Pokemon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Queen Megan ❯ Vol 2: Chap 11. First Cigarette ( Chapter 11 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
First Cigarette
Dateline: Travis came and tried to take Grace away from Takeru But she said she wasn't ready to date yet."Oh, Sweet Japan! How I envy you!" said Blare as she looked at it into her crystal ball. "But that won't matter once I destroy you and the royal families too!" Then she gave off an evil laugh. "Nature fairies! Come to your master!" she yelled. Then eleven nature fairies came up behind her. "Now, who would like the honor destroying the royal families and Japan?" she asked them. They all wanted to do this task. "Aw, What a pity! Only one of you can do this job." she said. "Now, let's see, who will get the job?" She streched out her arm, covored her eyes, and swung it back and forth. Her finger finally pointed to the tobacco fairy. Then Blare opened her eyes and saw that she had picked the tobacco fairy. "Fine. Tobacco fairy, you have the job." she said. Then the fairy desended down to Tokyo. Then Blare turned to her other ten fairies. "Why are you all just standing around here for? Get back to work!" she said. Then fairies all scattered out. Meanwhile, the tobacco fairy went to Crytsal palace to look for a place to hide until she could attack Megan and her family. Finally she saw a golden cart. So she went though the window and over to the cart. On this cart, she saw some cigarettes. Then the tobacco fairy desened down into the cigarette on top of the others. (Note: Megan doesn't smoke!!!!)
"Hey Mitch, Look!" said Grace. "What is it?" he asked. Then he walked over to the cigarette machine where she was. "What does that note say on?" she asked. "You can read." said Mitch. "It's too high." she whined. Mitch just sigh. "It says you have to be eighteen to buy cigarettes." he read. "EIGHTEEN?!? By then I'll know better!" she yelled. The other shoppers looked up at Mitch and Grace. "It's all right, Nothing to see here people." said Mitch. Then shoppers went back to what they were doing. "I think we should go home now." said Grace. "Yeah." said Mitch. Then they both ran out of the store.
Grace was reading in her room when heard the door bell ring. Then she put down her book and ran to the door and opened it. Takeru and Travis were at the door. "Oh, hi guys." she said. "Can you play?" asked Takeru. "I was going to ask her!" yelled Travis. "Well, you were to slow!" said Takeru. "Yes, hold on." she said. Then she ran to mother's room to ask Megan."Mommy, Can I play with Takeru and Travis?" asked the little princess. "Sure you can." said Megan. "Mommy, Can I have a cigarette?" asked Grace. Mitch was listening closely from his room. "Sure, Grace. I think your grandfather left some here. Just smoke outside, okay?" said Megan. Mitch couldn't believe his sister's response. "Wow!" thought Grace. Then she ran into grandpa's room and got the cigarette that the tobacco fairy was hiding in. Mitch decided to keep watch over his niece. So he knelt over his bed and pulled out his moniter and turned it on. Then Grace got on her shoes and opened the door and stepped outside."Your mom let you have a cigarette?" asked Travis in amazement. "For a mommy, sometimes she's pretty cool!" she said.
Blare was awoken by the sound of her moniter turning on. "What? What's going on here?" she asked. "BAIT TAKEN! BAIT TAKEN! BAIT TAKEN!" it said on the moniter. "Really? Who took it?" she typed in joy. "The princess of Honshu island." she read. "Oh boy! This is going to be good!" she thought. Then she turned to her crystal ball and looked into it. She saw Grace standing on the steps of of her house and talking to Takeru and Travis. Grace had her hand in her pocket looking for her uncle's lighter that he had gave her to light the fireworks her friend's birthday party to light the fireworks there or some matches she had stolen out of the kitchen to light the fireworks with at the lake. But she couldn't even find a burnt match. "Guys, do any of you have a lighter or anything on you?" she asked. "Well I know....." Takeru started to say. "I have a lighter in my backpack!" said Travis. "Okay, let me see it." she said. Then Travis took off his backpack and opened it. A couple of minutes later, he pulled out his american flag lighter. "You want me to light it for you?" he asked. "Yes." she said. "Oh yes!" said Blare. Then he opened lighter and flipped the switch. It gave off small flame.Then he held it close to the cigarette in her mouth. Blare was snickering softly. "Wait!" said Grace. Blare fell to the ground in disappointment. "What is it?" asked Takeru. "I don't want to smoke around here because I'll be givng the neighbors bad ideas." she said. "Cool." said Travis. Then they for a little trip around the neighborhood. Blare decided to keep watch over Grace and her friends. That was a sigh of reilef for Mitch at the momment but he knew that he should still keep watch over his niece.
