Please Teacher! Fan Fiction ❯ Onegai Kei ❯ Love moves foward ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kei: Part 2

By J.R.Karsten

DISCLAIMER: Um… Onegai Sensei is owned by other people… can’t stand it myself but hey!

WARNING: Under-aged stuff coming in this chapter! Not interested, move to another fan fic!

Maho was caught. So much for trying not to have her mother set up disaster. It could have been worse, though she got caught, Hatsuho could think up of some creative punishments. After all, when your child causes a small orgy in a fancy restaurant, you don’t always find yourself happy about it. “I think you need to learn something about being an adult! Maho, I’m going to start teaching you how to be a woman! That is a Priority one!”

“WHAT?” Maho screamed so loud that night that it nearly reached where Kei and Mizuho were at the time.

“That was great Kei! We should do that again!” Mizuho said as they walked home hand and hand with a smile on her face. “So, what do you want to do tonight? I think we’ll take in a movie tonight! How do you feel?”

“Fine with me!” Kei replied with a soft smile on his face. All was well, until someone noticed them.

“I didn’t know you were having a night on a town with teacher Kei!” Ichigo Morino, the young friend of Kei who had the same condition Kei did, had seemingly saw the two came over. Not to mention the two were below her… and as the wind blew by, a quick flash of her noticeably adult pink panties were being seen. “What? I’m 22 now you know, I can wear whatever I want! I’m going over to a friends house…”

Quickly things were set in motion again, Kei could put two and two together. First, Ichigo never really acted like she was 22 (again, remember Ichigo’s 21 when the series started), in fact she tried to stay much like she’s 16 as she could. In Kei’s head… clearly something was not right, but then again, not wrong ether. “Ok, so what are you going to do?”

“What do you think I’m going to do Kei? Heh eh!” Of course, Mizuho picked up on it too.

“Well, I hope he’s not under-age! You know there’s laws about it!”

“I think I have to go now. Talk to you later!” Ichigo simply left for wherever she was going. Not saying much more…

Meanwhile, back at ‘Lesson one: How men like sluts.’ Maho was getting an earful of things from her mother. “Please! Make it stop!”

No dice with Hatsuho, this was going to be part one of many lessons. “Sorry, but you wanted to change an adult relationship! So now I have to treat you like an adult!” Hatsuho wouldn’t go as far as making Maho go into the back alley and let whatever pervert take her, but still a lot for her to do. Miruru! Love nest for 2! This is a Priority one!”

In that aspect, the room was changing, were the red soft padding and huge heart-shaped bed was where Maho and Hatsuho were now sitting. A soft smell of fragrance made to incite women filled the room. Although Maho’s young, she still could feel slight heat between her legs… of course, if it was Hatsuho’s plan to make her a woman herself, she would have done it, but it’s not going to be right for Maho for someone way older… at least in body, to do that. “She should be here now!”

The door opened, as much of a door as their could be, now that this spaceship was landed you could call it a portal. A young girl with brown hair and auburn eyes walked in. “Hello Maho! How are you? Me and you are going to have a lot of fun!”

“Now Maho, meet Ichigo, she’s going to be your special friend!” Hatsuho said with a wicked grin. “She just got tired of men, so she thought someone her size and gender was more fun!”

“NO! I’m not going to…” Maho’s complaints about how ‘elegant and beautiful her sister is’ were stopped by a even weirder feeling. “My body… it’s so hot…”

“That’s right Maho, I’ve been watching you, waiting for someone who I could appreciate. When I heard you were Teacher’s sister, I felt like I found someone who I could have fun with. Don’t worry Maho, I’m not here because Hatsuho wants to punish you, I want to show you what it means to feel happy.” Ichigo undid her dress and let it fall to the floor. Her flat chest wasn’t impressive but sure enough, those pink panties were there. “Maho, I want to feel you. I want to let you move forward with me.” Ichigo moved close to Maho, close enough to touch, and sat next to her with her knees bent. “Maho, tell me how you feel. I want to love you!”

“I feel hot… my thighs feel strange… and my panties are getting wet…” Maho tried to fight the urge to take off her dress, but she couldn’t help but rub her couch. “Ichigo, I know what I feel like… I’m horny!”

“Just let this love go. You’ll feel better if you take off your dress.” Ichigo started to reach around and undo the ribbons all over Maho’s dress, since it held it all together, slowly one by one the white bows came undone, and soon the young girl was in only her white panties, the ones with the pink bow on them. “You have lovely panties Maho! Innocent and pure!” Ichigo moved in, and placed her hand on Maho’s bare chest. “Trust me, I won’t hurt you!” Maho’s eyes filled with a weird glow as she moved in, closed her eyes, and let the moment take off…

Kei and Mizuho went back to their home. Where did everyone go? Kei tried to call Ichigo, thinking something was up, but there was no answer there. Then he tried Koishi, but she didn’t know where everyone went ether. After that, there wasn’t much they could do, Mizuho however had other plans. “Kei, why not just worry about us tonight?” Mizuho said holding onto Kei’s left arm.

“I guess you’re right. So what do we do tonight?”

“Make love to each other…” Wait a second… Is that what Mizuho just said? That’s never what they say together… it was always ‘Let’s move forward together’ or something like that… boy talk about forward. “Please Kei, let’s just move forward together in a new way!”

Kei had a sheepish grin on his face, but you know what they say about sex, the more you have it the more you want it. “Miss Kaza… no, Mizuho, I want to… I want to… I want to make love to you!” Kei wasn’t loud, but of course the shout could still be barely traced next door.

“Ha-ha! That’s my Kei!” Kei’s uncle, who was getting ready for bed, said with a playful smirk on his face. “Finally he and Mizuho…”

“That’s quite enough dear!” Thankfully, Kei’s Aunt brought him back to his senses…

Anyway, just after midnight, on Saturday morning, Mizuho finally took some of her mother’s advice. She got lingerie for herself… of course, there were many different kinds, but she liked the pink Cami-garter set she got on-line, and hid it until now. Sure she could get Marie to change her into whatever she wanted within reason, but this was for Kei, and of course, Marie had a few problems with ‘his’ functions still. Never the less, everything was going to look good for tonight…

Close enough to it, but still one more chapter guys. Yeah… I’m a tease! Keeps you reading doesn’t it?

Ichigo, Maho… will this turn into a yuri romance of the under-developed?

Kei and Mizuho’s record of not doing much before now of course was broken many times, but would this night go right for once, or will something else happen?

Don’t worry, more questions answered in the next addition. And maybe you’ll get more questions… eh… it happens.