Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 8

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Notes: Last part, I can't believe it. I have to admit, I didn't think it would go this far. I thought people would probably get bored and stop reading halfway through. Buuuut, since you are all such killa readers I'll finish it for you. Luv yaz all!

"Jessie!" James screamed out as she screamed and fell to the floor. She held her stomach and yelled out in pain as tears flowed down her face. The guards that were in there had fled, no wanting to get in trouble. James ran to Jessie's side. His face showed a look of fear, worry and love. Giovanni smirked. He held the gun up and prepared to shoot again. However he was cut short by Ash. He kicked the gun out of his hand and knocked him unconscious again, tying him up with some rope he found carelessly flung on the ground.

"Jess, where did he get you?" James asked. Tears mustered up in his eyes and threatened to spill down his face. But this time he had to be the strong one, for Jessie's sake.

Jessie's eyes closed tight, and she took her hand away from her stomach. Blood poured out from the gunshot wound. James flinched. He couldn't stand the sight of blood. Ash, Misty and Meowth came running over.

"James ya hafta help 'er!" Meowth cried out.

"I know! But what do I do? I'm no doctor!" James replied. He could stop the tears from flowing out of his eyes now. They poured down his cheeks, but he quickly wiped them off. He just wanted to block his ears so he couldn't hear Jessie's yelps of pain.

Ash quickly took his jacket/vest (A/N: What is it anyway?) off. James followed suit and took his white Team Rocket top off, leaving only a black t-shirt. Misty helped them wrap it round her tight as Giovanni laid there unconscious.

"I have to call 911!" Misty called (A/N: Here in Oz, the number to call is 000, but I'll use 911) as she ran into the office next to the room they were in. she grabbed the phone off the desk and dialed 911. She told them they needed police and an ambulance here right away. They said they'd be there ASAP. When Misty ran back to the other room Jessie had passed out. The pain being too much for her to deal with, and the loss of blood not helping much either.

"How much longer will the paramedics be?" James asked Misty.

"They said they'd be here ASAP", she replied. She walked over to Jessie. "How's she doing?"

"She passed out", Ash said seriously. "She's lost a lot of blood and…" Ash trailed off, looking over at James. He held Jessie's hand in his and had his head bowed. He was praying for Jessie. He suddenly looked up. "I don't think we can wait", he said, glancing over at Jessie. Although Ash and James' tops were wrapped firmly around her, the blood was seeping through. "We have to get her to a hospital now!" James got up and began to lift Jessie.

"No, James!" Misty called out. She ran over and made him put her down. "Look, I know you're worried, but if you lift her it could cause even more damage. The bullet could have pierced a bone or one of her lungs, and it's dangerous to move her."

James put her down and stood up. "I'm sorry." Tears spilled out of his eyes once again and no longer being able to or wanting to hold them back, he let himself cry. He collapsed to the floor in a fit of sobs. Meowth went over and pat James on the back, assuring him that everything would be fine. Nobody else knew what to do. Fortunately, the sound of police and ambulance sirens saved them. Officer Jenny ran in a few seconds later with two paramedics.

"What's going on here?" Jenny yelled.

"Quick, she's been shot, you need to take her to the hospital!" Ash told her, pointing to Jessie. The paramed's ran over to Jessie. They checked for a pulse and heartbeat and put an oxygen mask over her face. They took bandages out and wrapped them around her wound. James had got up. He was sitting next to Jessie, not letting go of her hand, much to the paramed's protest. Meowth also refused to go away. They loaded her onto a stretcher and carried her to the ambulance. James and Meowth ran after them. They put Jessie in the ambulance, and James tried to hop in with her.

"Who are you?" one of the paramedics asked.

"I'm her best friend! I have to go to the hospital with her!"

"It's true! He is", Meowth said.

"Ok, you can ride in the back with her", the paramedic said.

James hopped in so fast it was bearly see-able. "But…Meowth?" he said when he got in.

