Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Let Love Be Your Energy ❯ Unlikely Assassins ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three - Unlikely Assassins
by cultnirvana


"I'm giving you dimwits one more chance. If you don't succeed this time, well, I think you can guess what will happen."

Jessie, James and Meowth, realising what he was implying, straightened up even more in front of their boss. Their boss' threats were something to be feared. Many Team Rocket members had gone missing in the past after screwing up a major plan. The trio wondered why their were still alive.

"Don't worry, sir," Jessie, the natural leader of the group, replied, "we won't screw up again."

"You have been saying that over the past I don't know how many years."

Again, Jessie spoke. "So, sir, what is our mission?"

"The three of you are absolute failures. You haven't had much success over the past six years, but you are the best people for this job. Even thought you have had no luck in capturing that bloody Pikachu, you seem to always be able to find his trainer and friends. At the moment, they have become the most wanted criminals in the region. They have defied the new government and have announced to the populace that they will bring so-called 'liberation' to its people again. They have incited resistance within the state against our rule. You saw what happened a few days ago at the rally. I can't let that happen again. Your mission is to get rid of them."

The three were unsure of what he meant. Did he mean what they thought? James asked for clarification.

"What do you think I am talking about, you morons. I want you to get rid off them, to kill them. If they survive the next week, it will be your heads on a platter. Understood?"

"Y...yes, sir," they all said in unison, with the same trace of fear in each voice.

"Now, get out of my sight." But before they could leave, their boss called them back for a moment and yelled, "And when the trainers have been disposed of, get me that Pikachu."

The three relaxed their stature a little as they exited their boss' office. They couldn't believe it. They had just been given the job of assassins, murderers. This wasn't why they had joined the organisation.

They left the Team Rocket Head Quarters and slowly headed into the Viridian Forest, where their balloon lay in wait. The trio just sat in its basket, thinking to themselves about what had just happened.


The three friends walked among the trees, trying there best to keep out of site. Although their faces were obscured by hoods and hats, Ash worried that someone would notice them. Three people walking alone through the forest was bound to attract attention, with all that was going on.

Misty picked up her pace and strode to Ash's side, walking close to him so no one would overhear the conservation. "Where are we going to met them, anyway?" she whispered.

Ash, without turning to her, answered. "Fosake Town."

"Good idea for a hide out. That place has been abandoned for decades after several of the local industries went broke."

"That's why Erika's group has based itself there. There is nothing of worth and, as it is unpopulated, Team Rocket should leave it alone. It's about the safest place you could find. Well, possibly besides Kiyoko's apartment."

"Lets just hope they don't realise how ideal a situation it is. If they did, they may get suspicious, and then where will we be." Suddenly, Misty caught sight of a movement twenty metres directly in front of them. She stared into the the distance, trying to identify the source. She felt herself fidgetting even more than before. "Ash?" she asked, halting her movements and drawing even closer to him.


"I...think there's something watching us."

"It's probably just a Pokemon," he calmed her. "Don't worry."

The group continued on, but Misty still kept her eyes trained upon the spot. Maybe Ash was right, but the possibility didn't settle her agitation.

Another movement.

"Ash, it's still moving."

At her words, three idividuals appeared from behind a tree. Team Rocket!

Ash, Misty and Brock felt themselves falling backwards, desiring to run, but knowing of no chance for escape.

The trio began their usual motto, but this time, neither seemed to show much passion when reciting it.

"Prepare for trouble," Jessie began.

"And make it double," James added.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Let's just get on with this, you idiots," Meowth yelled, scratched both of his teammates faces. They had to hurry with their dreaded mission. "If we don't we'll have to prepare OURselves for trouble."

Ash, shocked that they had just been caught by they're long time adversaries, and occasional allies, said, "How did you find us here?"

"That's not important now, twerp, not when you're life is about to end."

Ash heard the regret in Jessie's voice, the hesitation. Their enemies were forcing themselves. Each pulled out a gun and aimed it at one of their victims - Meowth at Brock, James at Misty, and Jessie at Ash - but he could see their hands shaking as they focused upon their individual targets. For a moment, the victims and would-be executioners stared at each other, no one sure quite what to do.

