Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ Pika ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.


Chapter 5 - Pika


I was getting through Viridian Forest pretty easy. Unfortunately, that actually meant the trainer part of Viridian Forest. Most trainers had bug pokémon and those were no problem for my two birds, but the forest itself was covered in high, hard to get through, grasses that had more Weedles, Kakuna's, Caterpies and Metapods than Britney Spears had cup-sizes. And somehow along the way, I had picked something up. I didn't know quite know what it was, but it was annoying. It was smaller than me, and followed me around, clinging to me, and because of the thick bush, I couldn't shake it. I had a bad feeling about this. Oh, fucking great, another Metapod.

"Driller, dispatch that, will you?"

Unfortunately he attacked the Metapod. The cocoon fell down and suddenly my Weedle started spraying goo all around. No wait, that didn't come out right.

"Cool, it's evolving into a Kakuna."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I turned around and faced my nuisance.

"Pewter, like you, right?"

Fuck. I took out my knife to cut through the weeds so we, I could move on.

"It's a good thing we both are going the same way so, ouch, why did you throw a pokéball at me?"

Damn, it wasn't a pokémon, so it had to be human. The kid looked at me with hurt in his eyes, somewhere underneath his thick glasses under that large hat. If it were anger I would have understood, but hurt? If somebody threw a pokéball at me, I would have decked him. But this guy was just pathetic.

"Man, you are pathetic."

"Huh? Why?"

I threw the knife down so the blade drove deep into the ground.

"You keep following me around although I made it perfectly clear by ignoring you on all occasions that you're not wanted, and still you tag along. Beat it, before I lose my temper."

I turned around and didn't see my knife.

"Where's my knife?"

"What knife?"

I turned back to the little bugger and looked at him as he was retarded. His look told me he in fact didn't see me pull a knife. I came to the conclusion he was retarded.


It was then I heard a few small cries. I pulled away the weeds and saw two Pikachu's playing with my knife.

"You little thieves!" I yelled.

One of them jumped up and tried to shock me. I lashed out but unfortunately got out Hawk. He got hit by the thunderbolt and fell down.

"Bird pokémon aren't good against… Ouch, why did you hit me?"

Then I saw it happen. The other one who was still holding my knife, suddenly cut himself. He let out a cry of pain while blood flowed over his little paw onto the ground. In a reflex he shocked his environment. I got hit pretty bad (and fortunately, so did four eyes), and looked up. The unwounded Pikachu came up, half scared to death, shocking everything in its way. Suddenly the Kakuna formerly known as Driller fell before me and the Pikachu halted to inspect his new enemy. Suddenly it appeared hit by something. It turned for a second and fell down. The wounded Pikachu was bleeding harder and shocking harder. I saw something leave the tail of the Kakuna and hit the Pikachu. It fell down.

"Fuck, he used his poison sting."

"Well, Kakuna's can do that…"

"Yeah, but not more than once!" I kneeled down to check him and I saw a small hole in its tail, dripping with black poison and white goo. I had a feeling he was going to die if I didn't acted soon. I took out a pokéball and caught the first Pikachu. I put Driller in his pokéball and looked for the second Pikachu.

"Oh no, that one's mine." The little nerd said and held up a pokéball.

I grabbed his arm so he dropped the ball.

"That little guy is bleeding to death. If you catch it, it's gonna be transported to your pokéserver and when you can reach it, it will have bled to death."

"But a wounded pokémon is fully restored when it goes to a box." He muttered.

"Only if it is something potions and stuff can fix, not cuts. He has to be treated at a pokécentre, and that poison isn't helping." I ripped my shirt to make a bandage for its paw.

"Well it's your Kakuna that…"

He fell silent when he saw my look. I grabbed my knife and the Pikachu and started hacking my way through the weeds to get to Pewter. I felt something getting hit by my foot and asked four eyes what it was (it didn't feel like a rock).

"It's a bottle, hey, I found an antidote."

"Give it to me."

"I found it."

"You only have it, because I told you it was there, now GIVE IT."

I swear, I held the knife right under his chin. I was ready to slash his throat.