"Don't worry Jimmy, I'll go with da twerps."

James nodded and took Jessie's hand again. She still hadn't regained consciousness.

Ash was still telling Officer Jenny everything that had happened. Apparently, Ash's mum had called a few days ago, saying that they had gone looking for his father but hadn't returned. "We tried to locate where she said you were, but we couldn't. Now, the one whose been shot, what's her name?" Jenny said.

"Jessie. Her name's Jessie, and she's my sister", Ash said. All of a sudden Ash remembered. They had to get to the hospital. Meowth came running over, saying that James had gone in the ambulance. But Ash still felt like something was missing.

"Pikachu!" he said out loud suddenly.

Misty and Brock suddenly remembered. Their Pokémon still hadn't been given back to them.

"Officer Jenny. They took all our Pokémon. You have to get them back, you just have to…" Ash said worriedly.

"Don't worry Ash. Your Pokémon will be fine. You all go to the hospital. We'll bring them there", Jenny said, and she started instructing other officers.

Ash, Misty and Meowth arrived at the hospital and it was getting dark. They went to the front desk, asking where Jessie was.

"The Emergency Room. She's been there since she was brought in", they were told by a nurse.

This was what they had feared. They had hoped and hoped on the way that Jessie would be ok, and when they got there, she would be in a normal room recovering. However, it was quite the opposite. When they got to the ER, they saw Jessie inside the room with doctors working on her in a huge frenzy, and James sitting in a waiting chair. His eyes were cold, and he didn't move even when the others came and sat next to him. He just stared straight ahead. Meowth went and sat on his lap, and James stroked his fur.

"James?" Ash asked.

He didn't move, just mumbled what sound like a 'yeah?'

"Did…did they tell you anything?"

James shook his head. Ash sighed. Meowth went off to get something to eat, he said he was starving. Ash sat on a waiting chair next to Misty. He put his head in his hands and could feel tears welling up in his eyes. 'I finally found out who my family was, that I had a sister. And now I might…now I might loose her', he thought.

Misty took his hand. "Are you ok Ash?"

Ash glanced up at her. Her caring eyes stared into his. He looked back down to the floor. "I dunno. I'm just…just really worried."

"I know, me too. I mean, I never really liked Jessie or anything. She was always such a bitch to me. But now that she's been hurt I feel so guilty."

Ash sighed again. 'If I hadn't wanted to go find my father, this would never have happened. I would never have had to put Misty through a near-death experience. Jessie would never have been shot, and James would be happy. It's all my fault this happened…' he thought suddenly. Ash sat up straighter.

"It's all my fault", he said.

"What? Ash don't…" Misty started.

"No, it is. It was my fault you all came here with me, and my fault you almost died, and my fault Jessie is hurt, and my fault James is upset…" he said with tears coming to his eyes. "…I'm responsible for this, and if my sister dies I'll never forgive myself. I'm so sorry Misty. I'm so sorry…" Ash buried his head in his arms and cried. Misty looked at him half in fear and half in worry. She took him in her arms and held him.

"No Ash. You're wrong. It's far from your fault. It's nobody's fault. You couldn't have changed what happened. I know you're upset, but it's not time to start blaming yourself."

Ash cried on Misty's shoulder. He knew she was right. He lifted his head to look at her. Her eyes were also brimming with tears. "I love you Ash. Please don't cry."

Ash hugged her. "I love you too", he said shakily.

James watched them. 'They're just like Jessie and I should be', he thought. At that point, Meowth came back into the waiting area. As he was asking what was going on, a doctor came running out.

"You James?" he asked James.

James got up. He nodded. "What's wrong, is Jessie ok?!" Meowth, Ash and Misty got up to listen.

"I'm afraid the bullet that hit her pierced her heart and destroyed some vital vessels and cell groups in that area. She…she is hanging on by a thread, but I don't think it's gonna last much longer I think you all better say goodbye."

