Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Koala Kaos ❯ Chapter 3: Death in Peach Creek ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: NO!! I DO NOT OWN ANY SHOWS!!!

eniol8r: What the f*** is wrong with you f***ing readers!? The people that read this story never review! Anyways, this chapter is action-packed! Not really, but it makes it sound more jazzy and cool.

((((((((((((((((((Chapter 3: Death in Peach Creek))))))))))))))

ZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPPP! The koalas slowly crawl out of their portal.

Koala #345: Okay. Let's destroy thi- Hee hee hee! Where's Mandy? - What the hell? Well, let's destroy this place! (Notices that there is nothing but death, flames, and smoke)

Koala Commander #1: What happened here? It must've been, He-Man!!!

He-Man: Eat this Skel,a,tor? Where am I? (Is instantly eaten by several koalas)

Koala #76: Well, it must not have been him. Wait! Who's that over there? Let's check it out! (The koalas walk over to a bloody little boy) What happened kid?

Ed: It…was…the…(Somehow bursts into flames and gets eaten by millions of evil pigeons that come out of nowhere)

Koala #90: Crap! Now we're never going to know what happened here! Oh well.

Yamcha: Yo yo yo! Wassup homies? This is the schiznet yo! (Suddenly gets sucked into a black hole and never is heard from again)

Koala #7820: Damn, this place is fucked up.

Koala Commander #1: Let's go to Japan!

(Later, in Japan)

Koala #5: Check out this Pokemon plushie!

Koala #89675: Look! It looks like my ex-girlfriend's grandma!

Godzilla: RRRRAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!! (Stomps on hundreds of koalas)

Citizen #2: Look! It Godzilla!

Citizen #1: Run for your pathetic lives!

Koala Commander #1: (Has a shotgun) Eat this! (Jumps in a conveniently placed jet and blasts Godzilla into pieces) Let's go!


eniol8r: That's it. Please review.