Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokey (or I'm not a F***ing Pokemon!!) ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


or I'm not a F***ing Pokemon!!

Part 2

By: Wulffighter

A.k.a: Nu-Klear

Legal: I own neither Gargoyles nor Pokemon.

Authors note: Sorry for how long this took to get out, and for how short it is. My job eats up more time then I expected it to.

Authors note 2: This will be the last part with a section-taking place in Manhattan for a while unless I get feedback requesting that I keep them in.



Lex jumped from his workstation at the sound of the explosion and ran to the nearest security panel to see what was going on. What he found confused him; no security breaches? Then what caused that noise? Rubbing his chin he dialed the clan's extension. Maybe Brooklyn knows what's going on. "Come on Brooklyn. Answer!"

"DAMN IT!" The young gargoyle yelled as a chill ran down his spine. Slamming the receiver down the olive green gargoyle ran for the clan's suite. Please, let everything be okay!

As Lexington entered the suite he found an hysterical Alex, crying as he stared into space, a look of pure terror on his tiny tear-streaked face.

Lex knelt beside the child, placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Alex what's wrong? Where's Brooklyn?" His question caused Alex to breakdown completely. Looking up from the child's crumpled form Lexington froze as he stared at what appeared to be a shadow, a shadow frozen on the wall with no possible source, a shadow with wings, tail, and a long beak.

Staring at the wall he felt a point of moisture run down his cheek, with all the conflicting thought and feelings running through his head, and the sudden knots in his throat and chest, all he finally managed to squeeze out was a sad whisper of one word.



Viridian City Pokemon Center

Brooklyn opened his eyes and looked around. Well, it's still here; now what do I do? Closing his eyes his mind reviewed the last few hours…….

The pain was all-consuming and he longed to pass out to escape from it. He would have, too, if not for the worried voice yelling at him to stay awake. "Come on, Brooklyn, don't black out on me! Stay with me…" Forcing his eyes to open slightly he winced as the light sent even more daggers of pain through his aching skull.

"Alright, already! Just stop yelling, please!" He winced as his voice echoed painfully through his head. She looked down at him with a concerned sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to lose consciousness until I know what's wrong." She looked at the computer beside her before speaking. "I know! Why don't you tell me about yourself. It might help keep your mind off the pain."

Brooklyn remembered telling her about his past, starting with Wyvern. As time passed and the pain slowly but steadily lessened, he worked up to Manhattan. As he talked he missed seeing her look of sympathy deepen. As he finished telling her about the incident involving Titania's mirror she gently took his hand in hers and squeezed it.

"Brooklyn, I need to give you an injection. It will make you go to sleep and when you wake up the pain will be gone. I promise." He looked up at her silently for several moments before nodding slightly. Nurse Joy smiled and took a syringe from Chancey. After wiping his arm with an alcohol swab she carefully slid the needle into his arm and injected the contents.

Brooklyn's eyes closed and his body slowly went limp as the injection took effect. Once she was certain the injection had taken effect, she reached out and stroked his hair out of his eyes. She got up, walked to a rack on the wall and picked up a purple and blue Pokeball. She set it in a depression on top of the computer attached to the bed Brooklyn was on. She placed the destroyed Greatball on a plate beside the computer. Nurse Joy typed several commands into the computer, then watched as both balls flashed for a few seconds followed by a soft 'ping'. Picking up the new Pokeball she looked down sadly at Brooklyn's sleeping form as a tear slid down her cheek. "I'm sorry…" she whispered quietly before turning and walking out of the treatment room.

Ash paced nervously in the waiting room watching for Nurse Joy to reappear from the treatment room. He hadn't seen her since their brief discussion about his latest capture and he wondered if anything was really wrong. His head snapped up when he heard the door to the treatment room open. Nurse Joy walked out wiping her eyes, a sorrowful expression on her face.

Ash felt his heart leap into his throat as she slowly made her way over to him. So intent was he on her approach that he failed to notice his friends come up beside him. Nurse Joy entered the waiting room and looked up to find three pairs of worried eyes focused on her. Smiling sadly she motioned for them to sit around a table, then she sat down with a sigh.

"Ash, there is something I need to tell you about you new Pokeman." Nurse Joy leaned forward and set an Ultraball on the table in front of Ash. "Your Pokeman, his name is Brooklyn by the way, broke out of his Pokeball earlier. He destroyed his Greatball before Chansey found him. I transferred his information from the ruined ball to one of the blank ones we keep on hand for cases when a ball is too damaged to be repaired.