"So, where are we going today?" asked Grace. "Well... to the candy store, then the park, and then the beach." said Takeru. Grace was in great joy. Then they walked to the candy store. Travis opened the door and held it open for Grace to walk though but closed it in Takeru's face after he walked in himself. So that would explain why Takeruhad a sour face when opened the door and walked in himself. "Honey, I'll buy you anything you want and I'll get it for you." said Travis. Grace's eyes lit up with joy. Takeru mocked what Travis said under his breath. "Well..." said Grace. Then she began listing all of the things she wanted. Travis was looking kinda grim right there. "Boy! This honey has a big sweet tooth!" he thought. So he started to collet all of the things she wanted to snack on. Travis placed all of the her goodies on the check-out counter. "You're buying all of that?" asked the store lady. Travis nodded. "Oh my!" she said. Then she totaled up the price of the candy. "Your price is fifty four dollars and sixty-five cents in yen." she said. "Okay....." said Travis. Then he took off his backpack and looked for some money. He could only find ten dollars in yen. Travis put the money on the check-out counter. Grace stuck her hand in her pocket to look for some yen. She could only find the sixty-five cents in yen. Then she put the money on the check-out counter. Takeru stuck his hand in his pocket and found fouty-four dollars in yen and put it on the check-out counter. The store lady put the candy in a big paper bag and gave it to Takeru. Then the three children left the store. Then Travis took the lighter out of his pocket."Do you want to smoke your cigarette out here?" he asked Blare's ears lit up with interse. "Nah!" said Grace. Blare fell to the ground in disappointment again. "Why not?" asked Travis. "Because, some of my neighbors come down here!" whispered loudly. "Oh." he said. "So, we're going somewhere else." she said. Then the three of them left for the park. That was another sigh of reilef for Mitch at that momment but he knew that he should still keep watch over his niece.
They tried to go to the park but it was closed because of constrution. "Well... It looks we'll go straight to the beach." said Grace. "I know a short cut." said Travis. "Where?" asked the little princess. "Follow me." he said. He lead them though a semi-dark alley. "Now can I light your cigarette?" asked Travis. Blare's ears lit up with interse again. "Yeah, all right." she said. "Yesssss!" said Blare. Then Grace took the cigarette out of her pocket and Travis took the lighter out of his pocket. Mitch held his breath and said his prayers. Then he opened lighter and flipped the switch. It gave off small flame.Then he held it close to the cigarette in her mouth. Blare was snickering softly. Then Travis lit the end of the cigarette. Then she stucked in the smoke. The momment wasn't plesant. Because from the minute she smoked that cigarette, she was coughing her head off. Then the cigarette fell out of her mouth and rolled over to a nearby trash can. "You'd think this would be an easy habit to break." said Takeru. Then the cigarette started glowing. Then the tobacco fairy came out. The three children turned around to the evil tobacco fairy. "Tobacco vine whip!" she yelled. The tobacco vines around Grace's ankles. Then the fairy began dragging Grace in. "Must destroy the princess!" yelled the evil fairy. "Why are you doing this to me? I'm just a kid!" said Grace in a weak voice. "Patamon! Digivole!" yelled Takeru. "Patamon digivole to....... Angemon!" said the digivoling digimon. "Hand of Fate!" yelled Angemon. The attack broke the tobacco vines from Grace's anklets. "Dream bomb!" yelled Travis. Then the bomb blew up the tobacco fairy. Then the three children coutined on their jounry to the beach.
"Hey Grace, aren't you going to finish your cigarette?" asked Takeru. as they all sat onto the beach while watching the waves. "No way!" yelled Grace. Then she threw the cigarette into the water and watched it wash away. Then they had a fun time at the beach and then when it got dark they went home.
The End