Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ One Angel's Fight ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Angel's Fight

By Bexi


Disclaimer: I do not or ever will own Pokémon!! Nevertheless, I do own this story; it came from my own brain … honest!

Summary: Cassidy is informed that she has a tumour and that she wouldn't be able to fight it without undergoing an operation, but will her recovery run smoothly when Butch is assigned a undercover mission and will her rivals offer their sympathy?

Rating: PG-13

Language: Frequent, moderate

Sex/nudity: Infrequent, mild references

Violence: Some, moderate

Genre: Romance/angst

Feedback: Feedback on fics is always a great thing to cherish, so I would love for you to say such things. I don't have a beta; so if there is a M-A-J-O-R problem with what you read, do speak forth.

Author's notes: First thing that comes to mind … Neoshippy! That's what this is and I seem to recall seeing very few of these around. It will be short and I don't actually know what the outcome will be … so I'll just hope for the best. I will (I think) have rocketshipping in it too.

I never thought that I'd ever write a Pokémon fic … I think it was the twerps that put me off!

On with the fic and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter One

Dark clouds slowly began to cover the skies; the once white, fluffy clouds were gone. Thick drops of water were threatening to fall but they stayed put except the light droplets that fell. The sun had vanished into the clouds hours ago and wouldn't be seen till morning. It wasn't until the heavens opened to their fullest that the bright headlights on the placid van shone through the pitch black. The van sped through the night, leaving the Pokémon Centre behind. Inside the van were two members of Team Rocket, both clad in black with a large R emblem on the middle.

Cassidy sat back in the passenger seat with her arms crossed; she closed her violet eyes and sighed slightly before turning around to look in the back of the white van. Right behind their seats was a large beige bag full of red and white Pokéballs, each one containing a Pokémon. She smirked before looking over to her partner Butch, who was concentrating on driving the van through the heavy downpour.

"Well, that was easy!" she exclaimed, her mind drifting to Jessie and her idiot partner, James, and how she was convinced that they made it into the history books for being Team Rocket's worst agents. They couldn't even steal a lousy Pikachu! Her grin faded as she remembered that little twerp with the yellow rodent and his friends, and how they had manage to thwart some of their greatest plans, like the breeding Centre and on Mandarin Island. The idea that a kid with a Pikachu could foil them -- Jessie and James yes -- but them?! It was laughable yet utterly frustrating all the same.

Cassidy looked over to Butch; he never answered her; even if it wasn't a question she asked. It was common now, she was use to his ways and knew that he wouldn't change, she had no qualms with it, they had been together about four years now and nothing could break the friendship the two of them had formed. They worked well together and completed the tasks they were set out to do. Their job is to steal rare and valuable Pokémon for Giovanni and that's exactly what they did.

"How long till we get back to HQ?" she asked him softly. The downpour was driving hard as it impinged upon the windscreen.

"Not sure, but the rain is heavy and I think we took the wrong left," he replied in his raspy trademark voice.

She nodded and looked further ahead as she saw the bright lights of Vermilion City through the thick rainfall.

"I guess we could head to Vermilion City and spend the night at a hotel before heading back to HQ in the morning." She looked over to her turquoise haired colleague. "What do you think?"

He nodded his head as he continued to drive through the rain, he was glad that Cassidy had come up with the idea, driving through a complete down pour in the pitch dark wasn't his idea of a perfect night. He looked down at the wheel and saw next to it the fuel indicator blinking a bright shaded red, just enough fuel to get them to Vermilion, after that they'd have to steal another mode of transportation.

To be continued…