Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokey (or I'm not a F***ing Pokemon!!) ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


or I'm not a F***ing Pokemon!!

By: Wulffighter

Legal: I own neither Gargoyles nor Pokemon.

Authors note: I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this, so please don't kill me! (R rated version)

Author's note 2: I've always felt it a jip that the gargoyles never get any scars so in my little universe if the wound is large enough, or is caused a long time before sunrise, it leaves a scar

New York

Brooklyn walked down the hallway away from the Clan's suite sipping one of the beers he had gotten from the fridge. Yep just another day in Brooklyn's neighborhood Let's see… Goliath's with Elisa, Broadway and Angela are on patrol, Lex is probably neck deep in the Internet by now. Yep, everyone off doing his or her own thing leaving little old me out on my own. At least Hudson went to Robinson's so I can watch TV!

As he reached the entertainment room, however, the door flew open and a very hyper Lex ran into his legs knocking both of them flat on their asses. "Whoa, where's the fire?" Brooklyn asked as he wiped off the beer he'd spilt on himself.

Lex looked up at him with desperate hope. "Brook, I'm babysitting Alex and I just remembered I got a…ah meeting in a few minutes on the 'Net." Brooklyn cut him off at this point.

"With one of those pretty young female hackers no doubt, and you were wondering if I could cover for you!!" At the Green gargoyle's blush he chuckled. "Alright, It's not like I've got anything better to do! You got 1 hour!"

The green gargoyle called back over his shoulder, "Thanks I owe you one!"

As Brooklyn turned and entered the entertainment room, taking a large swig of a fresh beer, he heard what was on the television and nearly choked at the familiar theme song. Oh Gods, NO! ANYTHING but THAT! Even that DAMN DINOSAUR would be preferable. He instantly started looking for the remote as the 3- year. old Alex stared in fascination at the screen.


It's you and me

I know it's my destiny


A heart so tru <CLICK>

Brooklyn sighed in relief as the tape ejected. Then he looked down at a frowning Alex. "Sorry, kid. When Lex gets back I'll start it again. But I'm not watching THAT!"

At this Alex scowled and looked from the TV to Brooklyn. "Pookemon!" Brook just changed the channel, looked down at him and said "no" then went back to looking for anything else for Alex to watch.

"Wanna see Pookemon!" Alex stated stomping his foot. Brooklyn looked down at the toddler and, against his will, felt his frustration and anger come to the front.

"Look, kid. It's bad enough I get stuck with every shaft job because they know I'm single, friendless, and hobbyless; therefore I have nothing better to do. But I won't… I repeat WON'T… be subjected to that CRAP!" as he finished his ranting he noticed Alex had tears running down his cheeks and his bottom lip was trembling. He reached out to apologize and comfort the hurt child but Alex pushed his hand away and screamed "Go away!" Brooklyn saw a flash of green light and everything went black.

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Outside Viridian City

"Ash Ketchum, you've got us lost again! Admit it!" The young red-haired woman yelled at the top of her lungs at the black-haired young man. They were setting up camp with the help of a brown-haired young man that seemed to have no eyes and currently looked like he wished he was being beaten by a Mewtwo than standing there listening to the two of them argue!

"How could I have gotten us lost? You have the map, Misty!" This point was met by a loud crackling sound followed by an electrical discharge. "Pikachu, what did you do that for?" The small yellow Pokemon looked up at him with an annoyed expression.

"Pika chu Pikapi!" (You were giving me a headache, Ash!)

After checking to make sure she hadn't had any permanent damage done to her, Misty turned, completed her preparations for the night, picked up a small egg shaped Pokemon. "Come on Togepi,"she said and went to the stream to calm down. As soon as she was out of camp Ash sat down and started staring into the night deep in thought.

Brock sat there grinning at him for a few seconds then started to make dinner for the three of them and their Pokemon. Ash stood up, reached into his pack and grabbed a few Pokeballs.

"Brock, I'm gonna see if I can find any nocturnal Pokemon. You coming, Pikachu?" The small Pokemon rushed over and jumped onto his shoulder.

"Pika Pikapi! Pikapi pi cha cha " (Yes, Ash! Why? Were you planning to fight them yourself this time?) Ash smiled at his chuckling friend and walked into the darkness hoping to find a new Pokemon.

