Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Transformation ❯ The Daycare Center (Part 2 of 2) ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Daycare Center (Continued)

Blade and co. follow Robert to a House in the path to Mauville City

Robert-well, here we are

Blade-is this your home

Robert-yep, this place is a Pokemon Daycare Center

Max-what's that?

Robert-it's a place where trainers leave their pokemon for a while because of an Important thing they need to do, or just to have it level up

May-sounds interesting

Blade-can you show me where you saw the Pikachu?

Robert-sure, follow me

they all follow robert to a spot in the woods

Robert-this is where I found that Pikachu

Blade-was it hurt?

Robert-no, it was just lying there. It was probably lost

May-poor thing

Blade-it is at the Daycare?


Blade-you have to take me to that Pikachu, I have to see it

Robert-ok, come with me

Blade, May, and Brock follow Robert

Max-(what's he trying to find out?)

Max runs up to Blade

Max-what are you suspecting about that Pikachu

Blade-ok, I think that Pikachu might be Ash

Max-I thought so, but I don't believe you

Blade-why's that?

Max-People can't turn into pokemon, it's impossible

Blade-it could be true, but we won't know for sure unless we check it out

Blade runs to the others

Max-Maybe he is right

they arrived and went to the Backyard where they see tons of Pokemon

May-are all the Pokemon who are with trainers

Robert-some are Wild Pokemon

Blade-where's that Pikachu?

Robert-he usually hangs out here...ah, there he is

they turn to see a Pikachu with a Hairstyle similar to Ash's

May-aww..it's so cute

Blade-(It has to be Ash)

Max-(Maybe Blade is right, it does look a bit like him)

Blade-may, can I speak with you for a moment


Blade takes May to the Side of the house

May-you think that Pikachu is Ash

Blade-yep, there isn't any other reason that he dissapeared, he was turned into a Pikachu

May-your right.....maybe he decided to look like Ash


May-yep, but I still don't believe you


May-Well, people can't turn into Pokemon. And if that was Possible, he'd still remember us. Right?

Blade-(First Max doesn't believe me, and now May disagrees)


Blade-I guess, but I could be right

May-yeah, but that pikachu isn't ash

Blade-(it has to be Ash)

To Be Continued

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