Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Shock to the System ❯ A Tough Decision ( Prologue )
Jolt: I am a new author, and decided to write a Pokemon fic…
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon. Do own Andrew
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A Tough Decision *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Andrew, honey, wake up, it's your 13th birthday. You have to go see Professor Birch to get your new pokémon."
Andrew woke up immediately. He got dressed and then ate his breakfast, only because his mother made him sit down and eat. After he was finally finished he ran to Birch's lab. It was an impressive building, easily the largest building in the quaint town of Littleroot.
He was met at the door by Birch, who said, "Ahhhh, so at last you are of age. It has been a tradition to give a boy his first Pokémon on his 13th birthday. Well, come in, there are three pokémon for you to choose from. Please take your time deciding."
Andrew looked at the pokéballs on the table. The first held a Treecko, a green scaly lizard type pokémon. It was a grass type pokémon; he knew it evolved into a fierce-looking Sceptile. He then looked at the Mudkip, it was a rather cute pokémon, a water type, and he knew that evolved into a Swampert. He then moved on to the last pokémon and fell in love with the adorable chick pokémon, Torchic. Torchic was a fire pokémon, and Andrew had always wanted a fire pokémon. He hesitated but a moment before he reached over and picked up the pokéball. It was warm to his touch, and it fit perfectly in his hand. He held it tightly, before turning to Professor Birch.
"I want this one."
"Andrew, I wish you the best of luck. I hope that you and your pokémon develop a special bond. You have the looks of a great pokémon master, and I wish to give you something." Birch reached into his pocket and took out some small round pokéballs, similar to Torchic's.
"These are pokéballs, use them to catch wild pokémon, but before you do that you must weaken them."
"Don't forget to talk to your mother before you leave."
"Andrew," his mother said, "I have something for you. It's a backpack. You can store your stuff in there. Also, I want you to have this." She handed him a belt, "It was your fathers. You clip your pokéballs to it. Take care of it. Here's some money too." She handed him a number of bills. She hugged him hard, almost suffocating him. She started to cry, "You look so grown-up. I wish you the best of luck."
"Thanks mom," he said, before leaving, afraid his mom would burst into a fresh bout of tears.
"Wait, Andrew, take this." She tossed him a small cell phone. "Now, you must promise to call twice a day, three times on the weekend. Don't forget to stop by your Aunt Gertrude's, to visit your cousin, Sean, and also you'd better come back and visit me. Also, no eating too much junk food, I don't want you to get a stomach ache. You had better also take care of those pokémon…" Andrew grinned as he sprinted out of the village; he could still hear his mom giving him instructions. "You must take a shower at least 3 times a week, if not more…"
Jolt- Okay, that was kind of a boring introductory chapter, the next one will be more exciting, I promise.
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