Misty sat on the bank of the stream and fumed. I can't believe we're lost again and this time I was the one with the map. Ash will never let me live this down! Finally tiring of the track her mind was taking, and determined to keep it from any others involving the young trainer, Misty slipped out of her jeans and shirt revealing the swimsuit she worn underneath. Bundling up her jeans she placed the sleeping Togepi on top and covered it with her shirt.

"Now stay here, Togepi. I'll be right back, okay?" she whispered to the little Pokemon. Turning, she walked into the stream. After releasing her Starmie to protect her from any wild Pokemon that were around, she started swimming, letting the peace of the water fill her.

Meanwhile on shore, Togepi had kicked off her shirt and awakened from the cool air. Hopping to its feet and looking around, it cried,

"toge toge pri! togepri Priiir?" (Mommy, I'm cold! Where are you?)

As it looked around it saw a light through the bushes. Mommy must be there! It stumbled through the brush tiredly; it had gone only about halfway through the bushes when it found itself against a warm lump with a blanket hanging off it. Thinking Mommy must have gone to sleep, the very sleepy Togepi cuddled against the warm body and pulled the warm blanket over itself. It instantly fell asleep, emitting a small "prrrrrrriii" sound as it snoozed, not even noticing when the large red arm rapped protectively around it with a sleepy mutter.

Ash and Pikachu had been slowly circling the camp, both looking for Pokemon and hoping to meet up with Misty so Ash could apologize for some of the things he had said during their earlier fight. As he passed a tree he noticed her clothes lying against the base of it.

"Misty?" he called.

"Quiet, you'll wake up Togepi!" she hissed in response to his call as she walked out of the stream. After quickly looking around for the young Pokemon Ash looked at her. "Didn't you leave him at camp?" Turning to her clothes she pointed to where she had left Togepi.

"No He's right h-e-r-e …on …my… clothes…? Ash, where's Togepi?" Seeing the panic start to spread across her face, he quickly reassured her.

"He couldn't have gotten far. We'll release our Pokemon, then split up. We'll find him in no time!" Ash said. Seeing her start to relax, he reached for his Pokeballs, and it made him feel a whole lot better about the situation.

Misty watched Ash and the Pokemon disappear into the bushes in search of Togepi. She quickly slipped into her clothes swearing at her stupidity at leaving the Pokemon unwatched.

"Stupid… idiotic… you know he wanders off. Why didn't you leave a Pokemon to watch him, you self- absorbed cow!" She had just slipped into her shirt when she noticed a small footprint near a small clump of bushes about six feet from were she had left her him. No way! He never stays that close when he wanders off. She walked toward the waist-high bushes knowing this was way too easy.

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Brooklyn put a hand to his head and groaned softly as he regained consciousness. Damn, this hurts! Looking around he saw he was in some kind of bush. Where the hell am I?, he thought, then remembered what had happened. He must have sent me to Central Park, but what happened to the smog,the traffic, the muggers for Christ's sake! "Mental note: Never insult the shrimp's cartoons again!" As he said this he felt something move against him and give off a soft "prrrriiiiii…" sound. Rolling onto his knees he lifted what had been tucked into his wing and stared. It looked like an egg with legs, arms, eyes and a mouth. As he watched it, it's eyes fluttered open and stared at him for a second before it smiled and started to repeat "To-ge" over and over again. Brooklyn stared in shock Extremely cute, repeats nonsense word, small… Gods, he couldn't have… he wouldn't… Alex, Not THIS PLEASE!

***************************************************** *********************************

Misty stared at the brush, wondering if she should enter when she heard a rustling followed by a familiar sound. "To-ge, To-ge, To-ge." She smiled largely as she got as close to the sound as she could with out entering the bushes. Then she took a large step into the bushes. I hope their aren't any bugs in here! As her foot came down she felt something soft give under it. Several things happened all at once--- she was flung on her butt as whatever she had stepped on was quickly pulled out from under her foot, the bushes seemed to explode as something shot straight up out of them roaring, and Togepi squealed and jump out of it's arms into her lap.

