Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ My first fight ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.
Chapter 3 - My first fight (or how to beat the snot out of some pokémon masters)
Some little kid just outside the pokécenter was bragging to his friends, on how his older brothers were all pokémon masters, and how he was going to join them, just as I passed by after training my pokémon. I suddenly wanted to challenge him. I had to challenge him, I hate people who brag. The only one who I want to hear bragging is me, and then most of what I brag about is true, so you can't really call it bragging. And besides, I needed the money.
"Hey kid," I asked him, "wanna fight?"
"You?" his eyes grew wide, "I…I don't know…"
"Come on, a starting pokémon master like you? That shouldn't be a problem, right?"
"Uhm," he looked at his friends for support but they all encouraged him to go along, so he caved, "okay."
The kid had a Bulbasaur (which he had called Bulbasaur, I mean, come on, there are like a gazillion Bulbasaurs on the world, so you can't come up with a name?), which I countered with Hawk. The Bulbasaur tried to vinewhip the Pidgey, but Hawk just dodged every attack and send him flying with a well timed gust. Then the kid brought out a Vulpix his brother had given him and before he could even roar, Blaster had washed him out with his watergun. His last pokémon was a Beedrill. I brought out Hawk and had to call him back sooner than I intended. I mean it, he started pecking so hard at the poor Beedrill that I thought he was gonna eat it!
"Well, kid, looks like I win," I grinned, "pay up."
Then that little snot started to cry and got his brothers.
"Oh, you're really tough against a small boy, aren't you?" his oldest brother said, to think that punk was about a year younger than me.
"My age has nothing to do with my pokémon." I rejected.
"Oh please," the second brother said, "what are you, pokémon master? Against a starter trainer! Shame on you."
"I just started actually." I explained.
"Yeah right," the third one said, "I saw you fight, you're too good to just start. And you're too old as well."
I sighed and took out my pokédex. They read my info and had to admit I had just started today.
"Wow, you're pretty good." The second one said.
Suddenly the little kid caught a glimpse of that Nidoran following me.
"Is that yours?" he asked.
"It will be when you pay up for losing the fight." I answered.
"It's not caught yet? Then it's finder's keepers." The oldest one shouted and threw a pokéball.
The pokéball squirmed and broke open. The Nidoran stayed where it was.
"Damn it," he shouted, "that was a great ball."
I collected the money from the little kid and started to go to the pokémart while he tried it again with an ultra ball this time. The Nidoran broke free again and kept on looking at me.
"I'm gonna get that Nidoran!" the kid shouted and brought forth his Pikachu.
I let out all my pokémon who stood before the Nidoran.
"If he tries to hurt him, go get him." I told them.
"You're kidding right?" he reacted, "lowlevel pokémon against my prize winning Pikachu?"
He started laughing and his Pikachu with him. He really shouldn't have done that. I was already hating him, but now I loathed him. A small cry made me turn and look at the Pikachu. It was rubbing its paw and looking at Sabretooth who sat there with a little smile.
"He bit my pikachu!"
"Sabretooth!" I shouted, "when he tries to hurt him, I said."
Sabretooth let out a grunt and kept on eyeing the Pikachu which had a worrysome look on his face. I suddenly remembered that some dogtype pokémon, like Growlithes, Vulpixes and Houndours could smell fear, as well as other predators. And right after that thought I saw my six pokémon as six predators, smelling the highlevel Pikachu's fear. And he knew it. He knew that no matter what, no matter how tough he was, he would lose to those six, ferocious pokémon. And suddenly I wondered if it was coincidence those pokémon were ferocious or because I attracted them?
"Pikachu, thundershock! Thundershock now! Go!"
While I heard the trainer shouting his commands and the thundershock finally came I hasted myself to the pokémart to get more balls before that Pikachu figured out he was better than my pokémon and that loser could catch that Nidoran.
When I came outside after buying three more pokéballs I saw Hawk sitting in front of the Nidoran, apparently unable to move with still with fire in his eyes. Sabretooth and Sparrow were attacking the pikachu from two sides, trying to dodge his thundershocks. Blaster, War and Queen were fighting a Magneton. All of them were losing so I did the only thing I could do. I threw a pokéball next to the Nidoran and with a small red flash he disappeared into the ball. The ball disappeared in a bright flash.
"But…But," he trainer started to mutter, "I threw a great and an ultra ball after him and you caught him with a normal ball! How?"
"Finder's keepers," I smiled, "and he found me."
I called back my other pokémon and returned to the pokécentre.
"Hey!" he shouted, "you owe me money for that fight!"
I turned around and went back to him. I stopped right before him, about two inches of his face.
"I'm sorry, did I challenge you? Or did you challenge me?" I asked him, and moved my face a bit closer to his, "I don't think so, so this was not a pokéfight, you just tried to catch a pokémon that I had already claimed. A pokémon that you couldn't catch so you decided to use violence and attack my pokémon."
"But…but your Rattata…" he whispered.
I could smell his fear.
"What about it?"
"Nothing…" squirm, squirm.
I let out a grin.
"That's settled then."
