Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Pokémon War - Kanto VS Johto ❯ Chapter 1 - Pallet Town Attacked Without Warning ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Pokémon War - Kanto vs Johto

Chapter 1 - Pallet Town attacked without warning!

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was Princess_Bella when I wrote this)

Buongiorno all!!!

Long time no fic for me. I've been planning this one for a very long time. I've now finally gotten around to writing it. There may be a large gap of time between chapters coming out, because I don't exactly have much time to write these days. So don't expect a new chapter to come out every week.


This fanfiction is about a war between the provinces in the Pokémon World. The idea is copywrited by me, so don't steal it! At the start of every chapter, there will be a newspaper article which informs you about what's going on in the war. Then there's the story involving the Pokémon characters and their involvement in the war. At the beginning of the actual story part of the fic, there will be a song quote, and it will be a kind of clue as to what will happen in that chapter. I am acting as the newspaper and TV reporter in this fic.

Kanto refers to the province of where the first Pokémon games are held - from Pallet Town to the Indigo Plateau.

Johto is the place Ash and co. are travelling right now in the series, and where the newest Pokémon games are set.

The Orange Archipelago is obviously where the characters travelled in the Orange Island series.

Kita means north in Japanese, and is the name I'm giving for the north of the Pokémon world.

Minami means south in Japanese, and is the name I'm using for the south part of the Pokémon world.

WARNING: If you do not like death or dark fiction, don't read this fic. If you know anything about war you'll know that people die. There are casualties; it's inevitable. So don't read it and flame me for killing people, because it's going to happen. I can tell you right now.

Thankyou to: Dragonfire, for translating the names of North and South for me!!!, Peter and Justin for inspiring me to write this fic, and for everyone else who is reading this for giving me the encouragement to keep writing.

Dedicated to all the people who fought for their nation in a war. May you be proud of what you risked or gave for the honour of your country.

PalletTownattacked without warning

By Bella Principessa.

Last night…Christmas evening. A happy, joyous occasion for everyone, no matter what. However, last night was anything but that. The residents of Pallet Town were unexpectedly attacked by a force unknown. It was approximately 8:00 pm when a team of Pokémon Trainers entered the small, tranquil town. In a matter of 15 minutes, Pallet was no more. Houses and buildings burned around the shocked, remaining people, who were screaming and running in fear of their lives. The fire Pokémon who had launched the attack roamed around the town that once was as if claiming it for themselves. Nobody was brave enough, nobody was prepared, to confront these Pokémon or their trainers who stood there laughing at what they had just completed. At this moment, all that's left of Pallet Town is ashes. No memories. No belongings. The attackers made sure that everything was gone. The people who remain alive have fled, afraid of what might happen next. When asked about the attack, the Mayor of Pallet Town, Mayor Adams, replied, "I don't know who has done this, but no matter who it is, they will pay for the devastation they have cast upon our town." So, is this just an attack by a gang of hoodlums? Is it Team Rocket? Or is it something more serious? Could this be the dawn of a new war? So many questions, but the answers are still yet to be found.

When my world has come undone

And I've lost my setting sun

When all I see are clouds

You're still around

When I fall into a tear

Inspiration disappears

You clear away the doubt

'Coz you're still around.

~ a1 - Still Around.

It was a cold, bitter Christmas evening in Goldenrod City. Ash, Misty, Brock and all their Pokémon were residing there for a Christmas Day party, and for a break from Pokémon training until the new year. They had just given out presents and were looking at them. Ash sat next to Misty on the couch in front of the TV.

"Misty, I just wanted to say thanks again for the present you got me", Ash said brightly.

Misty smiled at him. "You're welcome Ash. And thank you for what you got me too."

Ash smiled. He had gotten Misty a silver necklace with a pendant at the end made of amethyst, ruby and topaz gemstones, and in the shape of a Starmie. It had cost him a lot of money, but it was worth it just to see her happy. Of course, he would never tell her that… Misty had gotten Ash a special Poké ball with his name engraved into it. He loved it, and what was more special was that there was a Pokémon inside! She had acquired for him an Eevee. She said it was so he could evolve it into any type he wanted. Ash knew how much Misty wanted an Eevee, and was overjoyed that she'd give one to him instead of keeping it for herself. Pikachu sat on Ash's lap. Misty had put a little tinsel necklace on it, and made little ones for Togepi's wrists. The two Pokémon were happier than they'd ever been, playing together all day.

At that moment, Brock walked into the room with something to eat. He had made special Christmas cookies, which were in the shape of Pokémon with Santa Hats on! As they sat down to eat them, the loud music of a news update broadcast on the TV.

"Hello, I'm Bella Principessa, and this is urgent news, just in! Pallet Town has been attacked by a number of strong Pokémon and their trainers. Nobody knows why this thoughtless destruction took place, or what it's for, but people are already saying it's the dawn of a war."

Ash's mouth hung open in shock. "That's…my hometown…" Pictures of Pallet Town, now with fires burning everywhere appeared on the screen. The land was bare, hardly any houses still stood, and there were no people around.

Misty looked at him worriedly. Pikachu turned up the volume as the reporter kept talking.

"Right now, Fire Crews, Policemen and Ambulances are on their way from Viridian City to help, as all of Pallet's resources are destroyed. Most of the people of the small town have been killed, and the ones who are alive have fled, but we are living in hope that some survivors will be found. We are going to try and get closer to the action, but we will have updates for you throughout the evening. This is Bella Principessa reporting."