Jessie broke the silence. "Well, brat, aren't you going to get your little electric rat to attack us and save your miserable life, and those of your friends?"

Pikachu unzipped Ash's backpack and looked at his trainer, confused. The Pokémon had no idea what to do, but he was greeted by Ash's confident face. He knew his trainer didn't want him to intervene.

Ash, sure he and his friends were in no danger, looked towards Jessie, smiled, and replied to her question. "Why? We have nothing to fear from you. You can't pull those triggers. The three of you are shaking with fear. We've known each other for TOO long. I know who you are. You may be thieves but you are no murderers."

At that point, the team knew they had been beaten. They stood a moment longer with their weapons aimed, but could not pull the triggers. In unison, they lowered the guns, and then dropped them onto the ground. "You're right," Jessie told Ash, "we can't do it."

"We're failures," James wined.

"We can't do anything right," Meowth finished.

Ash walked closer to them and looked into their miserable faces. "You guys are not failures. Just because you can't kill someone doesn't make you one. I know I could never do it."

"No, we don't want to become murderers," Jessie confessed. "We don't even want to be part of this occupation. It's wrong! We joined Team Rocket to become the richest rouges of all time, not killers. We were happy until all of this happened. We were promised no one would have to die."

Ash took a few steps towards Jessie, confidently turning her head upwards so she could look at him. "Well...then leave Team Rocket. We could use people of your experience in the rebellion."

"Really?" Jessie excitedly replied, for the first time in weeks wearing a gleeful smile. "You would allow us to join you?"

"Ash, what the hell are you thinking?" Brock shouted at his friend.

"They're criminals," Misty added. "They've been trying to capture Pikachu from the first day we met them. We can't trust them."

"Kiyoko will know. No one can hide anything from her." Ash closed his eyes and began to address Kiyoko in his mind, just as she had shown them all how to do. She said she would be listening in in case something happened. 'Kiyoko, can you hear me. We need your help.'

'You want me to tell you if what these three are telling you is the truth?'

Though she had spoken into his mind a few times before in practices, it still felt alien to him. 'Yeah. Could you?'

'I already have, and they are telling the truth. They've been scared of what may happen from the first time Giovanni told them off the plan and now want out of it. You can trust them. So far no one has ever been able to shield their thoughts from me.'

'Thanks. We are going to come back to your apartment now. Tell the others we'll be a little late.'


Ash nodded to his friends. "We can trust them. Kiyoko is sure. We'll bring them back to the apartment now, and head back to the meeting later."

"Alright." Misty, Brock and Pikachu couldn't argue with Kiyoko. They knew nothing could get past her.

James bowed slightly, followed by identical responses from his two partners. "Thank you. Even with everything we've put you through in the past, you are still prepared to help us. That really says something about you all."

"Remember, James," Ash began, "you've helped us out a lot too, what with Butch and Cassidy, Lugia and all." He then changed his tone to one touched with humour. "And I don't think any of our Pokémon would be anywhere as experienced if you guys didn't show up every week or so."

"You know what, the twerp's right," Meowth commented.


They had safely arrived back in the city, avoiding numerous patrols thanks to their new allies' knowledge, and were once again sitting within Kiyoko's living room.

"How long has your boss been planning all this?" Misty asked.

"Every since he became boss, and before that his mother, the previous head of Team Rocket, was doing the same thing," Jessie told her.

"But how come it has taken this long for his plan to come to fruition?" inquired Ash.

"It has taken until this time for Team Rocket to reach a stage in it's power where occupying Kanto is possible. Also, thanks to Giovanni's business brain, many politicians have sided with them, some because they believe in what they are saying, other's because of personal greed. But many, like us, are starting to think it's wrong. Giovanni is prepared to kill for his dream. Many others are as well."

Misty looked down upon her watch. "It's getting pretty late. We better head off. You guys," she looked at Jessie, James and Meowth, "stay with Kiyoko. You'll be safe here. We'll tell the others about you. I'm sure they'll be happy to have insider help."

