Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Next door to a cop ❯ One month later ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It's been one long month since I moved in. I have gotten a job as a nurse at Chris's school now that he can stay with Leon. Jill and Leon are dating. Leon is now calmer. I act as a big sister to Chris and Count D is our crazy “uncle”. After school, Chris and I go to Count D's Pet Shop and hang out with the Count until Leon and Jill pick us up. It's fun to have tea with the Count. We help with the selling of his pets while grooming Yoko.
“Thank you for your business, ma'am,” I say smiling. “Why does Yoko's mate never come out?'
“He doesn't like humans very well,” he answers. “How is the sight now?”
“Oh, it's great,” I say. “Now I just see the animals, but I can sense if any animal belongs in your realm.”
He nods. I finally told him about the animals turning humans occasionally and he had to help fix my sight. Something about me being innocent like Chris. He and I like to compare what we see.
“At least I can stop blushing now,” I chuckle. “Yes, I know `You humans and your modesty'. Well, exxxccccuuuusse me for being a mere mortal human woman.”
Sharp laughter echo in the shop as Chris drops to the floor. Tears stream down his face as he laughs. “That is so funny,” he laughs as Count D chuckles. It's amazing how much the two of us understand the anger from people like Count D. To be betrayed in such a way. Chris and I are reminders that there are a few in the world still worthy of their trust. Count D trust Leon and Jill to an extent, but not like us since we could see how the animals really look like. Well, just Chris now, but occasionally I get glimpses.
“D!” shouts Leon as he comes in. “How are you? Did Chris and Jewel behave?”
“Hey!” I shout with indignity, “I am not your responsibility…nor am I your pet, mister. If I were, I would certainly demand better treatment from you…Mr. Lets-sent-Chris-to-Jewel-she'll-watch-him-because-she-obviously-doesn't-hav e-a-live-of-her-own. I love the kid, but I would like to invite people over without them thinking I got pregnant since they last seen me and `hey, he looks like that cute guy next door. Why, Jewel!'.”
Chris giggles and Leon laughs as Jill comes in and blinks. “What did I miss?”
“Just me complaining about you two using me and the Count as free babysitters,” I answer. “We love him, but really why don't you two bond with him? I really don't want to answer another question and I quote: “Oh, did you marry the count and have his child?” end quote.”
“What?!?” asks Count D.
“Oh, come on, D,” I say with a smile. “We come here everyday, we have tea, we help you with work, and then we leave late at night. What else are people are to think?”
“Cool,” says Chris. “You can call him husband and I'll call him Dad. We'll have loads of fun.”
“That is until someone calls our bluff,” I say as my eyes roll. Count D and Jill chuckles as Leon shakes his head.
“I think you're a bad influence on him,” he says.
“Aw, you're jealous,” I say.
“Whatever,” he says. “Let's go home.”
“Aye, mon captain,” I say with a salute and Chris mimics me as we march out with Jill and Leon following us, “See ya, Count!”
“Bye,” Count D answers with a wave as we leave.
“Ah, I have the weekend all to myself,” I say out loud.
Jill, Leon and Chris are out to spend some time together. Jill and Leon were able to take time off together. Their boss was worried about having two of his best cop off, but the other cops in the prescient offered to fill in for them since this was like the second time in Leon's many years as a cop to take a day off for family.
“I'm walking on sunshine, oh yeah,” I sing as I lock up my apartment. “Time to go shopping, oh yeah. And don't it feel good?!”
I hum and walk to the grocery store nearby. I have my list and Leon's. I have worked out a deal with Leon over dinners. He cooks and I buy. This happened ever since, I nearly burnt down my apartment we all reached a consensus that I should never try to cook unless it involves the microwave. We split the bill for the food. I help with the laundry for him, Chris and Jill. I get paid for that since its extra and Count D is giving Chris and I a small salary for help around the shop. Leon is weary about Chris working there, but with me working with him Leon decided just to let it be.
*Laughter* “Caw. Caw” I pause on my walk because my sixth sense was tingling. I turn the corner to look in the alley. There are four teenage boys poking and kicking at an injured crow. It would try to fly, but its wing is out of commission. Those animals!
“Boys!” I shout sharply and they look at me. “You leave that bird alone. Or do I have to call the cops? (I show my cellphone to them. I have Leon on speed dial and all I have to do is push SEND if one of these punks decide to push me)”
They look at me and I glare. “Let's get out of here,” says one of the boys. “You better watch out you bitch. We'll teach you for interrupting our fun.”
I glare at them as the turn and leave the alley. I look at the poor bird. Its wing is useless, but seems fixable. I hope. I take my coat off and approach the panicked bird. I coo and croon at it. It lunges at me a few times, but I don't flinch at its attacks. I see a quick flash and realize this one belongs to D. `Crap. That means it has more intelligence then a normal crow. Of course, crows are smart to begin with. Got to trick it.'
“Got ya,” I say with a smile. I was able to catch it in my coat finally when it lunged at me again. “Oh, stop moving. I'm taking you to D. He says he has crows in his shop so he should know how to deal with you...(I focus on it) Mister. At least your wing is only sprained and not broken.”
