Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Shock to the System ❯ Battles Begin ( Chapter 1 )
Jolt: Second Chapter…
First, I MUST thank my first reviewer EVER!!!!!!!! Thank you sooo much IcyBlue!!!!
Disclaimer: Don't own Pokémon… Own Lorelei, and Andrew
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Battles Begin *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Andrew was beginning to walk off, when he heard his name called.
He turned around to see a man running after him, "Andrew?"
It was Professor Birch; he came to a halt in front of Andrew, he bent over, huffing and puffing from his recent run.
"What is it Professor?"
"I forgot to give this to you. Here." He handed the boy a red square object.
"Thanks, but what is it?"
"It's a pokédex. It's my most recent invention," Birch glowed with pride. "The pokédex is a handheld encyclopedia of pokémon. But," and his face fell, "It needs to be completed, and I am getting too old for this sort of thing, besides, I am needed at the lab, so can I ask you a favor? Would you help me by catching pokémon, and filling in the data on them?"
"Of course."
"Thank you so much, and here, take this, it is a map of the Hoenn region. I know it'll come in handy for you. Also, take my phone number, that way you can call me if you discover something amazing!"
"Bye Professor."
"Good luck Andrew."
Andrew let his Torchic out of its pokéball, and the little chick half jumped, half fluttered into his arms. They walked for a little while, before Torchic let out a tiny peep.
"What is it Torchic?"
In answer to his question, a dog-like pokémon came out of the bushes.
Andrew used his pokédex to learn that the pokémon is in fact a Poochyena.
"Alright, Torchic, we're gonna catch our first pokémon." Torchic chirped happily.
"Torchic, use your scratch attack."
Poochyena howled in pain as Torchic's sharp claws raked the pokémon's skin, crimson blood oozing from the flesh wound. Poochyena tried to use tackle, but Torchic dodged it, and used it's scratch attack again.
Andrew knew he could catch the pokémon now that it was sufficiently weakened.
"Pokéball go!!" He threw his pokéball at the Poochyena, swallowing the pokémon. The ball rolled violently as the Poochyena tried to escape, at last the rocking slowed down, until there was a click, signifying that the pokémon had been successfully caught.
"Yes! Alright! I caught my first pokémon." Andrew said, beaming happily.
He reached over to pickup his newest pokémon, and allowed Torchic to flutter up to his shoulder. They continued on, until Torchic chirped again. Andrew looked around to see what pokémon Torchic had sensed. It was not a pokémon that approached them, but rather a girl.
"Hello," she said, "I'm Lorelei. Let's battle."
"Um…OK," Andrew said, surprised by the girl's frankness. The girl was his height, maybe a little smaller, with blue eyes and blond hair. She looked to be his age, although Andrew had always been bad at guessing ages.
"What are you waiting for? Pokeball go!" The girl said.
Andrew too threw his pokéball containing Poochyena. The girl had thrown a pokéball which had a Squirtle in it.
`Squirtle's a water pokémon, it's a good thing I didn't use Torchic.' Andrew thought to himself.
"Poochyena, use your tackle attack."
Poochyena launched it's tackle, and hit Squirtle. Squirtle's shell absorbed most of the attack, making the attack almost useless.
`I've got to find the weak spot on that turtle.' Andrew thought.
"OK, Squirtle, use your own tackle."
"Poochyena, dodge."
Poochyena evaded the attack, and Squirtle instead, hit the ground hard. It was obvious that the fall had hurt the turtle. Andrew got an idea.
"OK, Poochyena, use your Sand Attack."
Poochyena kicked up blinding sand, causing Squirtle's sight to grow very poor.
"Squirtle, use your tackle again."
Squirtle tried to tackle Poochyena, but he failed, and hit the ground once more, this time he fainted.
"Oh dear," Lorelei said, as she recalled the pokémon. "Well, it's up to you," she said, as she threw a pokéball.
"What is that?" Andrew said.
He used his pokédex to look up the pokémon.
"Spheal. Spheal always travels by rolling around on its ball-like body. When the season for ice floes arrives, this POKéMON can be seen rolling about on ice, and crossing the sea."
"An ice pokémon, that's perfect! Torchic, go!"
"Go Torchic, use your ember attack!"
"No!" Lorelei said, as her Spheal fainted from the attack.
"Good job Torchic, way to go Poochyena!"
"Well, much as I hate to say it, you beat me. You're a pretty decent trainer. This your first battle?"
"Yes, and thank you."
"I gotta go." She said, walking off.
"We won our first battle!" Andrew exclaimed.
Jolt: OK, done chapter 1…