Tears filled Ash's eyes again and his grip on Misty's hand became tighter. James dropped to the ground. "So, in other words you're saying that she's basically dead, and there's nothing anyone can do about it."

The doctor lowered his head. James wiped his eyes of tears. "Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded.

James walked inside the room. The doctors had all left, and the only other person in the room was Jessie.

James took her hand. She was still and white. This was not his Jessie. His Jessie was strong and confident, not weak and immune. James was trying to hold back his tears, but again his sadness overpowered him and he broke down into sobs. "Oh Jess, what am I gonna do without you?" he muffled through tears. He looked to her for a reply, hoping that she might wake up. But there was nothing. She just laid there, still. The doctor came in with Meowth, Ash and Misty for a visit. Brock told them he'd wait outside. James got up and let Ash sit down. Meowth went over to him.

"It's gonna be ok James."

James didn't reply. He just shook his head and look at the floor.

Ash held onto Misty's hand as he talked to his basically dead sister. "I'm sorry Jessie. If it weren't for me, you would never have been shot. I wish we could've had some more time together. If only I'd known you were my sister all these years…" Ash couldn't finish, and he walked out the room in tears with Misty at his side comforting him. Meowth was in tears as he watched James go sit with Jessie again. He took her hand once again. He didn't speak though; he kept staring at her.

James squeezed his eyes shut. 'How do I say goodbye forever to the person I love more than anything or anyone in the world?' he thought.

Meowth jumped into James' lap. "Jessie…" it said, unable to think of anything to say. Its usually happy eyes were downcast, and tears fell down its cheeks.

The heart monitor beeped faster. Jessie was dying.

James realised the time had come. He built up some confidence and prepared to speak. "Jess, I know our time is short, but I just wanted to tell you this. I love you. I've loved you since to moment I laid eyes on you. I don't know why I never told you. I could never find the confidence, and I was too scared you wouldn't feel the same way. Our friendship was more important to me than anything. I never thought I'd have to say goodbye to you. But I guess I was wrong. You didn't deserve to die. You did nothing, it should have been me", James said as tears poured out of his eyes, making his words muffled. "I love you, and I always will. I'll come find you one day, I promise", he finished. He got up from the seat, overwhelmed in tears. He couldn't stay any more; it was all too much for him. 'I have to get out of here', he thought. 'I can't watch her die.' With that, he ran out of the room, leaving the doctor and a teary Meowth standing there in confusion.

James ran out of the waiting room, and Ash followed him. They ran to a vacant room.

"James!" Ash called out. "Wait a sec!"

James turned around and glared at Ash. His glare was so powerful that it made Ash stop and walk back a few steps.

"Don't you tell me to stay. The person I love more than anything in the world has just died!" James yelled at him.

Ash gulped. "Yeah, well you weren't the only one that cared about her! She's my sister! How the hell do you think I feel?!" Ash yelled back.

"Don't you dare say that you cared about her. This is all your fault Ash Ketchum. It's your fault she's dead, all your fault! I hate you!" James screamed with rage. His eyes filled with hatred and tears, and he ran up and punched Ash in the face.

"Hey! Quit it!" Misty called out. She had just caught up with the two. She pulled James, who was just about to punch Ash again, this time into the stratosphere, away. Ash kneeled on the floor with his hand over his eye, which was now turning purple.

"Ash are you ok?" Misty asked worriedly.

Ash nodded. "I'm ok", he said coldly. He got up and walked off.

Misty went over to James, who was sitting on the floor crying. She sat down next to him.

"James, I know it's hard but…"

"No you don't, you don't know the half of it."

"But I do. My mother died when I was 7, I know what you're feeling right now."

James was silent. He looked up at Misty. "Do you mind if I have some time alone?"

Misty nodded. "Sure. But could you do me one favour?"

James looked at her.

