Petite Princess Yucie Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Kisses: Arc and Yucie ❯ Bad Mood ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: “Bad Mood”
Author: Wish Wielder
Pairing: Arc/Yucie
Fandom: Puchi Puri Yucie
Theme: #12 (in a good mood)
Disclaimer: “Puchi Puri Yucie” and all respective properties are © Gainax/Yucie Committee. Meg “tN!!” D. (Wish Wielder) does not, has never, nor will ever own “Puchi Puri Yucie.”

“Bad Mood”

Arc wasn’t really in a very good mood. He wasn’t to the point where he’d bite someone’s head off if they just spoke to him, but he wasn’t at the point where he’d wave it off with a smile, either. There really wasn’t even any reason for his sour attitude. Today had just been one of those days, the ones that make you want to hate everything and everyone around you.
In an attempt to dispel the grumpiness that had settled over him, he had left the palace. His mother was one of the things that had been irritating him, so he saw this as a possible cure. However, he had been wandering around the wide streets for almost an hour, and he was still just as upset as he had been before he had left. To make matters worse, he had spotted Yucie and her friends heading towards him. As far as he could tell, they hadn’t noticed him yet. Because he didn’t want to do or say anything to upset her, he planned to walk right by her. Logically, his plan only had one flaw, that Yucie would see him, and wasn’t it just like her to exploit it to hell and back?
“Arc!” she called when he had walked a few paces past her. He froze, the frown on his face tightening considerably.
‘Damn,’ he thought. He forced a smile onto his lips and turned, trying his best to look as carefree as possible. He wasn’t entirely sure it worked, though, judging by the grin she gave her friends. The other girls began giggling as Gurenda winked and pushed her forward.
“We know, we know,” the demon princess said, “you’ll catch up.”
“I’ll be right back!” she said to them. She ran towards him, and the next thing he knew she had latched herself to his waist. Her arms wrapped around his midsection, and she was giving him a warm, tight hug. A soft smile curved his lips, and he shook his head. He could already feel his foul mood slipping away; it was official: you couldn’t be upset around Yucie. It was just down-right impossible. Even if you wanted to be angry, her overly happy mood just rubbed off on you. She leaned back and looked up at him, giving him a smile that would light up a room. She tugged his hand, and he rolled his eyes as he kneeled down so he could be eye-level with her.
“Yeah?” he asked. “What do you want?”
“I love you, Arc,” she said, winking at him. He blinked, confusion filling his face. She had stopped him just to tell him that? However, she was still grinning ear-to-ear, and he couldn’t help but feel she was up to something.
“I knew that,” he said. She giggled and shook her head. “What? You could have told me later.”
“No, I couldn’t have,” she said. When the confusion refused to leave his face, she continued. “Kokoru said that if you love someone, you should tell them every day, regardless.”
“Really?” he asked in bemusement. Hard as he tried, he couldn’t hold on to that bad mood; her smiling face and simplistic logic evaporated every trace of it. A genuine smile formed on his lips, and she giggled again.
“Yep! You should tell them because you never know if you’ll have a later, and you always want them to know,” she said. She leaned closer to him once again, kissing his cheek before she whispered in his ear: “Besides, I also love seeing you smile.”
He couldn’t suppress the laugh that spurted from him at that statement, and he crushed her against him in a possessive, loving hug. It was just like her to do something like this. Though, he didn’t really mind. He was glad that she had stopped him, even though he had planned to just ignore her. Somehow, she always made him feel better. He pushed her back slightly and smiled at her.
“Well, then, I love you too, Forehead,” he said, returning her wink. She giggled again, a light blush spreading across her cheeks at the old name that used to aggravate her to no end. He leaned up and kissed the expanse that generated the nickname, and her giggles only increased.
“OI! BRAT!” he heard Gurenda call. He sighed, shaking his head. That girl would never change. “Are you coming or not?!”
“You better go,” he said. She nodded.
“See you later?” she asked. He kissed her forehead again before nodding.
“See you later,” he said. She gave him one more hug before running back to her friends. Gurenda and Beth immediately pounced on her, teasing her about the blush she wore. Erumina continued to walk alongside them as if nothing had happened, and Kokoru simply made her exasperated comments about her friends’ antics. Once they were out of sight, he stood and began making his way back to the castle. He was definitely feeling much better now.


Another one of those things that just popped into my head while listening to that AMV (I just love the song - it’s just so Yucie!). (I wonder how many of you thought I was going against the theme because of the title? Heh heh!) ‘Nyway, hope y’all enjoy!

Comments and constructive criticism welcomed. Please, don’t flame. If you can’t say your CC without flaming, don’t bother. Flames will be used to fuel Az’s bonfire for the yummy s’mores.