Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Brock's Love: Maiden of the Dastardly Dr. Rage ❯ One: Fallen Meetings ( Chapter 1 )
Hello, PokeFans! This is my first Pokemon fanfic and I hope you enjoy it. I am no novice to the fanfic scene, so you will NOT be disappointed! So here's a fic about everyone's favorite pokemon breeder!
A little background you'll need to understand the story…
This story takes place after the Jhoto journeys. I haven't seen all the eppies yet, but I have seen the first two eps of the new "Advanced", or Hoenn, series.
Brock, 19, went back to Pewter City to stay with his family. But he soon grew tired of it. He longed for adventure. He missed his friends Ash and Misty, who were to his knowledge staying "together" at the Cerulean Gym. Ash was an instructor for new trainers, showing off battle techniques and pokemon appreciation. Misty was the leader of the gym now since her sisters were fully engrossed in their productions. They made quite the profit for the gym, all in all leading a nice, cushy life.
So since that kind of life was obviously not for him (and he had already scared every girl in town), Brock decided to go off on his own journey. His thirst for adventure, however, was just a cover for the thirst of his empty, aching heart. He traveled with his Vulpix by his side for company, nearly forgetting how to even interact with anyone, let alone a girl. He would spend weeks at a time in the forests and woods, thinking and training, mostly thinking. He missed having arguments to break up and large meals to cook. The largest meals he ever prepared now were for his Onix, and the occasional odd job. He was beginning to wonder if he would talk to another woman again. Being turned down time after time after time had depressed Brock a great deal. Although his demeanor remained as pleasant as ever, he cried on the inside. He eagerly accepted battles, hungry for human contact, and would engage the trainers in meaningful conversations. But eventually, his wanderings would lead him far away from civilized life and he would be alone again. For his 18th birthday, a few weeks before he left, Ash and Misty got him a portable radio. Brock had an excellent voice and would often sing to lighten his spirits. But deep in the forest, there wouldn't be a good signal, leaving him just a little more saddened. He trudged on; always hoping tomorrow would be a better day…
~*~*~ (and here we go)
Brock busied himself making dinner. He stirred his small pot of stew, watching his pokemon frolic in the clearing. He went over to his bag to get out their bowls, making loud clanking noises that attracted the other pokemon quickly. They knew it was dinnertime!
Vulpix was watching his trainer carefully. Brock seemed to be acting rather mechanical, as usual. He hadn't said a word since they had stopped for the evening. Vulpix assumed he must be in deep concentration.
'So quiet…' Brock's mind was full of lonely thoughts and memories. He remembered the usual noisiness of his old pals, bickering or joking loudly. 'They really care for each other. It must be nice to have somebody, huh, Ash?' Every one of Brock's pokemon became silent. Brock had not realized he said the last part out loud. Without another word, Brock filled each of the pokemon's bowls and gave them all a pat on the head before sitting down to his own meal.
Between munches, Vulpix and the other pokemon all exchanged glances, wondering how lonely it must be to be human with no one to talk to.
After putting away all the bowls and things, Brock returned all of his pokemon (minus Vulpix) to their pokeballs for a good night's rest. He slipped into his sleeping bag with Vulpix already snoozing at his belly. 'What great pokemon I have; always worried about me.' Brock thought as he gently stroked Vulpix's head. He laid his own head down, ready to sleep. He wanted to rest and forget about his lonesomeness for one night.
Brock shot up in his sleeping bag. Had he really heard whatever that was? He looked down at his belly to see Vulpix already awake and sniffing the air. 'I must've heard it!' Brock thought. He stood and rolled up his bag and stuffed it into his backpack and put on his vest.
Just then a Persian popped out of the thick foliage right in front of Vulpix. Vulpix hesitated, then began to growl. Brock noticed, however, that the pokemon before him was not taking an offensive stance. It seemed to be staring straight past Vulpix and right at him. He began to mew loudly. "Uh, what's wrong there, fella?" Brock took a cautious step forward. The Persian didn't budge. 'Just as I thought; a tamed pokemon.' "Vulpix, it's okay," Brock didn't want Vulpix to attack someone's innocent pokemon. "Is something wrong, Presian? Are you lost?" Brock knelt down to the classy cat's level. Persian turned to Vulpix now, who was just as confused as Brock, and mewed in a constant, yet urgent voice. Vulpix seemed to get the point and tugged on Brock's pant leg. In the instant that Brock looked down, the Persian took off back from where it had come. Vulpix let go of Brock's leg and took off after it. Brock, still a little confused, gave chase.
Brock had a hard time following the well-seasoned pokemon through the brush, but he eventually ended up at a tattered rope bridge that spanned two sheer cliff faces. One of the ropes was snapped, leaving the remainder of the bridge barely dangling above a rumbling river some ways down. But Brock noticed the true cause for alarm in the dim moonlight. Someone- a girl?- was hanging onto a broken plank about 10 yards out.
"Someone please, HELP!!"
Brock recognized the terror filled scream he had heard earlier. The girl turned her head in his direction and her eyes widened. Someone had come!
Even in the darkness of midnight, Brock could see the girl clearly. She was hanging on to a broken and splintered plank with her bare hands. The old bridge wouldn't hold her much longer. Finally gaining some idea in his head, Brock screamed out to her.
"Please, hang on! I'm coming to get you!"
Brock grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "Onix, go!!" A flash of light; and the large mammoth of a snake let out a roar. "KEEROOOAR!!" (AN: that's how he sounds to me!!) Brock had to work quickly. "Onix, stretch out to that girl! Try to get her on your head!" Onix obeyed and stretched his long body out as far as he could without falling himself. Unfortunately, he was not long enough. The girl was still a foot or so away. She put out her leg to try and reach the boulder snake, but to no avail. 'No…' Brock thought. He couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He ran along Onix with incredulous accuracy and ease. He stood on Onix's head and took hold of his horn. With his other hand, he reached out to the girl. She whimpered as she extended a bloodied hand. "Please," she whispered to him.
The plank broke free of the rope, taking the girl with it. "AH! NO!" Brock yelled and, without another thought, jumped off Onix, head first, and fell after her.
Down, down, down they fell, the girl's arm still outstretched in an unsounded plea. Brock reached out with all his might and grabbed her hand, before plunging into the raging waters below…
Mwahahahahaaaa!! I do so looove cliff hangers. But don't worry, there's plenty more to come, IF you review! =^0___-^=