"Could you please not blame Ash for this. He feels really guilty, and he's also really upset about Jessie. I know it seems like him fault, but I'm afraid of what might happen to him if he gets blamed. He already tried to blame himself before."

James nodded. "I'm sorry, I was just upset."

Misty got up. "Thanks", she said, and she walked out.

Misty found Ash sitting on a bench outside the hospital. He was holding his head in his hands and crying. Misty went up and sat next to him. She put her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh Ash…"

Ash cried on her shoulder once again. "He's right. I told you. It is my fault. I put everyone in danger. And I killed my sister."

"Ash, how many times do I have to tell you? It wasn't your fault. Even James just told me that. He was just angry, wouldn't you be?"

"Yeah but…"

"No but's about it, Ash. You are not the one to blame."

Ash looked at the floor. "I know. Deep inside, I know. But the fact that my sister is dying because she came with me, it…it scares me."

Misty took his hat off and put a hand through his hair. She kissed him on the cheek and he leaned his head on her shoulder.

James was walking up to find Meowth, when the doctor that had been tending to Jessie came running to him.

"James! You'll never believe what has happened!"

james' eyebrows rose, and he followed the excited doctor back to Jessie's room. He cringed as he entered, and saw her still lying there. But then he noticed something. The heart monitor, it showed a sign of life. Jessie was still alive, and her heart was functioning. James looked to the doctor with a look confusion on his face.

"There's still hope. She flat lined just before I came to call you. But just as I was about to announce her time of death, it beeped again. Something's holding her back, James. I think it may be you. She'd fighting."

James smiled for the first time since they had been entrapped by Giovanni. "Really? You really think she could pull through?"

The doctor nodded. "But you have to encourage her. Talk to her James. Let her know you're waiting for her. She can most probably hear you."

James nodded. This whole thing had shocked him. Then he nodded, a look of determination entering his face. "I have to get my Jessie back." He took her hand again and caressed her face.

"Jess…Jess it's me again. The doctor says you can still pull through. Please Jess, please fight. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, but most of all, do it for me. I need you Jessie. I can't live without you. The thought of you dying tore me up so much, and made me so angry, that I gave your brother a black eye and blamed him for everything. I didn't mean it, of course."

By that point, Ash, Misty and Meowth had come back to the room. Ash's eye was swollen and he was holding an ice-pack over it. "What's going on?!" Ash asked frantically. The doctor saw the James wanted to be alone with Jessie at this point, and he led the others outside to explain what was going on.

James was about to talk to Jessie again, when all of a sudden the heart monitor flat-lined.

"Wha? Jessie!!!" James cried as he saw it flat-line. The monitor screeched and Dr. Sullivan came rushing in, pushing Ash, who was trying to get in the room, back into the waiting area.

"Oh no!" Dr. Sullivan cried out. "We're loosing her again." She stood there. There was nothing she could do. James felt tears coming to his eyes again, but he wiped them away roughly. He stood up next to Jessie's bed.

"Jess!" he yelled. "Jess you have to fight! I can't loose you, I love you. Don't die, please, you can't die…" he finished. However, his words seemed to take no effect, and the monitor screeched on. Dr. Sullivan was about to once again, announce Jessie's time of death, when a steady heartbeat was heard once "I can't believe it, she's still alive…" Dr. Sullivan claimed.

James opened his eyes, which were tightly clambered shut to avoid more tears flowing. "Huh?" he took Jessie's hand once again, and prayed to God that she would wake up this time. This time, his prayers were answered though, as Jessie slowly opened her eyes, groaning slightly at the pain flowing through her body still.

"J- James?" she forced out.

James smiled. "Jessie! You're alive, I can't believe it! Oh my gosh!"

Dr. Sullivan checked Jessie over as the two talked.

Jessie swallowed loudly. "I heard what you said."

James' eyes went downcast. "Oh, you - you did…?"

They fell silent as the two gazed into each other's tear-filled eyes.

"Did you mean it, James?" Jessie asked suddenly.