"I hope so," James said, worriedly. "But, what if they want to throw us out?"

"Don't worry," she reassured him. "They trust Kiyoko, as well."


The group had just arrived at the rendezvous point. The sun was just beginning to set as they came to the address Erika had given to Kiyoko. It was a run down warehouse in the abandoned town of Fosake, two miles outside of Viridian City, separated by a potion of the Viridian Forest. It was the perfect place to hold the meetings, Ash thought. There was no place of value, and as far as the authorities knew, no one inhabited any of the decaying buildings.

They stood outside of the metal, industrial doors, waiting for permission to enter, not knowing of a way to alert anyone.

"Good, you're here." The surprised trio turned to see an older man, approximately forty in age, looking towards them. "I'm Masamune. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the others."

Recognising the man's name as the one Kiyoko had mentioned as a friend of Erika's, they followed him into the building. Inside was much the same as outside; the walls were cracked, plaster littering the ground, and not a light shone. Misty, unsure of where she was stepping, grabbed hold of Ash's sides to help guide her through the long corridor. Ash was glad of the darkness, as he knew, by the heat rising in his cheeks, he was heavily blushing. God. No matter what damn situation I'm in, she still has the power to do that to me.

For the first time, a subtle hint of green light cast its shimmer towards the end of the corridor, and as they approached, the intensity grew until they reached the small room from where it was emanating from. Entering, they noticed that it contained well over a dozen people, most sat on broken chairs and blankets strewn across the floor. The group uncovered their heads, Pikachu leaving the bag, and looked into the staring faces of the rebels.

"I'm sure you know who these people are," Masamune told the people. Most of the people stood, staring at Ash. Many bowed to him, uttering the words, "Master", making Ash feel awkward. In response, he bowed back, unsure of what to do.

"Ah, there you guys are," they heard a familiar voice say. Turning, the group saw her, a few years older, but, as Brock attested to, as beautiful as ever, despite her dishevelled slinky, blue hair. "Well, it's been a while."

"Hi, Erika," Brock began with his most confidant tone, only to receive an elbow in the ribs and a stern, disciplinary look from Misty. "Not now, Brock," she quietly scolded. Ash sniggered at her reprimand.

"What?" Misty questioned him, a little annoyed at his laugh.

"Nothing," but he continued to smile. She was cute when she was irritated. She was cute no matter what mood she was in. Ash turned his attention back to Erika. "So, is this your group?" He indicated to the people around them.

"Most of it. Some members are in other rooms, others aren't at this base at the moment."

"Do you know how many people have joined the resistance so far?"

"We're not sure. We are trying get in contact with other small groups we've heard of. For definite, we have twenty-five people here, a number that is growing every day. Most of the people are Pokémon trainers, so we have the help of a great number of Pokémon, as well. Then, of course, there are the three of you and Kiyoko, with your Pokémon." She looked down at Pikachu, smiling, causing the Pokémon to blush.

"Ah, there aren't just us. A couple more individuals have joined," Misty corrected.


"And you've probably heard of them before," Brock added, cautiously.

"Oh?" Masamune expressed.

Ash hesitated before answering. "Their names are Jessie, James and Meowth."

"Not from Team Rocket!" Erika shouted in disbelief.

"Not anymore," he quickly voiced.

Masamune was as shocked as his friend. "What do you mean 'Not anymore'. They are our enemies. Once a Rocket, always a Rocket."

"Don't worry. We can trust them."

"How can you be sure of that?"

Ash was feeling a little intimidated. Masamune was a large man, well-over half a foot taller than Ash, a lot thicker in the shoulders. He seemed to be becoming more aggravated by the moment. "Ah, well you see," he began nervously. "Kiyoko told us so."

"What does that mean?" he almost bellowed.

Erika, however, didn't seem unnerved by the man at all. "That means they can be trusted."

Masamune turned to his friend, a confused look on his slightly aged face.

"I told you she was a psychic. She's never wrong about these things."

Instantly, he backed down, and Ash and his friends all released a sigh of relief.