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Brooklyn stared at the Pokemon trying to figure out what to do when something came down hard on the tip of his tail. (Just for your information the tip of a gargoyles tail is one of their major erogenous zones and therefore it's one of the most sensitive parts of their bodies. So to him it was basically like getting hit in the nuts with a pair of steel toes.) He shot straight up, still clutching the amused Pokemon.He roared at the pain as he whipped his tail around to his other side to protect it from further injury. As his roar died out the Pokemon jumped out of his grip. Cradling his tail he turned, eyes glowing, to look for what had crushed his tail.

The first thing he saw was a teenage girl sprawled on the ground staring at him. She trembled as the small Pokemon hugged her, letting out a happy string of To-ge's, Pri's, and Togepri. The glow from his eyes intensified and he gave a low growl as he realized she had stepped on his tail. He stepped toward her, intending to inform her of his displeasure at having his tail stepped on; she scrambled back until her back was against the trunk of a tree.

Rolling his eyes he started making calming motions with his hands and slowly approaching her when he heard a cry from behind him.

"Ottooooooo" (Quick attack) Only a lifetime of warrior's training saved him, for no sooner had he heard the cry than he threw himself to the side just in time to watch a bird at least three and a half feet tall run head first into a tree, knocking itself out. Great, Now I'm stuck in an episode of 'When Wildlife Attacks!' What Next!

As he finished the thought something hit him from behind with a loud cry of "Bulbaaaaaasaur!" (VineWhip). Rolling to his feet with an angry growl Brooklyn turned to find what looked like a frog with a onion on its back. "Bulba ba saur aur BULB" (Back off or I'll make you back off, JACKASS)

Brooklyn looked at it with a snarl on his beak. "I have no damn idea what you just said but you just bought yourself a hell of a lot of PAIN." As it stared at him in apparent surprise he charged it. It quickly launched what appeared to be two vines at him. He kept running at it until at the last possible second then he launched himself at a tree, using it as a spring board. He dived at its side, bringing his doubled fists down on the base of it's head as hard as he could. It instantly collapsed in as unconscious heap.

He turned and found a pig-snouted furball with legs, its arms held in a boxer's ready position between him and the human. "Primeape prime ape pri pri" (I think you'll find me much more of a match, you Motherless Bastard!) Brooklyn growled in annoyance and tried to walk around it only to have it move to match him. He stepped toward, it intent on pushing it out of his way.

Suddenly it cried out "Prrriiime-ape"(Mega-Punch), and swinging a suddenly glowing fist, punched him in the gut hard enough to lift him off the ground and into the tree he had just used in his attack on the previous Pokemon. What the hell is going on? Did someone put a ' kick my butt' sign on my back while I was asleep? The furball charged him head lowered, Brooklyn rolled to the side letting it hit the tree, then grabbing two handfuls of fur, lifted it over his head, twisted around and threw it bring its head in hard contact with a rock sticking out of the stream. It struggled to its feet took two steps towards the bank and fell on it out cold.

"PIIIIIKAAAAACHUUUUUUUU"(THUNDDERRRRRSHOCKKKKKK) Ooh FUCK!! As Brooklyn felt electricity flow through his body he saw something yellow fly through the air at him. Gritting his teeth against the pain he curled his fist and swung a back-handed punch at it. He felt his fist connect with something and saw the yellow object fly back into the darkness. He smiled as the current cut out and he heard a loud fear-and pain-filled "PIKAP-THUMP"

Gasping to catch his breath he turned, expecting to find or be jumped by another of these crazy Pokemon. So he wasn't to surprised to see a turtle standing between him and the human female that was checking over the unconscious Pokemon and sending terrified glances at him.

"Squirtle Squirtle uirtle Squirtl uirtle"(Okay I can see you're majorly pissed… So,any chance we could just sit down and talk about this?) Seeing the girl's obvious fear of him totally pissed off the already angry gargoyle. That is it! I've had it with trying to play 'Mister Nice Guy' for people who think I'm a monster just 'cause I'm different! Turning to the broken remains of the tree the furball had run into, he dug his talons into it, and as the turtle stared, pulled the stump out of the ground, lifted it over his shoulder and swung it like a baseball bat. He hit the turtle, sending it flying through two small trees to land at the feet of a boy that had joined the girl where she was tending to the downed Pokemon.