James was shocked. He surely hadn't expected her to say that. He gulped. "Y…yes…of course I did." He then felt a large amount of determination. 'I'll admit it straight to her face, right now. I almost lost her, and I can't loose the chance to tell her the truth about how I feel again', he told himself.

"Jess, I…I have to explain some things to you."

Jessie looked up at him, and slowly nodded.

"You see Jess. I love you, just like I said before. I'm sorry I never told you. I was just so scared; I could never find the words. But almost loosing you made me realise that I can't hold back any longer. I needed you to know, even if you don't love me back." He was choking on his words as tears once again fell from his eyes.

Jessie was the same. She was now crying, and she could barely mutter her words as she said, "I, I love you too…" she said. He smiled, and bent down to kiss her lightly on the lips. She was totally and utterly shocked at his words. She knew he was a romantic, but she never imagined he loved her. when she heard him say it in her dreams she thought it was just that, a dream. But now it was a reality. The one thing that she wanted most in the world had come true for her.

James too was shocked. Jessie had always been, and he hated to say it, a bitch to him. But now he truly realised: it wasn't because she hated him, it was because that's the way she was. And he didn't want her any other way.

James kissed Jessie once again, and he told her that she needed some rest. Dr. sullivan agreed, as she finished checking Jessie. She too had tears in her eyes, and realised that she was the luckiest girl of all.

Dr. Sullivan and James walked out to the questioning eyes (and Ash's black eye. ^_^) of the others.

"Well, what happened? Is she ok?" Ash asked impatiently, hoping that it was good news seeing James was smiling.

"It's a miracle that she's alive. She almost died a couple of times. I don't know what happened, but it looks like to me that the power of her heart and her love for James was too strong, and she fought for him. It's one for the record books though, I'm telling you", Dr. Sullivan explained.

"You mean?" Misty asked, looking to James. "You two finally got together?!"

James blushed, but nodded. Ash smiled. He was happy for them, but still a little mad at James for taking his anger out on him. However, that all changed when James walked over to Ash and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry for punching you, Ash. I was just really upset and…and I wasn't thinking… whadda you say? Friends?" he asked as he stuck out his hand for a truce.

Ash looked down. He knew that James meant it. 'After all, how would I have felt if Misty had died', he asked himself, shuddering at the thought. Ash half-smiled, and shook James' hand.

All the newspapers held news about what had happened. Giovanni had been arrested on various counts, being sentenced to death for what he had done. turns out he had also been running genetic experiments on innocent Pokémon, and stealing many Pokémon and terrorising their trainers. Officer Jenny brought back all Ash, Misty, James and Jessie's Pokémon. Pikachu was so happy to see Ash, and to get out of that place, that it was in tears as it jumped into Ash's arms. It also wasn't too surprised to see Ash and Misty holding hands, then give each other a quick kiss. Ash and Jessie's mum was called down to Viridian. She rushed in and pulled Ash into her arms in tears.

"I was so worried about you", she said. She explained about how she'd called the police and they'd been looking but couldn't find anything. They told her what had happened, and how Jessie was. Jessie wasn't allowed to have any visitors right now as she needed her rest. Everything had turned out fine in the end. Ash's quest to find his father had ended almost tragically, but thanks to the power of love, the events had turned from tragic to happy, as our heroes encountered drama, love and pain along the way.


OMG! I'm done! I can't believe it! This part was long, I didn't expect it to be but everything that happened was necessary. I was gonna make Jessie die, but I couldn't do it. I think I need more happy endings. I put them in character as best I could, but think about it, we've never seen the characters in this type of situation, so we don't know how they would act. This is how I picture them acting. I hope you liked the J&J romance. I needed a change for once, but I still needed to put heaps of AAMR in there. ^_^ I couldn't help it! I hope you loved reading it 'coz I sure loved writing it. Now I have to think of more ideas. Seeya'z!

Ciao! Luv Sarah