Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ Professional pokémon hunter ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.


Chapter 2 - Professional pokémon hunter


I regained consciousness when I hit the ground. I heard two thuds next to me. When I heard nothing more I dared to open my eyes to see where I was. Blaster and War were getting up, looking around to see if I was safe and then looked up. I followed their gaze and saw the giant bird return to his island. I looked around and found myself sitting on grass. A bit further there was a small signpost in the ground. And where there were signposts, there was civilisation. I was saved.

"We made it, guys, we did it!"

Blaster came up to me and took out my discman.

"I know, but first let's find some houses," I looked down, "and some clothes."

My combat boots were still tied around my neck, but apparently I had dropped my lifeguard/pants when I hit the shore. Loud noises from War made me look up. Triumphantly he was holding up my pants.

"Thanks War!" I started to untie my pants and laid them down to dry. It was getting late and I might as well get some sleep. Blaster and War caught some Magikarp to eat.


The next morning I got up totally refreshed, woke Blaster and War and we started to follow the big river next to our resting place. About two hours later (with nothing much to eat, not even a Rattata) I arrived in a little town. On the right there was a huge field with a lot of different Pokémon. THAT was interesting. Some old geezer was feeding a bunch of Tauri when I approached the fence.


He looked up and smiled a broad smile.

"Hello there, how are you doing?"

"Better than yesterday I'd say. You couldn't tell me where this is?"

"This is Pallet town," he said, "how come you don't know?"

"I got stranded on one of the islands in the ocean and was saved by these two guys," War and Blaster stood up straight, "we made our way to another island but then were transported by a huge blue bird and dropped a few miles from here on the shore."

"A huge blue bird?" he exclaimed, "you mean an Articuno?"

"If there aren't any other huge blue birds, yes."

"Can you tell me everything about it?"

"Everything I witnessed, yes, but only if you'll tell me what I want to know."

"Of course," the man said, "I'll even let you freshen up and give you other clothes."

About fifteen minutes later I was in a hot bath that I didn't plan on leaving for at least an hour. In fact, I stayed in the bath for two hours, you can not believe how good a hot tub feels after you've been soaked in freezing cold water. I went downstairs in the brown pants and red shirt the man left me. It wasn't really my style, but hey, the shirt sorta fitted, so I was planning on taking it. The man was waiting for me in his laboratory that had all pictures of pokémon on the walls.

"Ah, you're ready." He said when he saw me.

"I'm still a bit hungry, but I'll tell you all I know."

He quickly made me a small lunch that I ate even quicker. I then started telling him my story and tried to recall as much of the Articuno as I could. He eagerly took notes in a laptop and was very grateful.

"Oh, I wish you could tell me more," he said, "pokémon are my life."

"I figured that much," I responded, "when I saw all those pokémon outside, you have a lot of them."

"Hm? Oh, those aren't mine, I just take care of them."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Ever since the pokémon could be stored via a digital link to a computer, people are restricted to maximum six pokémon to carry. The rest is transported to pokéservers. One of these servers is located here so all pokémon caught by the trainers who's pokédex originates here, are sent here, so I can take care of them."

"So," I thought for a moment, "if you were one of these pokémon hunters…"

"Trainers." He corrected.

"Trainers, thank you, you could, in fact have more than six pokémon running around."

"In theory, yes," he said, "but only if I stayed here."

"How can you set up one of these servers?"

"You would have to ask one at the pokéleague, but first you would need space enough to house them."

"Can I issue those pokédex's as well?"

"Yes, but no one may have more than one pokédex."

"Why not?"

"If you had more than one pokédex, you would be able to carry more than six pokémon, and that's illegal."

"And if you were to hunt pokémon?"

"Hunt them?"

"Catch pokémon for somebody else."

"Why would anyone do that?"

"I've heard of trading pokémon, so I would catch pokémon, trade them or sell them."

"You can't do that!" he shouted.

"Then you won't have your Articuno." I replied calmly.

