By: Meleniumwriter123450 
*on a boat, somewhere in the ocean*
announcer:welcome all, now, the contestants for this show will be...
and our SUPER special guest, SUPERMAN
anouncer:okay, now, time to intoduce you guys to the host!
*the rock (WWF wresteler) comes out*
Rock:what are you all looking at me for? I'm just the boat cleaner!
*Connen O Brian walks out*
COB: hell-o yall, I'm the host for this here show, Jeff got sick and died of breast cancer
everyone: (((((((((((((OO)))))))))))))))
Jessy:but breast cancer is for g-
COB:-anyways, I'll be dumping you guys-
Tea:and girls!
COB:erm...right, and girls on a tropical island called pornorecka!
Trunks/Gohan:best place ever
Goku:don't we need teams
Bakura:teem me up with Yami and I'll kill you
Yami:teem me up with Bakura I'll kill you!
Vageta:team me up with Goku and I'll kill you!!!
Tea:teem me up with Bakura or Yami and I'll kill you
Yami/Bakura:b-b-but I thought you loved me
Bakura: she loves me you idiot
Yami:I have to see it in wrighting
Bakura:*wrights down Tea loves Bakura* there!!!
Yami: you cheap bastard!
Superman:wow I'm hot!
James:we can tell already
everyone: *looks at James* (((((((((OO))))))))
Pickachu: Pika!
Ash:what's that Pikachu?
COB:we're getting off track!!!!!!!!
everyone: *shuts up*
COB:good, now, there's gonna be a NEW twist, you can only go with TWO peaces of clothing on!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA (it's for rateings)
Yami and Bakura think of dirty thoughts over Tea
Ash: Pickachu can't bring clothes sinse he's already naked, I'll bring my trunks and hat
Trunks: you arn't wearing me boy!
Ash: I ment my boxers
Trunks:whatever, I'll bring my boxers and shorts
Gohan: same
Goku: hmm, I'll bring my boxers and weighted blue tea-shirt
Marik:boxers and shorts for me fools
SuperMan: I'll bring my tight, red underwear and my cape
Mai:guess I'll bring my underwear and lace up shirt
Ash: *muttering* slut
Yami/Bakura:shorts and tea-shirts
Bakura: mine has a picture of Tea's head on it! *sticks out tongue
Bakura:what's so gross about that!?!?
Yami: *laughs like a little scotish girl*
Tea:I'll bring my thong and sports bra
Misty: same
Jessy: boxers, and gown
James:thong and boxers
Yami:he's just like Yugi *sigh*
Vageta:meh, boxers and pants
#18:thong and bra
COB:I hink that's everyone, now, time to pick the teams!
Anime/Manga: Pokemon Fan Fiction /
Pokemon Fan Fiction /
Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction /
Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Comedy |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 11.16.2003 |
Updated On: 11.16.2003 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 183 |
Visits: 307 |
Status: Completed
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