Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Giovanni: Vol. 1 ❯ Chapter One - 2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One - 2

Ash couldn't imagine being with anyone else since her. Yet here he was standing in another girl's hotel room. What had happened that he had fallen so far the line? I don't even know. The last thing he could remember was going head first out the window. So, how did he end up here with a girl he didn't even know? Ash stares at the girl as she watches television. She looks to be about 17 or 18 years old. She had semi-long brown hair with bright emerald eyes. She has to be at least 5'12" with a very thin physique.

"Hi there," She talks as though she knows me. "Did you have a nice nap?" She smiles and hands him his shirt.

"Umm..." I grab my shirt and back off nervously. "Thanks" She moves closer towards me. "Please stop that. I don't even know you."

"Oh Ash," she laughs. "Of course you know me. You've known me for a long time."

"Strange, you don't look familiar to me." he stumbles back into the wall, "And I'd think I'd remember you if I'd known you a long time."

She tries to hold back a laugh, "Ash, it's me, [bleep]"

As soon as she said her name he noticed it. "I can't believe I didn't notice it was you." He pulled her towards him to hug her. "It's so good to see you, [bleep]."

"We should have gone through this last night but it's good to see you, too." She looked at him from toe to head. "You look so dif… well actual you look the same as when I left."

"Speaking of you leaving, why did you leave anyways?" he moved to the bed to sit down.

She looked apprehensively out the window of the hotel room, before shutting the curtains. She turned back around to face him before softly speaking, "Well, about 2 years ago, just before I left, I witnessed a murder of a prominent gang leader by-" she leaned in closer to him, "Giovanni." she whispered the last word.

"Wow, [bleep]…" Ash looked shocked and scared.

"Yes, so… The reason I left was because I had to go into hiding and change my name and appearance for my protection."

"And I didn't believe you when you said you were going to Cerulean to help your sisters." Ash added, "And I couldn't understand why you wouldn't tell me the true reason, but now…"

"You do! Now you know why I had to leave so abruptly, and why I haven't contacted you until now- I, I couldn't." she said, disdainfully.

"Then why did you come back?" Ash paused, "Why now?"

"I hate how I have to drag you into this but," she looked at him eyes pleading, "I need your help."

"Anything for you, Misty! I'll do anything for you." He looked deep into her eyes.

"Umm…" she turns away, "I need you to- ok this is hard for me to ask you- I need you to… to… to get me," she turned towards and mumbled, "pregnant."

"What?" Ash jumped up, "Why… When… How…?" He continued mumbled strangely.

"Oh man, I know you'd react this way. I should have rethought this altogether."