"So, as I was saying," Erika started again, "there is us, there's you and many other groups. We've been able to find five others so far, each only comprising of about five to ten people. What we were planning to do is when we have gathered enough members, begin attacks on Team Rocket. Nothing that will kill or mame, just something to unsettle them a little. After a while, we hope to have enough people for a full scale revolution. But it'll probably take quite a while."

"No matter how long it takes, as long as we dethrone them," Ash said encouragingly.

"My thought exactly. So, this is our headquarters. We'll plan all attacks together. We're a team. But Ash, we are all on agreement on this fact. You are our spokesperson. You have the highest position of all of us, and therefore the greatest respect from the people, those that we are trying to protect."

"Ah, okay." He had to agree. Although the position scared him a little, he was a Pokémon Master. He had to do his part. And he would be strong for his people, never showing Team Rocket, or the others, the doubts and fears beginning to settle in his young mind. If he was going to be the face of the rebellion, he'd have to be a stern, unwavering one. After a moment of hush, Ash remembered the one thing he thought most important to bring up at this meeting. Something he felt he had no control over, but perhaps Erika and her group could help with. "Could you guys do us all a big favour?"

"Sure. What is it, Ash?" Erika asked.

"You have people in many of the major towns and cities, don't you?"


"Well," he glanced at his two friends and then back to Erika. "We were wondering if their was anyway you could help our families. We're worried that if and when Team Rocket take over Pallet, Cerulean and Pewter, they may go after our families and punish them for what we have done."

Erika grinned. "Don't worry. We'll try to locate them and place them in safety."


"Erika! Erika!" a voice yelled excitedly. A young man ran in from the next room, stopping just before her.

"What is it?" she asked anxiously, panicked by the distraught look upon his face. "What's wrong?"

"Kusanagi, Michaels! They've...they've been..."

"What? They've been what?"

"They've been...been captured."

"Oh my god. Wha...what happened?" Her voice trembled with every word she spoke.

"I don't know. They only left the settlement a few hours ago to go to the next base and..." He trailed off.

"How do you know they've been captured?"

"The TV. Giovanni is on the TV." He signalled them to follow him into the adjacent room, accompanied by the group who had welcomed them, where a number of rebels sat staring at the bright screen.

There Giovanni stood, addressing the audience in a large, darkened room. Ash looked into the eyes of the man. Within he saw anger. Hate. The stare raised the same emotions within himself.

"The rebellion forces whom have plagued us since our glorious rule began will now understand our wraith. They will learn that no one will be allowed to defy us." The volume of his voice increased as he spoke, more hostility continually seeping into the words. He signalled off screen, and two of his soldiers entered, each dragging one of the captured men by the back of their shirts. Giovanni moved out of the camera's range as the picture zoomed out to show the two soldiers and their prisoners fully.

The men had been beaten. Ash surveyed the many fresh cuts and bruises that covered all visible areas of the men's skin. They we in a frenzied state, tears pouring down their cheeks. Ash's attention was diverted from the television when he saw a young woman cry out. "No! No!" she screamed, so loud Ash thought his eardrums would burst under the pressure. A man next to her enveloped her within his arms in an attempt to calm her, but instantly the shouts grew louder as she unceasingly stared at the television, her fear ever rising.

At this, he immediately looked back at the screen to see that the soldiers had raised handguns to the captives' heads. He knew what was coming next. A soft, but terrified, "no" emanated from next to him and he felt Misty, who had been standing next to him the whole time, push her head into his chest, covering her eyes. Ash tried to close his own, but morbid fascination seemed to hold them open to the last possible moment. Just as they finished shutting, he heard it. Two shots, clear as days, followed by the sound of two deadweights crashing to the ground.

Screams and shouts echoed within the room, through which Ash, eyes still clamped shut, could hear Giovanni's voice again. "Every rebel found will bear the same fate. They will not be tolerated."


Ash lay upon his bed, alone in the dimly lit room, trying to hold back the tears. He had been severely shaken by the events of the night. Although he knew that eventually casualties would occur, people would die, that belief didn't shield him from the terror that had possessed his mind.

But he couldn't let himself cry. He couldn't show fear. If he did, he would fail in his role.