He threw the tree remains at two starfish-looking Pokemon, trapping them under it before they could attack him. He turned to the humans and being long past the point of being too angry to speak, growled. Taking a step toward them he felt something wrap around his abdomen and lift him into the air, squeezing him as if to crush the very life from him.

"OOOONNNNNNIIIIIXX" (BIND! Gott'em!) Can barely breathe, gotta get loose. What is it with living stone reptiles and me anyway? After a few moments of struggling Brooklyn realized he was trapped unless this creature made a mistake. A few seconds later it did. As it lifted him higher so it could see him better, it loosened on his left side and brought him within arms reach of its head. Yanking his arm free he drove his talons deep into the cheek of the stone being, allowing it to pull him free from it's curls as it reared back roaring at the pain. Pulling back his right fist and releasing a battlecry he hit the giant stone serpent right behind the eye as hard as he could, then jumped away to keep from being crushed by the falling Pokemon.

He hit the ground, gasping for air and had barely stood up only to feel something wrap around him Not Again! From behind he heard a loud cry of "DUDE" (Self-Destruct) followed by a loud BOOM and he felt himself being thrown violently into a tree. All right! WHO the Hell is using GRENADES? He hadn't even made it off his hands and knees when he heard "PIIIIII-KAAAAAA"(TUNNNDERRR) "SQUIRT"(WATER GUN) and then his abused body arched as red hot pain ran through his nerves. It was quickly followed by a soothing warmth then darkness.

************************************************************** ************************

Misty stared as the strange Pokemon as it stared at her. As it took a step towards her she quickly backed away, mentally cursing the fact she had sent all her Pokemon to search for Togepi, She knew from experience how dangerous wild Pokemon can be. She had never been as glad to hear anything as she was to hear Ash's Pidgeotto cry out its attack as the unknown Pokemon kept slowly advancing. Her eyes widened however as it dodged to the side allowing Pidgeotto to slam into a tree. Her relief when Blubasaur jumped to the challenge was short lived as the strange Pokemon quickly took it out. By the time that Primeape was thrown towards the stream she had crawled over and was checking the injuries on the unconscious Pidgeotto and was very nervous. Primeape is one of Ash's strongest Pokemon. If it can do that to him so easy… What is it going to do to me?!!!

Suddenly Pikachu burst from the bushes and jumped at it releasing a ThunderShock. As Ash burst from the bushes the strange Pokemon swung its arm and as if swatting a fly hit Pikachu sending the small electric mouse flying into a tree. What Misty saw as it turned back toward her scared her nearly to the point of hysterics. It was smiling. OHMYGOD…It's enjoying this?! If this is it's idea of fun, then I don't want to see what it's got in mind for me!!

*************************************************************** ***********************

At hearing Misty's scream Ash sent Pidgeotto with Pikachu and Blubasaur to check if she needed help or had just seen a bug. When Pikachu returned blabbering about a giant attacking Misty, Ash sent his remaining Pokemon ahead as he and Brock rushed to the stream to help her. Under any other conditions Ash's expression upon arriving would have been comical, However seeing that most of his Pokemon had been laid out like last week's garbage knocked any humor out of the situation. My god, What happened! Misty… Where's Misty…? Seeing her a few feet to his left, he turned just in time for a thrashed Squirtle to land at his feet.

Following its path back he found himself looking at the strangest Pokemon he had ever seen. It was around 6 feet tall with wings, horns and a tail. It looked like what he imagined the offspring of a Charizard and a human might look like. Growling. it start towards them, eyes glowing, only to have Onix wrap it in it's BIND attack from behind and lift it from the ground. However, as Onix lifted it high enough to get a good look at it, Ash watched as the strange Pokemon pulled its arm free reached out and drove it's talons into the giant's cheek and used it to pull itself free. Then roaring loudly, it knocked Onix out and jumped to the ground. As it rose from the ground Geodude rushed from the bushes, wrapped both arms around it and exploded, sending it flying into a tree where it laid for several seconds before it started to climb to it's feet again.

