Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Hunter ❯ The next day ( Chapter 6 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Nintendo does. This story isn't written to make profit, or even to get attention from girls. It is simply written for entertainment and to keep myself busy. The main characters are mine however (except for professor Oak and some Jenny's and Joy's) and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't use it without my approval.
Chapter 6 - The next day
The first thing I did when I got out of the police station - officer Jenny was so nice to let me spend the night - (nothing happened you fucking perverts) was go to the pokécentre to see how that Pikachu was doing. The reception I got was a whole lot better than the previous day.
"Oh, you're here to see that Pikachu?" the friendly nurse asked.
When you're not threatening with a knife, she is friendly.
"I am, and sorry about yesterday, I completely forgot I had that knife."
"That's okay, officer Jenny explained everything, how you only had that Pikachu on your mind. What's his name, anyway?"
"I don't know, actually it's not mine yet, I didn't want to catch it since I was afraid it would bleed to death in a pokéball."
"Oh, that was good thinking, we managed to stich his wound, and it's all better now, thanks to your quick acting."
She went to the backroom and returned with the Pikachu in a cage. That somehow upset me.
"Since you didn't leave a pokéball, we had to put it in cage. Another kid wanted to take it with him, but officer Jenny recommended we kept it until you came."
"What other kid?" I asked but somehow I knew the answer.
"Hey, you're back." I heard an annoying voice behind me.
"Oh," my memory raced, "Allan, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, it is." The kid smiled broadly.
"You wanted to take that Pikachu?" I asked with a friendly smile.
"Well, you already have one, so…"
"I'll take him." I turned back to the nurse.
She opened the cage and I laid a pokéball in front of it. The Pikachu went straight to the ball and disappeared in a red flash. I took out my marker and wrote Shockrat on it. I then retrieved the other Pikachu and wrote Shocker on that pokéball. I thanked the nurse for her kind cares for the Pikachu and Driller who was better now that hole in its shell was closed.
"It's my job," she said with a smile, "I've heard you're going to see professor Oak?"
"I am."
"Wow, really? That man's a legend under pokémon trainers." Allan shouted.
"I'll tell him that and also the fact that legends are mostly dead. That's what makes 'em legends."
"Sometimes, other dead people are just corpses."
"Heh, heh, funny."
I was ready to find out if Allan would make a legend or just a corpse, but I had to be nice, for at least three months. I said goodbye to the nurse, ignored Allan and left the centre. I was just about to enter Viridian Forest when I heard a voice behind me. That cute girl from Viridian was standing before me.
"Wow, you really know how to draw attention to yourself." She said with a seductive smile.
"I try not to, but somehow I just do."
"So, what were you doing here in Pewter?"
"My original plan was to challenge the gymleader for a badge, but that's postponed for a while."
"Really? Why? The badges are useless when the pokéleague starts and it starts in a month, and only good trainers can get all badges in one month, and since you just started…"
"My ultimate goal isn't the pokéleague."
"Really? Everyone's goal is the pokéleague."
"Not mine." I turned around and walked on.
"I've heard you're going to see professor Oak."
"News travels fast."
"He's a big name among the pokémon experts."
"So I've heard."
"Why are you going to see him?"
"Aren't you curious?"
"I'm a very curious woman."
"That's nice, but it's my personal business." For as far I have personal business, I might as well keep it to myself.
"Well, I'll hope you'll tell me next time we meet."
"Why do you think we'll meet again?"
"I just have a feeling."
I couldn't tell if that was a good thing.
"My name's Angela."
"I'm Tony, and if you'll excuse me, I have a rather urgent appointment."
"Very well," she said and turned, "until next time."
Yeah, whatever. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I didn't like something about her. I shrugged and continued on my way.
"Tony, wait!"
"Can I come to meet professor Oak?" Allan came storming towards me.
"No, he asked me, and he's a busy man."
Well, I thought he was a busy man.
"But couldn't you introduce me?"
"No, I'm a busy man as well, so leave me, okay?"
"But could you mention me?"
"Okay, I'll mention you." I sighed.