He heard a light knock from the door. After checking his features to make sure no traces of his weakness showed outwardly, he told the person to come in.

"Hey," Misty's sweet voice spoke, instantly calming him from the terrors that were overrunning him. "I made you some hot porridge, something to help you sleep." She walked towards him, handing him a bowl, and, settling down beside him, began to take a spoonful from her own bowl. She attempted a smile, but he could see the sadness behind it.

For a few moments they sat in silence, eating. "You okay, Mist?" he inquired softly.

"Yeah. I'm just a little scared. Tonight has kinda changed everything."

"I know."

"I mean, why did they have to show that?" Her voice was barely a whisper, cracking under stress.

"They're just trying to control us by fear. Everyone is afraid of death, so they're using it as a tool." He looked towards her and noticed that tears were beginning to well within her beautiful eyes. "Oh, Mist." He quickly took her bowl and put it down on the floor with his, then put his arms around her, bringing her head to his chest.

"I'm sorry. It just...started and...and I can't stop. I'm just so...afraid."

"Don't worry, I'm here. You don't have to stop. Just let it all out." Watching her nearly made the tears resurge in his own eyes, but he held them back. He just combed her long hair with his fingers, rocking her gently to calm her. "It's going to be okay."

She loved to feel his strong arms surround her, soothing her, making her believe that as long as she was there, within them, nothing could hurt her. She pulled herself even closer to him, holding him, her fingers threaded within his t-shirt.

He kissed her forehead a few times, another way he hoped he could comfort her. Slowly, the sobs began to disappear, and after a few moments he felt her relax in his arms. Looking down, he realised that she'd fallen asleep, her now closed eyes still wet with tears. "You're so beautiful," he quietly said, kissing her again on the forehead before lifting her and placing her on her bed, covering her with the sheets. "Goodnight, my angel. Sweet dreams."


Days had passed since the incident. They hadn't received a great amount of news from Erika's group, apart from to tell them that a wealth of new members had joined. It seemed that Giovanni's shock tactic to quell the rebels had only succeeded in causing the inverse of what he had desired.

Ash had felt his emotions grow stronger with each and everyday. The sorrow, the hate, the helplessness he felt within was trying to overwhelm him and it was becoming almost impossible to hold it all back. But he had made a good attempt so far. No one had been able to see past his charade. All except Kiyoko. But, although the group had become closer, unable to escape each other in the small apartment, she kept her distance. She didn't know him well enough to intervine.

Ash sat upon the sofa, a book within his hands. After reading for several hours, it was no longer able to hold his attention. Instead, he couldn't take his eyes from her, focusing upon her out of the corner of his eye.

She sat on the chair across from him, her back settled against one armrest, her long legs cast over the other. She was staring out through the window at the dark city, deep in thought.

He had caught himself doing the same thing over and over again over the past while. It always lifted away a bit of the depression that had settled upon him over that past week.

She was beautiful. Her mid-length, red hair glimmered in the low light of the room. Her now less scrawny (but still slim), tall frame was extenuated by her baggy green combats and tight fitting purple top. He studied her face. Those intelligent aqua pupils, the light pink lips, her alabaster skin. His mind began to wander even further away from the book, and reality, to a place his dreams now often drifted to, a world where he imagined she was his. An existence where he could hold her, touch her, kiss her. It may have only been a fantasy, but at least it took his mind from the terror all around him, and that within his own head.

Turning around, distracted from his fantasy by the feeling he was being watched, he looked towards Kiyoko, who was indeed had her vision upon him. A smile was cast over her features. She giggled as he glanced at her.

'Hey, I'm allowed to have my own little fantasies,' he joked, knowing she would hear his thoughts.

'Sorry. I just think it's cute,' she projected back.

'Cute?!' He thought, in mock-anger. 'On one side, I don't know whether I'm going to survive another day, and on the other, I can't stop thinking about my best friend in ways that aren't exactly...appropriate.'

'Don't worry. It's normal for a teenager, falling in love with your best friend.'

'I don't think I'm exactly living the typical teenage life. I never have. And how can you be sure I'm in love- Sorry, stupid question.'

