Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Passions of all our Pokechildrens Days ❯ RedChair ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ÿþ The Passions of all Our PokeChildren s Days

Disclaimer: Awww! Pokémon isn t new today?! What the f ?! Oh, I don t own

Pokémon...but, I have some Pokémon action figures!! Yay yay! Hee hee...I just learned how to put

those stupid accents above the  e ! I m the coolest coolest!

Last time on The Passions of all Our PokeChildren s Days...

The gates opened and Gary walked in to the building. A man in a suit met him and

escorted him to a dark room with five shadowy figures waiting for his arrival. Gary sat down at the

head of a long table and opened his briefcase. He pulled out a tiara and placed it on his head.

"Ok everyone, let's begin," he said as a giant screen came down behind him. On the screen

were five darkened pictures. Gary turned and faced the screen.

"I want these people dead."

Ch.5 RedChair

Brock and Misty walked down the eery underground tunnel knocking cobwebs out of their


 Brock! Misty whined,  This is gross! It s dark and wet down here! I bet there s bugs here

too! Ugh, it reminds me of Ash s hair!

Brock nodded in agreement.  Too true...

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a loud and obnoxious belch about ten feet away

from them. Misty jumped and Brock simply belched back at it. Then whatever made the initial noise

started walking slowly towards them, moaning as it did.

 Eeek! What is it?! Misty squealed in terror.

Brock ripped a giant pipe off the wall with his...big and smooth muscles? Uh, *ahem* and

got ready to pummel whatever came out of the shadows.

The dim figure got closer and closer. Finally, a hand shot out of the shadows. Misty

screamed, grabbed the hand, and flipped the mysterious figure over her shoulder.

 AHHHHH!! screamed the unknown person.

Misty and Brock looked at the person.  ASH?! They both yelled in surprise.

Ash laid on the floor in pain. He had a top hat on his head and multicolored beads around his


 Ash, heh...what are you doing down here? Misty sweetly asked him then turned to Brock

and whispered harshly,  Didn t we tie him up?

Brock cracked his knuckles.  Should I take care of him?

Ash quickly jumped up, twirled like a ballerina, then bowed to them.  Please don t tie me up

again! I can help!"

Misty and Brock looked at each other. "Like hell," they said in unison. Then they began to

advance on him and there was a noticeable gleam in Brock's eye as he raised the huge pipe over his


Ash knew he had to think quickly, but he wasn't sure about what exactly. Brock and Misty

were getting closer. A thought finally popped into Ash's head and he took off his top hat and

chucked it at Brock.

"HIIIIYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!" Ash shouted as a corner of his hat nailed Brock directly in his

"good eye." Brock squealed in pain, "GYYYYAAAAAHHHH!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!"

Then Ash grabbed his necklaces off his neck and threw them at Misty. They simply hit her

and fell to the floor. "Nuclear Necklace!!!!" He yelled.

Misty looked at Ash and then at Brock, who was running in a circle holding his eye and

screaming in pain. "You people are sad," she sighed.

Ash stood quietly in awe. "She dodged my attack...but how?! I studied for years under

Master Roshi! I'm a master in the art of pole!" He stared at Misty. She was watching Brock roll

around on the ground now. He was crying and sucking his thumb. She was obviously getting tired of

his childish shenanigans as she was kicking him repeatedly in the crotch.  Get it together!!! She


Suddenly, the trio heard a loud noise from behind them. Everyone immediately stopped and

listened. It began to get closer and they could make out what sounded like  RAAAAAAASSSS..

Brock sat up,  What is it? he asked barely opening his mouth.

 I m not sure, Misty whispered back.

 RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!! The creature growled, stepping into the


Everyone gasped.  A-A-A-A PARAS?! Brock and Misty yelled in surprise.  What a

relief... Misty breathed,  I thought it was something that would ve killed us!

 OH MY GOD!!! OH-MY-GOD!!!!! IT S A MONSTER!!! KILL IT!!! Ash screamed,

terrified.  Well, whatever it is, I ll just have to battle it to protect you guys, he continued.

Brock stood up.  Uh...Ash, you really don t have to. I mean, it s only a Paras, Brock said

trying to stop him from doing something stupid.

Ash shook his head.  I know what I m doing, Brock. Ditto, GO!!! Ash pointed to a nearby

rock.  Ditto, transform!! he shouted.

Brock and Misty stared at him.  Ash, that s a rock, Brock said, trying to be calm.

Ash rubbed his chin.  Hmm...maybe I should look some information up on my opponent

first... Ash pondered.

 Glad you re learning, Misty said in a sarcastic tone.

Ash whipped out his Pokédex and pointed it at Paras.  Data already stored, the Pokédex

said in its robotic voice. He pointed it at Paras again.

 Data already stored...

 Data already stored...

 Data already stored...

 Data already stored...

 Ash!! You already have information on that Pokémon! Brock shouted.

 Shut up! Just shut up! Ash shouted back.

 Data already stored...

Ash then pointed it at the wall.  That is a wall, the Pokédex said.

 That is a wall...

 That is a wall...

 That is a wall...

 That is a wall...

Brock and Misty sighed.  This is gonna be a while...

End Ch.5 RedChair