I gave the antidote to the Pikachu and it slowly opened it's eyes.

"Hey, you're a trainer? I challenge…"

"Not now, dude." I shoved the last trainer aside and ran into the city.


I pushed open the door of the pokécentre with my shoulder, stormed in and put the wounded pikachu on the counter. The nurse behind the counter seemed frozen.

"I need some help here?" I tried.

"Please don't hurt me." She squealed.

Suddenly I realised I was still holding the knife, and that a lovely police officer was behind me with a weapon drawn. I dropped the knife and nodded at the Pikachu.

"He has a cut in his leftpaw, I tried to put a bandage but it still lost a lot of blood. Help him please."

The nurse still looked terrified but took the Pikachu and went to the surgery room with it.

The police officer came closer with her weapon, but still out of my range.

"I'm sorry I came in here with a knife, I had totally forgotten about it. I'm ready to come to the station with you. I'm not going to make any problems."

"Good boy." She said with a smile.


I was looking at the posters at the wall, just to past the time. It had turned dark and everything pointed out to the fact that I would spend the night in jail. When I finished with the posters, I decided to study them again, a bit more closer this time. Wanted: Team Rocket, Wanted: Team Rocket, Have you seen this Jigglypuff, Wanted: Team Rocket. Okay, maybe I should focus on something else. Finally the door opened and the police officer entered the room and sat at the table right in front of me.

"Are you, by any chance, related to officer Jenny from Viridian ?" I asked.

"Why, yes, indeed, she's a cousin."

"Ah, I can see the family resemblance."

"I'm sorry it took so long, but I had to check some things first."

"Like four eyes," I said, "the kid that can prove I used my knife to cut through the bushes, and that the Pikachu cut himself."

"Yes, Allan," she sighed, "Allan was very… interesting."


"Did you hit him with a pokéball?"


"Yes, but that was because he was really annoying."

"Did you hit him?"


"I did, but I don't really remember why, I do remember the two Pikachu's attacked us at that time."

"Did you stole antidote from him?"


"No, I found the antidote, he picked it up and then refuse to give it back to heal the wounded Pikachu that was poisoned."

"Did you threaten him with a knife?"


"Yes, but only because he refused to give the antidote to the wounded Pikachu."


"Don't blame yourself, I spent fifteen minutes with him before he gave me an accurate version of the facts and I had to restrain myself not to shoot him."

Okay, so maybe I wasn't THAT fucked.

"I also spoke to professor Oak from Pallet town. He vouched for you as a caring person for pokémon and so did my niece Jenny from Viridian . She said you couldn't see pokémon needlessly get hurt."

I couldn't, at least not my pokémon.

"And today at the pokécentre you also proved you care for wounded pokémon."

"So the whole knife thing?"

"We may be able to let that slip."

I was getting of the hook? God, yes!

"If some restrictions are kept in order."

I wasn't getting of the hook.

"You're putting me on probation?"

"Yes, each time you enter a new town or city, you must report to the police station for the first three months, you must stay out of trouble for that period or have a damn good explanation."

This could get in my way of hunting pokémon. Maybe I could stay in the wilderness for three months.

"Professor Oak told me you are a pokémon hunter?"

"Yes, I try to be."

"What exactly is a pokémon hunter?"

"I go and catch pokémon for other people and then they pay or trade me for that pokémon."

"No matter what pokémon?"

"The rarer the pokémon, the more information and payment I must receive."

"We here at Pewter are now over a year waiting for an new police Growlithe. Normally we could get one at a breeding facility, but wildborn Growlithes are better. Could you catch some for this station?"

"I guess, where can I find Growlithes?"

"If I'm not mistaken, they can be found near Saffron ."

"That should be no problem, once I get over Mount Moon."

"But first you would have to return to Pallet Town."

"Pallet Town? Why?"

"It seems professor Oak has some things to give you."

Well, I could see Katie again in Viridian.

AN: Sorry about the lack of updates, but my beta-reader (yes, this time I work with a beta-reader) was sick and couldn't review my work. Anyway, I'll update next chapter sooner (probably tomorrow).