He looked at me in disbelief and remained silent for a few minutes.

"I don't follow."

"Give me a pokédex, and a proxi account. Then I'll go search for all pokémon, common and rare, and every pokémon you want I will search for you, on the condition I can keep the first one of the species I capture."

"But I can have the data?"

"You can, and after a while, I will set up my own pokéserver and I'll be out of your hair."

"No," he said quickly, "remain here, just send me all the data you can get, I don't need any pokémon for myself."

"Very well." I nodded.

"But I can only give you one pokédex, I will however ask the pokéleague if I can give you an extra account for hunting pokémon for someone else, but I can't promise you anything."

"I'll be glad with anything you can get me."

The man nodded and held out his hand.

"Very well, I will give you a pokédex and six pokéballs. I don't even know your name yet."

"Tony Hunter." I said as I shook his hand.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm professor Oak."


Oak had given me besides the pokédex and the pokéballs a map of Kanto. As far as I could remember I was from Kanto, so maybe sooner or later I would run into someone I knew. Oak had tried to search the ship I came from. There were three ships at sea during my "accident" that started with an A, the SS Anna, the SS Atoma and the SS Aqua, but none was reported lost. One of those three could lead me to information about myself. Two of them were from Vermillion and the SS Atoma was from Fushia. I had decided to stop at both towns and see if I knew anyone there. Hopefully they wouldn't stop me from my newfound profession of pokémon hunter. Strange, most kids wanted to become pokémon masters (Oak told me several kids from Pallet town went out into the world to become pokémon master) but I was (again, as far as I could remember) about 20, so my goals were a bit more profitable, so to speak. Too old to be a trainer, too young to be a master, Oak had said. Either way, if someone challenged me, I had to be careful since everyone was a potential master. I really think they should put age restrictions on pokémon, but this on a side note. I gave Blaster and War both a pokéball and wrote their names on it in black marker. I decided to get on the move. It felt great to be in my black clothes again (although I kept the red shirt) and had my pokéballs under my leather jacket. Oak told me to earn money in pokémon fights so I had to start training Blaster and War. He had told me of the league badges. I had no interest of entering the league, but earning those badges would give me more freedom to roam the world and gain more pokémon. Hm, hear me talking, gain more pokémon. I have two, for crying out loud. I should first start to look for four others and then get some money for more pokéballs. While I crossed the grasslands to Viridian I saw a Rattata jump out. A quick motion from the wrist resulted in Blaster jumping out and quickly tackling the little rat. The Rattata jumped up and bit Blaster. The little dude squirted water at the Rattata and while the Rattata dodged it, Blaster kicked him in the face. I threw a pokéball and caught the little guy.

"Our first real catch," I said to Blaster, "what should we call him."

Blaster kicked me and took out the discman.

"When I have money, I'll buy batteries, I promise."

I thought of putting him back in his pokéball, but then let out War as well. They both sat in front of me, looking at me expectingly.

"Go fight some Rattata's," I said, "I'll think of a name."

The Rattata was certainly a fighter and a quick thinker, not afraid of using his teeth.

"I think I'll call you Sabretooth," I let him out of his pokéball, "will you play nice?"

The Rattata looked around for a bit and saw the two Squirtles blasting other Rattata's with their watergun attack. He jumped up and quickly ran up my clothes to sit on my shoulder. He hissed in my ear and jumped down, looking for his own prey to fight. Sabretooth it was then. I took out the marker and wrote his name on the ball. A sudden noise made me look up. A bird was trying to get away from my three pokémon and while Blaster and War kept him close to the ground due to the squirts of water, Sabretooth jumped up and bit him in the paws. Birds aren't really my speciality (as you may have guessed with the Articuno) so while I grabbed an unused pokéball in one hand, I took out my pokédex with the other. I threw the pokéball the same moment the pokédex got activated.

"Pidgey" it said while I captured it.