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door.

"Shit," Kiyoko whispered, as she quickly stood. "Get into the bedrooms. I'll get rid of whoever it is."

The group quietly ran into the first room they happened upon, closing the door gently behind them, all leaning up against it to hear what was happening.

Kiyoko quickly composed herself and opened the front door, but only as far as the security chain allowed. "Dad," she said, shocked, but relieved to see his familiar face. "What are you doing here?" She unclasped the chain and let her father in.

"Can't a father just visit his daughter without a reason?"

"Yeah, it's just a little bit of a surprise, and I thought that with all that is going on, you'd be really busy."

"Well, I just wanted to see you, and-" He stopped suddenly.

"And?" She felt her unconsciously inhaling deeply.

"I need to ask you something. You don't have to answer, you're my daughter and I would never hurt you, but I want to know the truth."

"What's wrong, dad?" She had a bad feeling about this. It couldn't be good.

"A few days ago, reports say you were seen with Erika, the leader of the Celadon Gym."

"Yeah. You know we've been friends for years."

"This hasn't been released to the public, yet, but we, Team Rocket, have reason to believe that Erika is one of the rebels."

"What?" she said with mock surprise.

"In one of the rebellion attacks she was positively identified by a number of individuals. Also, she closed her gym just after the take over, and hasn't been seen since. I'm sorry to tell you but she has become one of the most wanted rebels, just after the Master and his friends, and a group of renegade members of the organisation. We have seized her gym, and imprisoned all of the gym workers that haven't disappeared." He moved closer to his daughter and took her hands in his. "I just want to know you aren't involved in any of this business."

She had to lie, something she had rarely done to him. "I'm not."

"You can tell me if you are. I won't report you, even though I won't be able to protect you if you are found out. I don't want you to get hurt. You're all I have after your mother died."

"You know I am against this occupation, but I would never go against you. You can trust me. I'm telling you the truth."

"That's all I needed to hear."

"Goodnight, dad."

"Night, honey." With that, he left.

She closed the front door, a little too hastily, and breathed a sigh of relief as she leant up against the door. "Guys, it's safe to come out now."

Brock opened the door, allowing the dissidents to come back into the living room.

"God, I don't know if I can take much more of this," Misty began. "Every loud or unusual noise makes my heart jump. My nerves are shot."

Ash sat back on the sofa, with the now closed book on his chest, a little startled, but seemingly calm. "Well, I know I could do better with less scares like that."

It sounded like a joke, but Misty noted that his tone was completely serious. She felt that he was putting up a facade to hide his true feelings. The others hadn't seemed to notice, but she knew him almost as well as his own mother did.

"You're telling me," Brock replied. "Actually, guys, I think I may turn in. It's getting pretty late."

"I think we'd be best going to bed as well," Jessie said, speaking not only for herself but for James and Meowth.

"I think I'll head too," Kiyoko said, giving a smirk-like glance at Ash. 'If you like her, make some kind of move.'

'But-' by the time he had stared to think, she had left for her bedroom, giggling a little before she left. But he knew that walls wouldn't stop the link. 'If you just tell me what she thinks of me, then I'll know what to do.'

'You know I can't say anything. It's betraying fate. You have to make the decision yourself. Now, I'm going to cut the link so I won't be able to hear anything. So goodnight, Ash. And just follow you're heart.'

'I wish I had the courage to do so.'

"See you tomorrow," the others called.

"Night, guys," Ash and Misty replied.

When they had all left, Misty sat next to Ash on the sofa and looked at the book that he'd been reading for the past while. "History?"

He opened it and flicked to the chapter that he'd been reading. "Yeah. I'm just reading a little bit about other resistance groups, see if there is anything of help," he answered, keeping his eyes on the pages.

"Find anything yet?"

"Mmm, there is some stuff about the French resistance during the second world war. Like us they were dominated by a much more powerful force. Although they were not the sole reason for the end of the occupation, over its six years span, they constantly bombed enemy targets and plotted against their occupiers. They never gave up, no matter how many of their people were caught and executed."

