Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ On the Flip Side ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tales of a Bored Raichu, who is killing free time he got from a break in the school day

4:56pm, Monday 12th November 2001

Wonderful. Today I did a lot of rushing about; my paws were killing me more then I do to time with these stories.. Bus there, walked back, taxi there.. to find out I only have half a day today. Well, that was a relief.. I planned to use my time I would be at school to do something.. but I was tired, so I took a nap. Woke up again some time later, ate, vegetated. And now I have some time to recoup. And I owe you a story, as well. My net connection is playing about again, and shocking it does no good whatsoever. I think writing now would be a good idea.

#3 - On the Flip Side
- a tale of relativity from the narrowest reaches of the raichu's mind

She beats him. She beats him, and she knows she does. He doesn't like it. I can see the pain in his eyes.

I'm not sure what he called himself. All pokemon had a name that they used between themselves. Vulpixes, vain as some were, were most definitely not an exception. Mainly because humans can't understand us, have no chance deciphering what we say, much less trying to say the true name of one. So they give them names that /they/ can understand. The thing with him.. he'd been beaten to the point where he would only respond to the name she gave him. She called him Kitsune. Not bad, by any means, for a human given name.. At least its meaning was adequate. However, it wasn't who -he- was. But, yet, it was. Because he didn't know anything else any more.

She didn't have a name. I never heard him say it; even though she couldn't hear what he said, he always called her 'Miss'. It's disgusting, the things some humans will reduce their faithful friends to. Truly. They gain trust and now.. this?

It can be identified what sort of treatment was there by looking at Kitsune. Starting at the head. A bandage looped around each ear, just a few turns about each base. They were crudely secured with four pins each.. Wait, no. Just two pins each. My mistake.. All four of the pins had both ends made blunt by the addition of a bit of cork. However, the pins went right through. Had to. Pained him constantly. It's a shame to see.
Around either side, a bandage went right around the head.. a turn dropping to cover one of the eyes. To remove that would reveal emptiness. A particularly bad encounter with a kitchen knife meant Kitsune only had the one eye.
She forced him to eat the other, as well. "Waste not, want not." she called it. Sadist. Rot and die. You just don't do that. For any reason.

Each of the feet were fully bandaged, as well. Tapering as they were, these ones were secured with six inch nails. Either one or two, through each leg. Bearing in mind how broken bones can get, it has to be wondered whether this helped secure some plates inside more then it caused pain to the pokemon in question. I couldn't tell. The pain was there even without all this happening in the physical nature of things. It didn't need to be viewed to be seen. It was in the eyes.
His fur was mottled with shades of red, from the darkened blood clots to the light places where fur just wouldn't grow properly any more. The remaining scratched eye was coloured in swirls of sickly green, blood red, and black. Two tails were cut to the stump, one more was only half there, and the others were bent, bandaged, and very beaten. See, one of her forms of obedience training involved tent pegs and those tails. Doesn't bear thinking about, does it..

Muchly do I hope my retelling has managed to justify some action. I can see you thinking, why doesn't anyone do anything? It beats me, because I don't really know. But I was passing, and thus, I decided to take some action.

And so it was, that very late that night, I appeared to Kitsune, and I told him of what I knew. And I said things as thus.
"I hope you will listen.. for I have a way to get you away from this."
"But don't hurt her! She's.. nice trainer.. Always. Doing what is best--" His eye flickered a little. I sighed..
"Well, she won't be hurt then. But I will do something. Just get her to follow you out tomorrow. Leave the rest to me.."
I got a nod which I assumed was confirmation, and then he trundled slowly away, to sleep. He wasn't supposed to be awake at this time. If he was tired when she got up, he received a bucketful of water over his head. Not fun..

I made my preparations. I sat in wait. He would hopefully be here soon. I waited on and on. I thought about everything he'd ended up going through. And I wondered what would happen after we had freed him. Who was to know.

The morning arrived, rather troubled.. taking a bit of easing up before finally getting itself in gear. Much was the same for Kitsune; however, his human preferred using a floor brush.
"Geddup there, lazy ass." she muttered. Kitsune responded rather abruptly.. by scarpering out of the door she entered in. Watching for a minute... "HEY! Oh, you are gonna be in for it when I catch up with you..."
Peeking back through the door, Kitsune was just strolling, in front of a window. Which had been left open. And then he was out of the window, and nothing was there.
"I -really- don't need this.." She ran to her front door, and opened it, where the vulpix was standing outside. "Now, you, look. Come back here RIGHT NOW.. and I won't beat you too hard. Deal?"
Kitsune fanned the tails, rather creakily.. before run-jumping the front wall of the garden, and trotting off down the street. He knew where he was supposed to be going. An irate trainer vaulted the wall and came after. He ran. She ran. The chase was on.

