tell him. “I think he was placed in an abusive foster home before they found you or his parents were abusive. Or he was simple very scared at the moment.”
He sighs loudly. “Jill always say I am a very loud when I voice a complaint,” he says
“One would think the world was coming to an end with the way you yell,” I sigh. “Do you think you can tone it down?”
“I'll have to,” he sighs again.
“Do you want dinner with Chris, Jill, and I?” I ask.
“Sure,” he answers and follows me to my apartment after locking his and Chris's.