I read the information while I retrieved the pokéball. 3-step evolution, able to fly smaller persons over a long distance, tough dude in the sky, that didn't sound too bad. I was gonna keep this one to evolve into a Pidgeot, so I decided to call it Hawk, to the extinct species of bird that populated the skies before several (mostly human) threats caused all animals to evolve in pokémon now, what, a few decades ago? I vaguely remembered that the last normal animal lived about over 50 or 60 years ago. Anyway, now I had a new pokémon by the name of Hawk and he would do fine if he could fight off two Squirtles and a Rattata. I called the rest back and continued on my way. I still had two empty pokéballs and I was determined to catch two other pokémon.


I arrived in Viridian and went straight to the pokécentre like Oak had told me to. I gave my pokémon to the friendly nurse behind the counter and looked if I could get something to eat somewhere. The vending machine sold Magikarp sandwiches, Farfetch'd sandwiches or Taurus sandwiches. Since I had no money yet, I had to go on hungry (although I would have appreciated a Magikarp sandwich even after the islands). I collected my pokémon and wondered what way I would take now. There was a gym here, but I heard it was rather hard and only good pokémon trainers attended it. So I decided to head up to the buildings of the pokéleague, I knew I had a slim chance on entering, but you never know, you know? I was rejected completely. I returned to Viridian as I saw another bird. This was no Pidgey. As I released Sabretooth I checked my pokédex.

"Spearow" it said. I looked up and saw Sabretooth was on the verge of losing.

"Tackle it!" I shouted.

Sabretooth jumped up, grabbed the paws of the Spearow and pulled it down to throw its complete weight against the Spearow. The bird fell and as it tried to get up, I threw my pokéball. I caught it while Sabretooth got up.

"You got to do better, little dude."

He let out an apologizing moan and looked for another prey to show its superiority. A second Spearow flew up and in seconds Sabretooth had tackled it and was victorious.

"Alright, I get it, this one is a tough fighter and you know I like 'em tough."

I checked my pokédex again and saw it evolved into a Fearow. I let it out it's pokéball and it sat down right before me, keeping a close eye on me.

"So, you wanna evolve into a Fearow, or stay a Spearow?" I asked him.

He clapped his wings under a load "sperr" and remained silent.

"Spearow, huh? Fine, I'll call you Sparrow then."

He clapped his wings again and flew up on my shoulder.

"If we could find something you wouldn't evolve…" I muttered.

Sabretooth's cry made us look up. With a quick motion I reached under my jacket and let out Blaster, War and Hawk. Sabretooth ran towards me, just to turn right in front of me to attack his assailant one last time. The blue creature that chased him stopped in front of me. It dodged the Rattata and drove its teeth deep in its back. Sabretooth let out a short cry and fell down. Hawk flew down and drove up a gust. Suddenly a second one jumped out of the grass, a red one this time. It looked a bit more covered in scalelike horns and jumped towards Hawk. Fuck, I only had one pokéball left. War and Blaster decided to attack the smaller blue one while Hawk and Sparrow focused their attacks on the red one. They both fought back bravely but the one that my pokédex identified as a female Nidoran fell down. I quickly caught it and wondered what I was to do with the other one. I knew it wouldn't stay here until I returned with another pokéball. It looked at me, wondering, and jumped back into the grass. Hawk and Sparrow landed on my shoulders and I decided to leave the scene. When I returned to the pokécentre to heal my little critters I saw the male Nidoran looking at me from in the grasslands. I named the female Queen and I was planning getting that male one as well. When I returned to that patch of grass it remained there, looking at me, not moving while I trained my pokémon, not even when I fought with Queen. She looked a lot in his direction, but never made an attempt to go to him.

"Oh, go ahead," I said, "but return when I call you." I said.

She looked at me with what I can only describe as gratitude and left. About fifteen minutes later I decided my boys were strong enough to fight another trainer so I called for Queen. She came running with the male Nidoran close behind. He followed me when I went looking for someone to fight as well.