Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Passions of all our Pokechildrens Days ❯ StillLife ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ÿþ The Passions of all Our PokeChildrens Days

Disclaimer: Je suis Crazy Ash. Mes copains connaissent ma famille. Nous ecrivons des

cartes postales. Elle attend Hélène après la classe. O_O;; Uh...let s just say my French homework

has taken over my life. Heh heh...no, really, be careful. It s up to something....you just wait and

see... BOO! I don t own anything!!! @_@

Last time on The Passions of all Our PokeChildren s Days...

Gary still stood on his front porch. He had been out there since Ash left and was still shifting

his eyes.

Gary was murmuring something to himself.  ......plans.....plans....plans....plan s.... He

suddenly snapped out of it, but then started murmuring something....else.

 .....spy....spy...I Spy....my spy...spy...spy....

Back with Ash, Misty, and Brock...

Brock continued to rock himself back and forth in his corner as Ash and Misty talked

amongst themselves. He too was murmuring something only he could hear.

 ...revenge...revenge...revenge...reven ge....

Ch.4 StillLife

 Well well well. So we meet again Captain Spanky....

Ash was jumping around the room with a newspaper folded in the shape of a hat on his head.

In his hand he held an extremely sharp pencil which he pointed at Misty.

Misty was sitting in chair pondering the clues Ash had given her.

 Ketchup...drugs...pickles....What does it all mean?! Misty thought to herself.  Do these

clues even mean anything?!

Ash, ignoring everything Misty was saying, charged at her.

 Captain Spanky!! It s time to D-D-D-D- Ash said as he tripped over a rug,

 Duel...ugh...my back.....

Misty looked down at him.

 Ash, what the hell are you doing? And stop calling me Captain Swanky! Misty yelled in


 It s Captain SPANKY! Ash corrected her as he found good use of the rug he had

previously tripped over.

 Hee hee! Look at me, Misty! I m an Ash Burrito!! Ash said while he wrapped himself in

the rug.

Brock suddenly got up from his  crying corner and walked over to where Ash and Misty

were. He knelt down near Ash and started frantically gnawing at his head. Ash just lay in  Burrito

Form with no particular expression on his face. Misty, on the other hand, looked at them with utter


After minutes of awkward gnawing, Brock finally backed away and began to scrape at his

tongue.  Ugh! That Ash Burrito tastes like burnt cat!

A single tear ran down Ash s cheek at this harsh and brutal comment. He rolled over in the

rug, and to everyone s surprise, revealed a hidden trap door.

 Oh my God! A hidden trap door! How exciting! Misty squealed.

Ash rolled back over the trap door.  Hey, you guys, I ve been thinking, Ash began.  Well,

do you think that if the world was controlled by wingless fruit flies of doom that I would be they re

leader? He asked this with a totally serious tone of voice.

Misty, without a second thought, repiled "Yes. Ash, I truly beleive you would."

Ash gleefully jumped up, still wrapped like a burrito, and body slammed Misty into the wall.

"I knew you'd think so!" He happily shouted as he rolled around the room and even peed a little.

Brock and Misty looked at eachother knowingly and nodded. Soon enough, they tied Ash up in his

pee-stained rug and dangled him from the window. Ash never questioned it. Maybe that was because the "The

Song that Never Ends" was ringing in his head and he was trying to figure out why it never ended.

"See ya later Ash!" Brock waved to him as he followed Misty into the hidden tunnel underneath the floor.

Ash watched Brock descend into the unknown, "Oro?"


Gary was driving in his car with the radio's volume all the way up.

"MMMMM BOP!!!! LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAA!!! MMMMMMMMMM BOP!!!!" Gary was singing out of tune. "Hey, what ever

happened to those hot Hansen chicks anyway?" He shrugged off the thought and continued to head bang to...uh.."MMM Bop."

Gary pulled into a huge parking lot. He turned off his radio and his eyes narrowed once again. He stepped out of

his car and carried a black briefcase with him. He walked up to the main gate of a major corporation.

"Password" said the intercom. Gary looked around and narrowed his eyes even more so they resembled Brock's.

"109 Fumisorisupirepakanishiteraki MASA."

The gates opened and Gary walked in to the buliding. A man in a suit met him and escorted him to a dark room with

five shadowy figures waiting for his arrival. Gary sat down at the head of a long table and opened his briefcase. He pulled

out a tiara and placed it on his head.

"Ok everyone, let's begin," he said as a giant screen came down behind him. On the screen were five darkened

pictures. Gary turned and faced the screen.

"I want these people dead."

End Ch.4 StillLife