Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Mewtwo's Liquid Haven ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mewtwo's Liquid Haven: New Series
Chapter 4
(Rating X, Female/Male.)

"Welcome to your Liquid Haven, Mewtwo." The words echoed through-out his mind. It was just yesterday when Mewthree broke out. Mewtwo was sitting in the lab on a cot, watching scientists quickly attempt to put everything back in place. Mewfour had destroyed several sections of the lab, but strangely, he left no casulities. Mewtwo could tell that Cassandra was going out of her mind, though he didn't know why.

Mewtwo sighed, hugging his knees tightly to his chest. He wondered where Mewthree had gone off to, but he figured that the scientists took her somewhere. He looked up at Cassandra who was just passing by. "Cassandra?" he asked.

Cassandra stopped in her tracks, glancing at Mewtwo. "Yes?"

"...Where is Mewthree?"

She just sighed, crossing her arms loosely over her chest. "She's been taken back to her lab for further improvement."

"But, what is wrong with her? I didn't-"

"Mewthree is supposed to mate with you right away, and she didn't-"

"Wait, that's all this is about? Is sex?" He blinked, suddenly feeling like he was nothing but some toy.

"N-No! We.. just need you to mate and have an offspring," She replied, sandwitching her lower lip between her teeth.

"I am nothing but a toy!" He growled, standing up.

"That's not t-true, Mewtwo!" She desperately tried to calm him.

"I will not be used, especially by you humans!" With that, his eyes began to glow, and he threw Cassandra back into a group of scientists, they all tumbled to the floor.

"Uff!" Cassandra landed ontop of the scientists, and quickly stood up, slamming her fist into a red button. "Stop him!"

The other scientists just looked at her as if she was kidding.

"Damn it! I said stop him! So do something!" She scowled, practically throwing the two closest scientists towards Mewtwo.

"Shouldn't we call in the SEALs?" One of the scientists grinned.

Cassanda thought for a moment, then grinned. "Yes, that'd be a great idea. And if Mewtwo doesn't kill them all, and they capture him, then we'll kill the rest of the SEALs, so no word about this little incident will get out," She said.

"Then I'll go tell them we have a terrorist attack," The scientist chuckled, and disappeared out of the room.

Mewtwo had already moved out into the hallway, running towards the elevator to take him up to the first level. There wasn't much resistance, the scientists were to afraid of him. He stepped to the elevator, pressing the up button. Soon, the doors opened, and he stepped inside, pressing the "1" button. As the elevator headed upwards, suddenly at half way up, it stopped, the emergency light coming on.

"Figures," Mewtwo mumbled to himself, looking up at the ceiling of the elevator for a trap door.

"Alpha go! Move move move! Sweep out sector!" The captain yelled to the rest of his team after their helicopter landed on the helipad of the lab. One by one the SEAL team moved into the lab, armed with Mp5s, M-16A1s, and several other weapons.

Mewtwo got ready to climb out the escape, but the elevator came back into server, and soon it arrived at the first floor. As he stepped out into the elevator, he saw a few armed men run into the hallway, aiming at him. "Eh..." Mewtwo blinked, then yelped, jumping into another room as they opened fire.

"Hold your fire!" One of the SEALs commanded, and they stopped firing.

"What the hell was that thing!" Another one yelled, looking to the captain.

"Nevermind what it was! Continue tango!" The captain ordered, and they headed down the hallway using their stealth capabilities.

"Guns..." Mewtwo now realized that they were using. He looked down to his paws, smirking. "I have nothing to worry about," He said to himself, glancing up to the door. Slowly he stepped back into hallway, turning towards the SEAL team.

"Fire! Damnit fire!" The captain commanded.

"Sir! I can't! Sir! My finger won't move!"

"Mine won't either!" Another yelled.

"What the..." The captain snarled, and pulled the trigger, emptying half of the Mp5's clip at Mewtwo. The bullets stopped just inches from Mewtwo in mid air, and turned around, flying towards two other the SEAL members. The bullets ripped through their bodies, and both soldiers fell.

"Holy shit! Pull back team!" The captain ordered and ran down the hallway along with the rest of the four members of the SEAL team.

"You cannot escape death, humans," Mewtwo said, grinning as he lifted his paws up towards the SEALs, making them all freeze in mid air. Within a simple blink, all the four SEAL team members all aimed at each other, one aiming at the captain.

"What.. What the fuck are you doing!" The captain looked at the gun pointed at him, then soon he found himself aiming at one of his own members.

Mewtwo walked towards them, walking right beside the captain. "Time to meet YOUR creator.." He laughed, and walked past them. Mewtwo listened to the gunfire behind him, and the sound of corpses falling to the floor. He new very well that they were all dead, and he continued down the hallway to the helipad. Once he stepped onto the helipad, he saw one SEAL was left on the helicopter, holding a M249 Machine Gun, with a box of ammo connected to the bottom of it.

The muscular SEAL looked at Mewtwo, raising his heavy M249 at him. "You bastard! You killed them!" He began to open fire with the machine gun, and jumped off the helicopter, walking towards Mewtwo. "Get some!"

Mewtwo stood there, somehow, all the bullets just missed him by an inch. He slowly grinned, looking up the helicopters moving blades, then back to the man. "Goodbye." Mewtwo motioned upwards, and the man flew up into the blades, blood staining Mewtwo's white fur as the man was mutilated. He smirked, turning around to see Mewfour standing there, his paw aimed at Mewtwo's face. "Mewfour..?"

Mewfour didn't say anything, but soon he sent a psychic wave through Mewtwo's head, making him fall to the floor, unconscious.