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As it got to its hands and knees, Pikachu limped out of the brush looking extremely pissed and Squritle wobbled over to him. Seeing that the strange Pokemon was getting up the two looked at each other nodded, and released their strongest attacks causing it to rear back and roar in pain. As it writhed in pain, Ash pulled out a Greatball. he prayed it had been weakened enough and threw it at the now hunched over Pokemon. True to his aim the Greatball hit it and in a flash of red light it was pulled in and the ball started to rock violently side to side. Oh God Please let it seal! If it gets free, with our Pokemon in this shape, we are DEAD MEAT! As they all held their breath the Greatball continued to shake violently. They were certain it would break free when the loud high-pitched ping sounded that indicating capture.

*************************************************************** ***********************

"Yeesssss!" Ash yelled as he ran over and picked up the Greatball. Turning back to the others the smile slowly dropped from his face as he got his first good look at how much damage had been done in the battle. Nurse Joy is going to kick my ass for sure! At first it had looked like only a few of their usual Pokemon had just been ruffed up. Now he could see that almost all of them had been injured, and judging by the way Brock and Misty were treating them, several were severe.

He ran over to where Brock and Misty were pulling Starmie and Staryu from under the trunk of a tree and found his Pokemon huddled against the base of a tree. Quickly going to them he immediately started checking them over. The first thing he saw was that the back of Blubasaur's head and neck was basically one large bruise. Ash quickly recalled him to his Pokeball, then checked the others, tallying and treating their injuries, then recalling them as he finished.

As Ash finished wrapping Pikachu's leg he was horrified at the amount of damage done to his Pokemon in the short battle. Squritle's shell had several cracks in it and he had numerous cuts and bruises on his head, neck, arms and legs. Primeape had a large cut on its head and was still unconscious. Pidgeotto had a large bump on its head and couldn't stand up without losing its balance, and Pikachu's leg was dislocated--if not broken. And those were just the more obvious injuries to his Pokemon. What does it say about my abilities as a trainer if my best Pokemon get taken apart this easily by a wild one?

Setting Pikachu on the ground Ash moved over to join the other trainers that were finishing up on their own Pokemon.

"Did it leave any of your guys' Pokemon in one piece?" he asks them in a dejected tone.

Brock was the first to answer "Vulpix never left her Pokeball, and Zubat never got a chance to get in the fight."

Misty's answer came slower "I still have Topepi and Psyduck, but I haven't seen him since before the fight. Not that he'd be much help….."

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At that moment the large yellow Pokemon ran into the clearing up to her, then reached up trying to wrap its arms around her for a hug.

"PSY psy ie ie ie psssyyyy ie ie!"(Misty!! Where were you? I've been looking everywhere!) Misty looked down in fond annoyance at the dopey Pokemon before reaching down to return its hug. Gods!! You annoy the Hell outta me 'duck But if anything ever happened to you….

"How about you Ash, Who you got left?" Brock asked, looking up from his work on Onix. Misty looked over Psyduck's shoulder, wondering this herself. Ash stared at the ground for a few moment then said one word.

"Charizard" Releasing a chuckle "Funny when you think about it; the only one of my Pokemon left to fight is the one that refuses to obey me!"

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Misty turned from checking over Psyduck to find Ash squatted down beside Onix, absently stroking its head as it whimpered in pain He stared at the newly filled Pokeball with a doubtful guilt-ridden expression. It took almost all of his best Pokemon apart in minutes and, knowing him, he probably thinks that he must not be worth much as a trainer. Damn it! Why can't he just realize that every battle doesn't reflect his training skills, and stop letting every lost battle crush his self-confidence!

A glimpse of yellow out of the corner of her eye made her turn her head. She saw a very angry looking Pikachu limping painfully up behind Ash. She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at her traveling companion's impending discomfort. She turned back to gather the first aid supplies she had been using just in time to hear a loud crackle.

"Pikachu!? WHAT did you do THAT for?" The tone of the stream of Pikas, Chus, and Pikachus rolling out of the small being made her glad she couldn't understand it.

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If any of the trainers had looked up at the trees at that moment, they would have seen a pair of glowing purple eyes staring at them with quiet interest. The being had been watching them for some time, trying to figure what made these trainers so different from the many others it had seen. However the arrival of the strange Pokemon had caused it great confusion. Where in the world did that come from? I have never seen or felt anything quite like it. It was angry beyond words but at the same time confused, excited, and scared---like a child in an unknown place. It's so powerful it could have killed them; but yet held back like it was afraid of hurting them…. Is it a fighting-type? Did it just not want to use its attacks? I have to learn more about it…I just have to!

