Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a Bored Raichu ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tales of a Bored Raichu, who isn't writing as fast as he might like to

9:28pm, Sunday 2nd December 2001

Ok. Another day, another story. This half hour is becoming not enough to write a 'full length' short story any more. So, in a bid to try and solve this, I'll focus some more in detail rather then actual plot.
Though, if you think I know what this is going to achieve, you would be very mistaken.

#7 - Meeting

Sun-dry leaves sat, tanning in solar warmth, on one of many trees that loomed over the walk, like the tall buildings somewhere far, but nearby, standing tall over even these trees, dwarfing the city-engulfed area in almost complete darkness.
Here though... it was fairly serene, a masked aura of green covering the walk itself. And covering a figure stood, waving a little in slight winds; he wore an untied black coat, and could easily be looked over to a passer-by as just some other person. His eyes, though, they were coloured differently, one being blue, and the other being grey. Aside from these, he didn't look out of the ordinary, like a permanent statue out taking the sieved sun that morning.
But, he was not all that graced the walk that minute. To the way he was not looking, there strolled another person. who would almost be in awe of herself. It was a fragment of time cut out of fiction, almost; everything seemed jaded and slow. The women boasted long, pale blue hair, that flowed to mid back, as well as hidden sandals, under the canopy of soft yellow that was a flowing dress. Her eyes could not be noticed, hidden from sight by some rather bland sunglasses that, however small, did their job just fine.
The walkway was clear, and easily wide enough to fit more then five or six people across. However, she was walking in a predetermined line, and her path let her brush just past the man.. who for no reason closed his eyes almost at the same moment. A presence touched him, something unknown to most people.. telling him it was not directly from the person that just walked by. That would be too conventional, it comforted. But it was here, and it held him still, lost to the world, for a few minutes. Then, it went back on itself, and the man was drawn to follow the woman, turning slowly, and walking away, at quite a pace.

The air here stank most heavily of city fumes; it was unfortunate how some cities were turning out, but intentionally he was allowed to detect those scents disappearing, replaced by something else as he tracked the walking figure. She was ignorant of him, and possibly because of this she had begun skipping along. She was not as young as to normally be doing something like that, by any means. The something else that filled the air was of fruit, a mixed blend, a delicacy. He lost himself for a while, yet again, and when he found himself, he had stopped. Not on the walk, he was somewhere among the trees to each side. Or maybe he was somewhere different entirely.. the sun seemed brighter, and the aura more green, then ever he'd have thought could be reached in this small little city park.
The woman was behind him, as well. He knew that straight away, but he did not turn. It was like he was waiting for something. And she reacted, unexpectedly, placing both hands on the nape of his neck. Her look was not typical of a woman in the situation that it appeared at, for first glance. It was more of someone with a dilemma. Maybe this was touched on, when she whispered something so light, that it may not have been speech at all..
"I'm sorry."
And she almost whipped her hands downwards, slipping them down the back of the guy, deliberate and quick. Where the right hand had gone lay a diagonal tear, that broke coat, broke shirt, broke skin. The edges of all layers began to seep a rather dirty red colour then, becoming tainted.
Some of this fluid got to the woman herself, as well.. to a single, stiff, pale grey claw, that was now coated on one side with a few strands of body hair and an amount of blood at the volume that it was not able to stay held to the claw, and fell off, to the floor. Surprisingly, he felt no pain in this. The pain was felt only by the woman, who turned rather sharply, not saying another word, and headed away. Presumably, to head back towards the walkway.
Somehow, he detected this. And tried to turn, to follow. But he was rendered unable to, not by any such presence now, but just by what seemed natural. He was not supposed to move, so he didn't. And an itch on his hands told him why. Something underlying was kicking itself into a shape other then normal. The outside layers seemed to flow into place, creating a seemingly twisted version of a paw, on each hand. The hands were then lost, as his arms would not reach to the end of the clothing's long sleeves. A loss in height was also becoming apparent, slight nausea following a heat wave, and a progressive growing of fur all around the guy. Falling forwards, he landed onto shaky, but now natural, paws. The greenery of the surrounding wavered a little to blue.. then circled the spectrum, and slid back in, a slightly greener green then ever he'd seen. One blink told it all; pupils now being indistinguishable from the rest of the eye, though the eyes still rather ominously held their previous colour behind the blackness; a solid ebb. Then, the clothing around the back was torn profoundly by the protrusion of a tail, a brown tail, one with a white tip. Giving a rather husky eevee-like cry, for that is what he would soon be, just as his head slipped under the bundle of clothing, and nothing more of the man could then be seen.

"I still don't know why I couldn't have left my brother be.." she said to the air as it passed by. Somewhere, she did know; whether he'd tried to or not, the eevee had been killed as a result of something he'd done, and therefore, it was her job to set the balance right again. Ah, yes.. the balance.. A fateful encounter in a time she'd forgotten had left her having to take care of this for as long as she could. It is what she did, and normally she didn't mind it. But she'd never had to enact it upon one of her family before...
The eevee then came out of the brush, trailing her. That was another thing it wanted to do; she'd tried to let it be, to not watch what her brother had become.. But, it would still follow her for a while. She turned, and watched it there, obviously she hadn't gone far, couldn't go far.. an overpowering feeling of guilt, almost betrayal in a sense.. something that threatened to rip her apart inside first.
"This is so bloody unfair..." she said, stamping the ground lightly, and turning, to run a pain-stricken hand through her sibling's fur. It was so warm, like it had been when she cut him those minutes ago. She could still feel a healing wound underneath.
~( You should feel like that. )~ said the voice. ~( But it can't be helped, I'm afraid. You know that as well as I. )~
She didn't believe that for a second. Rather furious, she cradled the eevee and walked on, searching for some respite, for a solution, just out of reach but which she was grasping for, rather amiably.. And then, the same sight to render her guilty seemed to convey a path of salvation. As she looked at her brother, who was responding ruefully and without malice to the hand being ran through the fur. She looked at it then. To its misplaced middle claw, with no bloodstain marking it any more. With a new target, no doubt. However, she would make that target very easily identifiable, without any searching about whatsoever.
She brought up the hand suddenly. The eevee, disinterested, and lacking his sentience, wandered back off into the brush. The talon hung from the middle knuckle, stiffly, and it found a place touching skin just above her left eye. Before she raked it down along her face. It bit deep, but like always, did not trigger any nerves. Nor did it hinder her vision, even though the eye had essentially been split.
{ No, of course there's no pain. } thought she. { But let me just wait... }
Then, the world seemed to slow around her. She had thought the voice would say something, but it didn't comment. Maybe it genuinely wasn't there any more. She had things to care more about right now, though.

