Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ Birthday Wish ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tales of a Bored Raichu, who has gone back to killing time before school each day

I'm sat in the remnants of the rec room. Staff had some sort of serious do; I'm unable to rest my bit of paper on a table. My leg does fine, though; just can't press the pen too hard, or I'll end up shocking the hell out of my work.
With this in mind, here's a rather weird little story, tat makes no sense whatsoever. So I hear you say; "Just another day of Bored Raichu Tales." Yeah, well. Perhaps you're right.

#4 - Birthday Wish
- by the raichu of much insane thought

Dave still enjoyed birthday parties. More junk food then one would ever eat in a week, but someone it was managed, and more besides. Maybe just something that happens this one day, whereby the stomach expands to fill the legs as well, and then traverses, becoming an infinite void. More fun, he supposed.
Anyway. He was twelve today, and at the end of this day the familiar birthday cake was produced.
"Make a wish, Dave." said his parents.
So he did. It was a good wish, thought he, and it was what was on his mind as he set about blowing out the candles. But the sound of cheer was slightly disdained. Even from another side of the room, Dave's Cat, named Marauder, had to sit back and watch. Because he knew something. Something that Dave was about to find out.

The kid lost several inches in size, and started to pale. It got to a point where his clothing was cloaking him from being seen, even.. An eternity later.. out poked a head.Just as a couple of feline ears popped into place. Then, some contortion, as a large snout-like front came on to it, obscuring the mouth. A long tail started to slide from under the pile of clothing.. snaking out as it grew, developing a slight bulge at its tip. The thing mewed, before glancing at everyone in the room.
"..What the hell did you wish for, Dave..?" some random figure asked. Children are surprisingly open minded.. so none of them found anything to fear when their friend suddenly transformed into a kitty-like thing in front of them.
{ Can't say. } a voice said, inside people's heads. The mew didn't look to have spoken.. { Wouldn't come true then, would it? }

Bear in mind that this existence knew nothing of pokemon, so no one knew what this thing actually was. It reminded them of a cat, but.. it wasn't quite.. ordinary. And it didn't have to speak to communicate, either..
The conversing continued. "Hasn't it already come true?"
The mew gave a knowing glance. { It hasn't finished yet. } he 'said', with an eyebrow raise, a nod of the head, and a final -click- as he shook free of the clothing. His legs had become shorter, and his feet were a sight larger then they ought to be. The tail gave a bit of a flick, as one would see a cat do.
Of course, the parents had very little to add, or indeed say.. for a small nudge in their lower backs saw the appearance of tails in those two as well. Before the heights started to lower rather dramatically. Dave could only have been two feet high or so.
And, perhaps more surprisingly.. No one commented out of the rest of the people there.. They were too busy watching each other fall, in the same way. Dave's change had something of a domino effect, it seemed..
"What sort of jok----" someone began.. before they couldn't speak any more, and they were drawn to being feline, just as others before him had been. The fully developed Dave, then looked about with eyes so pink.. and began to life himself in the air, somehow. Now, this did get everyone's attention.. little preoccupied with the tails doing in their clothing, then what the first mew was busy doing..
{ Uh.. I don't know exactly what's happening now.. But it doesn't seem all -that- bad.. } said he. But everywhere was silent, And still. And his neck hurt. Something had bit at it. It hurt a lot.

The neighbour, who had heard the raucous noise from here when people had started.. just gazed aroud the room, where all derivative of mew and mewlike creatures were stood. Still changing, too.
"What in God's name is all of this?" he said, mostly looking at the one he'd just sliced a new mouth for, who was getting blood over his nice shoes..
{ You may be about to find out. } said the mew that had been Dave's father. His compassion was quite lost; animals didn't always notice their dead. And neither did the neighbour, after a while. He was too busy watching his hand.. no, his paw.. which clasped the weapon. It was large. And pale. And then everything spun, and the ground got a lot closer, suddenly..


Somewhere, in a nothingnes of black, uncharted and unnoticed.. a faint mew figure floated, asleep to the emptiness around it.. Thoughts running through his mind were the things which had happened.. which he had done, though the power of something unknown. Perhaps their kind would be better as mews. However, you never got a wish like that for nothing. And he was here to pay that something out.
"But.. I just wanted.. wished for something unusual.." he said.. No one heard him, no one was there to. All became silent then.. and he pondered how to spend the rest of forever.

Trapped, for bestowing an evolutionary step. Not the best attitude they could have. But, this place would soon fill.. Because there was bound to be more casualties along the way, weren't there?

And all he could do is wait. And wait is what he did.