I turned around and headed to the pokécentre. My pokémon were ferocious and so was I. We were predators. I wondered what would happen if I got one of the cuddly kind…
I had decided to go fast trough Viridian Forest and to Pewter. I figured, the faster I got out of Viridian and those trainer types sight, the better for me. Several trainers stopped me in my path to challenge me, but Sparrow and Hawk had no problem with their bug pokémon. I however wanted to catch a Beedrill so I went on the look out for a Weedle. Most of them didn't put up a fight, even against Sabretooth, King and Queen. One Caterpie however was pretty tough (he even almost knocked Sabretooth out) but I was wondering if I wanted to catch him, after all, I didn't really want a lame ass Butterfree. But then I decided a pokémon was a pokémon, so I caught him. While I was writing Flutter on his pokéball (I had kept Blaster and War in the centre) I saw my Weedle. Sabretooth completely evaded him (being beaten twice on one day was too much a humiliation for him) and tackled him from behind (hey, if it works, don't diss it). The Weedle however leaped forward on the last second, bit King and poisoned him. I knew King was part a poisontype pokémon, so if you could poison one of those, you had to have strong venom. I threw my last ball and caught him. But now I had four nearly exhausted pokémon, including one poisoned. Therefore I had no choice to return to Viridian to heal them (and hope no one saw me).
No such luck of course.
"I thought you had left already."
I looked up while I was enjoying my Taurus sandwich on the terrace of the pokécentre and looked right in the lovely face of a cute female police officer.
"I'm sorry?" I replied.
"You're the kid that was making trouble just now, weren't you?" the officer asked.
"I guess you could say that, uhm," I hesitated, "should I call you officer or miss?"
"Miss will do for the moment, since that trainer hasn't pressed charges against you yet, so I'm not here on official business. But I suggest you leave immediately before he changes his mind and I'm forced to bring you in."
"Bring me in?"
"You won't have to do jailtime of course, but you will be fined for causing a non-challenged fight. If you're Rattata hadn't done anything, you would have been safe, but now…"
I nodded. Fuck, I didn't need this.
"I was on my way to Pewter when my Nidoran was poisoned by a Weedle. He's right he…" I looked at the place where the Weedle had been. I only saw his empty pokéball, "Driller" written on it with black marker. "Fuck, Blaster!"
The Squirtle took of the headphones and looked at me.
"Where's Driller?"
He pointed behind me. The Weedle was looking at an apple, thinking how he could snatch it, a few tables away.
"Is he safe there, or should I put him in his pokéball."
"A caught pokémon roaming free should always be in close range of his trainer," the officer said, "that is the maximum distance. What do you do to keep him from going further?"
I didn't know what to say, since I did nothing to keep him from going further, but I couldn't tell her that, since I was clearly on her good side, and I wanted to stay there. Suddenly Blaster (still with the headphones on) let out a soft cry. He had done so several times, but I hadn't paid any attention to it, since I thought he was reacting to the music. We saw the Weedle turn and return to his previous position, still looking at the apple, just out of reach due to the maximum roaming area.
"I let Blaster keep him close?" I tried.
The officer narrowed her eyes a bit.
"I'm going to let it go, for this time, but you better move on fast if you know what's good for you."
I was just about to apply when Driller's pokéball let out a sound and the activation button started flashing. I turned around and saw him break free from a pokéball. The trainer that wanted to catch my Nidoran was cursing.
"That was a great ball, do I really need to use an ultra ball for a Weedle?"
"What? The Fuck? Do You? Think! You're Doing?" I asked slowly.
"I'm trying to catch a Weedle who was stupid enough to get too close to this pokécentre. What? Don't tell me you're gonna stop me this time! I'll just have a talk with that lovely police officer and we'll see the last of you."
"Why do you think a Weedle is so close to the pokécentre?" the police officer asked.
I held up a pokéball and pushed the activation button. Driller disappeared in a red light and entered the ball.
"Good boy, Driller." I put on a wicked smile.
"That…that was your pokémon?" the trainer asked sheepishly.
"Do you know the fine on trying to catch other peoples pokémon?" the police officer asked a bit too politely.
"Uh…" The kid could see his earned badges for the pokéleague disappear like snow in summer.
"That's okay, I won't press charges," I said with a smile, "after all, one favour disserves another, don't you think?"
"Uh… yeah, I guess it does…"
"I still wouldn't stay here long." The officer said quietly to me.
"Could I ask your name, in case I happen to pass here again and I'm in trouble?"
"Yes you could." She said and started to walk away.
Fuck, I thought, a smart mouth, but then again, so was I.
"Okay, what is your name?"
She turned and looked me in the eye.
"Katie Jenny. But you can call me officer Jenny." She turned and walked away to the police station.
I sighed and called back Blaster.
Viridian didn't have much of a music store but at least I had found batteries in the pokémart. I checked my finances and saw I could afford some more stuff. A few more pokéballs, for instance. And maybe some survival material, since I was headed through a forest. I had already seen some hikers who were planning to go through Mount Moon and those were packed with all sorts of stuff. Stuff that made me wanna have some, but I didn't have the finances, not yet anyway. Maybe it was for the better, I thought, cause most of that stuff I didn't really need, I wasn't planning on becoming a hiker. So I only bought a zippo lighter, a hunting knife and a bunch of rope. That was enough. I left the pokémart and returned to the woods. When I passed the pokécentre, I saw that punk trainer trying not to look at me, totally embarrassed, for trying to catch someone else his pokémon and at the table behind him was a cute redhead sipping from her coke. There was a glint in her eye that I liked, but I was planning on leaving and besides, that flirting with officer Jenny, Katie, was more than enough for one day. Okay, it wasn't, but I really had to get going. Maybe I could return in about a couple of weeks or so to look her up. But now I really had to get going, not pay any attention to the redhead. Check if I have the pokémon I need, Sparrow, Hawk, King and Queen, Blaster and Driller, check. Maybe I should take Flutter instead of Kin… No I had to go, stay away from redheads, they may be hot, but I had to go.
Okay, I'm a sucker for pretty women, but I had willpower, so without looking more than twice at her I left Viridian to go back to Viridian Forest.