Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Transformation ❯ The Fire ( Chapter 6 )
Here's Chapter 6
Chapter 6: The Fire
Blade-we better head back
Blade and May return to Brock and Max, Max was holding Pikachu (Ash)
Brock-what took you so long?
Blade-we were talking about something
Brock-Like what?
May-well, we have this theory. Blade thinks that Ash was turned into a Pikachu
Blade-think about it Ash's hat was right next to the Pikachu
Robert-Actually, That Pikachu did wear that hat
Blade-thought so
Brock-that stiil won't prove anything
Blade-it proves it to me
May-It's getting kinda late, let's get some rest
Max-good idea
they all head inside. At Night, everyone was asleep, except Blade
Blade-could I have been wrong?
Max-I still don't believe you
Blade-why's that?
Max-Because it's Impossibe for people to turn into pokemon
Blade-it could be true
Flashback to May
May-Well, people can't turn into Pokemon. And if that was Possible, he'd still remember us. Right?
Flashback ends
Blade-No, it has to be true. It has to be
Blade hears some crackling noises
Blade-what's that?
Blade looks out the window and sees a Fire
Blade-Where'd that come from?!
Blade runs outside. The Fire took up half the area
Blade-I have to put this Fire out. Marhstomp, Beldum, Go!
Blade sends out Marshtomp and Beldum
Blade-Beldum, wake up the others and tell them to help us
Beldum goes into the house
Blade-Marshtomp, Use Water Gun to put out this Fire
Marhstomp uses Water Gun to get rid of the fire, but it doesn't seem to work
Blade-We need more help. Gyarados, help us out!
Gyarados comes out
Blade-Gyarados, use Hydro Pump on the Fire
Gyarados uses Hydro Pump to put out the flames
Blade-it's working
Blade-just in time
Max-what's going on
they see the fire that Blade's trying to take out
May-where did this come from
Robert-we have to get the pokemon to saftey
Blade-Brock, you have to help me put out these flames, I can't do it by myself
Brock-Right. Lotad, Mudkip, Help us out
Mudkip and Lotad Come out
Blade-(A Mudkip, it's been a while since i've seen that pokemon)
Brock-Mudkip, Lotad, use Water Gun on the flames
Mudkip and Lotad help out by using Water Gun
Blade-your doing great Marshtomp
Brock-Keep it up guys
Robert-you two have to help me
Blade-i'll try. Marshtomp, Beldum. Find the Pokemon here and lead them to saftey
Masrhtomp and Belum go look for the Pokemon
Blade-there wasn't any storm, what could have started this?
Blade notices someone near a group of flames
Blade-(who's that?)
The Person looked like Joseph
Blade-(he must have started all of this)
Joseph disappears
Blade-What the...?
Brock-Blade, Let's keep going
Blade-Right (who was that guy?)
A Half Hour has passed, the fire went out and the pokemon were safe
Blade-that was strange
May-Let's get back to bed, ok
they all go inside
To Be Continued
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