Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Koala Kaos ❯ Chapter 4: Japan! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

eniol8r: Welcome back to another chapter of Koala Kaos! I would like to thank Bakura45 for being the first person to review, unlike all you other cold-hearted bastards!

&&&&&&&&&Chapter 4: Turning Japanese&&&&&&&

Citizen #3: Holy shit! They kill Godzilla!

Koala #8: Bow down! We have demands to be met! First, we want, um, uh… um, that camel! (Camel pops out of nowhere)

Camel: Moo.

(Haruko comes and starts whacking koalas with her guitar while Kanti takes out more)

Haruko: Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Koala #98: Oh my god! They killed Koala Commander #1!

Kyle: You bastard!

(Hundreds of koalas somehow morph together to make a super huge koala thing)

Ultra Koala: Prepare to meet thy doom mortal!

Haruko: …………………..Shit.

(Ultra koala stomps Haruko and Kanti)

Yugi: La dee da dee da! ( Flowers start sprouting where ever he goes and somehow the sun is shining, even though it's 11:45 PM)

Ultra Koala: (Turns back into a bunch of koalas)

Koala #60: Who is she?

Yugi: (Turns into Yami)


Koala #4: Woah.

Godzookie: Am I late? Hey! Who's that person eating those innocent armed koalas? This looks like a job for, Godzookie! (Burns Yugi and gets eaten by rabid flying fish)

Koala #756779: Let's go somewhere else.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&am p;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&am p;&&

eniol8r: There you go. Chapter 4. The End. Bye. Later. Go do something else you worthless piece of s***!