Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Koala Kaos ❯ Chapter 5: Rivals ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the koalas. actually, I don't even own those!

eniol8r: Happy New Year! I couldn't get to a computer, so that's why I didn't update in a while. Dannyken23, fuck you! There is a plot! The plot is the koalas are trying to take over everywhere! Onto the chapter!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 5: Rivals~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Koala #345: Why do I keep saying stuff that kid with the fat nose would say?

Koala #67: I can take care of that!

Koala #345: You can?

Koala #67: Yeah! Watch! (Pulls out a crossbow and kills koala #345) See? I told you I could make you stop talking like that!

Koala Commander #2: Will you shut up! Let's go to … Miami! And we can get a tan!

Koalas: Hurray!

(In Miami)

Koala #6985: Ahh. This is the life! What else should we do?

Koala #8: Not get hit by trains!

Koala #6985: You got that right! (Suddenly gets plowed by a train)

Koala #68: What's that?

Koala #281: What's what?

Koala #68: Those black dots, waaaaaaaaaaaaayyy out there! Whatever they are, there coming in fast!

Koala Commander #3: Take cover!!!!!!

(Dozens of dolphins go flying over the koalas, decapitating some)

Koala Commander #2: It's, it's, the Rabid Nazi Penguins from the center of the Earth!

Penguin general #2: (Picks up Koala Commander #2) We are here to take care of you pesky koalas! We found out your plan right before you left for Nick Jr., so we decided to stop you! We went to Peach Creek to see if you were there, but you weren't so we just killed everyone there, except for the one they call Plank. He had useful information that we needed, so he became one of our top generals. Now, any questions? (Notices that all the koalas left while he was talking) Damn! (Tears out Koala Commander #2's throat and feeds him to the dolphins) Come my penguin allies let's go!


eniol8r: That's it for chapter 5. Thank you reviewers! Except for Gokulover4ever, or whatever it is. You burn in hell with Dannyken23!