Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ One Angel's Fight ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two


            Butch stopped the van just outside the hotel in a near by parking lot.  Cassidy was in the back of the van getting changed into something more suitable, she could hardly visualize them allowing two members of Team Rocket stay at their hotel.  She pulled off her uniform and changed into a long-sleeved white turtleneck sweater and a short stonewashed denim skirt with black knee-length boots.  She grabbed the large backpack and dove inside, pulling out a black shirt before throwing it over to Butch.

            The male grunted somewhat before pulling off his gloves and top before throwing them to Cassidy.

            "You're carrying the bag, you know?" she smirked, as she shoved his things inside the bag as well, finding room to place all the Pokéballs inside too. 

            "Why can't you?" he snapped lightly.

            Cassidy smiled and spoke in a sweet tone and said: 

            "Because I'm the lady and you're supposed to be the gentleman."  She laughed as she saw Butch's quizzical expression in the front mirror.  "You should know the regime by now, Butch."  She rubbed her nose and grabbed the handle of a paddle hairbrush as she brushed out her usual style and let it cascade down her back.  Lying on the floor were nine Pokéballs, the rucksack was full of Pokéballs and their uniforms.  She would be able to fit four in her handbag, so that meant Butch would have the others.  "Here!"  She grabbed his attention, laying out five Pokéballs in her hands.  "Pretend to be some wannabe Pokémon trainer."

            Butch arched a grim eyebrow before sighing defeated at the look his blonde partner was sending him.  He shook his head and took the Pokéballs that he attached onto his belt. 

            Cassidy nodded softly in a satisfied manner, climbing over the seats in the front of the van and handed Butch the bag before swiftly taking something out of the side pocket, a pair of rectangle shaped glasses.

            "Wear these."  Cassidy held out the glasses in her hands as her partner stared blankly.

            "No way, I'm fine the way I am," he protested.

            "Don't forget, Butch, you stand out the most."  She could see that the man was prepared to place his argument so she placed her before.  "People know you as a member of Team Rocket, especially with that distinctive voice of yours … it quiet hard not to forget, so at least the glasses with give you more character … besides, you wore false-framed glasses on the fake ID."

            "And you had ashen hair instead of golden blonde!"

            "Hair can be dyed, but those glasses make a HUGE difference to your appearance, they make you look like a nice, kind, honest and decent man."

            He opened his mouth but thought twice as Cassidy was prepared to fight the argument to the very end, so sighing loudly, he snatched the glasses and placed them on the bridge of his nose before giving Cassidy once last glare before carefully opening the door as both of them advanced towards the main entrance of the hotel.  The building was large and looked superior to some of the hotels they'd been to.  She shook off the water that soaked into her clothes and hair as her and Butch walked to the receptionist.  The brunette receptionist turned around from the computer on her large office chair and pulled down the glasses that were attached to a string of multicoloured beads.

            "How may I be of assistance to you all?" she asked the pair in a heavy accent.

            "Could we have a room please?" Cassidy answered her.

            "I'll see what I can do for you, we may be fully booked -- the rain has attracted a lot of folks -- plus the Vermilion City Pokémon fair that coming to town."  She began to swiftly type on the computer that stood beside her, mumbling what sounded like nonsense to herself.  "Ah, looks like you're in look."  The blue-eyed woman looked up then back down.  "We have one room left, double bed with an en-suite bathroom with a separate lounge with a TV.  Is that all right Miss…?"

            "Donnelly … Iris Donnelly," she smiled, "and this is my partner Levi Galbai."  She looked over and nudged him in the ribs.  He scorned her before realising that he was expected to pay.  He sighed and dug into his trouser pockets and pulled out his wallet, giving the receptionist "Levi Galbai's" I.D and details.  The receptionist nodded and took the information without any idea who Cassidy and Butch really where.

            "All right then, it's room sixteen on floor twelve, here's your key and I hope you enjoy your stay with us."  She smiled and handed Butch the key, who took it and quickly walked away, followed by Cassidy.  "Nice people," she smiled, and saw to another customer.






            The turquoise-haired Rocket carefully slid the key into the lock and turned it before pushing the door open.  Cassidy followed in suit and glanced around the room.  It was elegant indeed, the wallpaper had rich and vibrant colours, and the curtains were made of a fine material and the fragrance of lavender and jasmine filled the room.  It then suddenly dawned on her that she was soaking still and if she didn't make a dash for the bathroom, she would lose out.  Cassidy slid open the screened door that separated the bedroom and lounge as she threw down her bag on the bed, seeing that Butch was in the lounge, setting up a separate bed on the couch.  The blonde thief smiled and walked into the bathroom and slammed it shut as she locked it, just to be arrogant and indicate to her partner that she was in the bathroom.  It, like the rest of the room, was elegant.  She would have lived with just a shower, but this had a separate bath and shower.  Small rose fragranced soaps in individual packages were inside the cupboards, white hand towels hung on the railings.  Shampoos, bath foams, bath salts and oils all stood in the cupboards.  She made a note to place them inside her bag once she got out, it was one thing she enjoyed about staying in a hotel, the freebies, and she was only in the bathroom!