The back of her neck tightened, as a circlet of fur formed right around it, carrying a wave of heat along with it. Two more formed on her ankles, catching her a little by surprise, as she lost her footing and fell a little backwards. Now she could see her feet from there, where the fur outgrowing had already captured both feet. It was yellow. Five toes together slid into three, twice. The spreading of it up her legs was a trigger for them to lessen in size, and so they did.. once again hiding her feet from view.
The rest of the body was obviously doing the same, she could feel fur there, pressing on the dress and the blouse. A pressure around her back caused her to have to roll to her side, slowly.. before the pressure released, taking the skirt back with it. It was a zigzagged tail, with the base likely to be in black.
{ Pikachu.. } thought she, without emotion. That was actually an irony, she considered, knowing she would never have the power of speech to say anything other then that single word from the end of this onwards.. Her hair was receding, she could feel that much, pikachus did not have hair of course.. And then, things slowed. She waited, because it had not completed, her head was still mostly human, though it was quickly being overtaken by fur. It was slightly uncomfortable, but she took no notice of it.
Her body jolted, and she was shoved back to sitting again, though it was slightly more forward, and it allowed for the tail to sit and waver behind her. The hair actually remained in part, now at a newly sized mid-back length. It was a pale pink by then, however. A swelling feeling manifested in either cheek.. the slight tingle on her tongue of electricity obviously put there by now developed thunder sacs, denoted by red dots on the surface.. Concurrently, her ears had shifted more to the back of her head, not directly on each side any more, but facing forwards, stiffly. They were not tipped in black, but instead were striped. Well, every animal had its own characteristics, so this was nothing so unusual...
It was complete. A final shortening, of the upper body, and left was a pikachu, of fairly average build, with only eyes left to go.. She blinked them once because everything seemed to brighten.. and when they were reopened, they were fully black, with no hint of colour at all. But if so, why was everything still slow? And why did this occur, if she was not sentient..?
{ I should probably have lost my sense of being by now.. } she thought, a little too casually.. but, it can be imagined that one's senses are already battered now that she's standing dwarfed in her clothing as a little electric mouse..
~{ Oh, no no no.. You get to keep that, although it won't do you any good. Hope you have popcorn, because you get to watch from here on in... }~
And she'd have thought something, except another feeling crept in. Perhaps her brother had felt it earlier. However, it wasn't just going to draw her. It was physically trying to become her, it seemed. The body didn't seem to fit any more. So, it seemed logical that another change should occur then.
The paws, with their small digits, became a little more defined, growing a little.. the rest of her following suit slowly. But emphasis was on the paw digits, which became very defined, with a split appearing at the tip of each. Ten black-shafted claws formed on the hands, differing from the single one she had before in that they were smaller. The three toes on each foot did as the hands did, producing large claws that resembled talons to an extent. A feeling in her mouth drew her to run her tongue about it.. feeling the slight nips of many needlelike teeth.
That once yellow fur started to ease towards two new shades, blue and black, appearing as random stripes.. starting on the legs, and moving elsewhere, everywhere, driving the yellow away. This fur progressed not with a burning, but with a cool ache, that seemed to leave an aftertingle as it went along. Something poked through her forehead. It was a black gem, with a recessive hint of blue. From there, things got a little weird. The two ears split down the middle, and lengthened slightly, becoming four, which fanned out at the back into a myriad of points. She winced a little at this, for she had not expected that. Another feeling came to be just above both eyes, where something seemed to snake out just above either one. In actuality, they were two antennae, which hung rather high, like they were held up. These, surprisingly, were yellow, but tipped blue at their ends.

Time resumed itself, and the rodent did the instinctive thing, and removed the clothing from around herself. She was blue and black pretty much everywhere, with ears wavering a little, picking up sounds.. Her eyes were still closed, but she opened them; one single line of colour was apparent in the left eye, marking where the slice she had made had cut the eye. It gave an iridescent blue glow. And all this contrasted with the fact she still had hair, albeit pink, and sitting to the midpoint of her back.
~( When you consider that normally it would be a pokemon that kept the Balance.. making yourself into one means I can do as I like with you. It's an improvement, and you're much more worth to me like this, really.. You're not the first human to try cutting themselves to get away from their duty. I don't think you'll be the last either. )~ A half laugh from the voice. And that is the last thing the woman heard, before suddenly she wasn't listening to anything any more. The eyes brimmed with instinct, and nothing else mattered now.

~( Now then. I presume you can find your next target quickly. Go. )~
The blue rodent complied, zig-zagged tail kicking once, with just a hollow black flash as she turned, and moved off very quickly into the brush, in an almost random direction.

So fast did she depart the scene, that the teardrop hit the ground to the tone of complete silence.

