Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ Awakenings ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval. Now please enjoy your stay on the S.S. Anne, and please, ignore the huge storm approaching.


Chapter 1 - Awakenings


I felt miserable. I don't know where I was, but I already knew I hated it. I felt cold, wet, tired and hurt. I was lying on what seemed to be pebbles and it was dark. That was because my eyes were closed. I tried to open them, but I slipped back into the dark realm I had spend lying here. Right before I passed out again, I felt water around my legs…

I woke up again because something was pulling me on my chest. I tried to open my eyes again and this time I succeeded. I glanced down, and saw a black wire twitching from my pocket of my jacket. I followed it and saw a turtle like being listening to the headphones attached to it. Squirtle, said my subconsiousness. He was listening to my music and enjoying it apparently. I tried to remember what that music was. I failed. I tried to get up and startled it. He jumped back, but came to help me. I got up and looked around where I was. It was an empty beach with pebbles instead of sand, not to mention cold, but this probably was because I was soaking wet. So I must have come out of the ocean. How did I get here, or there? I had no idea. The Squirtle grabbed the headphones again so I reached in my pocket and took out the discman inside. It was waterproof. He took the thing out of my hands with a joyful cry and sat down while I continued to explore my surroundings. There seemed to be some wooden boards and a broken life-belt. I could still make out S.S. A on it. Okay, I was in a shipwreck. But why did I have a waterproof discman on a boat? Was I anticipating the shipwreck, or did it have a pool on board? Yeah, right! Anyway, I had survived, so I would better let someone know I was alive, like my family. If only I could remember who they were. Or who I was…

Maybe I should check my possessions to learn more about me, instead of looking around. I had a short leather jacket with only my discman in my inside pocket. My wallet was completely drained and useless, all papers inside were turned into a mushy goo. I found a set of keys in my pockets, nothing more. I took of my jacket and looked on the inside. Nothing that could tell me who I was. Fuck. I tried my wallet again to see if there wasn't a credit card or anything plastic in it but all I found was a small plastic card written on with black marker.



That made me either Tony or the guy that wanted to meet Tony at 7. Since 'the guy that wanted to meet Tony at 7' was a bit too long as introduction, I became Tony. Now I knew who I was, but not where I was. I only knew it was fucking cold. I only had a black T-shirt on under my jacket and it was soaked. I took it off and putted the top in my pants, so it formed something of half a kilt. I looked back at the squirtle who was still listening to my CD. I grabbed the discman. He protested but I held the discman up high.

"Listen! I want to get off of this island. Can you help me? Then you can listen again."

Great, now I was talking to a Squirtle. I was loosing it. Surprisingly it pointed inlands. Okay, now we were getting somewhere.

"Lead on, little dude." I said and he ran off over the pebbles and rocks.

I followed him, thanking God I had combat boots on (without steel tips of course, or I wouldn't be able to tell you all this right now) and opened the discman, curious what was inside that the little fellow liked so much. The CD was almost completely white with the word Left printed on it. And if there was a left, then there was a right, so I had to purchase the CD again. Great. I listened to it for a while and could understand why he liked it so much. My subconsciousness helped me again. Nine Inch Nails. Stranded on a deserted island with a discman and Nine Inch Nails. What more can you ask for? More CD's? Definitely. But then the music stopped. A quick check showed me that the batteries were dead. Fuck. The Squirtle turned around to see what took me this long and continued on. He was gonna be pissed when he learned there was no more music. I knew I was.


We passed several Squirtles and Wartortles on the way who looked at us with amusement and curiousity. Suddenly a big seal jumped up from behind a rock. Dewgong my mind said. The Squirtle never stopped in his track and a burst of water left his mouth. The Dewgong was thrown back and quickly we passed it.

"Quite a blast, dude."

The Squirtle let out a cheering sound. We passed the rest of the trip without any further incidents and ended at the other side of the island. And that's what depressed me. Several more islands, like this one, were displayed there, one after the other identically the same. Fuck. The Squirtle pulled my pants.

"The batteries are dead, little guy, I have no more music." I apologised.

He kicked my leg and pointed to the other islands.

"I know you brought me here, but I can't get any other batteries from there. If I could get into civilisation."

He kicked my leg again and sat down, moping.