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Viridian City Pokemon Center 3 hrs later

As the sun rose above the horizon, Ash sat in the lobby of the Pokemon center and stared out the window into the sunrise trying to figure out what to do about his latest capture. What is it? Why'd it keep pressing its attack? How did it take out so many of my Pokemon so quickly? Where did it come from? He'd had these same thoughts running through his mind since they had arrived 40 minutes ago.

Finally he decided to go to Pallet and ask Professor Oak to help him figure out what was up with it. He had just reached that decision when a hand came down on his shoulder. He nearly jumped out of his skin. Spinning around quickly and falling to the floor he found a startled looking Nurse Joy looking down at him.

"Um.. Sorry. I guess I was a little distracted," Ash said as he stood up and rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish look.

"Your Pokemon are nearly finished Mister Ketchum." Her face took on a stern look "However you should feel very lucky that I don't file charges for Negligence. This is the second time you've brought your Pokemon into this center severely injured." With a resigned sigh she sat down and motioned for Ash to sit across from her.

"Now that the protocols are out of the way, Ash, I know…ALL the Joys know, you are never careless with your Pokemon, so what happened to get your Pokemon in this shape?"

With a sigh Ash leaned back and started the story. Thirty minutes later he had finished the story, including his plans to visit Professor Oak. She stared at him in total shock. Swallowing hard she looked to the floor.

"Ash, I hate to tell you this, but there are a few problems with that Pokemon you should know about." When she looked at him she was surprised to see that his expression was one of annoyed acceptance.

Seeing her expression, he could say only four words. "Things happen in threes."

Smiling slightly at his statement she continued "The first is that the Greatball you caught it in is slightly damaged. It may not hold it safely for that long and transferring it isn't an option; I already tried. The other is that I ran a scan on it before putting it in the reviver. It read out as still having well over 75% of its health left, and it's Power level was off the scale."

At the blank look on his face she sighed. "In other words, the only reason you caught it was that it probably didn't have much experience at escaping from Pokeballs and the only reason you're alive is it wanted you to be!" As she walked away, letting that sink in, she heard a Chansey and someone talking in the reviving room.

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Brooklyn was awakened by a tingling sensation. The first thing he noticed was the feeling of a warm cocoon surrounding him. Oookay what's going on? When Brooklyn tried to open his eye to see what was going on he found he couldn't, in fact he could hardly move at all. What the HELL is this…let me out… NOW! At those thoughts he felt his eyes start to glow behind his closed lids. Using all of his pent up anger and stubborn will he threw out his arms and stretched out his body as he did each evening at waking, only to find himself lying on his back on a hospital floor.

Staring at the ceiling in surprise he took a moment to collect his thoughts. First, I'm in a forest and I'm living out a FOX special… then I'm in a cocoon of some kind… and now I'm in what looks like a hospital room lying on the floor… I guess I final lost it and they sent me to the nut house! Sitting up he grabbed his head as a stab of pain ran through it.

"It's a hospital; they gotta have aspirin around here somewhere," he muttered as he got up. As he got to his feet he saw a ball on the floor. He reached out and picked it up. Looking around he saw a tray of matching balls on a machine next to him. As he started to set it in the empty space on the tray he saw the screen and froze. On the screen was a 3-D picture of him with several lines of text beside it, the last line of which was flashing.

Unknown subject revived

Unknown subject healing beginning

Warning! Unknown subject undergoing unknown metamorphosis

Metamorphosis halted due to perceived threat to subject

Unknown subject metamorphosis' damage repaired

Unknown subject healing continued

Scanning Unknown subject to determine Stats

Scans aborted! Please replace subject's Pokeball or activate external scanner now

After reading it for the third time he heard a crunching sound and looked down to see that he had crushed the 'Pokeball'. All this had served to make his headache go from a mild annoyance to a small migraine.

"Damn! I need some aspirin. Can't think with this headache and I've got a feeling this is gonna take a while to figure out!" Walking over to a desk he started to go through its drawers muttering "aspirin" over and over again.

He had finished going through the last drawer when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning quickly he found himself looking at the smiling face of a pink 'egg'. As he squatted there looking at it, it held out a bottle to him.

