Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ A Story of Morphs ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Some more Tales of a Bored Raichu for you..

5:10pm, Saturday 15th December 2001

My last story (what would have been #8) ran away from me. It was getting too big to continue, because I got to ten sides of paper and still hadn't finished. So, I started afresh. Finished this in little time at all. Let's see how we do.

#8 - A Story of Morphs
-- The weird thing are always the bestest. -- unknown

~ Residing on some forgotten plane of existence lies a certain race of beings. In their past, they were separate, but time, lots of power, and a number of accidental occurrences, has led each race of pokemon and human into an unholy union. And it is of a number of these that this story takes note of. ~

The day was young for Scott. So young, in fact, that it hadn't officially begun; the pidgey hadn't even woken up yet. He wasn't bound by any sort of Dodrio-like task of waking everyone at sun-up. And the certain person that was had met rather hasty remissal. He now took sleeping pills each night. Much better then being beaten back to sleep by a disgruntled army of tired morphics, eh?
"Ten o' clock.. I swear, what are you going to do with yourself..." His mom, a rather daunting Pidgeotto with a beak that was sharper then her bite, but not by much.
"I'm going to make a decent living at some time, is what." he said, still 'asleep'.
"What, like that? Pidgey fon't carry strength enough to do courier work and you don't carry t'brains to do owt else!"
"Well, you don't know owt, and look at where you are.." mumbled him, shuffling on his perch a little. Yes, the pidgey slept standing, draped over by some amount of fabric. Not much could be said.. except it gave the mother-bird an opportune chance to whisk down, grab her son by a leg, and toss him off the perch and back against a wall. This might be strange behaviour for mother and son, but Scott wasn't fazed at all by the wall, and this was just-
"Wakeup call!" she said, with a laugh. "Me, do owt.. I can do owt, you can't even fly in a straight like. And you're what? Seventeen? Ha!" she said, gripping the leg again with her beak, ignoring the flailing around Scott was doing under his blanket, and tossing him clean out of the glassless window, from under the bit of fabric.
The Pidgey family is built rather considerably, with beaks instead of mouths, wings instead of arms, and taloned feet being at the bottom. Scott was very used to treatment of this sort by the older morph that was his mother, and locked his talons on the sill of the window as he hung out. There were quite a few marks on here, which were rather indicative of the things which happened weekend in, and weekend out..
This particular grip was very bad, and it disappeared within seconds, causing Scott to start falling. However, he caught himself on the air, with wings that started up, suddenly shooting him into the air, albeit very haphazardly.
"You correct yourself too much. Stop it, let it go to itself. The air knows itself better then you do." she said, looking out the window, and hopping back a way as he came back into his room.
"You know what happened the last time I took that advice. I trusted, right until I went splat on the ground." said Scott, a little mournful.
"Well, I'm guessing you could fix that by an evolution, say. If you want, that is."
"What happens, happens. I'll sort it myself or I'll not get it sorted at all." said he, turning to leave back through the window again.
"Suit yourself." said his mum, heading elsewhere, back inside the little tree-banked place they called home. Scott took off dead straight, and headed away to the right.

What was his mum's fixation with that? Scott wondered to himself, as he took his morning flight. But he knew, however sentient the morphs were, their integral pastime would be fighting amongst each other. It was only natural, and he like this could get very hurt in a normal conflict, should one come about.
Pity though, as he slid around a tree, clipping it with his left wing. He did fly poorly. Birds not built like tanks would take jobs as couriers, delivery people, as a basic standard. Scott couldn't do what he was supposed to be best at, so it had to be wondered what he'd end up doing at all...

From nowhere at all, a bolt of lightning missed the back of his tail. He glanced down, and saw, vaguely, three or four assorted electric morphs, who had very much seen him. Now, for some unguessable reason, Scott didn't feel like being fried so soon after waking, if at any time whatsoever. So, he did what he'd naturally do; he turned one eighty, and headed back the other way. However, it wasn't to be as simple as that, for he had to drop a bit of altitude, as it started to rain, and he lost the ability to see straight ahead.
Not good. Not good at all. Scott got away from the area as fast as he was able. But, up above, sheet lightning fizzled about a bit, before an obnoxious fork of lightning came from above and struck him cleanly on the back. Scott winced, expecting to not be able to move, to be having to descend... but.. nothing came. Not a thing. He glanced down, and couldn't see anything more. Nor was there any lightning coming at him again from overhead. He headed towards where he thought was back home, the rain dissipating as he got further from where he had just been. He was confused, to say the least.

"You know, Mum, I got a question." said Scott, as he ploughed rather badly through the window which led into the main conversion area of the small wooden sheltering.
"Sure, fire away." said his mam, who was busy reading something. A paper, most likely.
"Well, I was always sure birds were very much affected by electricity--"
Scott found hiself beak to beak with his mom.
"Were you struck by lightning?" she asked, rather hurriedly.
"I dodn't go looking to be. But I was, yes. Some electric morphs below, wanting to cause trouble."
"Gah.. they can't have found us.. Did they see it hit? Did it just.. not have an effect?"
"Yes to both.. What's going on?" Scott was alarmed at the way his mother was handling this..
"And you flew straight back here, I'm guessing.." she queried, a little bit nervous now.
"I did." said Scott. "Now, what is this about?"
"Uh oh." she said. "Well, I owe you the story now. Take a seat." He sat, she sat, he coughed, she began.