"Then we should follow their example. If it worked for them, it'll work for us."

"Yeah, but they had the support of their allies. We don't."

"I don't understand why no one has helped us out yet. Has the rest of the country just forgotten about Kanto."

"Maybe they don't know what is truly going on. They may know about the executions of rebels from the news reports, but maybe they don't realise how bad it really is. Or, maybe they are preparing their own defences. All we can be sure of is that we have no option but to fight for ourselves."

" I hate this! I wish everything was back to normal."

" It will be...soon," he said, but his previously confidant attitude was undetectable in his tone.

She knew he was taking this stuff much worse than he had admitted. Although he hated to say it, he was a sensitive young man. She had to say something to him. She always wished to care for him, if not as a lover, at least as an older sister figure. She placed a light touch upon his knee. "Ash, are you sure everything is alright?"

"Oh, of course I'm sure," he replied, his words coloured with immediate sarcasm and anger. " My people have been occupied, and as far as I know, by the end of all this, if it ever does end, everything I care about..." he turned and looked away from the book into her eyes. She could see faint traces of clear liquid in them. "...Everyone I care about," he continued, " may be gone forever." He took his eyes away again, clearly embarrassed by his display of weakness, placed the book on the floor, and, slipping his fingers through his long hair, tried to regain his composure. "I'm sorry." He glanced at the clock upon the coffee table. " Ah, it is getting late. I think we should head as well." He quickly got up from the sofa and walked to the bathroom, closing the door hard behind him.

Misty felt rejected. He was her best friend, but even after all those years, she felt betrayed by the fact that he would try to hide his emotions from her. But then again, wasn't that exactly what she had been doing to him from the first day they met. When she was younger, she rarely showed Ash, or Brock, how vulnerable she truly was. Maybe she thought (at least in the early days she did) that if she didn't put up a strong front, they would reject her as an overemotional girl, but as they all matured, she had continually put down that front.

Ash seemed to be doing the opposite. A young boy letting out his emotions would not be looked down upon, but a fifteen year old, a Master, a chief member of the resistance? No, she understood they could lose faith in him if he seemed even slightly weak.

But then, why didn't he come to her? Nothing would ever make her think any less of him. They had always been confidants, especially just before the occupation occurred. She told herself that whatever the reason, he would come if he needed to. Maybe she would just have to wait, or make the first move, and see if he accepted.


He left the bathroom and, crossing the living room, went into their bedroom. Misty had already changed, only wearing a pair of black shorts and a thin-strapped blue top. She was sleeping on her bed, with her bed sheet covering her only feet, exposing her bare legs.

She looked beautiful, her silky hair loose, and her curvaceous body glimmering in the low light. He wished he could touch her soft, pale skin. He wished he could kiss her soft lips and hold her in his arms. He just wanted to be hers.

He leaned over, and taking the sheet in his hands pulled it over her, covering her right up to her shoulder. Then, out of impulse, he stroked her face with a light touch from his fingers before leaving her to sit at the end of his own bed, taking off his jacket.

He just sat there for a few moments, staring into the distance, wishing he could only pluck up the courage to tell her how he felt, not just about her but about everything. Maybe she could help him with the terror in his mind, like he had helped her a few days before.

The sound of those two bullets keep ringing in his ears, attempting to destroy his sanity. He knew he needed help to silence them. He was incredibly close to Pikachu and Brock, but he felt that she was perhaps the only person he would feel comfortable talking to about it. Maybe it was because of his feelings for her, he was not sure, but even though he wished for her comforting arms, he was still too afraid to say anything to her.

But he hated the thought of spending another while hidden away, trying, and often failing, to keep his emotions from overwhelming him, just as they had that night. His eyelashes were still damp from his momentary breakdown.

Misty opened her weary orbs slowly, making sure he wouldn't notice that she had still been awake. He had his back to her, his eyes staring into space. She had thought she had dreamed the touch, but seeing him now, she knew it was no fantasy. A wide smile spread across her face, as she pulled the sheet up closer to her face, and she just continued to look at him, hoping that some meaning was concealed in the caress.