"Uhn..." Mewtwo slowly awoke to found himself in a small, completely white room. His paws were chained to the ceiling, his tail chained to the wall behind him, and his feet were secured to the floor. He wasn't alone. "Cassandra.. hello," Mewtwo said, glaring at her, but, he blinked, surprised to find her completely nude as she stood before him.

"Hello, Mewtwo," She replied, smirking as she cupped both hands on his cheeks, making him look eye to eye with her.

"What do you have planned this time?" He narrowed his eyes.

Cassandra ignored his question. She said softly, "You really took care of those SEALs. I thought you could do it. But it bought us time to get Mewthree to help us get you back into our hands." She kept her lips just inches from his, grinning. "I did some research, Mewtwo."

"Oh? And what'd you find out?" He looked away, staring at the floor.

"I can carry your offspring," She said with a wider grin. "We need Mewthree no more."

Mewtwo glanced back at her sharply. "I get it, but no.. I'm not having sexual acts with a human." He struggled against his restraints.

"I'm afraid you have no choice, Mewtwo." She smirked, slowly letting a hand wander down to his crotch. A finger gently probed his sheath, carrassing the head of his purple cock.

Mewtwo quivered from her touch, his head tilting back slightly and those eyes closed as he moaned softly. His instincts immediately kicked in, that cock becoming hard quite quickly due to her touch.

"You know you want to fuck, Mewtwo. Give in," She whispered into his ear, two fingers gently pulling his length from its sheath. She held herself up with his shoulder with one hand while the other aligned his cock with her pussy, the head of it just pressing against the enterence to her. "Look at your cock, Mewtwo. And I know you'll change your mind."

He whimpered softly, slowly opening his eyes and looking down at their sexes, seeing that he was so close to entering her. "I... I.."

"You want it. Just say it," She said, grinning as she pressed against his cock a little more.

"I... I want it," Mewtwo said with a sigh, his eyes closing again.

"Good." She smiled and slid onto his cock fully, resting there for a moment with a soft, sigh of relief. "Mmm, Mewtwo..." She moaned, both hands gripping his shoulders as he began to slide up and down his cock.

Mewtwo sandwitched his lower lip between his teeth as she began riding him. He began pushing his hips up against hers, trying to get his cock even deeper into her as she pounded onto him.

Cassandra wrapped her legs around his waist firmly, and leaned back, resting her head and hands on the padded floor below them. She didn't stop moving her hips though, she continued contracting her muscles to increase both of their pleasure. She moaned, arching her back, her eyes shut tightly.

Mewtwo soon found his body released from the wall, and he crawled down ontop of her, pounding his hips into her as his paws groped hungrily at her ample mounds of sensitive flesh. He pressed his lips against hers in a deep, passionate kiss, and he pressed his tongue into her mouth to wrestle with hers. Meanwhile, his tail coiled over her leg gently like a snake, resting there.

She let her arms slowly wander about his neck, those hands gripping the skin cord that connected to his head and to his back. They both were very unaware that Mewfour was watching through a tinted window.

"Hm, something's not right," Mewfour said to himself, smirking as he crossed his arms firmly over his chest. "Because I could have sworn I just killed her."

Mewtwo arched his back after breaking the kiss, and cried out softly as he began cumming into Cassandra, his claws extracted and he gripped the cushioned floor tightly.

"Good boy.." She moaned softly, stroking the back of his head as he finished up with his orgasm. She began to chuckle, her body twitching.

He sighed, quivering one last time as he recovered from the intense climax. Slowly he slid out of her, sitting on his knees. He blinked, seeing that she was twitching. "Cassandra...?"

"You... were... just as good... as... I knew.. you'd... be." She chuckled, and suddenly there was a bright flash. It took a while for Mewtwo to regain his visage, but when he did, he saw Mewthree laying there, purring like a kitten.

"Mewthree!" Mewtwo was startled, he fell onto his bum, watching her.
"Of course, Mewtwo." She slowly sat up, her paw rubbing her clit gently. "Cassandra is... to dead to have sex." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Mewfour killed her."

"Ah." Mewtwo blinked, looking over to the door as Mewfour stepped in.

Mewfour glanced at Mewthree, a brow raising. "I knew it was you. Since I knew Cassandra was dead, and I knew you were missing from your... cage." He smirked.

Mewthree glared at him, growling for a moment before glancing back to Mewtwo. "I'm getting out of here," She said, standing up. "You two may follow, unless you wish to stay here with those... humans." She smirked, and disappeared out of the room quickly.

"Come on, Mewtwo," Mewfour said, walking towards the door. "I already have a plan," He continued, and dashed out of the room.

Mewtwo sighed, putting his cock away and he followed them out into the hallway. They had already went upstairs, leaving him a bit behind. As he began to run down the hallway, he was cut off by a scientist.

The scientist held out a small dart gun, aiming at Mewtwo. "End of the line, Mewtwo," He said.

Mewtwo smirked, shaking his head. "Back away, human. Your no match for me," He said. Suddenly he felt the barrel of a dart gun being pressed against the back of his neck. Another smirk, he turned around, glaring down at the other scientist. He winced as he felt a dart shoot into his back. He reached a paw to his back, slowly pulling the dart out and studying it. "What the hell..?" He suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"Goodnight, Mewtwo," The scientist said, grinning as he slowly lowered the gun.

"Not... possi..ble," Mewtwo grunted and fell onto the floor.

John stepped to them, sighing as he looked down to Mewtwo. "This incident is to be forgotten. Brainwash Mewtwo, so when he wakes up in his test tube, he'll think he's a newborn," He said, smirking.

"Yes, sir." The two said, and dragged Mewtwo off.

John watched as they disappeared with Mewtwo around a corner, and he sighed again, stuffing his hands into his lab coat pockets. "We'll be damned if a word of this ever gets out," he said, and with that, he followed them.