            She turned the tap and watched as water poured from the silver tap into the bathtub, she grabbed four small bottles of bath foam and poured them into the bath -- there were loads to spare.  The foam began to lather up as more water ran down.  She smiled as she heard Butch knocking on the door, asking how long she was going to be as he was cold and soaking wet.

            "It's got a bathtub as well as a shower, with lots of free bath foams and salts.  So, I might be quite a while … I haven't had a bath in a long time, I'm beginning to hate showers."  Her grin grew as she teased him, he didn't reply for a while, but when he did she continued her taunting.

            "Can't I just quickly use the shower, you said they were separate."

            "They are, but how can I take a bath if you're in the same room as me?"

            "The water will still be there if you wait outside for five minutes."  He sounded impatient but still his voice had a ting of amusement.

            "And so will the shower," she shot back.

            "Cassie!" he retorted.

            "Yes?"  She slowly sat on the edge of the bathtub and lent over to twist the hot water off, laughing to herself as she heard Butch rustle and walk away, saying:

            "Just hurry up!"

            He teased her just as she did him, so it was only fair.  She pulled off her clingy wet clothes and threw them into a small pile in the corner as she stepped into the water.  She sat on the corner and twirled her foot in the soothing water as she eased her body down.  She let her eyes close softly, letting any problems or troubles dissolve into the clear water, but it didn't seem to aid the aching and throbbing sensation that surged throughout her head, she just reckoned it to be a headache from the weather and took no more of it.


            Butch sighed as he walked casually away from the bathroom, small droplets of rainwater dripped from the flicked strands of hair that cascaded down the sides of his face onto his shoulders and cheeks until he brushed his hair back with his hands, only to have the awkward stands flick back into place.  He looked around the lit up room as he sat down on a chair and pulled off his boots and shirt, that way he couldn't hear the water seeping deeper into his socks and boots every time he walked somewhere.  The shirt was more drenched than his black trousers, so that would take longer to dry out.  He unclipped the Pokéballs that were attached to his belt and placed them on the fireplace, as he bent down to turn the fire on -- he was still cold.  The male walked across into the bedroom and grabbed the bag that lay on the bed, walking back to the other room as he laid it on the floor. 






            Rain continued to lash heavily at the windows outside, the dark navy clouds slowly eased their way across the sky, but the rain didn't cease.  Beaming headlights were all that could be interpreted throughout the black sheets that covered all of Vermilion.  The lights that radiated from the hotel and houses showed people rushing to and fro out of the hotel -- being informed that it was fully booked. 

            Butch turned from the window, back to the lounge to take another quick glance at the hanging wall clock -- five minutes had gone past since the last time he checked.  Cassidy was still in the bath and he was fully dried, but still wished to take a shower.  The unpleasant feeling was worse than when he was wringing wet, his hair had dried in clumps and his clothes began to give off an odd desiccated musky odour that got up his nose.  He suddenly wished that he had packed a full change of clothing like Cassidy had, but if he had to change his clothes, he could usually get away with just changing his top, wearing black trousers wasn't anything to be suspicious off. 

            He looked up at the clock once again.


            Cassidy had been in there for over three hours!  He stood up and flicked the television on, browsing through the many channels.  A lot were late night talk shows that some people found fascinating; some things were repeated episodes of dry humour sitcoms.  Out of frustration he threw the remote onto the floor and the channel flicked onto something completely different.  Some prison drama, it seemed interesting to watch, as all the inmates were female. 

            Why is she taking so long? he thought; why do women have an obsession with taking so long in the bathroom?  

            "Cassie, how long are you going to take?!" he shouted out to her, waiting for his reply.

            "I'll be out in another five minutes."

            "You said that two HOURS ago!"  He deliberately emphasized the time she'd taken in hopes of her emerging from the bathroom.

            "All right, give me about fifteen to thirty minute … I'll defiantly be out by then, I promise."

            "Fine," he mumbled to himself, and tried to concentrate on the drama to pass time.






            Forty-five… minutes passed.


            He roughly stubbed out the cigarette that he had been smoking and stood up as he strode to the door, picking up his shirt as he went along and slammed the door hard.


To be continued…