Kitsune was in great pain by the time he reached the town's lake. It was fairly early in the day, so this area was deserted. Not so far behind was her worn out trainer. Personally, I don't think she isn't worthy of calling by name, so I'm not going to.
"You are.. so dead.. when I catch up with you..." she says, obviously tired out.. Kitsune stayed still, by the water's edge. Dangerous place for a firetype.. but still, this is where he should be..

Then, I came in. Something swooped directly past that gal, and she was startled, and slightly blinded.. Stumbling, Kitsune got low to the ground.. I rammed into her side, she stumbled into Kitsune, tripped, and went splash. There was a bit of flailing for a while, and Kitsune watched on. Of course, most humans could easily get out of water. So I'd arranged a little something extra. See, Kitsune turned to glance at me.. and when he looked back, the lake was empty.

She did come to shore. Though, it was a different shore. It was sand. It was weird.
"..Where the hell..." she muttered. Everywhere else was forestlike. She wandered in, trying to make sense of where she was. The greenery was like a blanket; translucent, rather hard to pass, and very annoying for the girl..
Until, suddenly, all force ahead was lost, and she stumble-fell into a clearing. And almost screamed.

Sitting on a fellen tree, doing some cleaning, were some rather odd beings. She knew them to be like pokemon.. however, they were around her height. There was a Rattata with a humanlike body, wearing clothing, and rummaging through a bad for something.. There was a Raichu, eyes vacant, busy looking at a female Nidorina, who was teasing him rather sensually. And it was her who noticed the girl.
~( I think someone's next catch just entered the circle.. )~
The Raichu noticed it. Ignored it. And suckled on one of the ear growings of the female. ~( Leave it to Skitty.. he hasn't had any catches for a long while.. )~
~( I hear you talking about one of the humans? )~ he muttered, not looking up.
~( Get your head out of the bag and look, dummy. )~ said the Raichu, whipping him rather forcefully with a long, flowing tail. Skitty looked up.. and coughed. ~( Looks fine. You sure you two aren't interested? )~
~( ...We're busy. )~ said the Nido-femme. ~( Do yourself proud. )~

She didn't understand any of the above exchange. All she knew was that the rat thing was now advancing on her with what appeared to be.. a pokeball. Ha ha. Er, no.
"You can't be serious.." she said. And that's the last thing she said, before the ball was flung. And everything ent black.

~( Woah! I never seen any of them go so damn EASILY! )~ Skitty shouted, tail wagging about a bit. The purple figure turned back. ~( Makes me feel a little dominant, eh..? Maybe I'll get my turn, Poisonpin.. )~
~( Oh no. Go find yourself some plant-chick or something. Or.. or maybe that Poppo wi' the glasses. You rodents get along fine with those birds, don'cha? )~
~( Seriously? )~ Skitty said, as he wandered up and picked up the ball. ~( Maybe she'd want to play soccer with this catch here. Or hang it by it's nose to a tree. )~
~( Yeah, right.. Sounds too lame for her. She's more likely to break both its legs and tie them up around its head. Nails through them, as well. Says some god told her to do it, or something. )~

Deserving. They'd think up something torturous. Normally did. With a little help...

So, what happened to Kitsune after that? Not much.. He felt happy to be free, and finally able to live again. Wonderful.
So when I killed him, I had to wonder. Was that really fair at all? I mean, I coulda removed all the bits of metal, fixed the legs, the tail, the lot.. Even the eye. Yet I felt he was suffering too much. So I gashed his neck real bad, flamed the rest, and threw him in the lake.

There's one thing with me. I don't do anything for nothing. Is such a pity to watch someone build up trust only to be treated like that. I said that earlier, I think.. Sometimes. Sometimes I wonder.

But I think. I'm the fire bird. I'm supposed to be naturally aggressive. Goes with the symbolism.
I was put on the flip side too. But then, this is better then being stuck as a human in that place, anyway.

And you ever wondered why pokemon scientists tell you to be nice to your pokemon. Well, now you know.

Enjoy your life. Just do. I've got to go now. Catch ya later.