"Chansey" (Here you go.) taking the bottle he looked at it."'Aspirin". Popping it open he shook out several pills and looked up to find that… whatever it was, had gotten a glass of water while he had been busy with the bottle.

"Umm…Thanks. Chansey, right?"

"Chansey Chansey" (Yep that's me a Chansey.).

Leaning back against the desk he looked down at the Pokemon.

"I hate to break it to you, but I can't understand a thing you're saying. Nothing personal."

"Chansey Chansey Chansey" (That's strange! Even talking Pokemon can understand others!) It watched him for a few seconds, then walked over to the racks of Pokeballs on the wall and pulled one out and released it's occupant. As Brooklyn watched the Pokemon hold a conversation he began to wonder what they were up to when they walked over to him.

"Alakazam" (This might hurt!) as it said that, the spoons it held started spinning. Brooklyn felt a chill and a little pressure, then the Alakazam dropped its spoons and looked at him accusingly. "Alakazam kazam ala?" (Did you have to share the headache pal?)

"Sorry, I didn't mean to… Hey, I could understand you!" Brooklyn said. He felt himself start to panic.

"Chansey Chansey Chansey." (Calm down. I just had him give you a refresher course so you could understand what's being said. And you're welcome.) While Brooklyn leaned on the desk and muttered something about rubber rooms and jackets with extra long sleeves the Chansey put the other Pokemon back where it had gotten it. Then it went to the machine he had been looking at. After reading the screen it turned to look at him with obvious disapproval.

"Chansey Chansey Chansey" (You really should be in your Pokeball! The reviver hasn't finished yet!) Looking around it asked "Chansey?" (Where did it go anyway?)

Brooklyn reached down and picked up the remains of the ball he had crushed earlier.

"This what you're looking for?" he asked as he held it out to her. Chansey started to get very nervous when it saw the crushed Greatball.

"Chaannsey?" (Wh-what happened to it?) He shrugged at the question.

"I wasn't paying attention and crushed it. Why, was it important?" At that the door beside him opened, blocking his view as someone walked into the room.

"Chansey, who were you talking to?" Realizing the human hadn't seen him yet, he stayed where he was and waited.

"Chansey Chansey." (The stranger that came with Pikachu and Ash) said, pointing to where Brooklyn was standing behind her.

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At Chansey's statement Joy's pulse hit the roof. Gods! Please let it just be one of his newer Pokemon. Turning to look were it had pointed she nearly fainted when she saw the red-skinned Pokemon that Ash had brought in.

"H-h-hello," she said as she forced herself to smile. "I'm Nurse Joy."

"Hi, my name's Brooklyn," it said as it smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you."

That was all she could take… the next thing she knew she was lying on the floor with Chansey and the unknown Pokemon looking down at her with worried expressions.

"Are you all right, miss?"

Smiling at it's obvious worry for her well being, she said "Yes, I was just a little startled to hear you speak is all." Seeing the confusion on his face she continued "Not many Pokemon can talk and most of the ones that do can't cause the damage you did!"

Her smile started to fade as it's eyes began glowing. It walked up to her and leaning down so they were looking each other in the eye it growled out "I. AM. NOT. A. POKEMON."

Annoyed by his statement and attempted bullying she snapped. "Then what are you? And why did the Pokeball catch you? They are only supposed to work on Pokemon, you know!" Seeing him wince and rub his temple, her face softened as her anger melted before the concern she felt at his obvious pain.

"You should return to your Pokeball. You're not fully healed yet!" Looking for the mentioned ball she saw the crushed remains in his hand. Well, that puts a kink in that plan. "You shouldn't have destroyed your Pokeball; Ash isn't rich and Greatballs are very expensive!" Looking up from the Pokeball's remains she rushed over just in time to keep him from falling face first on the ground.

As he leaned heavily on her she heard him whisper "Gotta bed I can borrow? My headaches getting worse!" that said he went almost completely limp against her.

Straining to hold him up Nurse Joy motioned to Chansey to help her lay him on a recovery bed made for larger Pokemon.

"Chansey, activate the scanner." As a beam of light moves down his body she watches a computer screen hoping the answer to the problem is a simple one.

To be Continued…