Ash sat there with a look on his face that revealed so many different emotions all mixed up together that nobody could tell what they were. Misty was in total shock, and felt sick imagining what had taken place in that town - one she had visited so many times before. They were even going to be there today, but instead got stuck in Goldenrod because of planes being too busy. Brock had a look of anger on his face. He could sort of remember the war that had gone on when he was very young. He was only about 3, and it was before both Ash and Misty were born. The war was started by Team Rocket and, although it didn't got for very long, there was a tremendous amount of damage done to towns and to people, physically and mentally. His father had been one of the lucky ones, going off to fight in the war and actually returning. Brock couldn't help but wonder if he would have to go and fight, if this was indeed a war. He couldn't help but fear it. Despise it and hate it with all he had, because of what he knew it did to people. Pikachu had its head down and Togepi was looking around, wondering why it was so quiet. It was still to young to comprehend what was going on, and why everyone looked so grim.

Abruptly, Ash got up. He started heading out the door, but Misty called him back.

"Ash. Where are you going?" she asked carefully.

"My mom… My town… I need to go there…" he said, seeming to be in a trance from shock.

"Ash you can't go there! It's too dangerous!" Brock warned.

"Brock's right. Just wait till everything clears. Plus, you can't get there anyway. There are no flights."

"No! I can't wait! My mom is there, and she's alive! I know she's alive! I can't just leave her there. She needs me! She needs me now, just like I've needed her so many times! What if she's hurt? I can't just leave her!" Ash cried, now having snapped out of his trance. He was hysterical by now, and didn't really know what he was going on about. All he could think about was his mom. The TV reporter had said that most residents were presumed dead. That nobody could have survived. 'No', he thought. 'She is alive. She isn't dead! I know she's not.' But as Ash thought he couldn't help but realise it was wishful thinking that was going on inside his head.

Misty walked up to him slowly. "Ash I'm sorry… Is there anything we can do to help?"

Ash didn't answer her. He didn't seem to hear.

"Ash?" Misty asked again.

Ash shook his head. Tears swiftly began pouring down his face. "My mom is there…" he wailed.

Misty looked shocked that he was crying, but wasn't surprised. She led him back to the couch and they sat down. He knew he was powerless now. That he couldn't help. He couldn't go there. Misty was right. They couldn't get back there now. They had tried to get back there today but the flights were too full. There was no chance for him. All he could do was wait. He couldn't help. 'He couldn't help'. Those 3 words disturbed Ash the most out of everything. Not only was something horrible and sickening going on in his hometown, but this time he couldn't do anything. On all his journeys, when something went wrong, he would always help the person or people in trouble. He was just that type of person. He couldn't just walk on and ignore someone if they needed help. But now… he couldn't do anything at all. He could just sit there. Ash realised his hands were shaking as he looked down at them. He wiped his eyes. Pikachu came and sat on his lap and Misty was sitting next to him looking very worried. Brock sat across from him. There was silence in the room.

Ash laid down on the couch. He was tired. He didn't want to think. Misty kneeled in front of where he was laying and took his hat off his head. "It'll be alright, Ash", she said softly, not knowing if he should, because she was lying, really. He just looked at her sadly, and closed his eyes. Misty went and sat against the wall near the fireplace. She looked at Brock worriedly and he had the same expression towards her.

"I…don't know what to say…" she said.

"Me neither. This is so unexpected", Brock replied.

"Poor Ash…" Misty said slowly.

Ash woke up startled. He could tell it was early in the morning; it was still dark outside. He sat up, being careful not to wake Pikachu, who was lying on the opposite end of the couch. Nobody else was in the room, but he was sleeping on the couch instead of the bed. Gradually, he began to remember what had happened last night. Shaking off the sleep that beckoned him to lay back down, he got up and walked to the kitchen in the small apartment they had hired. Surprisingly, Brock was sitting at the table. Ash tried to go past him and out the door, knowing that nobody would let him go anywhere, but it didn't work. Brock turned around and raised an eyebrow. "And just where do you think you're going?" he asked.

Ash cast his eyes down, then abruptly looked back up at his friend. "I'm going to help my mom", he said steadily and forcefully.

Brock shook his head sadly. "Ash… You can't…you can't do anything to help."

Ash ignored the negativity in what he'd just said. "No, I can! I can help."

Brock got up and walked over to where Ash was. "Ash, I was alive when there was a war against Team Rocket. You must have almost been born, right?"

Ash nodded forlornly. "It was the war my father died in…" he slowly said.

"Ash, I know what war is like. Trust me, you can't help now. It's in the hands of the Government and of God. They can help. You can't."

"But…" Ash tried.

Brock walked over and grabbed the newspaper he was just reading. He showed Ash the front page. 'Pallet Town Attacked Without Warning', the headline said largely on the page. Ash took it and stood and read the article. After he had finished, he looked up. His face held a worried expression. Brock didn't know what to say. There was an uncomfortable silence. At that moment, Misty walked in. She joined them standing near the door. Still, there was silence, until Ash spoke again. "What do I do?" he asked.

Brock looked up at Ash. "All we can do is pray. This is in God's hands now."

Misty nodded. "Yeah, and remember Ash… No matter what happens, we're here for you. Don't ever forget that, ok?"

Ash nodded, tears coming to his eyes. "Thanks guys."

They heard rain come down outside the door as they stood in silence, thanking themselves that they had each other, and that they could be there for each other in this moment of horror.

To be continued…

Ciao! Luv Sarah.

"If love isn't a game, why are there so many players?"