Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Passions of all our Pokechildrens Days ❯ FuzzyGaze ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ÿþ The Passions of all Our PokeChildren s Days

Disclaimer: I don t own Pokemon. :softly sobs: All I own is this sea

wolf tiger. It s name is Zippy7.

Last time on The Passions of all Our PokeChildren s Days...

Misty was about to go all out psycho on Ash when the door suddenly

slammed shut. Lightening flashed and the door quickly flew open again.

A tall man stood just outside the room. A roll of thunder sounded and the

man lifted his head. Hello.

Ch.2 FuzzyGaze

Hellooo! Ash replied cheerfully. Thunder roared once again and

the man stepped into the room. There was another flash of lightening that

lit up the man s face, revealing his young features. He looked at Ash

sternly. Hellooo!

Ash walked up to the mysterious man with a less-than-dumb

expression on his face. Hmm... Ash gave him a weird look and then

stuck his finger in his mouth.

Ash, what are you doing? Misty asked baffled.

Shhhh! Ash exclaimed. Then Ash took his finger out of his mouth and stuck it in the

man s ear.

The man started twitching frantically and one of his eyes blew out of

his head. HEEELLOOOOO! The man yelped in pain. He collapsed on

the floor and blew up.

Oh God! What did you just do?! What did you just do!? Brock

shouted. That was so wicked awesome!

Ash looked at Brock, Ha! I knew it! He was a destroyer demonic

cyborg android from the future set out to kill us all, but fortunately he was

stuck on Hello!

Misty looked surprised, I had no idea he was a destroyer demonic

cyborg android from the future set out to kill us all, but fortunately was

stuck on Hello!

How did you know you could kill him with a wet willy? Brock


Ash swept the remains of the destroyer demonic cyborg

android from the future into the whole it blew out in the floor when it


Well, Ash turned to Brock, I saw it on this learn-how-to-kill-

a-destroyer-demonic-cyborg-android-from-the -future-that s-set-out-to-kill-

you-overnight website. I got the website off the back of a napkin by the


Misty looked mystified. You re so...odd She said slowly.

Ash just looked at her as he foamed at the mouth. Gurgle...

Hey, where are the lawyers? Ash asked as he snapped back to


Brock looked at Ash with a raised eyebrow. I don t know. Misty

and I never even noticed that they didn t show up. At that, the wall

opposite them moved back and from the ceiling came a giant T.V. that took

its place.

GAK! The three twerps shouted in unison.

The enormous T.V. switched on and a shady figure sitting in an awkwardly large chair

appeared on the screen. Hello boys, said a womanly voice. The shady figure snapped her fingers

and a spot light shown down on her. It s me, the woman said coldly, Mrs. Ketchum.


(Startling/suspenseful music)

Ash walked up to the screen. Mom...? He couldn t believe it. Oh my God...You just

show up out of nowhere and...call Misty a BOY! Ash couldn t contain himself as he tried to hold

back fits of laughter. That was sooo funny!! Do it again!


(Misty s Mallet has struck)

Ash you re a pain in the... Misty stopped and looked at the screen. Mrs. Ketchum was

spinning around in her chair. Mrs. Ketchum...what are you doing? Hey, and I thought you were

dead! Misty finished.

Mrs. Ketchum stopped spinning in her chair and looked at Misty. Yes, well I sort of faked

it, she replied.

You faked your death? But, why mommy? Brock questioned.

First of all, I m not your mommy , Brock. And second, lots of people were trying to kill

me because I took over Ketchum Corp. That s why I faked my death. Oh, and I m leaving Ketchum

Corp. to you, Ash. Mrs. Ketchum answered.

WAAA?! Was all Ash could say.

Mrs. Ketchum turned her attention to him. Oh, honey...I m sure you ll be able to handle all

those murderers and crooks! If you take down the head of their illegal operations, you ll have no

problem! He s easy to take down anyway, not much of a fighter... She rambled on.

Wait, you know the head guy? Misty asked.

Oh, of course! Er...but I m not going to just tell you who it is. You ll have to guess. I ll

give you three clues to who it is. Are you ready? Mrs. Ketchum looked at them expectantly.