"Fuck this shit, man," I said and thought for a few moments, "ah, what the hell, staying here or swimming on, we'll never reach civilisation and we'll die a horrible death instead. Let's swim for it, what do you say, dude?"

The Squirtle jumped up and grabbed my pants, pulling me closer to the water.

"Hold on, dude, let me get my shoes off first. You know, you are a blast. How about I call you Blaster?"

The Squirtle cheered on and jumped into the ocean.

"Can't we get something to eat first?"


I threw the eaten Magikarp back into the ocean. I was hungry but raw fish wasn't quite what I had in mind. Blaster looked up to me from behind his fish. I sighed and got up.

"Ready to get on our way?"

The Squirtle jumped up and produced an amused sound. I took off my combat boots, tied them together and hung them around my neck. I took of my pants, tied a knot in the legs and trapped air in it by pushing it on the water waist first. That must have been something I picked up at some life-saving class or something. Anyway, I started swimming on my improvised airbubble and followed the little Squirtle. A sound made me look behind. Another Squirtle, one a bit darker shade of blue, ran towards us and jumped in the ocean.

"Friend of yours?" I asked.

Blaster let out some sounds and the other Squirtle dove under and brought up a Magikarp which he presented to me.

"Okay, you can come too." I sighed.

So our company consisted of three now. I didn't think much of it, but then again, I didn't think much of anything at the time since I felt like I was freezing to the bone. And that fucking island didn't get any closer.

After several hours I looked back and saw the first island was about as far away as the island we were headed. Great, we were halfway and I was already tired and hungry. The Squirtles seemed to be fine, maybe if I had eaten more of that Magikarp. Well, no remorse now. I had to survive and stay awake. Not drift away, but stay focused, stay focu…WOW, what the fuck was that? Something had a hold of my legs and were pulling me under.

"Guys? A little help?"

The second Squirtle dove down and the grip on my legs ended. An enraged Tentacool came up with the Squirtle firmly attached to his arms. Once again the little guy sunk his teeth in the arm he was holding. Blaster swam right at the Tentacool and rammed him. The Tentacool started sinking and I tried as hell to get away from there. The water behind me came up again and I expected to see the Tentacool again, but no, this motherfucker was bigger. It was a damn Tentacruel. I looked for Blaster and the other Squirtle but saw only Blaster, trying to get away from his arms. Suddenly the Tentacruel shook and let go of Blaster. The other Squirtle had gotten on his head and was banging his paws into it. The arms of the Tentacruel were slowly rising.

"Blaster, get me a Magikarp." I yelled.

The little fellow got down and quickly fetched me two Magikarp. I threw one of them to the Tentacruel to distract him. That worked. Damn, Blaster tried his watergun but it didn't even made the Tentacruel blink. The little Squirtle got of his head again and grabbed on of his arms. He dove under and resurfaced a bit further still holding the arm. The Tentacruel was squirming to get his arm free and suddenly the Squirtle let go. The arm flew away and hit a nearby Seel. Obviously he was pissed and rammed the Tentacruel. The Tentacruel wrapped his arms around the Seel and forgot about us. Quickly we turned and swam as fast as we could with renewed strength to the island. Blaster began swimming left of me and the other Squirtle right of me.

"That was nice, dude," the Squirtle let out a cry of fun, "you're a little warmonger aren't you? I think I'll call you War."

Both of them let out a sound of joy and we swam on, not looking back at the fighting Tentacruel and Seel.

It was dark when we finally landed. I was soaking wet and it was cold. I felt like I was burning up inside. I couldn't take this much more. I had to reach civilisation or I was done for. I couldn't stay here, just eating Magikarp. If it were a nice island, maybe, but not this pile of rocks. I wanted to fall down and never get up again, but Blaster and War pushed me onwards. I crawled up to a huge rock and fell down. I suddenly realised Blaster and War had stayed behind. Why? A sound made me look up and saw the rock move. It wasn't a rock. A huge blue bird stood before me and spread his wings. Fuck that was one big bird. I had no idea what kind of Pokémon this was, I didn't even know there were birds this size. Something in the back of my head said "shame on you, you should know there are five of them." I felt him grab me with one claw and saw Blaster and War jump up the other paw to help me. Then it turned black…