"A little odd, is this. About two decades ago, a certain legendary bird became rather impatient with everything. He was Zapdos, and he was plagued; the fact his element was an opposite to his type set him at unease, and he had to keep order between his brother of flame and his sister, of ice. He decided enough was enough, and went away, determined to live in obscurity from then on." She paused.
"Five years after that, they caught up with him.And they were very pissed. So, they made him from a bird into something more of his element, and chose to try again by making another Zapdos, for of course, it isn't ideal for them to stay without one of the legendaries for very long. However, they couldn't just go off and do it. For, guess what? He'd gone and had a son, and by rights he if anyone was who they would be forced to choose. You get the story so far?"
Scott shrugged. "So..." He felt like she was toying with him.. This sounded like the story that the kangaskhan would tell her child just before he went to bed. Was he being patronised?
"So? You're the son, if you didn't work that out already. The last thing he managed to say to me was that you should be kept safe - and away from those electric morphs, who lack their elemental representation somewhere above. And will be drawn to finding you, do you realise? I do hope you weren't seen.. We should get away from this area.."
"Oh, how wonderful.." Scott didn't seem to really give a damn. He cottoned on that she was right, but.. he still wasn't aware of how any of this was a problem. He let himself be led outside by his mother, also.
However. Outside there, they were confronted.. by a group of electric morphs. Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, and Jolteon.
"That was some neat trick you pulled back there. I don't know of any.. bird.. that can keep going his merry way after being fried by Thunder.." the raichu said. By the way he was sparking a little now, it was obvious to Scott that it was him who had caused that attack earlier. Not that he really minded..
"We were wondering just how far it could be taken." replied the pikachu, one of the carefree girlish types, with shite hair, and a rather fluid voice.
"That's absurd, though.." said the pidgeotto, ruffling herself just once. "You probably missed him. Didn't they miss, you were saying they missed, right Scott?"
Scott didn't get chance to reply, before the jolteon interrupted. "Thunder is very unlikely to miss a bird flying in the rain, though." The pichu remained silent; the conversation didn't bother her, because her own electricity damaged even herself..
"C'mon! It'll be interesting!" said the pika'femme, a rather eerie shine in her eyes.
"Let's go, Scott." said his mam. However, the raichu had already begun charging, just letting out a general thudnershock on the area. The electric morphs were unfazed, the pichu flinched a little, Scott stood there rather nonplussed.. and so did his mom. Who decided that getting away from here would be a good idea, and flew upwards.
"Wait up a sec!" said Scott, before himself being hit rather hard with a trio of thunderbolts.
The pikachu then went on to emit some light yellow waves out at the pidgeotto who was trying to get away from the area, but.. it wasn't particularly effective, and she continued on unhindered. The raichu, however, had a zap cannon in planning, this he fired at Scott, who by then was in the air. The shot was good, the elctricity was useless, but the paralysis was unavoidable, and his wings suddenly stopped working; the pidgey morph found himself back on the floor again.

From a safe distance away, the pidgeotto watched, hidden. She had told Scott of the truth, but there was a few things that she hadn't mentioned. It didn't really matter, because the ends would be as if everything she had said was correct..

The pichu knew, though. She knew that the fellen pidgey was not who they were seeking. The others, no, they saw an electric irregularity, and while they kept plugging the paralysed Scott with their element, it didn't seem to be having very much effect.
"Hold on." she squeaked, looking at the place where the pidgeotto was hidden. "I'm not convinced it's him. It's who you're looking for, anyway. But it's not who I search."
"I assume you're joking." said the raichu. "Or am I missing something?"
"Just watch." said the jolteon.
Scott was unsure what any of this was. But something, somewhere within his head, it knew. And it told him. And it asked him a question; Did he want what they wanted? He found himself saying yes.
The pidgey coughed a few times, then proceeded to look like he was evolving.But.. not into a pidgeotto, oh no. Wings receded, becoming arms; a feather tail combined upon itself, gaining a proper shape, though rather jagged a one. And it was yellow.
The pidgeotto, she started to worry, before the grip she had suddenly wasn't there any more, and she fell from the tree, and landed on the ground.

Up to her walked the pichu, happy as could be. She looked upon the fallen female, from her diminutive height. And spoke.
"Not bad.. You constructed a life from nowhere, that could be commendable.. But, you have to face reality. You haven't a son, you never had a husband, and you're not who you seem to be. Because I know."
The pidgeotto knew who it was now, and cursed, before she remembered. Or was made to recall, anyway.the area went in up an electrically induced glow.

She was visible as who she was, the Zapdos morph of not too long ago, before she disappeared from view. The sight was seen and not understood by Scott, or what used to be him. It resembled a male pikachu morph more then it did Scott, though. And he didn't know where he was, for one. But he did notice his sister had him in an embrace.
"You have got no idea how worried I've been!" said she.. "We got help to find you, though.. but.." she looked around.. "..they went?"
Yes, the pichu and the jolteon had found who they were searching for. The Raikou was followed by the Mew, older yet still only a child, as whatever plane of reality Zapdos had gone onto, they were following.

The area of the forest they were in was now raining feathers, for some reason. Pidgeotto, Zapdos, somewhere in between. The two siblings glanced at each other, then at their older sibling, the raichu.. who didn't really say anything, he was captivated by the plumage raining from above.. But, there quickly became nothing more to stay for. The trio headed off in what might be described as the way home.

The forest stood behind them. Perhaps another episode of morphic drama would come their way some time soon. It could wait for longer then any other, after all.