Nurse Joy looked at each of the three trainers with a very serious expression, then looked Ash squarely in the eyes. "This is very important, Ash. Whatever you do, do not force him to enter his Pokeball unless there is absolutely no other option." The confused and dumbfounded expressions that met this statement caused her to sigh in frustration. She swallowed hard and delivered the facts, as she knew them. "Ash…when I scanned him for injuries after he got out of his ball I found scars that could only be from Hyperbeams as well as cuts and signs of several broken bones that were not properly set. I can only assume, but I'd have to say that he's had a trainer before and he was definitely not kind." As she looked at the shocked expressions on the young trainers' faces she decided to take the final plunge. "It seems that the mistreatment has resulted in him creating a fantasy world completely different than ours. He refuses to admit he's a Pokeman and I'd suggest not pressing the issue. Forcing him to abandon his fantasy could cause him serious psychological and emotional damage. As he comes to trust you and realizes that you're not like whoever did this to him he should slowly start reconnecting with his life in the real world. Until then you will have to be very careful how you treat him. The slightest hostility on your part and you will probably lose his trust forever."

************************************************************** **********************

Brooklyn slowly sat up, expecting his headache to knock him flat at any moment. When he reached a full upright position without an explosion of pain ripping through his skull, he released a sigh of relief. He squinted slightly at the brightness of the room as he glanced around. He reached down and pulled a pouch from its hiding place in his loincloth. Putting on the pair of custom shatterproof shades Xanatos had given him shortly after their return to the castle, he got up and walked to the window to see exactly where he was. When he reached the window he froze as tears welled up in his eyes, staring out as the golden orb set in the pale blue sky. Placing his hand on the warm pane of glass he gasped at the warm feeling the sunlight made on his palm. Suddenly, from the jumbled chaos that currently made up his mind a memory jumped to the front.

Unknown subject revived

Unknown subject healing beginning

Warning! Unknown subject undergoing unknown metamorphosis

Metamorphosis halted due to perceived threat to subject

Unknown subject metamorphosis' damage repaired

Unknown subject healing continued

Scanning Unknown subject to determine Stats

Scans aborted! Please replace subject's Pokeball or activate external scanner now

Looking down at the flesh and blood hand that should be stone he felt fear well up in his heart as the implications of this turn of events settled in. If I cannot turn to stone how will I heal? For that matter how the hell will I sleep?! "Brooklyn, is something wrong?" When he turned toward the voice he saw Nurse Joy standing just inside the door, holding a tray with plates of food on it, with a look of concern on her face. "I've never seen the sun before…What did you do to me?" She took a step back at the tone in his voice. His body language was confusing--his fists were clenched and his body was tense, but his wings and his shoulders were drooped. Gently setting the tray on her desk she walked to the computer and brought up the treatment record.

"Let's see….Hmmm, the computer recharged you, repaired several burns and lacerations, mended a few broken bones, regenerated several damaged and atrophied nerve clusters, started checking your stats…" She glanced up at him nervously before she continued. "It appears that you started through some kind of metamorphosis but your vitals stopped, so the computer interrupted it. It undid the changes to your body, ran a diagnostic then repaired the damage to the gland that released the chemical that caused the reaction."

Brooklyn had gone completely still while she had been talking. He stood there and stared at her for several moments. When he finally stirred, it was to whisper a question. "What do you mean 'repaired'?" Nurse Joy brought up a three-dimensional picture of Brooklyn on a screen on the wall. She had his body go transparent and zoomed in on a section of his brain. "This is your brain before," she pointed to several small dark spots. "These spots should be the same color as the surrounding tissue and these areas should have much more activity in it." She brought up a second image of the area beside the first. "Here you can see that the tissue is the proper color and that the activity has picked up and is approaching acceptable levels. That's what was causing your headache. Your electrolyte level was too low to handle the increased activity and your mind was adjusting to the increased input from that area." Turning to face Brooklyn she found him staring at the screen with a confused and frightened expression. "It was all simple procedure. To put simply, all it did was rebuild some damaged road and patch a broken fuse." As she walked back to her desk Brooklyn watched her with a look of disbelief. She talks about playing with my brain like it was nothing, and that 'simple' explanation made less sense than the last time Lex tried to explain to me how computers work.

She walked back with the tray of food and placed it on the small table beside the bed he'd been laying on. "Here you go, Brooklyn. When you're through with your meal you'll find the rest of your party in the lobby." That said, she smiled and walked out. Brooklyn watched her leave before looking at the tray with a doubtful expression. He walked over and lifted the cloth covering one of the plates. On it was a nice selection of fruits and vegetables. On others he found meats in varying degrees of doneness, bread and some doughnut-looking things with some kind of paste-like spread. He sniffed cautiously at the food before taking a small bite. He smiled at the taste and quickly began eating. When the only thing remaining was the extremely rare meat and the fruit rinds he stood and walked to the door through which Nurse Joy had exited, muttering "My party? W hat did she mean, 'my party'?"