Misty and Brock both nodded and looked intently at the screen.

Ok, Clue number one- She was never able to finish because Ash suddenly felt the urge to

change the channel.

God! Is there anything good on these days? Oh, that s right, Pokemon is on. Oh well. Let s

watch Martha Stewart Living! That s always good!

Both Brock and Misty nodded, but then remembered what Mrs. Ketchum was about to tell


ASH!! YOU CRACK HEAD!!! Misty shouted. Your mom was just about to tell us clues

to figure out who the head-dude of that thingy is! GOD! I just can t believe you!

That s cause you want me. Ash remarked.

Don t make me puke in your mouth again cause you know I will! She yelled back.

Brock looked at Ash with a frown on his face. But, you know Ash, we really needed to

know those clues to figure out who the head-dude of that thingy is. Now how are we supposed to

figure this out?

Ash looked at him with a lifeless stare.

Uh...Ash...why are you looking at me like that? Brock hesitated to ask.

Because, he responded, I know who the head-dude of that thingy is.

Brock and Misty both looked completely relieved.

Well that s great! So, Ash, who is this mystery dude-guy-thing? Misty asked as she

stepped forward.

Ash looked at her. He was trying to touch his tongue to his nose or something. Well, he s

my dad! DUH! I can t believe you guys didn t know that! It s SO obvious!

Misty looked at Brock. Uhh....it is? Wow...there s so little we know about you...err....so

who IS your father anyway?

Brock looked at her with amazement. Y-you don t know who Ash s father is? What s your

problem, Misty? And you ve known him longer than I have! You re such a loser! Brock started

rolling on the ground laughing.

Misty stepped on him. OH YEAH?! AND YOU KNOW WHO IS DAD IS, HUH?!

Brock stood up and dusted himself off. Yeah, of course I do! It s....that Tracey guy. Isn t it


Misty just stared at Brock. You....are the biggest retard in the world! This time Misty was

the one rolling on the floor laughing or....something.

What? Nobody ever told me who that guy was! I just figured he was Ash s father! He

looked like he could ve been! I even called him his dad TO HIS FACE! He just said stuff like Oh,

I m so glad my little Ash has such good friends and I wish he would change his underwear more !

It sounded to me that he was his dad! Brock yelled to his own defense.

Ash and Misty: ................. O.O;; ..................

After several minuets

AHEM Misty broke the silence. So, Ash. Who IS your father? I m betting it s Mr.

Mime! She concluded.

Ash turned his hat. Well, I m betting it s Gene Starwind of the OutlawStar! Hey, this is


Misty looked at him blankly with a sweatdrop. Uh...you DO know who your own father is

right? Tell me you know Ash! Misty grabbed him and started shaking him by his neck.

WAAAA!! Misty stop!! I know who he is! I know I tell you! Let me go! Ash exclaimed

out of shock.

Misty relaxed and let go of Ash s neck. Ok, she caught her breath, So who is he?

Ash looked her directly in the eyes. I....I...I...I...I....I....LOVE CHEESE STICKS!!! He

yelled and then broke into tears. I m...so happy....


Misty once again grabbed him by the neck. Tell me who he is! Tell me right now! You

damn idiot! Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!!!

WAAAAAA *cough* AAAAAAA Ash screamed for his life.

Brock came up to the two of them. Misty, if you kill him we won t be able to get the

information we want. Let him go so he can tell us.

Mmm. Your right Brock. Misty said as she let go of a purple Ash.

Ash gasped for air. Now will you tell us? Misty asked.

Ok, Ash began, My father is............................A SPACE ALIEN! SPOOOOOOKY!!!

Misty was about to choke him again, but Ash waved his hands in front of her.

Mist, please don t kill me! I m sorry! He pleaded.

Just tell us who the hell your father is you brat! Misty screamed.

Ok, the truth is...I don t know who my father is! Isn t that great? Heh heh.... Ash


ARG!!!! Misty attacked him and started choking him again. Brock just stood leaning

against the wall watching Ash try to escape her evil clutches of death.


End CH.2 FuzzyGaze

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