He glares at me. That's kind of creepy to see a animal and a “human” glare at me. I carry him secure in my arms. He stopped struggling after a few very cold breezes come by us.
“Oh, now you cooperate,” I say with such sarcasm. “Figured out I make a good heat source, huh?”
I hold him closer to me as the wind seems to pick up and become colder. I shiver a little. I am walking through the back alley to D's shop so that the customers don't get upset with me coming in with an injured bird. I open the back door. Buuurrrr. It's colder inside. I shiver and subconsciously bring the crow under my chin so as to hug him and keep both of us warm. I hear voices.
“I don't know where he went Father,” says one voice. Sounds like Count D's.
“You better find him,” snarls another voice. “That vicious crow of yours is mated with MY fox and I want them both.”
“Son,” snarls another voice. “They belong to him now and you know the rules. And the contract says that both animals must stay together. You know they are demons. They have the freedom to come and go as they please.”
“And we choose to stay here,” snarls a deep voice. The crow in my arms wiggle and I hold him tight so he doesn't hurt himself. I have to interrupt this and I sneak to the back door again.
“D!” I shout. “Help!”
I hear two sets of footsteps. My fingers flex on the crow's back as it looks up at me. I chew on my lips and a beak nips my fingers.
“Sorry,” I say. He blinks as two men come into my vision. “I found him, dear. A bunch of mean boys were hurting him. I think one sprained his wing.”
D blinks at me and as the other man narrows his eyes at me.
“Who are you?” he asks with a hiss.
“I am…” I say with a smile. “His (I give D the crow and poke his nose. *Smile*) pet. I was sooooo lonely. But he let me in. (I stick a “dramatic” pose.) My rules are very easy for him. One: Strawberries and Chocolate with tea. Two: let me play with cute blonde child by the name of Chris who is little brother to a cop named Leon who's dating Jill and all are right now bonding…”
“That pretty specific, Jewel,” growls D. I blink at him. “I don't think my father appreciates your attempt at humor. Did they…”
“Yeah,” I interrupt, “I had to shove Leon out the door, but I think the day off will be good. The other cops filled in for him and Jill, though poor Leon will have to put up with the cat-calls now. I didn't know a man could blush so well.”
“As stimulating as the conversation is,” hisses the other man. “That doesn't answer my question.”
“I'm Jewel,” I smile. “Is you father part snake? He sure hisses like one. Or maybe he's part cat. They can hiss as well.”
The man seems to bristle as I continue to converse with myself. D ignores the two of us as he checks the crow over.
“Just some cuts and a sprain, but he'll be fine by tomorrow,” he says as he releases the bird. He flies to a perch nearby. Yoko is under the perch. “Thank you for bring Karasu here.”
“That's Karasu?!?” I ask shocked. “I thought you said he hated people.”
“I think the scratches on you prove that point,” he says with a pointed look.
“Oh,” I say. “He didn't do it. I caused this myself.”
The crow and the fox look at me. D's father glare at me as Q-chan comes into my view and lands on D.
“Hey Q” I say and wave as he chirps an answer. “Can I go now?”
“I need to tend to you first,” says D. “Father, I do believe you were leaving.”
*Snort* “Yes,” he says brisk fully. “I'll be back.”
He shoves me to the side and leaves. “What a jerk,” I say. “D, is that really your father? Man, and I thought my family were not supporting.”
He looks at me with sad eyes. “Oh, I'm so sorry,” I murmur. “I know! Why don't I make us some tea?” He glances at me with worry. “Don't worry I won't burn down the shop.” I go over to where Karasu and Yoko are. Karasu tenses up as Yoko stops his grooming to look at me. I pick up Yoko and offer my shoulder to Karasu. After a few minutes of glaring at me, I sigh and leave.
I turn the corner and lean against the wall.
“How did you get out?” asks D.
“I can open doors, Count,” says a voice. “If those boys come in the shop, send them my way. I have a score to settle with them.”
“Yes, Grandfather,” says D.
I shrug my shoulders and go quietly to the kitchen in the store. I put Yoko and my purse down before grabbing everything for tea. I set the table as the tea boils. While I sit and wait, I pet Yoko. D comes in.
“You look stressed,” I say with great concern. The tea kettle whistles. “Here, (I pour the tea into one cup.) have some tea. Can you shut the shop down for awhile? I saw a nice exhibit at the museum that you may like.”
D glances at me and then at his mug. Q-chan pats his head while sitting on his shoulder. D nods and I brighten.
“Yay!” I cheer.
I drink my tea and go to the front. I turn the sign to “Close” and lock the front door. I pet T-chan's head as I head back to the kitchen. I pick up my purse and grab D's arm. He resists a little before getting up and following me. I can feel sadness radiate from him. I pick up a set of keys on the way out and lock the back door after we leave. I then drag him to the exhibit and like I predicted he loved them. He got his normal aura by the end of the day. Of course this happened after lots of pastry and tea, but as long as he was somewhat happy again. I drop him off at the shop and head back to my apartment. Tomorrow is another day.