"Great, thanks." He said with a smile and ran back to Pewter.
My trip through Viridian Forest went a lot easier than the previous day with no real incidents. Well, except maybe one. I almost fell over a pokémon, not a Kakuna or Metapod as you might expect, but a sleeping Pikachu. I brought out Blaster while yelling a load "Go" and he stood there very intimidating in front of the Pikachu and since it was still sleeping it kinda lost it's effect. Blaster looked at me, asking me what to do and I shrugged. This was gonna be the easiest fight in my career. He kicked his victim to wake him. He kicked him again. He looked at me again with an embarrassed look in his eyes. He kicked him a third time and with a large yawn the Pikachu woke up. He looked around drowsy and saw Blaster who immediately retook his intimidating pose. The Pikachu let out a small yelp and a small puddle formed on the ground he was sitting on. Blaster hesitated for a second and let out a small growl. The Pikachu let out a small yelp again and tried to run, right against a tree. Blaster and I sighed but the Pikachu got up again, looking at us in fear, throwing out small sparks. So, it was an idiot but a fighter, well, sorta. I then knew exactly what to do. I took out a pokéball and caught him. Why, do you ask? Because I could train it to become as ferocious as my other pokémon? Well, no, with my luck I would run into Allan again, and since he always wanted a Pikachu… I'm a bastard, I know.
I past Viridian quickly after stopping at the police station and after officer Jenny warned me to stay out of trouble. I was almost in Pallet Town when I saw something sticking out of the grass. Dark brown eyes looked at me curiously. My pokédex taught me it was Sentret and I couldn't resist. Quickly my new Pikachu's attacked and he dodged them easily, just staying out of their reach. I immediately knew he was playing with them. I whistled to get his attention and while he looked, Shocker, the little sneaky critter, tackled him from behind. I caught him and after going through it's information on my pokédex, I decided to call him Weasel.
Whistling I entered Pallet town and went straight to Oak's house.
"Ah, Tony, how are you?"
"Better, thanks to you." I smiled.
"Yes, I heard about that little incident. What happened?"
"Would you mind if I told that inside? I'm starved."
"I know something even better, why don't we talk in the garden? Then you can be with all the pokémon you've caught."
I accepted and about fifteen minutes later I was sitting in the garden with Blaster, War, Sabretooth, Hawk, Sparrow, King and Queen, Shocker and Shockrat, Weasel, Driller and finally Flutter, who thanks to a run in with a Rattata had evolved into a Metapod, and unfortunately Allan's Pikachu, who tried to fight a flowerpot, while eating a Taurus sandwich (I was eating the sandwich, not the Pikachu, he would probably try to be friends with it).
"Very impressive, I must say," as Oak glanced over my little critters, "not many trainers have all pokémon between Pallet town and Pewter before they have their first badge. You're a natural."
"Let's hope I find pokémon as easily when I hunt them."
"Yes, about that," Oak said, "I've spoken to the organisation of the pokéleague and they have agreed with it, they say it's very good that someone would go out and find rare pokémon to help them breed them so more different pokémon can enter the competition. I think they're a bit tired of all Rattata's, Pikachu's and Pidgey's entering, they would like some more Lapra's, Snorlaxes and Houndours. You must find those and bring them to the pokéleague."
"They'll pay me for them, right?"
"Of course, you will be compensated for your efforts. The rarer the pokémon, the more you'll be compensated."
There seemed to be a slight hesitation.
"There's a problem?"
"Yes, they didn't use the word payment once, only compensation, so I don't know what exactly they meant. It might be badges or something."
"That's okay, if it's interesting, I'll take it, otherwise, there will be enough people who would like a Lapra's, right?"
"Uhm, yes, I believe so. Anyway, I have something to give to you."
"Officer Jenny from Pewter told me. What is it?"
"Please follow me inside."
I stood up and started to follow him inside, just before I was to enter the house, I turned around, looked at my pokémon and tried to show them who was boss.
They all looked at me like I just said I was the pope and continued with whatever they were doing. I raised them good.