Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / FLCL Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Koala Kaos ❯ Chapter 6: Hamsters and hedgehogs ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own anything at all related to my story.

eniol8r: OMFG!!! It’s been so long since I updated! About two years! And my story is still here! Well, it’s been a loooong time, but that’s all for the better! Now it may be better written (‘Cause all the others looked like they were made by a four-year-old) and I will clean up some of the language! Ok, on to the chapter!!!

-----------------------------------Chapter 6: Hamsters and Hedgehogs---------------------------------------------------

*Some where in Tampa Bay*

Koala #6: Gasp! What are we going to do!? The penguins will be coming here soon! They’ll find us! They’re going to kill us and feed us to their dolphins!

Koala #98347: Shut up! All we have to do is wait here for a little while until…I don’t know, but we’ll do something. What about you? *Points to Koala commander #3*

Koala Commander #3: What?

Koala #98347: You’re the only commander left! You have to do something!

Koala Commander #3: Well…uhh…we…should…umm…Go to a rave!!!

*All the koalas head to a downtown rave and dance all night*

Koala#96: Oh man…I don’t feel very well…*Suddenly blows up and flings candy everywhere*

Koala #3.7: CANDY!!!!!!!!

Koala #14: w00t w00t!

Koala Commander #3: Ok, now I think we should head to-*Is suddenly interrupted by theme music*

Hamtaro! When we work together it’s much better! My best friend! We like sunflower seeds khrrmp khrrmp khrrmp…
*Suddenly dozens of little hamsters dash towards the koalas*

Hamtaro: The penguins have paid us handsomely to insure your demise, so prepare to die!!!

Koala #23: But you’re just little hamsters. What are you gonna do, snuggle us to death?

Hamtaro: Do not underestimate us. *Pulls out the koala’s intestines, gouges out his eyes, then hangs him by his intestines*

Koala #483: HOLY SH*T!!! They aren’t kidding! These guys are brutal!

Bijou: *Has chain gun* YAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Koala#.00000001: Ahhhhhh! I’m to young to be brutally murdered by fuzzy and adorable bundles of joy!

*Suddenly a blue streak flies through the door, killing several hamsters and koalas in its path*

Koala #30: It’s…it’s…it’s…

Koala #4709: SONIC!!!!!!!!!

Sonic: You hamsters and koalas are insane!

Koala #5: Psh. So?

Sonic: You people are killing hundreds of thousands of people! And for what!?

Koala #69: That’s simple. We are here…..to…uhh…let’s see…*Dam, why are we doing this?* We’re trying to….conquer the dimensions or something.

Sonic: It doesn’t matter! I’m here to…stop…you…

Koala Commander #3: Oh. I think you’ll reconsider. *Holds fresh chili dog*

Sonic: But where did you-

Koala Commander #3: It doesn’t matter: Obey! Destroy the hamsters!

Sonic: Y-y-yes…w-wait! You can not control me with that! I’ve eaten so many chili dogs in the past week I can’t stand them!

Koala Commander #3: But how come it was working a minute ago?

Sonic:……………..SHUT UP!!!!! DO NOT CONTRIDICT ME!!!!!!

Koala Commander #3: But-

Sonic: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *Sucks the souls out of millions of koalas and flies back to Mobius where he exists and does things people do*

Koala Commander #3: …That leaves………about fifty koalas to- *Notices that the hamsters are nowhere to be found* Well, we must recover our army and plan out our next…plan.

Koalas: HURRAH!!!

But little do the koalas know, somewhere in the shadows, or maybe broad daylight, a hero lurks planning to stop the koalas and penguins…

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eniol8r: There you go! My first update in about forever, and I will try to update more frequently. Maybe in less than a month. Or maybe not.