Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Ring Ball Saga ❯ Chapter 2: The Double Battle ( Chapter 2 )
DoL: I don't anything except the mysterious character and the Dark Ring Ball.
Chapter 2: The Double Battle
"Okay then," said the trainer, "I challenge you to a 2-on-2 double battle. The winner will get the losers' Pokémon."
"Oka… what's a double battle?" said/asked Jessie.
"That's where each team uses 2 Pokémon to battle at once. That means you two will be limited to one Pokémon each, but I'll use 2 to make it even."
"Sounds fair to me," said Jessie to James, quietly.
"We accept!" said James, "Go, Weezing!"
"Weezing! (Bring it on!)"
"Alright then, go Arbok!" exclaimed Jessie.
"Arbok ar. (Ready.)"
"Okay," said the still-mysterious trainer, "Go, Jolteon and Vaporeon!"
"Jolteon joltjolt eon! (This will be easy!)"
"Vapor! Vaporeon! (These idiots will fall easily! Yep, I'm sure of it!)"
"Say Jess, why are there subtitles next to what the Pokémon say?" asked James.
"Hey! You can't ask that question!" exclaimed the narrator.
"Sorry, won't happen again."
<Note: This battle will display Pokémon HP. The HP is hidden from the characters, though.>
Weezing: 100/100 Jolteon: 307/307
Arbok: 99/ 99 Vaporeon: 400/400
"Vaporeon, Surf!" exclaimed the unknown trainer.
Weezing: 8/100 Jolteon: 307/307
Arbok: 4/ 99 Vaporeon: 400/400
"Now Jolteon, use Zap Cannon!" -BA-ZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTT-
Weezing: 0/100 Jolteon: 307/307
Arbok: 0/ 99 Vaporeon: 400/400
<Battle is over.>
"Go, Dark Ring Balls!"
"nnnnoooo, Aaarrrrbboookkkkk," said Jessie, lamely.
"wwwweeeeeeeeeezzzzzziiiinnnnnng," said James, the same way as Jessie.