Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ Enter Team Rocket ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.
Chapter 4 - Enter Team Rocket
A large boat stranded on the rocky beach. It would have been marine blue if the sea had actually been marine blue.-, but this boat was a bit darker, giving the impression that it would be very hard to spot on a dark night in the middle of the ocean. And since there were no real obvious marks on it, it suggested that whoever owned the boat made sure that was the purpose. Two men in black leather uniforms with a small red R on their chest jumped out. Quickly they began to search the area. The man with the trimmed haircut, making him look like a fresh recruit for the army, found the broken lifebelt and held it up high.
"SS A." the other one said, "That's from the Anne alright, but that doesn't prove he washed ashore here."
"There are imprints of a man on the beach." The soldier guy said.
"It's a rock beach, there are pebbles everywhere, how do you know if there are imprints?"
"Well, look here," he explained, moving a bit to the spot Tony had come to senses, "the pebbles here are pushed deeper then anywhere else on the beach, like something was lying here."
"What are you? Davy Crocket? Maybe it was a Blastoise."
"Have you ever seen a Blastoise? Those things are fucking huge. If it was a Blastoise, there would be a trail deeper into the island. I'm telling you, this was a man."
"Okay, fine, maybe," the other one caved, "but where is he now? And how do you know it's the one we're looking for?"
"I don't but I know how to find out."
"Oh, and please share that information."
The trail seeker ignored that remark and returned to the boat. He brought a huge, snowwhite Persian on shore who sniffed the vague imprints. He then looked towards the centre of the island.
"Come on, quickly, he may still be here."
"After three days, I think those Squirtles ate him."
"Squirtles eat Magikarp, not humans. Besides, if he's dead, the boss will have our heads. So you better pray he's alive."
A few hours later the two men and the Persian appeared on the other side of the island. The large cat cried towards the other islands.
"Fuck, he went swimming?" the negative Rocket said, "Now he's dead for sure."
"He's a tough kid," the other one said, "I'm sure he managed somehow. But it's up to us to find him before somebody else does. We can't let him run free."
"I know, so now what do we do?"
"We get back to the boat and go to the nearest island. Maybe we find another trace there."
"Should be no problem with your 'leet' tracking skills…" the other one muttered.
"Well, some of us had a real hobby instead of playing computer games," came the reply.
The sun was setting when the Rockets finally stranded the island. The persian jumped out and sniffed the beach. He let out a cry and followed the faint trace. Then he suddenly stopped and looked around.
"What? What happened?"
"I don't know, apparently he lost the trace."
"What do you mean, he lost the trace? There's nothing there to lose trace from! It's a huge open space!"
"I don't know either, but the Persian can't smell him anymore. Fuck the boss is gonna be pissed."
"Well, why don't you take a look? I mean, you're good at this… you found his imprints back there! Maybe you can find something again!"
The trimmed Rocket kneeled next to the Persian and let his fingers gently run over the rocky underground without disturbing anything.
"He fell here," he said and look a bit further, "and… Fuck! Me!"
"What? What is it?"
"I don't know, but whatever it was, it was fucking huge! I mean look at these imprints."
"I'm looking but I'm seeing shit, treat me like a fucking newb, okay?"
The kneeling Rocket glanced over to his companion.
"Newb? I have no idea how you manage to pick up girls you don't meet in a chat-room first."
"Cut the crap and tell me what's going on?"
"Something big was sitting here, and apparently took off. I have no idea what it was or if our guy was here at the time."
"Fuck! Do you think he's dead?"
"No, he's too good to just die, I'm sure he's still alive somewhere. But we better find him. I think we should warn all outposts."
"Do we tell them who he is?"
"No, that may cause trouble. Best is to just leave all details vague, that way they will contact us and won't try anything on their own."
"But if they don't warn us and try to take him on their own?"
"We'll spread the word he's dangerous, and actually, he really is."
"Yeah, as dangerous as they get." The other one grunted, remembering what the person they were after had already done.
They had to find him, and preferably alive, the future of Team Rocket was at stake.