By: Meleniumwriter123450 
COB:alright, we're going to pick the teams very, very fairly...ahem!
eenee meenee minee moe, catch a booger by the nose, if it swirms, let it go, eenee meenee minee moe!
*soon the teams were devided into 8ths*
team 1 (the bees)
team 2 (the flys)
Bakura/Yami:whoohooo, Tea's on my side!!!!
Bakura:wait a minute, COB, I warned you not to put pharoeh on my team
Yami: I told you not to put this casper head on my team COB!!!!
Tea:I told you not to have these guys on this team COB
Tea/Yami/Bakura: GET HIM!!!!!
Vageta stops infront of COB: I warned you about GOKU!!!!!!
*suddenly everyone besides the rock and COB is sent flying out of the ship by invisible canons and they are forced to swim to shore*
the bees set up came at the edge of the ocean while the flys have a camp in the mountains
COB:and so it begins! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA
bees, day 1
Gohan and Yami are collecting wood for their shelter
#18, Tea, and Marik and trying to start a fire before the sun falls
Superman is admiring himself in a mirror
Bakura is chaseing a monkey for food
and Jessy is take a nude bath in the ocean
Gohan: *pant* well, we've collected about enough wood that could let us live threw the night at least
Yami: yeah, maybe I should go help Tea get the fire started?
Gohan: sure, I put this near the-
Yami runs off and sits next to Tea
Gohan rolles his eyes
(off show:
Gohan:I think Yami is only in this game so he can stay near Tea or get a girlfriend, same thing goes for Bakura, I know they're weird spirits and stuff but I'm starting to get annoyed, Yami only got two sticks the entire time and Bakura is just trying to impress Tea by trying to catch a monkey!)
Bakura runs around after the monkey until it climbs up a tree
Bakura:damn! now we're going to die of starvation!
18:hey, there's a pinapple tree next to our camp!
Bakura:WE'RE SAVED!!!
Superman:do I look adorable or what!
Tea:*mutters* or what?
Flys, day 1
Goku, Vageta, and Trunks had already got enough wood tfor their tribe it could probably be enough for 3 houses so the three of them are resting
Ash is training Pikachu
Misty and Mai and James are haveing a girl talk while everyone forgets about how they're going to get food and a fire started
Misty:hey James, your not a girl!
James: I know, but you girls are more fun to hang with *flutters eyes*
after them talking somemore, they realizze the sun went down and they have no fire
Mai:oh shit! the boys are asleep, guess we'll have no warmth for one night
Misty:*rolles eyes*
Anime/Manga: Pokemon Fan Fiction /
Pokemon Fan Fiction /
Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction /
Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Comedy |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 11.16.2003 |
Updated On: 11.17.2003 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 183 |
Visits: 278 |
Status: Completed
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