As the door swung open Brooklyn found himself looking at three kids, a small yellow mouse and a familiar-looking chirping egg. He felt his eye start to glow and released a low, rumbling growl from deep in his chest. He stepped quickly across the room to the nervous young lady and leaned over until he was able to look squarely into her eyes. "YOU STEPPED ON MY TAIL!! Do you have any idea how much that HURTS?!" All three young jaws fell open in astonishment. Misty stood there, mouth opening and closing like a beached Magikarp, staring into the glowing eyes. Swallowing hard, she replied in a low, wavering voice, "N-n-no, I don't know!"

Brooklyn looked at each of the three kids in turn. They look like they're going to wet themselves. Brooklyn let out a frustrated sigh. In an agitated voice he almost shouted, "Look, I do not want to hurt you, to kill you, to beat you, to eat you, to rape you or anything else, for that matter; all I want is an apology for stepping on my tail!"

Misty's face flushed and twisted in anger. "Why should I apologize? You're the one that nearly killed half our Pokeman, and for no good reason!"

"Hey, they attacked me! I was just defending myself. One minute I'm trying to calm you down, the next I'm being attacked by a bunch of video game rejects!" At this point Brooklyn was practically screaming in Misty's face. "Or maybe I should have just stood there and let them beat the hell out of me…umph!" Brooklyn had been so focused on his tirade at Misty that he hadn't noticed Nurse Joy coming up behind him. That is, until she reached out with both hands and slammed his beak closed on his tongue with a loud snap. Brooklyn's eyes crossed, and he inhaled sharply through his nose. Nurse Joy frowned and spoke sternly to Brooklyn, "Watch your language! I will not have you using that kind of language in my Pokeman Center, especially in front of children! Is that clear?!" She jerked her hands away from his beak, shocked by her own actions.

Brooklyn looked Nurse Joy up and down while rubbing his sore beak. Damn! That hurt! And why does she look like someone kicked her dog? He shook his head and started toward the exit. He was halfway to the door when a shout from behind caused him to stop. "Hey, wait up! Where are you going?" When he looked back he saw the kid in the red hat running up to him.

"What do you want?" Brooklyn asked him annoyedly. When he noticed the disconcerted look on the young human's face he rolled his eyes and groaned. "Kid, I'm not in any mood to have anyone act afraid of me, so, CUT IT OUT!" Brooklyn watched as the kid's expression went from shocked to an amused grin. Ash rubbed the back of his head. "Okay, sorry about that. So, where are you going?" Brooklyn went completely still. Where am I going? I'm not in my world anymore, and until someone brings me back, I'm stuck here. Now I wish I had watched at least one episode of the show! When Brooklyn looked up he found the kid still looking at him, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know. I just want to go home, but until Alex or Puck comes to get me, I'm stuck here…. So I just don't know, kid! Brooklyn looked out the glass doors of the Pokeman Center at the unfamiliar city as it started to awaken.

"Well, you're welcome to come with us until you find a way back to your home." The kid looked at Brooklyn with a hopeful expression. Brooklyn looked at him for several minutes, contemplating the situation he found himself in. I'm stuck in an alternate world where a TV show is real. They consider me some kind of a lethal weapon/pet/servant. If I don't go with him everyone else will be after me. With a grimace Brooklyn straightened to his full height and turned to answer the young man's offer.

"Fine, I'll go with you…" Reaching out and grabbing the front of Ash's jacket, with one hand Brooklyn effortlessly lifted him so that his feet dangled and they were eye to glowing eye. "Just remember, I am no one's slave!" That said, he let the kid fall to the floor and walked to the other side of the lobby. He caped his wings and sat down on a couch, closing his eyes with the intention of going to sleep--or at least pretending to.

Ash watched as the newest member of his group settled on a couch and fell asleep. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them, smiling slightly at Brooklyn's limp form. "Ash…?" He looked up into Misty's worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Misty." When he noticed her expression had changed from worry to curiosity he chuckled. "I'm glad he didn't just leave, that he's giving me a chance to prove I'm not like whoever did that to him." When he finished Ash yawned loudly and fell asleep.

Brock looked from Ash to Brooklyn and back and shook his head. He stooped and picked Ash up, laying him on a nearby couch. I don't know if you realize what you've gotten yourself into, Ash. I just hope you're ready for this!