Pokemon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Queen Megan ❯ Vol 5: Chap 47: New Horizons ( Chapter 47 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New Horizons
Dateline: The children battled Shir. Grace has brought Shir back to good.
"How much farther?" asked Gezzele. "We're almost there." said Katrina. "Can we rest now?" asked Jessi. "Yes." said Grace. Then the children stopped for rest. "Being leader is not as easy as I thought it would be." said Grace. "We're hungry." said Jimmy. Grace picked up the food bag and tried to look for some food. The bag was empty. "Sorry guys, but we're out of food." she said. The children groaned. Then these little light green crystals came falling out of the sky. The children opened their mouths and tasted the crystals. "These taste like lime." said Gezzele. "I feel refreshed all ready." said Sabrina. These gave more strength "So, are we ready to leave?" asked Grace. "Yeah!" yelled the children. "Then let's go." she said. Then the children quickly left the area.
The children haven't been walking long when Gezzele had stopped them. "What's wrong?" asked Grace. "I.... don't..... know." said Gezzele. Then a bright light surrounded her. She was evolving. She went from a girl with tan skin, long dark brown hair, and brown eyes who was wearing a satin white blouse with a red satin tie, a blue jumper, lacy socks, and school girl type shoes to a girl tan skin, short dark blue ponytails, and brown eyes who was wear a short blue dress with blue four inch high heels. "Gezzele... What happened?" asked Gary. "I'm not Gezzele anymore daddy. I'm Scissor and I evolved." said Scissor. "How did you end up like this?" asked Roxanne. "I don't know." she said. Then the children walked on. Then Tiffany stopped them. "What's wrong?" asked Grace. "I.... don't..... know." said Tiffany. Then a bright light surrounded her. She too was evolving. She went from a girl with a girl with white skin, short blond hair, and blue eyes who had on black jeans, a yellow T-shirt, white socks, and green sneakers to a girl with white skin, short brown hair, and blue eyes who had on short black shorts, a blue tank top with a big white star on it, and sandals. "Uh.... Tiffany? Sweetie?" asked Richie. "I'm Tiffa." she replied. Grace decided to stop in case the rest of them tried to evolve. The other children kept asking both Tiffa and Scissor about evolving
In afternoon, Jessi, Jen, and Lisa evolved into Jessica, Jennifer, and Henrietta. This seemed to continue until Sabrina evolved to Cheryl. "Are we ready to go now?" asked Grace. "Yes!" said the evolve children. Then they left.
The End